Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 148 Crystal Palace

Chapter 148 Crystal Palace
"What are you thinking?"

Although the man in the cloak didn't look at Lin Chen, he kept watching Lin Chen's expression from the corner of his eye.

Seeing this, Lin Chen quickly replied: "I was thinking, maybe you need me?"

"Oh? What's the meaning of this?"

The man in the cloak showed a smile for the first time.

"It's very simple. The cave is a place that protects your Leng family. Over the years, your Leng family has been unable to understand the secrets of the cave. Even from the beginning to the present, no one has been able to get out of the cave. Now the secret of the cave is in my hands. Could it be Don't you want to know its real secret?"

Lin Chen's words really moved the man in the cloak very much, and one could get a clue from his eyes.

Afterwards, the man in the cloak raised his hand with his back on his back, and the archers quickly put down the bows and arrows in their hands.

"I like your directness and intelligence."

The man in the cloak couldn't help but praise Lin Chen, and then said: "However, Your Excellency won't tell us the answer so easily, will you? Tell us, what do you want!"

Lin Chen nodded slightly, and asked the man in the cloak: "What is the purpose of the people who come to the extremely cold place?"


The man in the cloak raised his eyebrows: "Are you also here for the bitter cold flower?"


After Lin Chen nodded, the man in the cloak said, "Well, this is not a place to talk, please follow me to Leng's house for a detailed discussion."

"it is good!"

After Lin Chen agreed, the man in the cloak took out his blue ice bow again: "This is the ice string glazed bow of our Leng family. or carry out instantaneous teleportation in space.”


Lin Chen looked at the man in the cloak in confusion, not quite understanding the meaning of what the other party told him.

"You take it, aim at the palace over there, and use your divine power to move it, and it will take you there."

After the man in the cloak finished speaking, Lin Chen noticed that there was a crystal-colored palace looming behind the iceberg.

"how about you?"

"Don't worry, the Bingxian Glazed Bow has already recognized its owner. Although others can use it, if I have a thought, as long as it is still in our Leng family's territory, it will definitely return to my hands!"

The man in the cloak said, and handed the bow directly to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't say much. According to the other party's words, he stimulated the divine power in his body, and then Lin Chen only felt like a rocket was installed in his whole body, and he rushed forward at high speed.

In less than five seconds, Lin Chen arrived at the gate of the palace thousands of meters away.

Looking up, the height of the entire palace seemed to be touching the sky. Looking up at this magnificent Leng family palace, Lin Chen suddenly felt how small he was.

When Lin Chen was full of thoughts, the ice string glazed bow in his hand began to jump uncomfortably, and then a strong force directly bounced off Lin Chen's hand holding the bow body, heading towards the way he came like lightning fly away.

A few seconds later, the man in the cloak appeared in front of Lin Chen again.

"go in!"

As soon as the man in the cloak opened his mouth, the gate of the palace in front of him opened in response. The man in the cloak walked in first, followed by Lin Chen.

After walking in, even Lin Chen, who had seen countless wonders, was an eye-opener at this time.

The entire interior of the palace is made of ice, including the food on the luxurious table in the living room, which is also made of ice.

From the first floor to the top floor, you can see it clearly here. In every corner of the first floor, there is a huge icicle standing, leading directly to the palace on the top floor.

Everything here, you can see that it is made of pure ice, including pianos, candlesticks, murals, bookcases and more.

The man in the cloak looked at Lin Chen's expression and knew that he was looking at his palace.

"It took me 300 years to build this palace. It can not only resist the cold poison of the extremely cold place, but also speed up the cultivation speed of our Leng family. Of course, the cultivation place is not on the first floor."

"You built it by yourself?"

Lin Chen looked at the man in the cloak in disbelief and asked.

"Well, I am the head of the hidden Leng family, Leng Hanming."

The man in the cloak only remembered to introduce himself at this moment, and Lin Chen didn't expect that the other party turned out to be the head of the Leng family.

"You may not believe it. Before the palace was built, this geographical location has been subject to frost disasters for a long time. Every few years, it will be frozen into a big icicle, as if connected to the sky. Later, I used Divine power, built that big irregular icicle into this palace. Although frost disasters happen every year, its appearance is just to stabilize my palace better. Of course, for those unsightly ice cubes, I clean it regularly."

When Leng Hanming talked about his palace, he unconsciously revealed a proud look on his face. In his heart, his body had already been integrated with this palace.

Lin Chen had to admire Leng Hanming's perseverance. Such a big palace was built by only one person, and time and energy had to be fully invested in it. How many people can persist in 300 years?

"Okay, I haven't seen a stranger for a long time, and I couldn't help but say something off topic, don't take offense, Your Excellency."

Leng Hanming said, and walked directly in front of Lin Chen: "Xiaohan, come out."

"Xiao Han?"

When Lin Chen came in, he didn't see or feel anyone there, but who was Xiaohan in Leng Hanming's mouth?

When Lin Chen was guessing, he saw a curling jug suddenly fell from Leng Hanming's head. Although it fell from a high altitude, it did not break into ice, but landed firmly on the ground.

Leng Hanming held the curling bottle and smiled slightly, pampering the top of the curling bottle, and then, Leng Hanming poured the water in the curling bottle directly on the ground.

"You are this?"

Lin Chen just wanted to ask Leng Hanming what he was doing, but the next scene made Lin Chen's eyes widen.

I saw that the water that had just touched the ground slowly began to freeze, and it seemed to form a kind of object?
Soon, Lin Chen saw what the frozen water was, and it turned out to be——

a cat?

That's right, after the water freezes, it slowly turns into a transparent and light blue cat. The cat's pupils are water blue, and it keeps blinking towards Leng Hanming. Its eyelashes It's like being made of frost, and it always feels like water will overflow if you don't pay attention.


This kitten meowed softly, and this meow was very special, as if it had a kind of magical power. Even Lin Chen felt a bit of coolness in his heart when he heard it, and his whole spirit was moved by it. It was the first time after Lin Chen lost his memory that he felt an unprecedented tranquility in his heart.

Leng Hanming squatted down and hugged the cat named Xiaohan in his arms. Xiaohan obediently let Leng Hanming caress its whole body.

"Xiaohan, take us upstairs."

Leng Hanming said, but Xiaohan looked at Lin Chen with some taste, as if he didn't want Lin Chen to go up.


Leng Hanming said in a gentle voice, seeing this, Xiaohan uttered a helpless meow.


Xiao Han's meow sounded, and Lin Chen only felt that there seemed to be something extra under his feet.

He looked down and saw a square block of ice slowly appearing on the floor, and it was slowly rising upwards.

The ice cube under Leng Hanming's feet seems to be much larger than Lin Chen's. When Leng Hanming saw the palm-sized ice cube under Lin Chen's feet, he felt a little funny. Obviously, Lin Chen's ice cube was taken by Xiaohan' Special attention 'over.

(End of this chapter)

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