Chapter 86 It's time to meet!
Mu Heng said: "If there is nothing else, please come back to the eldest princess! I still have to correct the memorial!"

It's okay to rescue a small one first!

Muqin's purple pupils flickered for a moment, then her eyes sank, and she got up to pay her respects.

"Bengong resigns!"

The sixth father-in-law opened the door and invited the eldest princess to leave...

Yechen looked down at the emperor and saw that the emperor was correcting the memorial, so he stared at the memorial.

A chilly wind fell from the roof, fell into the room, and blew the emperor's collar.


Mu Heng stretched out his hand to wipe the back of his neck, is this wind coming from the top of his head? !
How can the roof leak air?
Let me see!

Yechen was taken aback!
The emperor seems to have found out? !Pick up the tiles and go to plug the hole in the roof.

Suddenly, I heard the voice of the sixth father-in-law: "The first-rank civil servant Jin Niancheng, Mr. Jin, please see me!"

so close!

Ye Chen let out a breath, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that the emperor was already looking at the door, sitting upright, and ignored Ye Chen's side.

Yechen let out a long breath, and looked down at the room.

Jin Niancheng came to see him so late, he must be talking about the governance of the country of Yun, Yechen didn't want to listen, he was anxious to take away the paper that Mu Jinjin had mixed into the memorial.

So, he took out a thin wire iron hook from his waist, intending to hook the smallest book in the booklet, when he heard Jin Niancheng mention the country of Gui.

Gui Guo!

Yechen stopped her hands and listened attentively.

Jin Nian said sincerely: "The Kingdom of Gui once fought wars with its own country for several years, defended their land, and even sent the prince to our country to show their submission. .”

Mu Heng's eyes darkened, and he asked: "Minister Jin asked to see you late at night, isn't it just to persuade me not to be angry with the country?"

Jin Niancheng smiled honestly, and said: "I really can't hide what's on my mind, and His Majesty saw through it at a glance. Hehe! The reason why I asked to see you late at night is for the cooperation between Yun Guo and Gui Guo."

"Cooperate with that smelly and hard country?! Don't even think about it!!!" Mu Heng slapped the dragon chair hard!
Jin Niancheng gasped.

I knew that His Majesty would be angry. For the request in the letter written by my daughter, I wanted to ask my granddaughter for a bite of Gui country maltose, so I had to fight hard!
"Your Majesty! Calm down, this matter has something to do with the unification of Weiyang Prefecture!"

Unify Weiyang Prefecture!

This is a lifelong mission!If Weiyang Prefecture is not unified, Mu Heng will have no face to see his ancestors!
"If it really has something to do with the unification of Weiyang Prefecture, Minister Jin please speak up!"

Just in case the walls have ears!Jin Niancheng immediately understood, got up and went to the emperor's side, and whispered a lot of words into the emperor's ear.

The voice of these words was too low, no matter how good Yechen's ears were, he couldn't hear what Jin Niancheng said, but he heard the emperor's laughter.

The emperor laughed loudly and said, "Let's start with this maltose! Please trouble Minister Jin to supervise it personally!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty! The old minister complied!"

Yechen was taken aback!
Do you really want to cooperate with Gui Guo for maltose?Could it be that Jin Niancheng was Mu Jinjin's rescuer?

Now that the matter has come to this point, what Mu Jinjin put in the memorial is just icing on the cake.

Yechen gently put the tiles on the roof, turned and left.

Back in Jinxiu Palace, Yechen boarded the wall, only listening to the voice inside the wall, "If my guess is correct, my father just came to the palace and met the emperor."

This is the voice of Empress Jin!

Lianbing said: "Your Majesty is wise and wrote a family letter in advance. Your Majesty listens to the Master in everything. If this time the cooperation between the Kingdom of Yun and the Kingdom of Gui is really facilitated, your Majesty must have contributed."

Jin Naiqing said: "Okay!"Don't let Jinjin listen to it!She wanted to do something for Ye Chen, she wanted to personally repay Ye Chen's kindness to her.If she knows we're meddling in this matter, she'll be upset again. "

Yechen's black pupils bent down, feeling very helpless.

He went back to his room, wrote a note in a different thin font than his usual, and threw it into Mu Jinjin's room.


Waking up in the morning, Mu Jinjin stretched out with an innocent face.

I had a lot of sleep last night, as if someone was talking about her.

Mother will miss Jinjin very much if she doesn't sleep with Jinjin.

She turned over and sat up, her short legs swayed twice on the edge of the bed, her little hands held the edge of the bed, and her little toes reached for the shoes on the floor.

Stepping on the heel of the small embroidered shoe, the little foot pushed forward and slipped into the shoe.

After putting on his shoes, he jumped out of bed, a ball of paper reflected in his black eyes, on the wooden platform of the window.

His black eyes narrowed in alarm.

The lotus cakes are usually very diligent and clean in cleaning, and it is impossible to leave such a large ball of paper.

Her round eyes narrowed into two dark horizontal lines, she walked cautiously towards the ball of paper, holding it with her small hands.

There are words in it!

When you take it apart, you can see that the font is unrecognizable, but the content of the characters is astonishing.

"The emperor wants to release Mu Yingsi."

Someone has been secretly protecting her since yesterday!Why did someone secretly tip him off all of a sudden?Could someone be following her?Want to play her mind?
She died early in the comic book, and she has no way of knowing who is trying to trick her.

With a big rock in her heart, that Mu Yingsi should be ashamed to live in Jinxiu Palace again!snort!

in the afternoon.

Not long after lunch, Mu Jinjin happily ran in the yard, going to practice boxing.

Yechen took the little koi by the hand, and was going to follow Mu Jinjin to the martial arts academy.

Mu Qin walked into Jinxiu Hall with two maids.

A pair of purple pupils looked down on the short little girl and the tough boy behind the girl.

"Don't go out in a hurry, just stay and listen to what I want to tell you!"

Nasty old woman!
Mu Jinjin's eyes widened, and her little lips pushed hard. She was almost beaten by this wicked woman yesterday.

Since it's delivered to your door, don't blame me for dismantling your platform!

The little round face turned up, and the small mouth was pouted, "You are not listening to Yinxuan, why are you going to our Jinxiu Palace to point fingers?!"

Don't even have a title?
Purple pupil stared round! "Anyway, I'm your great aunt!"

Mu Jinjin's dark eyes widened, so she didn't want to call her by her title, "Which aunt have you ever seen beat your own niece? Are you worthy of being an aunt? Huh! You are just Mu Yingsi's eldest aunt, and you are not It's not my big aunt, Mu Jinjin!"

The purple pupil beauty's face turned green with anger, and her teeth were chattering with anger, "You are too unruly!"

"Hehehe!" Mu Jinjin walked around with his short legs, walked around Mu Qin, and looked Mu Qin up and down.

Mu Qin had a green face, and a pair of purple pupils followed Mu Jinjin, "What are you doing around me?"

Mu Jinjin chuckled, "I just want to see what the rules are! A well-behaved princess doesn't even say hello, but comes to the Palace of Splendid Views to give orders. Only the princess can learn this rule." ! We children who are disciplined by our elders can’t learn it!”

This was a bit funny, even Muqin's own maid was holding back her laughter.

Mu Qin's face turned greener, "I would rather support Mu Yingsi, who is sensible, and I will never ask you about Mu Jinjin in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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