Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 184 Back to Cangmen

Chapter 184 Return to Cangmen
"Master Wan, I am very grateful for your love for me, but I have my own way to go, and I have no idea of ​​joining any forces for the time being, please forgive me."

Before Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't wait for Master Wan to answer, and said again: "Okay, I still have something to do, so I'll excuse you first."

With that said, Lin Chen led Yan Huyue towards the door.

"and many more!"

When Lin Chen was about to leave, Master Wan hurriedly shouted: "The sky in Tiannan City has changed drastically, I advise you not to go back!"


As soon as Lin Chen heard about Tiannan City, his whole body trembled. What he cared most about now was Tiannan City. Now, what Master Wan said would undoubtedly make Lin Chen break out in a cold sweat.

"The reason why I want you to join my Wanhuomen is precisely because your various deeds in Tiannan City have aroused my interest in you."

Master Wan didn't say what Lin Chen wanted to hear the most, but revealed his true purpose.

"Tell me what happened to Tiannan City first?"

Lin Chen said anxiously, if something happened to Shangguanli and the others while he was away, then Lin Chen would not be at ease for the rest of his life.

"In short, Tiannan City is not what it was when you left, but I can tell you very clearly that if you return to Tiannan City, you will die!"

Every word Master Wan said was not alarmist. He already had a heart of love for talents. After learning about Lin Chen's various deeds, he also became very interested in this person. If Lin Chen can be owned by Master Wan, Then the strength of his Wanhuomen will also increase greatly.

"Heh, thank you, Master Wan, for reminding me, but... I can reverse the situation where Lin Chen must die."

Lin Chen's confident words made Yan Huyue appreciate the man in front of him more and more, and Lin Chen's words were indeed true. When he saw Lin Chen that day, there was nothing in his body. Rescued.

There is also the wrong extremely cold place, the round dance arena, so many masters have been buried here for countless years, but when it comes to Lin Chen, can he turn things around?
"Since little friend Lin Chen said so, the old man will not force me to stay, but if you change your mind, you can come to the Binghuo Inn to find me at any time!"

Master Wan saw that Lin Chen had made up his mind, so he didn't force him to stay anymore. Anyway, Lin Chen would suffer a lot. He was sure that Lin Chen would come back to find him one day.

"Thank you, Master Wanmen, for your understanding, then I'll take my leave!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took Yan Huyue and hurriedly left the Binghuo Inn without stopping any longer.

"Lin Chen, I look forward to seeing you again."

Master Wan looked at Lin Chen who had already left and murmured, then he closed his eyes, completely frozen like a statue.

"Lin Chen, do you still want to go back to Tiannan City?"

Seeing Lin Chen's anxious appearance, Yan Huyue couldn't help asking, of course she didn't want Lin Chen to return to Tiannan City, and Yan Huyue fully believed the danger that Master Wan said.

More importantly, Lin Chen is so fond of Tiannan City, there must be someone Lin Chen cares about there.

Lin Chen didn't say much, and quickened his pace.

The two returned to the place where they got off the car one after the other. After arriving here, Yan Huyue used their special signal from Cangmen to call Xiaopeng's talking car over.

For nearly two months, Xiaopeng has been staying not far away, as long as he waits for Yan Huyue's signal, he can rush over immediately.

Twenty minutes later, Xiaopeng appeared in front of Lin Chen and Yan Huyue.

"You are finally here!"

After seeing Lin Chen and the others, Xiaopeng said excitedly, the waiting during this period made Xiaopeng feel very tormented, and he was afraid that something bad happened to the two of them. Fortunately, Cang Yong told Yan Huyue that his life was not in danger. Peng's heart finally calmed down a little.

After Lin Chen greeted Xiaopeng, he sat in the car with the cover, and then Xiaopeng flew into the sky, heading towards Cangmen at high speed.

"Sister Fox Yue, you."

Through observation, Xiaopeng found that Yan Huyue was unconsciously leaning against Lin Chen's body, which was completely different from Yan Huyue's attitude towards Lin Chen when they passed by.

"What me! Drive your car well!"

Yan Huyue said angrily, her face flushed slightly, as if she was being too obvious?
"Oh, hee hee."

Xiaopeng smiled ambiguously, and then did not speak again.

"You people from the Cangmen... used to be from the demon world?"

When Lin Chen said such a sentence unexpectedly, not only Yan Huyue was taken aback, but even Xiaopeng's body shook violently.

"what are you saying?"

Yan Huyue didn't answer Lin Chen's words, but asked Lin Chen back.

Lin Chen turned his head and looked into Yan Huyue's eyes for three seconds, then said, "It's nothing, I just asked casually, and you don't have to take it to heart."

Yan Huyue was watched by Lin Chen's eyes, as if all the secrets in her heart were being pryed out by the other party. Now Lin Chen made Yan Huyue feel a little uneasy. She prefers the dull Lin Chen. Lin Chen, who is laughing and laughing on the outside but very shrewd on the inside, is much better.

"Actually, you don't have to feel depressed at all. It's just that I'm in a bad mood now, so I gave you this feeling."

Lin Chen seemed to have a complete insight into Yan Huyue's inner world, so he quickly added that it is the last thing Lin Chen wants to see that makes people feel depressed, especially if the other party is Yan Huyue.

"All right."

Yan Huyue was a little tired, and after talking, she leaned on Lin Chen's shoulder and fell asleep. During this time, she was facing all kinds of huge pressure every day in the extremely cold place. Now she can finally relax. Yan Huyue Hu Yue also completely relaxed.

Lin Chen let Yan Huyue lean on his shoulder. During this period of getting along, Yan Huyue has also become a very important person in Lin Chen's life. Then Lin Chen stretched out his hand and put Yan Huyue's head on On her chest, it will make Yan Huyue more comfortable to sleep on.

The time to go back seemed to be very fast under Xiaopeng's high-speed driving, but it still took more than two days. When Xiaopeng landed in front of Cangmen Manor, Lin Chen gently woke up Yan Huyue.

"Fox Yue, we're here."

Lin Chen's gentle voice awakened the sleeping Yan Huyue. After Yan Huyue opened her eyes and saw Lin Chen, her mood improved a lot.

Yan Huyue, who had slept for two whole days, was very energetic at this time, and followed Lin Chen out of the car and walked towards Cangmen.

As soon as the two entered Cangmen, they saw Cang Yong standing in front of Lin Chen and Yan Huyue.


After seeing Cang Yong, Yan Huyue took a step forward and called out respectfully.

Cang Yong leaned against Lin Chen when Yan Huyue came in, and seemed to understand something.

"Lin Chen, come here."

Cang Yong nodded to Lin Chen, and then Lin Chen followed Cang Yong to the study on the second floor.

After Lin Chen entered the study, Cang Yong sat aside. He looked at Lin Chen carefully. After a while, Cang Yong showed a look of surprise on his face, and then asked, "You have recovered your memory?"

(End of this chapter)

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