Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 121 Resurrection Surgery

Chapter 121 Resurrection Surgery
After the two of them left, Lin Qing suddenly opened her eyes. She had been busy cultivating spiritual power during this time, but it wasn't that she didn't have any perception of her body. Lin Chen didn't go home for a few days, and Lin Qing already had a bad feeling , after hearing Fang Zixiu's words, his feeling was further confirmed.


Lin Qing murmured softly, and then a rare coldness appeared in her eyes.

"Whoever dares to hurt my master, Qing'er will make him pay with his life!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Qing disappeared into Lin Chen's room.

A villa on the outskirts of Tiannan City, this is not so much a villa, but a manor, because it occupies a land area of ​​about [-] square meters, and the construction area has reached [-] square meters.

There are four floors in this manor villa, each with an area of ​​[-] square meters.

Outside the villa is a huge orchard with many fresh fruits.

At this moment, two farmers passed by, and one of them pointed at the big villa in the orchard with disbelief on his face: "What is this!? I have been in this kind of land for so many years, why have I never seen this one? villa?"

As soon as the farmer finished speaking, he saw that the villa in the orchard sank rapidly to the ground in three seconds. After three seconds, the villa that had just stood in the orchard became an empty land in a blink of an eye.

And the other farmer turned around and saw nothing at all.

"Look, I told you to brag, how can there be a villa?"

"No, there really was just now!"

The two farmers began to quarrel inexplicably, and they were almost about to fight because of this matter.

In fact, the farmer didn't look too far. The reason why the villa sinks quickly is that it has a supernatural lifting function. It will come to the ground every once in a while, just to absorb the sunlight. When it reaches the point, it will sink quickly. So many people say that the orchard is haunted.

The owner of this manor villa is the old man who rescued Lin Chen that night. At this time, Lin Chen was lying in a room on the first floor of the villa.

The room is nearly [-] square meters, and there are various medical instruments beside Lin Chen's bed. Now Lin Chen doesn't even have a heart, not to mention breathing, and his body is completely empty.

On the left side of Lin Chen's bed, there were five medical staff standing, holding a fresh-keeping box.

"Open it."

The one who spoke was a female doctor standing on the right side of Lin Chen. She didn't look very old, she was only about 23 years old by visual inspection, but the makeup on her face was very mature, and her appearance could be called first-class One of the beauties.

After the female doctor finished speaking, the other five male doctors opened the fresh-keeping boxes in their hands, and inside were bloody human internal organs.

The heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney are all available.

For the next hour, those doctors were nervously performing the appalling internal organ transplant operation on Lin Chen. This is a medically 'nonsense' thing, but they did it extremely seriously. A person who is already dead, How could it be possible to be resurrected by transplanting other internal organs?
Day after day, a week passed, Lin Chen's body was no longer an empty shell, but had all the internal organs of a human being.

Although there are no vital signs yet, half of the success has been achieved for these medical staff.

In the end, the female doctor personally sewed up Lin Chen's body stitch by stitch. Strangely enough, these stitches disappeared after the stitches were completely stitched up.

Lin Chen's whole body was intact, as if he had never had any surgery.

"Doctor Yan, are we really going to use that?"

A male doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked nervously. When he said these words, his hands were trembling slightly.


The woman named Dr. Yan nodded, and the five of them slowly walked out of the room after being signaled.

Dr. Yan sat next to Lin Chen with some exhaustion. She couldn't see any emotion in her eyes, she stared at Lin Chen's face in a daze: "Why did the master save you?"

Dr. Yan seems to be asking Lin Chen, but also seems to be asking himself.

After a while, the five doctors returned to the room, and the five of them walked to Lin Chen's bed with difficulty while pushing a huge instrument.

"let's start."

Dr. Yan stood up and said, and then the five people inserted the long silver wires on the instrument into various parts of Lin Chen's body.

After Dr. Yan saw that everything was ready, she walked to the instrument. She glanced at Lin Chen again, and then pressed the start button without hesitation.

After the start button was pressed, a pure white bubble-like gas emerged from the silver wires in a short while, and the whole room seemed a little weird and dreamlike.

"Doctor Yan, I don't understand something."

A doctor wearing glasses couldn't help asking.


"I remember that the master collected the souls of the fallen from the God Realm, and Lin Chen is just a cultivator. Is this really useful?"

The glasses doctor really can't figure it out, unless Lin Chen is a god, otherwise blind matching will not only waste resources, but also make Lin Chen never wake up.

The strangest thing is Lin Chen. He is obviously dead, but his soul is still in his body, which is really puzzling.

"I don't understand the master's mind, I can only execute it."

Dr. Yan replied calmly, although she was indeed puzzled, she would never show it in front of these people.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Yan, I was wrong."

The glasses doctor was taken aback. If he had known earlier, he would not have asked. But now, he didn't get the answer, which made Dr. Yan feel disgusted with him.

Dr. Yan turned a deaf ear to his apology, keeping his eyes on Lin Chen, paying attention to all reactions.

"The first phase was a success."

Dr. Yan concluded that the first stage, that is, the patient did not have any adverse reactions. Although this does not mean that it will be successful in the end, Lin Chen can still survive it.

"The second stage has begun. If there is anything, you should report it to the master immediately!"


As soon as Dr. Yan finished speaking, the original white foam immediately disappeared into the air, followed by clear electric current sounds in the room.

Lin Chen's body also twitched, but this was not Lin Chen's reaction, but the effect brought about by the strong current passing through his body, even if the object was just a piece of wood, he could 'dance' by himself.

After 3 minutes, suddenly!

"Doctor Yan, he's bleeding!!!"

A male doctor exclaimed.

Dr. Yan also frowned, and saw that the silver thread inserted into Lin Chen's body began to draw back the blood in Lin Chen's body, and if it continued, the blood in Lin Chen's body would be completely drained.

"Notify the master."

Seeing this, Dr. Yan ordered directly.

"it is good!"

When the doctor heard about it, he trotted to leave. Just as he ran to the door, Dr. Yan immediately called out, "Wait!"

"The situation has changed!"

As he said that, he saw that the blood that had flowed back began to return to Lin Chen's body again, and the sound of the electric current in the second stage became smaller and smaller, and Lin Chen gradually recovered his calm.

Seeing this, the six doctors secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Dr. Yan said, "The second stage is successful, and we are ready to enter the third stage!"

(End of this chapter)

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