Chapter 60

Mu Yingsi grabbed a corner of the sky-blue quilt, and looked at Mu Jinjin pitifully, as if she knew she was wrong but wanted to ask for forgiveness.

"Oh! Sister Jinjin, you should be a poor sister. Look at my sister's red rash. She was so disgusted by her mother that she couldn't go back to live in the palace. She can only stay in your Jinxiu Palace. Isn't it pitiful?" , as if wiping away tears, "I live in your Splendid Palace, but it's because I tested the poison and got this red rash! Why don't you accept my sister's favor, can't you treat her better?"

As long as Mu Yingsi speaks, she will always say everything she knows how to be a human being, whitewash herself as a holy white lotus, and ask others to lead her well.

Who will be a three-year-old child? !

Will be fooled by your white lotus?
Mu Jinjin was sitting on the wooden bed, her short legs were crossed up, her little feet were shaking rhythmically, her short hands were grabbing the silkworm quilt embroidered with peony flowers, her dark eyes were sinking, she looked at the girl sitting on the ground. Mu Yingsi.

What a big white lotus!

Her pink lips pursed, and she said in a childish voice: "Sister Yingsi still blames Jinjin for treating you badly? Why did Jinjin treat you badly? I didn't even dislike your rash all over, and I was willing to sleep in the same bed with you. Your mother is good to you! Your mother is not willing to sleep with you in the same bed! You repay kindness with hatred and despise this princess's quilt? Do you have a conscience!"

The dark eyes blinked twice, and there was more joy in the pupils.

Because Mu Yingsi was so embarrassingly choked that she couldn't speak at this moment.

Mu Jinjin continued: "My princess treats my sister well. Another point is that I didn't care about my sister. On the day of the ceremony, it was because my sister trusted the imperial doctor again and again, which caused everyone to delay the opportunity to expose the imperial doctor's lies. This, This princess doesn't even bother with my sister!"

Bai Run patted his bed with a small hand.

This was originally Mu Jinjin's bed.

Mu Jinjin has the right to decide whether Mu Yingsi can sleep on this bed.

The dark eyes opened round, looking at Mu Yingsi.

The milky little voice said seriously: "I don't dislike you for having rashes all over, so I want you to go back to bed and sleep, but there is a premise, you have to admit it yourself, I am better than your mother!"

Mu Yingsi frowned delicately, how could she have the nerve to say it?

Saying that a three and a half year old girl is better than a mother?It seems that the seniority does not make sense?

Isn't this little girl taking advantage of her?
The dignified and beautiful girl was sitting on the ground, with her hands covered by the quilt, her cheeks were pink.

"This... can't be said!"

"Oh! Sister Yingsi doesn't want to say it, let it go! My sister is kind enough to feed the dog. Let's sleep separately!"

The little girl turned over on the wooden bed, straightened her short legs, pulled the quilt up with her short hands, covered her body, lay sideways on the bed and looked at Mu Yingsi who was sitting on the ground.

Let Mu Yingsi sleep on the ground overnight, and the next morning, if Mu Yingsi really catches a cold and becomes ill, it is not a good thing.

"Well... I'll give you another chance."

The big black eyes were extraordinarily bright in the room, like a mirror reflecting Mu Yingsi's aggrieved face.

The dignified and beautiful little girl got up from the ground and looked at Mu Jinjin earnestly.

They are all rich princesses, who ever slept on the ground?

A night on the ground is equivalent to killing her half of her life.

Only when locked up in a small dark room will he sleep on the ground.

"Please sister Jinjin, don't treat my sister like this."

On the wooden bed, Mu Jinjin was lying on his side, his round head supported by his small hands, his body was wrapped in a pink quilt, very petite.

She looked at Mu Yingsi with a cute and loving look.

"It's fine if you can't say what you just said. Next, as long as you call me Dad, I will let you go to bed!"

The author of this comic book respects the ancient setting and didn't put any modern language in the comic book, so the word "Dad" doesn't exist in the hearts of the characters in this comic.

called dad?
What does dad mean?
Although Mu Yingsi didn't understand, she wasn't a very talkative person either, so she always had to ask clearly.

The dignified and beautiful little girl grabbed the quilt and stood up, lying on the side of the bed, looking at the little girl lying on the bed.

What a blessing it is to be able to lie on the bed covered with a silkworm quilt!

Mu Yingsi's apricot-core eyes were full of envy.

He asked eagerly, "What does Dad mean?"

The dark round eyes blinked twice, half mocking, half sneering.

The corners of the warm and moist lips evoke a beautiful arc and are slightly opened.

"Father means it means the best sister."

best sister?

Mu Yingsi had never heard such a statement.

Xinghe's eyes lit up.

"Is that what you mean? Why have I never heard of it!"

Those lying on the wooden bed were not in a hurry, but those who were anxious were standing under the wooden bed.

Nested in the pink quilt, Mu Jinjin turned over and lay flat, without looking at Mu Yingsi again, she closed her eyes very comfortably.

The long eyelashes trembled twice, the chubby little face bulged, and the pink lips parted.

"It's fine if my sister doesn't want to. Jinjin is growing up and can't be with my sister anymore."

After saying that, a short leg stretched out from under the quilt and lay across the bed, occupying Mu Yingsi's sleeping position.

Mu Yingsi is a dignified lady, she doesn't know how to fight, and she doesn't know what to do when her sleeping position is taken.

But it was still very cold at night, and there was cold air coming from the floor in the room.

Standing on the ground in a thin skirt, Mu Yingsi was really shivering.

She had no choice but to obey.

He called softly, "Dad."

Mu Jinjin Bairun's ears moved, and he closed his eyes, pretending not to hear.

Mu Yingsi thought that Mu Jinjin was asleep, so she pushed Mu Jinjin.

"Dad, are you asleep?"

It was Dad again, and Mu Jinjin heard it.

Only then slowly turned around, opened his eyes, put his short legs back under the quilt, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

Seeing that she had her own place, Mu Yingsi climbed onto the bed with the sky blue quilt in her arms, put on her pajamas, and fell asleep steadily.

Mu Jinjin didn't sleep well, and woke up after sleeping for a while.

I was used to having my mother by my side, so I scratched forward with my little claws, and caught a corner of the sky-blue quilt, feeling wrong.

The mother is warm, but the quilt is cold, so my heart feels cold.

She woke up.

Seeing Xiao Bailian's face under the dim light, she suddenly woke up completely.

Lying flat on the wooden bed, wrapping herself tightly in a small pink quilt.

Hei Liuliu's eyes were wide open, and after only one night without sleeping with her mother, she missed her so much that she couldn't fall asleep.

She loves Jin Naiqing so much!

Suddenly, a meteor fell outside the window, and she immediately put her hands together and made a wish.

"I hope mother's antidote will come to the palace soon."

(End of this chapter)

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