Chapter 131 Lost

Now Lin Chen and Brother Pei are looking at each other, and the other ghosts have not caught up yet.

"Lin Chen, leave me alone, run!"

Yan Huyue has seen the matter so far, if Lin Chen doesn't care about her who is seriously injured, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, she did this more because of her master, because Cang Yong seems to value Lin Chen very much.

"That's right, run away, my ghost Lepei doesn't want to kill people today, I just want to play with women, hahaha."

Gui Lepei laughed wildly, looking like he was sure of winning, this Lin Chen was too weak in his eyes, killing him was meaningless at all.

But whether it was Yan Huyue or Gui Lepei, Lin Chen was unmoved, and just stood there motionless.

"You really don't know good from bad, kid! Then don't blame me."

As he said that, Gui Lepei's smiling face suddenly became gloomy, and then he rushed towards Lin Chen.

"You go quickly!"

Seeing this, Yan Huyue yelled, where did Lin Chen get his heroism?When he hit himself that day, he didn't see that he still had a heroic personality.

Lin Chen didn't speak. When Gui Lepei was about to rush towards him, Lin Chen subconsciously raised his hand to block it, and then a purple gas came out of thin air.

"This is!?"

When Gui Lepei saw this purple gas, he seemed to have a familiar feeling, and his body slowed down unconsciously.

Suddenly, Gui Lepei suddenly opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief: "This is actually the breath of the underworld!!!"

Before Gui Lepei was surprised for a few seconds, Lin Chen's purple grid imprisoned Gui Lepei, and Gui Lepei dared not move at all. He knew that this thing could kill him at any time.

"Who are you!?"

Gui Lepei stood in the purple grid and looked at Lin Chen in panic and asked.

"I told you, the one who takes you on the road!"

Although Lin Chen didn't know what the purple gas was, he had to pretend for some b.

And Yan Huyue, who was in Lin Chen's arms, looked up at Lin Chen in disbelief. How many secrets does this man have?Why can even the gas of the underworld be used by him?
"Brother Pei!?"

At this time, Gui Mao and the others also rushed over. When they saw Gui Lepei trapped in the purple grid, they were all terrified. Their Gui family has almost no weaknesses in the mortal world. But only afraid of the power of the underworld.

"do not come!"

Gui Lepei hurriedly shouted, it's fine for him to die, but he can't do it if he wants to implicate his brothers. Although these people are extremely cruel to others and have no humanity at all, these six people The relationship between them is very good, like six conjoined twins in the ghost house, no matter what the situation is, they will not be separated.

"You! Let Brother Pei go!"

Gui Mao looked at Lin Chen and shouted sharply, as if he was ordering him.

"Let him go? Then let you kill me?"

Lin Chen thought it was a little funny, he was obviously a mortal enemy, how could he put this word at all?

However, the divine power in Lin Chen's body was getting weaker and weaker, and he didn't want to delay any longer, he wanted to find a chance to escape.

"You have fallen into the hearts of our ghost family's ghost fans. If you still don't take the antidote, you will definitely die!"

The woman behind Gui Mao said, she could tell at a glance that Lin Chen was trying to be brave.

"How about this, we'll give you the antidote, you let Brother Pei go, and we won't mess with each other from now on, how about it?"

The woman continued, this deal is beneficial to everyone and harmless.

"it is good!"

Lin Chen hesitated for a moment before agreeing: "However, you bring the antidote first!"


The woman hesitated when she heard this. What if the other party does not keep his word?

"give him!"

Gui Lepei said at this time that he didn't believe in Lin Chen, but he didn't dare to gamble. Who knows when Lin Chen will die suddenly, and no one can dispel the gas of the underworld. It's better to fight for it.

"it is good."

Damn Le Pei, the woman, even opened her mouth, and didn't hesitate any longer, and directly took out a bottle of gray medicine bottle from her chest and threw it to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen opened the bottle cap without even thinking about it. As soon as he opened it, a trace of black-gray gas burst out of it. After the gas appeared, it directly penetrated into Lin Chen's nose.

After Lin Chen inhaled, his heartbeat gradually returned to normal, and he didn't need to use divine power to maintain it.

"Can you let Brother Pei go now?"

Guimao asked anxiously.

Lin Chen didn't answer, and then with a thought, he waved his hand and took the purple net from Gui Lepei's body back into his body.

"Brother Pei!"

After the ghost Le Pei got out of trouble, several people quickly surrounded him, but Lin Chen had already disappeared in front of them.

Gui Lepei's eyes were fixed on the place where Lin Chen left, and he said in disbelief, "Who is this person?"

Gui Mao and the woman helped Gui Lepei up.

"Brother Pei, could it be someone sent by Pluto?"

Gui Mao didn't dare to continue when he said this, and none of the people around said anything, just waiting for Gui Lepei to speak.

"I don't know, if it's someone from the underworld, we have to notify the Patriarch immediately, but"

Gui Lepei said worriedly: "Isn't it right? It's impossible for people from the Underworld Sect to fall in love with the ghost fans of our ghost family. There's something else wrong with this matter. It's important to find Kuhanhua first!"

"it is good!"

After Gui Lepei finished speaking, several people replied in unison, and then continued walking towards the depths of the forest.

On the other side, Lin Chen hugged Yan Huyue and ran away in the forest. Although he was not afraid of Gui Lepei and the other six, the divine power in his body was consumed too much just now. It is obviously impossible to activate the purple grid again Unfortunately, Lin Chen didn't dare to take any risks.

"and many more."

Yan Huyue said a little weakly, but Lin Chen still ran forward without saying a word at all.

"I said wait!!"

Seeing this, Yan Huyue raised her voice an octave. Only then did Lin Chen stabilize his figure and look at Yan Huyue: "What's wrong?"

"Do you know how to get out of the Frost Forest?"

"Frost Forest?"

Lin Chen looked at Yan Huyue with a confused face, and then said calmly, "I don't know."


Yan Huyue almost spat blood all over Lin Chen's face in anger.

"You don't know, you still run so hard?"


"Put me down!"

Yan Huyue is really speechless, this Lin Chen is sometimes too unreliable.

After Lin Chen put Yan Huyue down, she leaned against an ice tree, then took out a map, and after spreading it out, it was at least ten times larger than the map in Lin Chen's hand. There are detailed instructions.

Then, Yan Huyue took out another object similar to a compass, but inside it was not a pointer, but a string of constantly beating numbers.

"what is this?"

Lin Chen couldn't help asking.

"Landmark detector."

Yan Huyue explained: "According to the landmark detector, we can know the specific location where we are in an extremely cold place."

Lin Chen nodded, and then asked: "Then where are we now?"

Yan Huyue ignored Lin Chen, carefully looked at every small coordinate that appeared on the map, and then glanced at the landmark detector in her hand.

"According to the landmark detector, our current position."

Yan Huyue exhaled helplessly, and said, "If there is nothing wrong, then we should be lost now."

(End of this chapter)

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