Chapter 83

Mu Jinjin looked at the candy on the table and was very unhappy. She didn't like it, she didn't like it.

She is full of maltose.

She wants to eat maltose from brother Yechen's hometown.

"Brother Yechen, Jinjin doesn't want to taste these candies! Jinjin is a bit tired! Jinjin has to practice boxing in the afternoon, and wants to rest for a while."

Looking at Eunuch Xiaojiu again, "Put away these candies first, and send the lunch to my princess' room later. I mainly take a nap in the room."

After arranging these, separate from Yechen.

Seeing the back of the short little girl running away, Ye Chen was at a loss, why was he suddenly unhappy?Who are you mad at?

The little girl is too assertive, not easy to coax, she still hasn't figured out sister Jinjin's temperament!

With a trace of worry in the boy's brow, he walked towards the backyard.


Mu Jinjin returned to the room, closed the door tightly, ran to the window and looked out, saw that only Little Nine and Little Yang were busy in the empty yard, and closed the window with peace of mind.

Climbing up the tall mahogany chair, stepping on the chair, Xiao Yuan held the inkstone on the table with his hands, pulled it forward, and held the ink stick with his small hands, and began to grind the ink.

Grab a blank sheet of paper, lay it out, boost your luck, and prepare an article.

Bai Run's little hand held the brush, stained it with ink and began to write:
Royal father, seeing words is like seeing faces!
Please allow Jinjin to use this method to confide his heart to his father, the matter is of great importance, please read on until the end.

The friendship between the two countries lies in the interests. Earning money together is the great plan for rejuvenating the country and the country, and who will make trouble with money.If you really want to contain a country, just relying on war will only hurt both sides. If you can contain interests, you will be able to prosper and prosper...

After writing a thousand words eloquently, Mu Jinjin put down the brush and smiled comfortably.

Wiping off the white silk handkerchief with ink-stained little hands, pouting her mouth to dry the ink on the paper, she folded the paper and stuffed it into a folder.

Kicking Zhezi into his arms, he climbed off the mahogany chair, and heard a knock on the door.

"His Royal Highness Princess Jinjin, Xiao Jiu is here to deliver lunch to His Highness!"

Mu Jinjin shouted to the door: "You let it in! The princess is tired, she is lying down, eat later!"

Eunuch Xiao Jiu pushed open the door, put the dinner plate on the small square table at the door, and then backed away.

Mu Jinjin got out from behind the screen, came to the door, saw venison, plum blossom buns, golden silk and white jade soup, jade vegetables, and truffle soup on the dinner plate, and licked his mouth.

He drank the truffle soup, stuffed a piece of venison in his mouth, grabbed a plum blossom bag, turned and walked to the back door of the room.

She slipped sideways through the back door, slipped cautiously out of the yard, and ran far away from the Hall of Splendid Embroidery.

She picked up the plum blossom bag and walked towards Hongxiang Hall while eating.

That big pig's hoof would correct the memorials in the study every day, as long as she mixed her own essays into those memorials, she would always be seen by that big pig's hoof.

Leaving aside whether that big pig's trotter will agree or not, as long as a three-and-a-half-year-old child can write good handwriting and write a good article, that big pig's trotter will be amazed for a long time.

Mu Jinjin concluded that after the emperor read the article, he would definitely summon her.

"Hmph! It's time to go with the flow!"

Talking to himself, he walked into the Hongxiang Hall and saw Liu Gonggong standing at the door.

"Where's the father?!"

"Ouch!" The sixth father-in-law smiled flatteringly, "Princess Jinjin is here! Come to find the emperor!"

Mu Jinjin nodded twice, "That's right!"

The sixth father-in-law frowned, and said: "Oh! What a coincidence! After lunch, the emperor went to the palace case office. He left in a hurry. Maybe he won't come back for a while."

Mu Jinjin looked in the direction of the study with his big dark eyes, and said inwardly: "It's just right when you're not here."

Her rosy lips curled up nicely, "Jinjin wants to see his father, please forgive me and let Jinjin go to the study to wait for his father."

This little girl is really painful, why else would the emperor like it so much!The sixth father-in-law looked at Mu Jinjin strangely and smiled obsequiously.

"Let the servant carry you to the study, put you on the little chair, and wait for the emperor there!"


Mu Jinjin nodded vigorously!
Mu Jinjin was not the only one in the study.

As soon as she entered the study, she saw Mu Qin, the big aunt who used to be arrogant in front of her.

The sixth father-in-law obviously knew that Mu Qin was also in the study, so he apologized first when he saw Mu Qin.

"Princess Princess, I'm so sorry for waiting so long! The emperor may not come back right now, so I can only ask Princess Princess to wait patiently for a while."

Mu Jinjin's pupils dilated, and she grabbed the sixth father-in-law's clothes with her small hands, showing resistance to Mu Qin.

"Jinjin thinks about it! Jinjin has to rush to practice boxing, so he can't wait here for his father! Please, sixth eunuch, take Jinjin out again!"

Just now he said he was in a hurry to see his father, why is he unwilling to wait now?The child's face is really cloudy and cloudy!

The sixth father-in-law replied honestly: "Your servant obeys!"

"and many more!"

Mu Qin called to stop the sixth father-in-law.

The beauty with purple pupils walked up to Mu Jinjin, and the purple pupils stared at Mu Jinjin's little face.

I wanted to teach you a lesson last time, you little thing, you actually delivered it to your door by yourself!
With a cold and murderous voice, "Mu Jinjin, why didn't you go to practice the piano today? You actually came to the study to find the emperor?"

You are so fierce!So unreasonable!Who wants to learn piano from you!

Mu Jinjin's round black eyes widened, her pink lips pursed, and said, "Anyway, I play it by myself, it's different where I play it, why do I have to go to your Tingyin Pavilion to play the piano?"

Mu Qin's purple icy pupils stared round, she knew she was very fierce and wanted to show others how fierce she was.

"Tingyinxuan has aura. Playing the piano for an hour is better than playing the piano for a month in other places. The last time I listened to you playing the piano, I had some aura. I planned to cultivate you, but you didn't know what to do. Played truant!"

What aura?Play for a month?Stupid three-year-old kid!

Mu Jinjin snorted and rolled his eyes at the purple-eyed beauty.

"Jinjin's mother said that Jinjin doesn't need to listen to Yinxuan to learn the piano in the future, just let Jinjin learn at home, so, Auntie, you don't need to worry about teaching Jinjin to learn the piano in the future!"

"What?!" Muqin's purple icy pupils narrowed into two purple horizontal lines, full of hatred inside, "Who did you mother and daughter greet? If you say you can learn the piano by yourself, you can learn it by yourself? It's too unruly!"

Mu Jinjin smiled contemptuously, and said: "Auntie really regards teaching children to play the piano as a job? If an old woman who is idle in the palace doesn't teach the piano, what else can she do? It's a bit pitiful! "

"Who do you call an old woman?!"

The beauty with purple pupils frowned, raised her arms in anger and anger, and exerted enough strength in her palms.

"I will teach you a lesson for the emperor today!"

(End of this chapter)

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