Chapter 35 Evenly matched
Everyone has a standard for judging others in their hearts, and the standards are different.In Mu Jinjin's mind, the standard line for a good person is probably a bit high, and in her opinion, she is not a good person, let alone Mu Chunchun.

She looked at Mu Chunchun with dark eyes, and said noncommittally: "You have wronged the little koi, I just say a few words of justice for my little koi."

Turning to look at the furry iceberg snow wolf, rubbing the silvery white fluff.

Mu Jinjin's non-salty tone made Mu Chunchun a little embarrassed, so he grabbed the corner of his clothes and looked at Mu Xiaxia and Mu Xiumei, "Say a few words, too!"

Mu Xiumei bit her lips, and said aggrievedly: "In the future, we still have to be careful about Mu Yan'er, and we can't be fooled by her again, let alone killed by her."

Mu Chunchun frowned, feeling that what Mu Xiumei said made sense, he nodded repeatedly.

Mu Jinjin looked at Mu Xiumei, saw a standard oval face, and remembered that there was such a princess in the comic book, the fifth princess, whose face was marked, was the princess of the Jade Palace, and her mother was Concubine Yu.

Although Mu Xiumei is one year older than Mu Chunchun, her mother is a concubine, not comparable to Mu Chunchun's mother who is a noble concubine, so she and Mu Xiaxia serve as Mu Chunchun's attendants.

Thinking of the fact that Mu Chunchun wanted to use jade bracelets to buy himself as a servant, Mu Jinjin suddenly felt funny, your mother is a noble concubine, and my mother is also a noble concubine, why should I be your servant?

She turned cold towards Mu Chunchun.

Mu Chunchun thought that Mu Jinjin was dissatisfied with what Mu Xiumei said, so he quickly pushed Mu Xiaxia twice, "Xiaxia, don't be dumb, just say a few words!"

Mu Xiaxia frowned, looking at Mu Jinjin distressedly.

This Mu Xiaxia has such a little bit of kindness in his heart, Mu Jinjin can feel it, and that Mu Chunchun and Mu Xiumei are much more utilitarian than Mu Xiaxia.

Mu Jinjin didn't want to hear the hypocritical comforting words from the girls, she just wanted to ruin Mu Yan'er's reputation, so she didn't want to get entangled with these three little princesses.

He got up from the ground, slapped the dust on his butt twice, took the little koi with him, and was about to leave when Mu Xiaxia stopped him.

"Sister Jinjin, Sister Xia would like to remind you that Mu Yan'er's mother-in-law is the general of Zhen Guo, and she has always been very violent when killed on the battlefield. I don't know how Concubine Shi will stand up for Mu Yan'er!"

In terms of family background, Mu Jinjin's mother is the daughter of a first-rank civil official, not worse than Mu Yan'er's family background, but not as reckless as Mu Yan'er's family.

When Mu Jinjin beat Mu Yan'er, there would definitely be a disturbance in General Zhen Guo's house.

Mu Jinjin had already thought of these things when he beat Mu Yan as a child, but so what?Hit it right!

Mu Chunchun licked his face, and accused Mu Xiaxia, "Why are you telling Jinjin these things? It's as if Jinjin's family background is not as good as Mu Yaner's! You don't know, Jin Guifei is from a first-class civil servant family. Daughter, after Jin Jin is a hero in governing the country, she is no worse than Mu Yan'er's family background, from now on we will be friends with sister Jin Jin who is good-natured."

Mu Jinjin guessed that Mu Chunchun said such words in front of her.

After Mu Jinjin leaves, Mu Chunchun will definitely say, "Mu Jinjin and Mu Yan'er are going to fight. Let's wait for the good show. Whoever wins will be friends with whoever wins."

She didn't like Mu Chunchun's stupidity very much, and she didn't mean to be friends with anyone sincerely, so she replied, "Sister Chunchun has a shrewd mind, she knows how to judge the situation so well, why do you need Jinjin to be your friend."

Mu Chunchun was ashamed, he really flattered and slapped the horse's leg, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

Mu Jinjin felt that what Mu Xiaxia said made sense, and the aftermath of beating Mu Yan'er needed to be dealt with, she turned around and hugged Mu Xiaxia, and whispered in Mu Xiaxia's ear: "I like you the most."

When Mu Xiaxia heard what Mu Jinjin said, her round eyes trembled and she was full of surprise.

Mu Jinjin bid farewell to the three princesses, called Shang Yechen, and went back to Jinxiu Palace together.

Yechen heard the conversation between Mu Jinjin and the three princesses, and he had some ideas about how to deal with the aftermath of the beating of Mu Yan'er.

"Mu Xiaxia was very reasonable in reminding you. If you don't do well in the aftermath, the matter between you little girls will turn into a battle between two families."

Mu Jinjin was walking happily with the little koi, but when he heard Ye Chen say this, he suddenly stopped, took two steps back and raised his face to look at the cool young man, his dark eyes were full of doubts.

She remembered that Yechen was located far away from them, obviously avoiding it on purpose, but she could still hear their conversation.

The boy's fair and clear ears caught Mu Jinjin's attention.

"Brother Yechen, your ears are so beautiful!"

Yechen's ears are fair, round and very sensitive. After hearing what Mu Jinjin said, his ears turned pink.

Hey, is brother Yechen embarrassed?

Mu Jinjin covered his mouth and smiled.

Yechen cleared his throat, pretending to be serious and said: "Think about how to deal with the aftermath of Mu Yan'er!"

So what if you hit Mu Yan'er?On the contrary, Mu Yan'er's family is not very peaceful.

Back at Jinxiu Palace, as soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw Lotus Bread and Concubine Jin.

Lianbing and Concubine Jin sat at the stone table, reading the letter while waiting for Mu Jinjin to come back, there was a letter on the table.

As soon as Mu Jinjin looked at it, he saw the inscription on it: Concubine Shi.

Looking at Concubine Jin's expression again, it was cold and gloomy, probably because the content of the letter was a little angry.

Lianbing couldn't read, so she didn't know what was written in the letter, but Lianbing could tell that Concubine Jin was angry, and hugged the little princess who had just come back into her arms, coaxing the little princess.

Yechen held the little jin carp and stood aside, not knowing why Concubine Jin was angry, he didn't want Concubine Jin to be angry because of Mu Jinjin.

Concubine Jin clenched her fists, thumped the stone table hard, and stood up abruptly.

Mu Jinjin was startled, and her back shivered. She felt that Concubine Jin's temper was very powerful, and she was completely different from Concubine Jin's usual motherly love.

Concubine Jin looked at Mu Jinjin, her cold eyes reflected the cute little girl, who looked panic-stricken.

Seeing that her daughter was scared, Concubine Jin knew that her violent temper had frightened her daughter.

She hugged her daughter apologetically, apologizing repeatedly, "Mother didn't see you coming back, mother shouldn't have scared Jinjin, it was mother's mistake. Jinjin is not afraid, Jinjin told mother that she is not afraid anymore."

Hearing this, Mu Jinjin realized that it was not because of herself that Concubine Jin was angry.

She didn't want her mother to be angry, it would be bad for her health, she tilted her head and leaned on Concubine Jin's shoulder, and said sweetly: "Jin Jin is not afraid, Jin Jin is happy to see mother!"

When Concubine Jin heard that her daughter could speak normally, she breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that her daughter was not frightened.

She lightly stroked Mu Jinjin's back, patted it twice, and handed Mu Jinjin to Lianbing, "Lian'er, hold the little princess first, I need to write a letter to Jinfu."

"Jin Mansion?!"

It's no wonder that Lianbing was surprised, since this matter involved the Jin Mansion, the matter would definitely cause big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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