Chapter 63 Little White Lotus Halo Lost

Mu Jinjin didn't know anything about what happened in the Jinxiu Palace. She was intoxicated by the beautiful sound of the guqin, and she enjoyed it for an hour, but still couldn't get enough of it.

If the two maids from Tingyinxuan hadn't reminded her, this playful little girl would still be intoxicated!

Hearing the maid's reminder, Mu Jinjin's little white hand left the strings, put it down obediently, retracted his straight short legs, supported his little feet on the ground, and stood up steadily from the mahogany stool.

Standing straight and straight, with round eyes sunken, looking at Qin with some reluctance.

The maid next to her reminded Mu Jinjin to leave, and said that Aunt Qin only received guests at this hour every day.


Mu Jinjin walked out of Tingyin Pavilion cutely, and met Yechen who was waiting at the door, and the two went to the north study.

On the way, Yechen told Mu Jinjin that the teacher in the North Study Room was not an ordinary young master, but his real identity was the sixth brother of the emperor, that is, the sixth prince of Yun country.

The sixth prince had a big fight with the emperor ten years ago, and his legs were cut off by the emperor, and he became a useless person.

Now the emperor raises the sixth prince in the palace as a teacher, and arranges for his father-in-law to watch him, just to make the sixth prince's life worse than death.

Hearing this, Mu Jinjin stopped in her tracks, and took two deep breaths to calm the turmoil in her heart.

The round little apple's face was bloodless and pale.

This sixth prince had never appeared in comic books, and the misery he had endured was beyond Mu Jinjin's imagination.

When she was reading comic books, she was just a high school student who was about to face the college entrance examination. How cruel could she be?

No tyrant has ever been portrayed so viciously in a comic book.

At this time, subvert the three views!
"His brother? How could he? Make his brother's life worse than death? Or just for a fight?"

Yechen's dark eyes darkened, there was a reason why he told Mu Jinjin the vicious things the emperor had done.

He didn't want Mu Jinjin and the tyrant to be so nice.

As long as Mu Jinjin has conflicts with the tyrant, Ye Chen can make the tyrant spend more time coaxing Mu Jinjin and less time bullying other countries.

"Sister Jinjin, although you can't accept having such a royal father, he is your royal father. There are still many things you don't know, and I will tell you one by one in the future."

As the two talked, they had already walked to the door of the North Study Room.

Mu Chunchun, Mu Xiaxia, Mu Xiumei, Mu Jingyan and Mu Xinzi were waiting at the door of the North Study.

These five people are not qualified to study in the North Study, and they must be standing at the door of the North Study to wait for Mu Jinjin.

The favorite talker here is Mu Chunchun.

She stopped Mu Jinjin, loving Mu Jinjin with a kind face.

"We heard about Mu Yan'er's family harming your family, and we miss you very much. But, we remember, you don't like us going to Jinxiu Palace, so we came here specially to wait for you."

The four people standing behind Mu Chunchun nodded together.

Mu Chunchun went on to say: "During the ceremony that day, we all felt that you were very handsome. Standing on the high platform with your father, you are so majestic!"

A pair of dark round eyes blinked, and her pink lips curved nicely.

Although he smiled, his eyes were very cold.

What are you so proud of!That big pig's hoof is unreliable and he is still a cruel big devil!
Mu Chunchun continued: "What happened at the ceremony also shocked us. Later we heard that Mu Yan'er's family did it, so we were very worried about you. That Mu Yan'er hurt you again and again, wait for us If you see her, you must fix her and vent your anger for you!"

Mu Jinjin's pink lips turned up again.

"You can't see her anymore, she is in the prison, don't you know?"

What did you say to vent your anger on her?Didn't you come here to flatter me?

Mu Chunchun and the four people behind her knew that Mu Yan'er was in the prison, but in order to flatter Mu Jinjin, of course they had to pretend not to know.

So, the five people in front of Mu Jinjin shook their heads together.

The five people were all saying in their hearts, you little girl, if you hadn't seen your mother promoted to the imperial concubine, and you became a princess, we brothers and sisters wouldn't be bothered to flatter you!
Singing an anti-tune in my heart, I still had a smile on my face.

Mu Chunchun went on to say: "Oh! If you enter the sky prison, you will be a dead person! That bad guy Mu Yan'er is about to die too! Let's not mention her. Let's talk about Mu Yingsi!"

Using Mu Yan'er to flatter her was no longer useful, so she dropped Mu Yan'er and changed to using Mu Yingsi to flatter Mu Jinjin.

"Jinjin! That Mu Yingsi used to trip up Mu Yan'er a lot in the past. We all know Mu Yingsi, she is a master of tricking people behind the scenes. I heard that she lives with you, you have to be careful of her! "

Mu Jingyan took a step forward, approached Mu Jinjin, and patted her chest, "With my brothers and sisters here, if she, Mu Yingsi dares to bully you, we will bully you back together!"

I have never wanted to get close to these five people, so what should I say now so that I can not get close to these five people without losing embarrassment?

Fortunately, the little girl has Yechen by her side.

The young man took a step forward, pushing away Mu Jingyan and his party, "Jinjin has to hurry to study, this is not the time to talk."

The little brother made the rescue in time, and Mu Jinjin's petite body rubbed past Ye Chen, successfully dodging the five sycophants, trotting all the way, and ran into the north study.

The north study room is full of books of various colors. There are bookshelves in the front, back, left, and right. There are two small desks in the center of the bookshelves, and two books are placed on the desks.

In front of the desk is a white gauze curtain, and two father-in-laws stand on both sides of the gauze curtain, obeying orders from the people behind the gauze curtain.

Mu Jinjin stood at the door of the north study room, staring at the gauze curtain with round eyes, and could vaguely see the shape of a person behind the gauze curtain, as if he really had no legs.

It's the Sixth Prince!
The sixth prince didn't know that Mu Jinjin was here to study, he had only taught Mu Yingsi a princess, and when he heard footsteps, he thought Mu Yingsi was here.

He said in a deep voice: "How is your Highness Princess Sisi's essays memorizing? Concubine Jiang told me that I can't tell you about your idleness, but the emperor asked me to teach you to memorize essays again and again, and you always couldn't memorize them. It will be very difficult for this king to protect you in front of the emperor."

It turns out that the image of Mu Yingsi's talented woman is Mu Yingsi's mother. Concubine Jiang gave the master a favor and packaged it?

Such a powerless heroine, how can she have any halo?

Mu Jinjin's dark eyes were covered with a layer of coldness, she knew Mu Yingsi's weakness.

She pretended not to hear, walked into the north study, came to the front of the gauze curtain, stared at the legless man behind the gauze curtain, and said: "My princess is called Mu Jinjin, and she is the princess of Jinxiu Palace. I come to study with the master."

The voice is milky and bright.

The person behind the gauze curtain was obviously taken aback, and quickly asked, "Is it just you? Little princess, did you hear anything just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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