Chapter 105
"Careful protector!"

Although Xi's movement was not fast, it was extremely ghostly, and it was impossible to judge from which direction she would appear, so Hua Linlang's subordinates, who had been silent all this time, hurriedly reminded her.


There was a sneer on the corner of Xi's mouth, and then his whole body twisted, the black blade that seemed to have stabbed Hua Linlang, but turned to the men behind Hua Linlang inconceivably.


Hua Linlang's subordinate screamed, and there was a bloody hole in his temple.

"The late stage of the priest?"

Hua Linlang squinted and stared at Xi, who was half squatting in front of him, and said that the men he brought were only mid-stage priests, and he was expected to be killed by Xi, but Hua Linlang couldn't figure out how Xi received him. Stop and kill again.

Xi picked up the black blade and pointed at Hua Linlang, then pointed the black blade at Lin Chen: "You, let him go!"

"Why is my god general afraid of you?"

Hua Linlang was very angry. As a mid-stage god general, how could he be afraid of the threat of a late-stage god warrior? .

"Hey, you go first, he won't kill me."

Lin Chen looked at Xi and said, although he couldn't detect Hua Linlang's state, but the other party didn't look like a liar, so it was absolutely impossible for Xi to beat Hua Linlang, and Lin Chen didn't want to see someone who wanted to help him die tragically for no reason. .

But Xi didn't take Lin Chen's words seriously at all, she kept staring at Hua Linlang with a pair of cold eyes.

Afterwards, Xi raised the black blade again and stabbed at Hua Linlang, each attack would appear in a direction that no one else could have imagined.

Even Hua Linlang, who has reached the realm of a god general, is a little confused.

"The wall of flowers rises!"

Hua Linlang directly activated his signature defense technique, the flower wall, which can completely block the opponent from approaching him, so the past melee attack was completely useless for a while.

"You are really difficult!"

This was the first time that Hua Linlang was attacked by a god cultivator at the priest stage and had no chance to make a move. This made Hua Linlang very upset. When he distanced himself from Xi, Hua Linlang could take a breath.

"I want to see how you are still close to me now?"

As soon as Hua Linlang finished speaking, she saw four walls of flowers appearing around Xi, let alone attacking Hua Linlang, she couldn't break free now.

What's even more frightening is that at this time, the four walls of flowers continue to squeeze past the past.

"not good!"

Lin Chen had a bad feeling in his heart. Once the martial arts attack of a master general takes effect, there is only one result waiting for him, and that is—death!

"go to hell!"

Hua Linlang's sharp voice sounded in the factory, and he stretched out one hand to control the flower wall in front of him, making the flower wall squeeze faster and faster.


Xi had been hurt inside and let out a scream.

"Let her go!"

Lin Chen turned pale with shock, he would never allow the woman who saved him to die in front of him.

"Let her go? Who do you think you are? Trash!"

Hua Linlang didn't even bother to look at Lin Chen, and even more unscrupulously stimulated the divine power in her body.

"I said! Let it go! She!"

Lin Chen popped out a few words from between his teeth, the black pupils in his eyes once again filled the whites of Lin Chen's eyes, a trace of extremely terrifying aura appeared around Lin Chen, and then Lin Chen's gas turned black again!


Hua Linlang seemed to have sensed that something was wrong, and subconsciously withdrew the divine power that originally controlled the flower wall. He turned his head to look at Lin Chen, and was horrified in his heart.

"What is this?"

Hua Linlang couldn't believe her eyes, Lin Chen in front of her eyes was completely wrapped in black gas, and this gas definitely could not belong to a mere boy in the early stages of a priest, this kind of depression made Hua Linlang feel the smell of death .

"Heaven's Judgment! Break!"

Lin Chen shouted loudly, the black petals that originally wrapped him were shattered by Lin Chenzhen, breaking away from the control of the black petals, Lin Chen raised his head, and a pair of all black pupils looked at Hua Linlang strangely.

Hua Linlang was completely shocked by Lin Chen in front of him, he quickly blocked the flower wall in front of Lin Chen, the flower wall dispersed, Xi Ye finally appeared, she is very weak now, but when she looked at Lin Chen, her eyes It's full of wonder.

"Okay, strong!"

Xi secretly said in his heart.

At this time, Lin Chen didn't have the slightest sense of reason at all, and he didn't show any fear even in the face of the mid-stage martial arts of the god general.

"Heaven's Judgment! Break!"

Lin Chen punched out of thin air, and smashed towards the flower wall in front of him with a terrifying black gas.


With a loud noise, Hua Linlang's flower wall was smashed into pieces by Lin Chen's fist.

"how is this possible!?"

Hua Linlang was too shocked to speak, what kind of monster is this Lin Chen?How can there be such a strong master of the priesthood! ?
"The wall of flowers rises!"

Hua Linlang desperately used all her divine power on the flower wall. He had a premonition that once Lin Chen approached him, he would also be swallowed by this terrifying black gas.

In an instant, Lin Chen was surrounded by flower walls, there were eighteen in total, and they squeezed towards Lin Chen frantically.

"court death!"

Lin Chen's voice at this time was like a devil from hell, and his breath seemed to be able to shock everything in the world.

"It's all to die for me!"

At this moment, Lin Chen's black gas was brought into full play, and the surrounding eighteen flower walls were all covered by black gas.

"Stop him! Block him!"

Seeing this, Hua Linlang couldn't calm down at all, he stepped back and shouted loudly, the fear brought by Lin Chen directly seeped into Hua Linlang's bone marrow, making him unable to breathe at all.

It's a pity that Hua Linlang's shouting didn't bring any substantial effect to Huaqiang, and the black air swallowed all his Huaqiang in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the entire factory fell into a deathly silence. Due to the high density of black air, neither Hua Linlang nor Xi who was lying on the ground could find Lin Chen at all.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the black air and pinched Hua Linlang's neck. In the next second, Hua Linlang saw Lin Chen appearing in front of her.

"Go! Die!"

One of Lin Chen's hands penetrated directly into Hua Linlang's neck. If it takes another two seconds, Hua Linlang's neck will be directly cut off by Lin Chen!

"Star Language Flying Flowers!"

In the face of death, Hua Linlang didn't have any reservations. She directly fought the pain of being torn apart by divine power, and used the Hua family's ultimate move that didn't belong to his current state - Xingyu Feihua!
I saw that countless petals of different colors appeared all over Hua Linlang's body, and each petal was highly poisonous, rushing towards Lin Chen like a sky full of stars.

Each of these petals contains hundreds of strange poisons in the world. Although it can inflict countless strange poisons on the opponent, it will also be poisoned when activated.

"Lin Chen, go to hell with me!"

Hua Linlang had already given up all her strength, and since she was going to die, she had to hold Lin Chen back.

(End of this chapter)

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