Chapter 51
Yechen never had the idea of ​​hurting Mu Jinjin, but instead cared for Mu Jinjin, a little sister, so that Mu Jinjin could gain enough sense of security in Yechen's arms.

After Mu Jinjin figured this out, he also understood why it felt good to cry in Yechen's arms for a while.

She picked up Yechen's sleeve and wiped away her tears and snot. She is a child, so my brother shouldn't mind.Not only did Yechen not mind, he even took the initiative to wipe her face with his sleeve.

"Crying with a small face can't solve the problem, sister Jinjin, let's stop crying, tell brother quickly, why are you wronged?"

Mu Jinjin took a deep breath, raised his watery round eyes, and looked at Yechen.

"Brother doesn't know how much Jinjin's heartache can be caused by Jinjin's grievances. Today was originally a happy day, but was plotted against by a traitor again. Someone smeared poison on my mother's phoenix robe and let my mother wear it. I developed a red rash. In the imperial doctor's workshop, the imperial doctor actually opened his eyes and told lies, saying that my mother had an infectious disease and asked my mother not to infect others. I tried my best to defend my mother, but my father stopped me. Father actually would rather believe that my mother has an infectious disease than my excuse, I am completely disappointed in Father, and I will never believe him again!"

Yechen put his arms around Mu Jinjin, patted Mu Jinjin's back lightly, and coaxed him.

"Who is the emperor bewitched by slander, so that he can't even listen to Jinjin's words?"

Mu Jinjin nodded vigorously, and said aggrievedly: "Exactly! Princess Mu Yingsi went with us to the imperial doctor's workshop. She repeatedly suppressed me and told my father that I was making trouble, and told my father not to listen to me."

Yechen recalled his experience in Gui country, he also had a brother who loved to suppress him, and once he managed to gain the trust of his father and completely suppressed him once.

After leaving Gui, these things have changed in Yechen's eyes.

The royal family was originally a family in which you fought against each other and cheated each other. It is not worth being sad for such a family.

"Sister Jinjin, instead of blaming the emperor, why don't you find out the truth yourself, present the evidence in front of the emperor, and let that Mu Yingsi who suppressed you shut up!"

Mu Jinjin nodded vigorously, looking at Yechen's cool face, his watery eyes were covered with a layer of light.

"Jinjin wants to find out the truth as soon as possible, and rescue mother as soon as possible. After all, mother has been framed and suffers from loneliness alone in Yangxintang."

She carried the heavy medicine book over and opened it for Ye Chen to read.

"Brother, look here. It is said that the powder of musk flower mixed with rosemary can cause rashes on people's skin. I am not familiar with the smell of musk flower, but I can smell the smell of rosemary. I let it People from the Imperial Weaving Bureau painted rosemary on the phoenix robe, so that the phoenix robe smells long-lasting, but unexpectedly, some villains took advantage of it and added musk flower powder to the rosemary."

Ye Chen's eyes darkened, "Where is the phoenix robe? The phoenix robe is evidence. If the powder on the phoenix robe is washed off by others, it will be even more difficult to argue!"

Mu Jinjin was taken aback for a moment, why didn't she think of buttoning the phoenix robe, so she was already one step too late.

Putting down the medicine book, he turned around and was about to run outside.

When she meets someone she cares about, Mu Jinjin will be confused and lose her usual calmness. She looks like a headless chicken at this moment.

Yechen grabbed Mu Jinjin just in time.

"Jinjin calm down! Listen to my brother's long-term plan..."


In the middle of the night, Yechen returned to Jinxiu Palace and brought back the phoenix robe hidden in the imperial doctor's workshop.

Whistling in the yard woke up Mu Jinjin who was pretending to sleep.

During the daytime, Mu Jinjin and Yechen made an agreement that they would meet in Yechen's study at night with the sound of a whistle as a signal.

Mu Jinjin ran out wearing a small white pajamas, her long black hair hanging down to her waist, her short legs quickly switched, and ran to Yechen's study in the backyard, and saw Yechen take the red phoenix robe out of the package Take it out and spread it on the ground.

The inside of the phoenix robe was exposed, exuding a large amount of fragrance, which was so strong that it made people feel dizzy after smelling it.

"Why do you use so much rosemary?" Mu Jinjin was shocked.

Yechen took out two dried flowers from the package and put them in front of Mu Jinjin's nose, "You'll know it when you smell it."

The dizzy aroma after smelling it is very similar to the aroma of rosemary, but it is more dizzy than rosemary.

Mu Jinjin opened his eyes and took a closer look, only to find that the scented dried flowers were exactly musk flowers, which catered to her guess, there was a lot of musk flower powder in the phoenix robe.

She clenched her fists, "It's abominable!" In addition to being angry, she wanted to thank Ye Chen, who spent more than five hours to get back the musk flower and the phoenix robe, "Thanks to brother Yechen for getting the phoenix robe back." , and found musk flowers to let Jinjin confirm his conjecture, thank you Brother Yechen!"

Although I don't know how Yechen got these things, but when Mu Jinjin read comic books, he knew that one of Yechen's golden fingers is that whatever he wants to do can be done, the premise is that as long as he think.

It seems that Yechen really wanted to help this time, so he got the phoenix robe and musk flower, which gave Mu Jinjin evidence.

Mu Jinjin kept this favor in his heart, and didn't say much about being grateful, and looked at things in the future.

"I want to show this evidence to my father, I want him to release my mother, and let him know that he is wrong!"

Yechen rubbed Jinjin's hair, Mo Tong was full of pity, such a stubborn little girl was born in the royal family, I don't know if it was the little girl's disaster or the Yun country's royal family's disaster.

The little girl had a very stubborn idea in her heart. She wanted the emperor to admit his mistakes. Shouldn't the emperor be guilty of the same crime as the common people?How can it be easy to slander a person with an infectious disease? !
She couldn't wait, put the phoenix robe, musk flowers and medicine books into the package, carried the package on her back and walked out the door.

"I want him to admit his mistake immediately and release my mother!"

Yechen couldn't stop the stubborn Mu Jinjin. As Mu Jinjin's guard, he had to go to Hongxiang Palace with Mu Jinjin late at night.

To get to Hongxiang Hall, you have to go through a large dark lawn.

Mu Jinjin walked quickly on her short legs, carrying a heavy package, and walked ahead stubbornly.

Yechen was wearing black night clothes, walking behind while watching all directions, afraid that there would be something strange about this lawn, like the last time Mu Yan'er attacked Mu Jinjin.

The night is quiet and good, nothing unusual.

Carrying a heavy package, Mu Jinjin came to the Hongxiang Hall first, gave the sixth eunuch some broken silver, then walked into the Hongxiang Hall, and came to the door of the Imperial Study Room.

Yechen did not follow, but waited at the gate of Hongxiang Hall.

Standing at the door of the imperial study, Mu Jinjin heard Mu Yingsi's voice coming from inside, "Father, Yingsi made you nourishing soup with her own hands late at night, so that Father can nourish your body."

(End of this chapter)

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