Chapter 95
Next, the crown prince really walked into the paddock in person...

Mu Jinjin is sure that this plot will continue to follow the comics, and she will probably be the only princess who can conquer beasts.

Thinking of this, her eyes sank and her complexion turned pale.

According to the plot of the manga, after Mu Yan'er conquered the beast, she would always be targeted by Mu Yingsi and Mu Tangwan.

Mu Yingsi was not dead or disabled, and she was supported by Mu Qin, the domineering eldest princess, through the changes in the plot.

Mu Jinjin felt that according to the development of the plot, she would be severely targeted by Mu Yingsi, Mu Qin and Mu Tangwan next.

Thinking of this, her round face became even paler.

Looking at Mu Jinjin's slightly pale complexion, Mu Han was a little worried.

"Sister Jinjin, is there something uncomfortable about you? Did you also get scared just now?"

Yechen Motong trembled, did his little sister feel unwell? !
Regardless of his status as just being an older brother, he pulls Mu Jinjin back from Mu Han's arms, wrapping Mu Jinjin under his arms.

"Jinjin! Tell brother! Why are you uncomfortable!"

Mu Jinjin shook his little round head, his little round head shook like a small rattle, very cute.

She wasn't uncomfortable, she just felt that she had too many enemies in this book!

"Jinjin is fine, Jinjin is just a little tired!"

She grabbed Ye Chen's clothes and buried her face in Ye Chen's arms.

Or brother Yechen's embrace is more secure.

According to the development of the plot, the prince, the next prince, and the eldest princess each used force to conquer the beast, which was appreciated by the tyrant.

It's getting late, and it's time for the children to go back to have dinner.

Mu Heng ordered his father-in-laws to send the children back to the palace.

Mu Jinjin has brother Yechen to send each other off, and Xiao Jinli is protecting her, and she can also protect brother Mu Han to go back together.

Mu Han and Mu Yingsi are brothers and sisters, but they never get close to Mu Yingsi, they are like strangers outside.

Mu Han and Mu Jinjin walked all the way without mentioning anything about Concubine Jiang.

Just happened to walk to Chun'an Hall.

Suddenly, a rancid smell hit, and two stinky little things fell from the air.

not sure what it is.

The little koi barked vigilantly! "Ah woo~"

Mu Han and Yechen instinctively took a step forward, protecting Mu Jinjin behind them.


Yechen saw two children hiding behind a big tree not far away.

When he lifted his leg, a piece of sand and stone flew up, and the flying stone flew behind the tree.

"Ahem!" Two little girls came out from behind the tree trunk with dusty faces.

Mu Yingsi and Mu Tangwan.

Mu Jinjin grabbed Brother Yechen's sleeve, hid behind Brother Yechen and looked outside, and saw Mu Yingsi and Mu Tangwan who looked dusty.

I knew that the two of them would definitely target her.

Fenrun's small mouth pouted, and asked, "Why are you two following me?!"

Mu Tangwan said: "Mu Jinjin, do you understand the rules? When you see our two imperial sisters, you must have a name. Let's salute!"

Before Mu Jinjin could speak, Mu Han spoke first.

"Jinjin is the daughter of Imperial Concubine Jin! It's Her Royal Highness! In terms of rules, it's obviously you who admire Tang Wan and salute Her Royal Highness Jinjin!"

Mu Tangwan put her hands on her hips, pointed at Mu Han, and said, "You mud bodhisattva crossing the river! Your mother has already been reduced to a prisoner! Your Royal Highness's status is no longer guaranteed, and you still want to protect Mu Jinjin?!"

Mu Han's mother, Concubine Jiang, was working in Chun'an Hall in prison uniform.

Mu Han is Mu Yingsi's own younger brother. He looked at Mu Yingsi and sneered: "Are you not angry when your little follower talks like that?"

Mu Yingsi stretched her face, and said coldly: "The eldest princess takes me as a righteous daughter. From now on, I will only follow the eldest princess. She is my mother in this world. Others have nothing to do with me!"

Mu Jinjin took Mu Han's hand, took two steps forward, and said to Mu Yingsi: "You said this! It's your own six relatives who don't recognize you. In the future, when you ask for your younger brother, don't say your own brother Brother doesn't care about you!"

Mu Han's heart sank.

Fatty's hands were also cold.

"I won't have a sister like Mu Yingsi in the future!"

Mu Jinjin stood on tiptoe and patted Mu Han on the shoulder, "Brother Mu Han, don't worry, Jin Jin will go and tell Father that you are His Royal Highness forever in the palace!"

Looking at Mu Tangwan again, he said, "Don't offend people too early! Father hasn't said that Brother Mu Han's status has changed yet!"

With her hands on her hips, Mu Tangwan looked like a dog relying on Mu Yingsi, and said fiercely to Mu Jinjin: "Don't be too pretentious, dare to look down at your feet?!"

underfoot? !
Just as Mu Jinjin was about to look down, he felt his eyes covered by a pair of big hands.

Yechen knew that the things that fell on the ground in front of Mu Jinjin just now were two dead mice.

That's the mouse that Mu Jinjin is most afraid of!

How could Mu Jinjin see it!

He covered Mu Jinjin's eyes, and gave Mu Han a wink: Get the dead mouse away!

Mu Han understood Ye Chen's meaning, and kicked the dead mouse towards Mu Yingsi and Mu Tangwan.

The two girls screamed twice and hurriedly avoided.

Mu Tangwan said loudly, "Mu Jinjin! What we threw to you just now was a dead mouse!"

Mu Jinjin's white ears twitched twice, her little hands trembled, she turned around and threw herself into Yechen's arms, burying her face under Yechen's arms.

Yechen put his arms around Mu Jinjin.

Lifting a leg is a kick, kicking up small stones on the ground.

The small stone drew a beautiful arc in the air, and slammed into Mu Tangwan's face violently, scratching the skin of Mu Tangwan's face, leaving a blood red spot.

Mu Tangwan covered her face and let out a cry.

"Ah - how dare you bully me, a proton? I'll go find my father to deal with you!"

Ye Chen curled his lips coldly, "You'd better tell the emperor, let the emperor ask about this matter, Prince Mu Han and I will definitely not show mercy to you two scoundrels, you use dead mice to scare Mu Jin The emperor will know clearly about Jin."

Mu Tangwan gasped.

I usually see this good-looking proton who never speaks, but I never thought that when he speaks, his voice is so beautiful and he has such means.

This is not the time to look at the proton, Mu Tangwan is here to bully Mu Jinjin, and the bullying is not over yet.

Putting her hands on her hips, she said fiercely: "Who made her afraid of dead mice? Even animals are not afraid of mice! She can only blame herself!"

Mu Han picked up a wooden stick and walked towards Mu Tangwan, "Stop talking nonsense! I'll beat you!"

Mu Yingsi held Mu Tangwan back, while protecting Mu Tangwan, and said: "If we can't beat him, just say a few words, the future will be long, and I don't believe that she hasn't placed orders."

Of course Mu Jinjin knew what Mu Yingsi meant, that he wanted to wait for the opportunity to bully her.

She took a deep breath, got up from brother Yechen's arms, looked back at the two little girls who were running away, and bit her lip.

The struggle has only just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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