Chapter 347 Jinjin Has Been Sweetened

Mu Jinjin's black eyes flickered twice.

She had read the comics and knew that Yechen would dominate the ending of Weiyangzhou.

To know is to know.

When I saw this man with my own eyes and made a promise to myself with full sincerity.

There will be layers of ripples in Mu Jinjin's heart.

She grabbed Brother Yechen's clothes, raised the corners of her lips, and lowered her black eyes.

"Jinjin believes in Brother Yechen, who will definitely give Jinjin a bright future."

In a word, the man's heart is sweet and flattered.

It's been a long time, 16 years.

Ever since he separated from Mu Jinjin, Yechen has never had such a happy feeling in his heart, and he misses it very much.

The little sister in my arms came back again.

The feeling of happiness in his heart also came back.

He hugged the little woman and kissed the little woman's forehead, his lips stayed on her forehead for a long time.

Reluctant to leave, "Jinjin, brother will promise you a bright future. This time, Jinjin believes in brother!"

Mu Jinjin nodded repeatedly.

Delicate face.

Sweet little voice said: "I believe in my brother."

At this time, Yechen needs to be given more encouragement in order to make Yechen happier.

She wanted to see the way Yechen's thin lips curled up, and she would feel that her heart was full of sweetness.

Little stars twinkled in the black eyes.

This starlight, like Yechen's help, made the man suddenly have a lot of fighting spirit in his heart.

With a deep voice, he said: "Jinjin, don't worry, my brother will sacrifice everything for you and give you a wonderful future."

Then, the man told Jinjin the secret of the totem forest.

Only then did Jin Jin know that Ye Chen was isolated by the Ye family, the reason was that Ye Chen had left Gui country for too long and lost his status in Gui country.

The position of Crown Prince of Gui Kingdom was replaced by Ye Ming.

Ye Ming secretly sent someone to chase and kill Ye Chen. He wanted to kill Ye Chen, and chased Ye Chen all the way to the south.

Yechen fled to an uninhabited place here, got lost in this totem forest, starved for seven days and seven nights, and only got the power of the totem forest when he was about to die.

These powers are very mysterious, making him alive again and full of strength.

He meditates in the totem, improves his skills, and comprehends.

Suddenly, one morning, he became enlightened.

He wants to form a country here, in the southernmost corner of Weiyang Prefecture, and fight back to unify Weiyang Prefecture.

The process of forming the country took nearly 16 years.

He couldn't get distracted, and he always had an idea in his heart as a driving force. He wanted to unify Weiyang Prefecture and make Mu Jinjin the princess of Weiyang Prefecture.

heard here.

Mu Jinjin's eyes were moist and red, like a little rabbit.

"For 16 years, I have been blaming my brother in my heart, complaining that my brother doesn't care about others. Who would have thought that my brother is so difficult, and he has resisted everything by himself, and wants to give Jinjin a future. Jinjin really shouldn't blame his brother so much, Jinjin wrong."

Yechen held Mu Jinjin's small face in his hands.

"Be good, Jinjin, don't cry, don't cry. Brother now has the strength to dominate Weiyang Prefecture, and he can give Jinjin a future. Jinjin should be happy!"

"Hmm! Mmm! Mmm!"

The little white rabbit with red eyes nodded repeatedly.

The black eyes are firm!

"I believe in my brother the most, so I dare to wait for my brother for 16 years. I am waiting for my brother. I believe that my brother will come to pick up Jinjin one day, and he will fulfill his childhood promise!"

A woman who falls in love becomes sweet unconsciously.

A little oval face, filled with sweet happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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