Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 137 Human Popsicle

Chapter 137 Human Popsicle
Lin Chen had long been intent on killing the ghost family, if he hadn't been seriously injured last time, he wouldn't have let them go.

"What exactly do you want?"

Gui Lepei didn't expect that after such a short time, this terrifying thing trapped him again.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to kill you today, and get the rest out of here!"

Lin Chen stared at Gui Mao's eyes and said the last rolling word, which made Gui Mao couldn't help but shudder. Although Lin Chen wanted to kill a few people, he had no choice but to consume too much divine power from the purple network. Obviously, he could only kill them at a time. one person.

"Ghost hair, go away, leave me alone!"

Gui Lepei shouted in despair, he knew that this time he didn't have any hole cards in his hand, so the most important thing for now is to keep his brother.


"Come on, let's go!"

Gui Lepei shouted with a tearing voice, Gui Mao had no choice but to leave with the rest of the people.

"If you want to kill Brother Pei, our ghost family will not let you go!"

Guimao's voice sounded far away, and his hatred for Lin Chen had reached an unforgettable point.

Lin Chen didn't care about Gui Mao's cruel words, but Tai Qianjing who was not far away was looking at him stupidly.

At this moment, Tai Qian walked up to Lin Chen in shock, looked at it for a long time before saying, "So it's you!"

When Lin Chen appeared, Tai Qianjing felt a little familiar, but after a closer look, he realized that it was the master of the gods who injured him last night.


Taiqian scratched his head in shock, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Thank you, brother, hehe."

"You're welcome."

Lin Chen said calmly.

"By the way, how can you trap a master general when you are a late-stage god warrior?"

Tai Qianjing couldn't figure it out, a master priest could directly trap Gui Lepei, and even scare off five people.

"I don't know about this either, you can ask him."

Lin Chen pointed to Gui Lepei who was trapped in the purple power grid. Taiqian was shocked to hear that and actually walked over.

"Ghost, tell me, why are you afraid of him?"

"say something?"

"His grandfather's, don't say it if you don't say it!"

Tai Qianjing asked several questions in succession, Gui Lepei insisted on closing his eyes without saying a word, seeing this, Tai Qianjing simply felt uncomfortable.

"Lin Chen, we should go."

At this time, Yan Huyue, who had been silent behind Lin Chen, reminded him that Lin Chen not only liked heroes to save the beauty, but he would not let go of such a rough man.


After Lin Chen responded, Tai Qian came forward and asked, "Are you going to an extremely cold place?"

Tai Qian was startled by this sentence, and the two of them were puzzled by the question. They have come here. If you don’t go to an extremely cold place, why not go to climb Mount Everest?

But Lin Chen still nodded.

Then Tai Qianjing continued: "Why don't we go together? Multiple people take care of you."

"No need."

Lin Chen didn't speak, Yan Huyue rejected Tai Qianjing's request. After all, there is only one Bitter Cold Flower in the extremely cold place. Wouldn't it be an extra risk if there were multiple people around?
At this time, Lin Chen said: "You can follow us, but we are bound to get the bitter cold flower."

Lin Chen's words made Taiqian think for a while, and then said: "Well, if you find the bitter cold flower first, then I will definitely not fight for it, if it is me."

"That's ours too."

Lin Chen said domineeringly, he would not give up the Bitter Cold Flower to anyone no matter what, this is related to whether Lin Chen can restore the important items of memory.

"That's fine, hehe." Tai Qian scratched his head in shock and continued: "Anyway, if it weren't for you today, I might not even have my life, so just let me follow you, and I'll be fine if I have anything to do." Help, our Tai family will never owe others favors."

When Lin Chen heard this, he nodded in satisfaction. This was the result he wanted. It seemed that his judgment on Tai Qianjing was indeed correct.

Saying that, the three of them continued to move forward one after the other, while Gui Lepei still stayed on the top of the mountain. Lin Chen believed that Gui Lepei would be buried by the wind and snow on the top of the mountain in a short time.

The distance the three of them traveled was not too far before they came to the way down the mountain.

"His grandfather's, how can this go on?"

Tai Qian was surprised to see that the way down the mountain was steeper than the way up, just like an upright ice wall without any curvature.

"Lin Chen, look at that!"

Yan Huyue suddenly noticed something, and pointed down the mountain.

Lin Chen looked around, and after a while he realized what Yan Huyue was referring to.

I saw many 'people' standing on the mountainside, and these people seemed to have turned into popsicles.

"This is.?"

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen said, "Looking at the distance between these human-shaped popsicles, it looks like a prop to help people go down the mountain?"

Yan Huyue shook her head and said: "It's true that they can help us go down the mountain, but they didn't do it on purpose, but some people who tried to go down the mountain to the extremely cold place were frozen in the middle of the mountain."

"This is too much of a coincidence."

Lin Chen felt that Yan Huyue's words were not too reliable. He estimated the distance he would go down the mountain. Every time he went down a certain distance, he could just use these frozen people to stop for a period of time. Not only could he stabilize his figure and prevent himself from falling down Too fast is hard to control, and it can also restore a little divine power.

"Anyway, I've heard people say it, and I have no way of knowing what the specific situation is."

Yan Huyue also felt that this kind of coincidence was more like someone did it deliberately.

On the other hand, Tai Qianjing, who was on the side, didn't think so much at all, and took the lead: "Don't ink, let me explore the way first!"

As Tai Qianjing said, he jumped straight up. When he reached the first humanoid popsicle, he almost crushed the ice. After all, Tai Qianjing's size and weight were different from ordinary people.

"Hey, it's safe here!"

Tai Qian looked up at Lin Chen and Yan Huyue who were still standing on the mountain and shouted loudly.

Yan Huyue glanced at Lin Chen, and Lin Chen nodded: "Even a person of Tai Qianjing's size can rely on these human-shaped popsicles, let alone us."

As he said that, Lin Chen also urged his divine power to rush down the mountain. When he came to Tai Qianjing's side, he didn't stop, but continued to rush down.

"Lin Chen!?"

Yan Huyue thought that something happened to Lin Chen, so she shouted worriedly.

Lin Chen acted as if he didn't hear Yan Huyue's shout, and continued to run downhill. This journey directly brought Lin Chen to the mountainside.

"Right now!"

Lin Chen thought to himself, then reached out his hand and grabbed the popsicle in human form beside him. When his figure stabilized, he shouted towards the mountain: "I'm fine, come down quickly!"

During this distance, Lin Chen is not out of control, nor does he want to go down the mountain faster, but is exploring the way for Yan Huyue and Tai Qianjing. Every time he passes a 'popsicle', Lin Chen will use his spiritual sense to detect it. After Lin Chen was sure that there was no danger, he finally stopped on the mountainside.

Not long after Lin Chen finished shouting, a loud noise exploded in his ears. Turning around, it turned out that Tai Qianjing jumped down directly.

(End of this chapter)

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