Chapter 81 Jin Jin Loves Face

Jin Naiqing sat alone in a dark room with a cold face and blood on the corner of her lips.

Mu Jinjin ran over in two steps in three steps, and plunged into his mother's arms.

He looked up at the blood on the corner of his mother's lips.

Jin Naiqing wiped the blood on the corners of her lips with a silk handkerchief. After seeing Mu Jinjin, her cold eyes became gentle and her eyes bent down.

"Jinjin is back! Don't play with little brother anymore?"

Mu Jinjin blinked his big black eyes, looked at the blood on the corner of his mother's lips, and said with a pout, "Jinjin is back to look for Father, but right now Jinjin doesn't want to look for Father."

Jin Naiqing smoothed Mu Jinjin's frown with her slender fingertips.

"Good boy, Jinjin, don't misunderstand the blood on the corner of mother's lips, it was bitten by mother herself. I just talked to your father about the soft tendon flower, and the more I talked, the more angry I was, I bit my lip hard. Your father even shattered your mother's favorite Eight Immortals table with one palm, and the Eight Immortals table brought from her mother's house has been used for ten years, and it was smashed by your father just like that."

Mu Jinjin frowned, and clenched his fists as if he hated iron for being weak.

When will this irritable big pig's hooves change his bad temper? After finally having a chance to curry favor with the beautiful woman, it's self-defeating again!

"Father, he really doesn't know how to please mother."

Jin Naiqing looked helpless, looking at the Eight Immortals table that had been shattered into three petals, with a wry smile on the corner of her lips.

"Your father has this temper. I have known your father for so long, and I have never seen your father please anyone. He even has a bad temper with the elders of the royal family."

Mu Jinjin shook his head, and said like a little adult, "It's not pleasing."

The tone was a little regretful.

Jin Naiqing smiled helplessly, put her arms around her daughter's small shoulders, and gently patted her small back twice.

Gently said: "Your father can't change it in this life." She put her cheek on the little daughter's chubby face, rubbed it twice, and asked with concern: "What business does Jinjin want with father?"

Mu Jinjin blinked her innocent round eyes.

"Jinjin just ate a kind of candy from Brother Yechen. It is a kind of candy that only exists in the court of Gui Kingdom. It's name is..."

Jin Naiqing smiled and said, "Maltose!"

Mu Jinjin grinned her pink lips, clapped her hands and said, "Mother knows!"

"My mother not only knows, but also likes it very much! Two years ago, when you didn't remember anything, the envoys of the Kingdom of Gui sent maltose as high as a hill. It is said that there are not many malts grown in the court of the Kingdom of Gui, and it is possible to make Maltose, which is as high as a hill, requires the cooperation of the Gui court for a year."

Mu Jinjin pouted, "What a rare candy!"

"Yes!" Jin Naiqing's eyes sank, "My mother also loves this maltose, and your father also loves this maltose. There is no one in the palace who doesn't love this maltose. Unfortunately, we can only eat it, but we can't cook it. .”

Mu Jinjin hurriedly said: "Ask people for technology, and work together with them!"

Jin Naiqing glanced at the table of the Eight Immortals, and smiled helplessly, "As for your father's bad temper, if you let him ask for food from the enemy country, he can immediately turn against you."


Mu Jinjin's round eyes blinked twice, sank, and narrowed into two pitch-black lines.

She has already patted her chest and promised Yechen, she can't just give up so easily!
She tugged at Jin Naiqing's sleeve, shook it coquettishly, puckered her pink lips, and said, "Jinjin still wants to see Father!"

"It won't happen now." Jin Naiqing looked outside and saw that it was getting late, "You don't want to go out so late, besides, your father had already said when he left that he was going to the palace case office to ask Concubine Jiang personally Don't bother him about the weak tendons."

Mu Jinjin was a little anxious.

She agreed to the little brother's matter, and she always thought about it in her heart.

Standing on tiptoe, he opened his round black eyes and looked outside.

Total darkness.

The moon has risen very high.

Unknowingly, she chatted with Yechen for two hours.

"This scene flies by so quickly, Jinjin hasn't had enough today, it's already night."

Jin Naiqing nodded, picked up Mu Jinjin, and walked towards the wooden bed.

"Mother is waiting for you to come back to sleep. There are a lot of things to do today, so you need to rest early to recharge your batteries."

Mu Jinjin pouted and said, "I won't go to piano practice tomorrow morning. Jinjin doesn't want to see that big aunt. Jinjin will go to see Father Huang early tomorrow morning and talk about the matter of maltose."

Jin Naiqing's eyes sank, and she was not happy when she thought of Mu Qin's face.

"Jinjin doesn't need to go there to practice the piano in the future. My mother will teach Jinjin to practice the piano in person. Tomorrow morning, let Xiaojiu Gonggong and Xiaoyang Gonggong take Jinjin to Hongxiang Hall in a sedan chair. If you want to eat that maltose, let you eat it." Father tried his best to get it, if he didn't agree, mother would come forward and talk to him."

Mu Jinjin tightened her lips, and fell asleep with her mother.


The next morning, Mu Jinjin was sitting in the sedan chair, thinking about how to tell the big pig's trotters about it.

She promised Brother Yechen herself, she just wanted to finish it by herself, and she didn't want her mother to intervene.

When she came to Hongxiang Hall, she saw that the tyrant had just come to court, followed by a group of father-in-laws, maids and guards, mighty and mighty.

Mu Jinjin stepped forward to stop the tyrant, "Father, Jinjin came here specially to find Father!"

Seeing Little Mianmian, Mu Heng felt a dull pain in his heart.

Picking up Little Mianmian, he said, "Jinjin is good! Whatever Jinjin says, Father agrees!"

It's rare for a tyrant to be so gentle!

All the father-in-laws, maids and guards were shocked!
I have never seen a tyrant coaxing a little girl, I have never heard such a soft voice from a tyrant, I have never seen such a gentle look in the eyes of a tyrant!

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Mu Heng walked into the Hongxiang Hall holding the distressed little Mianmian.

"Why do you want to come to me?"

Mu Jinjin blinked his round black eyes, and said cautiously: "Jinjin likes to eat a kind of candy, and I want my father to get it for Jinjin."

Mu Heng laughed as soon as he heard it, "It's just candy! Just let Xiao Jiu ask the sixth father-in-law for it, there is no need for Jin Jin to come here in person."

Seeing that Mu Heng didn't understand, Mu Jinjin took a deep breath, and his chubby cheeks bulged, "Jinjin is talking about the maltose from Gui Kingdom, please give it to Jinjin as a reward from Father."

Mu Heng's complexion suddenly sank, his eyes were cold and hard, and the corners of his lips turned down.

"Did that bastard Yechen give it to you? I knew that bastard was uneasy and kind!"

Why are adults so complicated?

Mu Jinjin felt that Brother Yechen must have no intention of taking advantage of her!

"It's Jinjin himself who likes to eat!"

Mu Heng put Mu Jinjin on the ground, bent down, and said solemnly: "I'm going to order you to buy all the candy from Weiyang Prefecture, but there is no maltose from Gui Kingdom." He straightened up, "I'm going to be busy with state affairs , let the sixth eunuch take you back."

With an aggrieved expression on his face, Mu Jinjin returned to the Jinxiu Hall, sitting on a stone bench helpless.

Seeing Brother Yechen walking from the backyard, he immediately put on a smiling face.

"Brother Yechen, what Jinjin promised you has some clues!"

(End of this chapter)

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