Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 133 Hypnotized?

Chapter 133 Hypnotized?

"Lin Chen, Lin Chen! Why are you back again? Talk quickly!"

When Lin Chen heard about it, he hurriedly looked back. Yan Huyue was still standing still, and judging from her tone, it seemed that she had called him for a long time?But Lin Chen had just heard her voice.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Seeing Lin Chen staring at her, Yan Huyue felt very uncomfortable.

"It doesn't seem right."

Lin Chen said, "Did you just look at me and keep walking?"

Yan Huyue looked at Lin Chen suspiciously, and after being silent for a while, she said: "Yes, then I saw that you didn't take a few steps, then turned around and walked back, I told you that you didn't speak, just Turn around slowly."

Yan Huyue got goosebumps all over her body when she thought of the scene just now.

Lin Chen didn't speak, and stood alone for a long time without making a sound, and then he said something that made Yan Huyue's hair stand on end.

"This is not a circular hell, what you see may not be me, and what I see may not be you."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Yan Huyue took a deep breath. Although she didn't quite understand what she said, it made people panic.

"Lin Chen, don't scare me!"

Yan Huyue originally wanted to pretend to be calm in front of Lin Chen, she is also a person who has lived for hundreds of years, but at this moment she was also very scared.

"I didn't scare you, now, I want to make sure of one thing."

Lin Chen walked to Yan Huyue's side and said, "Look at the surrounding environment, and then tell me where you are!"

Yan Huyue took a look at the surrounding environment, it was indeed the Frost Forest, that's right, what's so interesting about it, didn't she and Lin Chen already know it?

"Frost Forest!"

Yan Huyue still said it.

"No, this is Cangmen!"

Lin Chen spoke, and then the scene recalled in his mind was the place he used to haunt.


Yan Huyue's lips began to tremble slightly: "Where is this Cangmen, it's obviously Frost Forest."

Before Yan Huyue finished speaking, the frosty forest in front of her slowly began to melt in front of her eyes. The originally cold and windy forest turned into a green grassland, and the sun was shining outside.


When Yan Huyue saw this scene, she froze in place. She was so familiar with this place that she used to live on this grassland.

"I see."

Lin Chen also saw the grassland in front of him, and he already had a judgment in his mind.

Suddenly, two lines of tears fell from the corners of Yan Huyue's eyes. At this moment, a spark started a prairie fire in the distance, and in just an instant, the fire spread and burned the entire grassland.

"Do not!!!"

Yan Huyue yelled, her mood became more and more unstable.

"Yan Huyue, stop your thoughts quickly!!!"

Lin Chen yelled loudly, but Yan Huyue turned a deaf ear to it, and was immersed in painful memories.

"Yan Huyue, wake me up!!!"

Lin Chen rushed forward, covered Yan Huyue's eyes, and whispered in her ear: "Yan Huyue, everything you saw has passed, now, you are from the Cangmen, You are in the Frost Forest, stay with me!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Yan Huyue's violently shaking body stopped suddenly. When Lin Chen took his hands away from her eyes, the grassland burned by fire turned into a frost forest again.

"Lin Chen."

Yan Huyue turned her head and looked at Lin Chen with red eyes. She didn't know what happened to her just now, but she thought of the scene hundreds of years ago.

"I'm leaving!"

Lin Chen said inexplicably, and then left Yan Huyue.

"Where are you going?"

Yan Huyue asked anxiously, what's going on, why is it so good, Lin Chen is leaving again?

"If you want to know, follow me!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he moved and quickly ran forward. Yan Huyue quickly followed after seeing this.

Yan Huyue's speed was always a long way behind Lin Chen, and in the end Lin Chen disappeared in her eyes.

"Lin Chen!!!"

Yan Huyue shouted Lin Chen's name very anxiously, and then her eyes went dark, and she passed out again.

"Wake up!!!"

Lin Chen kept shaking Yan Huyue's body. After a while, Yan Huyue slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Lin Chen, her expression was very dazed.

"What's wrong with me?"

Yan Huyue seems to have forgotten everything that just happened.

"You were just hypnotized!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Yan Huyue sat up abruptly: "Hypnosis!? Impossible, I won't be hypnotized!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yan Huyue seemed to think of something: "Could it be?"

Yan Huyue seemed to have thought of something, but she wasn't sure. She glanced at the surrounding environment and found that she and Lin Chen were on the right road in the Frost Forest, and they would be able to leave soon.

"What the hell just happened?"

Yan Huyue looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"After I took you away just now, you fell into a coma not long after you were seriously injured. Then I saw a man and a woman in the forest. They looked at us directly. Not long after, I I heard you talking to me."

As Lin Chen said that Yan Huyue's eyes widened, it turned out that everything that Lin Chen and Yan Huyue experienced just now was Yan Huyue's imagination after he fell into a coma.

And not only that, after Lin Chen saw that things were going on, he borrowed his divine power to enter Yan Huyue's mind. As a result, when Lin Chen entered, he was completely trapped in Yan Huyue's thinking, and he didn't remember where he came from. purpose here.

If Lin Chen hadn't woken up in the end, the two of them would have fallen asleep forever, walking in the frosty forest that would never reach the wooden house.

"Do you know why I told you to follow me at the end?"

The more Lin Chen said, the more Yan Huyue's memory recovered. At this time, she had completely remembered what happened just now, but she never understood why Lin Chen ran so fast.


After Yan Huyue asked, Lin Chen continued: "In your subconscious mind, the speed has never been able to keep up with me, just like that time when you went down the deep pit, so I will use this to constantly stimulate your subjective nerves, So as to wake you up from drowsiness, this principle is like a person drowning in sleep or falling from a building, it is a principle to wake up from a dream through strong stimulation."

As soon as Lin Chen's voice fell, Yan Huyue was a little unconvinced: "You, you mean that I lost a bit in speed last time, and it was as exciting to me as jumping off a building and drowning?"

Lin Chen nodded: "Yes, what's the problem?"

Yan Huyue almost slapped Lin Chen's words, isn't he too arrogant?

But having said that, Lin Chen did not tell Yan Huyue the whole truth. What really stimulated Yan Huyue was not the difference in speed, but the huge stimulation caused by the cycle of hell and his own tragic experience. On the grounds that Yan Huyue could not keep up with her subconsciously, leaving Yan Huyue alone in the Frost Forest was the reason that really stimulated her to wake up.

However, after Lin Chen entered Yan Huyue's mind, he also discovered that this woman is very concerned about face. If you really tell her that you woke up because of fear, then it's better to take the blame on yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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