Chapter 42

Mu Jinjin remembered that Lian Bing said that the medicines were all taken from the Imperial Pharmacy Bureau, and then transferred to various palaces through the hands of several father-in-laws.

So, when she saw the Ruanjinhua, she thought of the Imperial Pharmacy.

Ye Chen didn't understand why Mu Jinjin asked the Imperial Medicine Bureau with a stick of dried grass, and looked closely curiously, but he didn't see why.

"The Imperial Medicine Bureau is diagonally across from the Imperial Medicine Square. There are tens of thousands of herbs stored in that red-roofed house. Why did Jinjin think of asking the Imperial Medicine Bureau with a dead grass?"

Mu Jinjin pouted, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? Still playing with withered grass?"

Yechen frowned slightly, looked at Mu Jinjin carefully, and said, "Aren't you a three-year-old child?"

Mu Jinjin blinked her dark eyes, yes, she is a three-year-old...

Clearing his throat, he said, "But I'm not a three-year-old kid playing with withered grass. This is not dead grass. Its scientific name is Ruanjinhua. It's a kind of poison."

She looked at Yechen with proud eyes, hum, you don't know!
Yechen really didn't know about this kind of poison, because Yechen didn't understand medicine.

He couldn't figure out how Mu Jinjin, who was three and a half years old, would understand this medicine?Some enviously said: "You are so young, you have a lot of knowledge!"

Mu Jinjin waved his hands, with a humble look, "It's not even worth talking about! It's just that I read the medicine book once and wrote it down."

"Write it down after reading it once?" Ye Chen really admired this little girl.

Yechen is the only person in Gui country who has the ability of photographic memory. He never expected to meet someone with the same ability as him in Yun country, and he is so much younger than him, she is still a girl.

"Girls with superb skills, be careful that no one will dare to marry you in the future! It's fine to tell me about your ability to never forget. Don't tell others. Be careful that you won't find a husband after spreading the word."

irritating!Actually teased her!Mu Jinjin's round face turned pink, and her ears turned red as well. She clenched her small fist and hit Yechen's chest, "You idiot!"

Yechen turned around and avoided, seeing that Mu Jinjin was about to fall, he hurried forward to support Mu Jinjin.

He is now Mu Jinjin's personal bodyguard, but he dare not be negligent in the slightest, and he was relieved after he stabilized Mu Jinjin.

"Blame my brother. I won't tease Princess Jinjin anymore. Please calm down Princess Jinjin."

Hmm... Yechen's attitude was very sincere, and Mu Jinjin wasn't angry at first, but just a little embarrassed.

"Don't make fun of me like that anymore. I'm only three and a half years old. I don't want to get married so far away. If I don't meet a man who is only good to me in my life, I will guard the country of Yun for the rest of my life."

Yechen curled his lips into a smile, this little princess is so innocent.

He supported Mu Jinjin, and asked where Mu Jinjin wanted to play?Only then did I know that Mu Jinjin wanted to return to Jinxiu Palace.

After Mu Jinjin saw the soft tendon flowers on the lawn, he didn't have the mood to wander anymore.

Back in Jinxiu Palace, Yechen and Mu Jinjin separated.

Yechen returned to the backyard of Jinxiu Palace.

Mu Jinjin took the soft tendon flower to find the lotus cake.

Lianbing is in the study, grinding ink for Concubine Jin, and practicing calligraphy with Concubine Jin.

Concubine Jin said: "Practicing calligraphy is like practicing martial arts. You have to persevere in order not to regress."

Mu Jinjin walked to the main table, and seeing Concubine Jin's handwriting fluttering and dancing, it was so beautiful that she couldn't help clapping her hands.

"Mother's handwriting is really good!"

Concubine Jin was happy when she heard her daughter's voice, she looked over with a smile and saw the soft tendon flower in Mu Jinjin's hand, the poison that killed her daughter, her eyes suddenly turned cold.

"What is Jinjin doing with the soft tendon flower? Have you forgotten that it is the poison that hurt you?"

Concubine Jin thought that Mu Jinjin took it out of the warehouse to play, but she didn't know that Mu Jinjin had found a clue.

Mu Jinjin's dark eyes widened and he realized that his mother was nervous, so he quickly explained, "Jinjin has never forgotten it! Jinjin will remember it for a lifetime, so Jinjin was on the only way from the Imperial Pharmacy to the harem just now. When I saw it, I immediately picked it up and showed it to Lianbing. Jinjin wanted to tell Lianbing's sister that Ruianjinhua appeared there, there must be something weird there."

Lianbing has been chasing down Ruanjinhua's matter, but so far there is no result.

The reason is not the lotus cakes, but the fact that after the imperial pharmacy provides the medicine, it has to go through the hands of several little father-in-laws to distribute these to the various palaces. More than 20 little father-in-laws are on duty in rotation. Where should we start to investigate?
Concubine Jin also knows the difficulty of lotus cakes, "The medicines distributed by the Royal Pharmacy Bureau to the harem must go through the only way, and there are several little father-in-laws participating in the distribution of medicines every day, unless all the twenty-odd little father-in-laws Only by buying through can we continuously supply this kind of poison to Splendid Palace."

Lian Bing sighed, and said: "There are six father-in-law managers at the Imperial Medicine Bureau, three father-in-law managers belong to Concubine Jiang, and three father-in-law managers belong to the queen, and there is still no way to find out."

Concubine Jin supported her forehead and frowned, "This rule was originally intended to prevent some people from secretly changing medicinal materials, but now it has become the root cause that cannot be traced."

Seeing the distressed look on the empress's face, Lianbing felt pain in her heart, "What should I do? I am the concubine's servant girl, so I can't find the concubine's head, let alone the empress's head!"

Mu Jinjin pursed her lips, thinking back to Concubine Jiang in the comics, she was a white lotus who only put on a noble posture in front of the emperor, and used all kinds of dark methods to others.The queen in the comics is a person everyone likes, kind-hearted, motherly, and a supporting role in the supporting role, and there is no conflict with the protagonist Mu Yan'er.

According to the routine of the comics, the person who harmed her should be Concubine Jiang.

The reason is simple, there is a queen, two concubines, and many concubines, concubines, wives, etc. in the harem.

Concubine Jiang got rid of the concubine Jin Naiqing, and there will only be one concubine in the palace in the future. Concubine Jiang's power is second only to the queen. This method is very suitable for Bailianhua.

Mu Jinjin took Lianbing's hand, and then his mother's hand, and comforted him: "Sister Lianbing and mother, don't be sad! There will be a way, you think about the behavior of Concubine Jiang and Empress. The person who might harm me should be Concubine Jiang."

After thinking about it this way, it is the truth that Mu Jinjin said.

Jin Naiqing said in a deep voice: "The empress is honorable, kind-hearted, and her mother respects the world. It is impossible to do such a blatant thing. And Jiang Huangfei has always been at odds with me. She has one thing on the surface and one thing behind the other, using her power to harm her. I'm also very likely. It's only because I was simple-minded in the first few years of entering the palace, with no intention of harming others and no intention of defending against others, so that the wicked could take advantage of it, and this is a lesson for my good temper!"

Mu Jinjin hugged Concubine Jin, "Mother, don't say that, mother is not wrong, it's the villains who are wrong!"

At this time, someone knocked at the door, and Lian Bing made a quiet gesture to Concubine Jin, and ran to the door in small steps to see Eunuch Jiu.

The two were about the same age, and Lian Bing and Xiao Jiu joked, "Don't you have anything to do? Come to our cold Fairview Palace?"

Xiao Jiu covered her mouth and smiled, "I heard the good news, so I sneaked here to tell you that your good days are coming soon, hee hee!"

(End of this chapter)

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