Cannon fodder female match she became a tyrant's petite bag

Chapter 44 Jinjin won't be friends with you guys

Chapter 44 Jinjin won't be friends with you guys

Mu Chunchun took Mu Jinjin's hand, "Sister Jinjin, please forgive me for being friends with Mu Yan'er in the past regardless of good and evil. Fortunately, sister Jinjin told us Mu Yan'er's true face, and we will all be friends with Jinjin in the future. Sister Jin stood together, never trusting that Mu Yaner again."

Mu Xiumei took Mu Jinjin's little hand, "Can we go to your Jinxiu Palace to play in the future? Even if we can't practice boxing together, we can still play together!"

Mu Xiaxia didn't say anything, just nodded and looked at Mu Jinjin expectantly.

The three princesses are used to hugging their thighs, and knowing that Mu Jinjin's status is higher than Mu Yaner's, they naturally came to hug Mu Jinjin's thighs.

Mu Jinjin's dark eyes were covered with ice.

She looked at the three princesses, among them, she liked Mu Xiaxia the most, but Mu Jinjin couldn't touch the sand in her eyes, she would never be friends with any of the three princesses, it didn't matter whether she liked it or not.

Mu Chunchun took Mu Jinjin's hand, and said flatteringly: "Sister Jinjin, I have already apologized to you. I believe that Sister Jinjin is so generous, she will never hold grudges against me, and will be my friend!"

Mu Jinjin's eyes darkened, she didn't want to.

"Just because I don't hold grudges doesn't mean I want to be friends with you! I can be tolerant, but I don't mean that my friendship is overflowing! Sister Chunchun, please don't confuse these two meanings. Besides, I don't welcome you to come to Jinxiu Palace as guests."

Mu Chunchun thought that he was not sincere enough to impress Mu Jinjin, so he continued to show his favor to Mu Jinjin, and did not hesitate to slander Mu Yan'er to please Mu Jinjin.

"Sister Jinjin! I really know my mistake! If that little bastard Mu Yan'er didn't keep slandering you and tricking us into hating you together, we wouldn't treat you like we did before."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Mu Xiaxia and then at Mu Xiumei. The three of them looked at each other and nodded to Mu Jinjin together.

Mu Jinjin looked around the three princesses with his dark eyes, only Mu Xiaxia's eyes were the most sincere.

But Mu Jinjin still coldly refused because of his unruly personality.

"Jinjin doesn't want to be friends with you, please stop talking!"

Mu Xiumei is one year older than Mu Chunchun and Mu Xiaxia, and she can see things that Mu Chunchun and Mu Xiaxia can't. She can see that Mu Jinjin is determined, so she holds Mu Chunchun's hand, "Stop talking."

Mu Xiaxia remembered that Mu Jinjin said that she liked her, so she boldly said: "Jinjin! I really want to be friends with you!"

Mu Jinjin shook his head, "Jinjin won't be friends with you, please don't pester Jinjin anymore." Turning to the shade of the tree, he shouted, "Brother Yechen, I want to go back to Jinxiu Palace!"

Mu Jinjin wanted to move in Yechen, a rescuer, to rescue her.

She was surrounded by the princes and princesses, she was too short, she was surrounded tightly and couldn't run out.

At this time, Mu Jingyan leaned forward again, and got close to Mu Jinjin.

Now any fool can see that the emperor dotes on Mu Jinjin even more.

"Sister Jinjin is not what she used to be. She is protected by Young Master Ye every day and accompanied by the little koi. This is how the father takes care of sister Jinjin! I really envy my brother! The little princess who is waiting for sister Jinjin to be promoted to concubine." , the days to come will not only be full of rich clothes and fine food, but also the wind and the rain!"

This is the third time Mu Jingyan has gotten closer to Mu Jinjin. Although it is a bit too much not to give Mu Jingyan face three times, Mu Jinjin just doesn't like Mu Jingyan very much.

She said coldly: "Brother Jingyan is exaggerating! Jinjin doesn't ask for wind or rain, Jinjin only wants simplicity."

Mu Jingyan was a little surprised when he heard what Mu Jinjin said. He didn't expect Mu Jinjin to be so stubborn and so ignorant of current affairs.

Mu Jingyan put her hot face on her cold butt three times in a row, and she couldn't help being angry with Mu Jinjin in her heart.

Mu Jing held back her temper and then acted humble and ingratiating to Mu Jinjin, "Sister Jinjin's indifference is worth learning from us royal brothers and sisters."

Mu Jinjin smiled coldly but politely.

Yechen met Mu Jingyan twice in the South Study Room. The South Study Room is where His Royal Highnesses study, and Mu Jingyan is only the prince born to a noble concubine. He borrowed His Highness's permission to attend the South Study Room.

Yechen saw Mu Jingyan act so humble and courteous with His Royal Highnesses in order to be able to study in the South Study Room.

Yechen didn't like Mu Jingyan very much, and he didn't want Mu Jingyan to approach Mu Jinjin blindly. Out of the idea of ​​protecting Mu Jinjin, he took a step forward and stood between Mu Jingyan and Mu Jinjin, using a male The rejection between children and boys made Mu Jingyan shut up.

At this moment, Yechen looked at the second prince, Mu Xinzi, with his black pupils.

Mu Xinzi was looking at Mu Jinjin with a look of displeasure, because Mu Xinzi was the second prince in the palace when he was born, but because his biological mother Zha Xiaoren was found in the cold palace, Mu Xinzi lost Lost the identity of His Highness, from His Highness to an ordinary prince.He was also arranged by the queen to be raised by the childless concubine.

Having experienced these things, Mu Xinzi looked at Mu Jinjin with jealousy.

Yechen's black eyes turned to Mu Xinzi, and he warned Mu Xinzi with sharp eyes: Don't do stupid things to hurt Jinjin because of jealousy, no one can hurt Jinjin beyond me.

Mu Jinjin didn't notice Mu Xinzi's eyes and jealousy, she was thinking about the mother's promotion ceremony in her heart: the phoenix robe has been finalized, the phoenix crown is still being made, and the red Shu brocade is still two pieces away...

Standing among the princes and princesses with a cute face, her eyes were full of stars, and she didn't notice the hostility of the people around her at all.

Mu Xinzi and Yechen looked at each other for a moment, then looked away, turned and walked out of the crowd.

Yechen also noticed that there was a pair of eyes in the crowd that were shining coldly, and a princess who was not tall and had dull skin was hating Mu Jinjin.

"Sister Jinjin, if she is really promoted to Her Royal Highness, she will learn piano art, calligraphy and painting with Princess Sisi. Sister Jinjin is too honored!"

Mu Jinjin was taken aback!Looking at the princess with a dull complexion, she didn't have any impression of this princess, but she remembered that Princess Jiang's daughter, Princess Sisi, had a very good licking dog, and she was probably the one.

Mu Chunchun put his hands on his hips, took two steps forward, and said to the dull-skinned princess: "Sister Jinjin is smart and extremely talented. It won't be long before she can surpass Princess Sisi in piano art, calligraphy and painting. Whoever will learn from her at that time?" , who is more honored is hard to say!"

Mu Xiaxia and Mu Xiumei nodded together, "Yes! Yes!"

A place full of princes and princesses is really a place of right and wrong, Yechen took Mu Jinjin's hand and hugged Mu Jinjin.

"Princess Jinjin is going back to Jinxiu Palace." She carried Mu Jinjin away as if protecting her own treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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