Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 346 The Cloud Temple Comes

Chapter 346 The Cloud Temple Comes

"very scary"

"Zhou Ding died just like that?"

Many people present couldn't believe what they saw. This week, Zhou Ding's realm and divine power were definitely not inferior to Fu Bozong's, but even so, he was not a one-shot enemy in Lin Chen's hands. How old is Lin Chen now? Strong, it seems that there is no way to verify it.

"This Lin Chen really has a way."

Someone from the Hidden Tai family also started to discuss Lin Chen. As soon as this person finished saying this sentence, someone frowned and reminded: "You still call him Lin Chen? Lin Wang will be the boss of our Xingchen in the future!"

"Yeah, look at my head!"

After the man didn't wake up, he quickly patted his forehead and shut his mouth quickly.

After Lin Chen killed Zhou Ding, Zhou Kuangzhi, who had already been anxious, finally couldn't hold back and ran to Zhou Ding's side.


Zhou Kuangzhi's eyes were full of sadness, this person who gave him everything died in front of him like this, Zhou Kuangzhi couldn't accept it no matter what.


Zhou Kuangzhi hugged Zhou Ding's bones, crying and crying. For Zhou Kuangzhi now, Lin Chen and hatred have completely disappeared. Now he only wants his master to come back to life, even if Zhou Kuangzhi loses everything. Unfortunately, all this became impossible because of Lin Chen.

"The next one is you!"

Lin Chen looked at Fu Bozong, and said calmly, now Lin Chen only has one idea, which is to kill all the members of the God Cultivation Alliance.

"you try!!!"

Fu Bozong also went completely berserk at this moment. Seeing Zhou Ding fall with his own eyes was more painful than killing Fu Bozong. These two people were ruthless to the world, but this brotherhood gave them a little more humanity.

All the meridians in Fu Bozong's body have been replaced with soul power, and they are bursting out one by one on Fu Bozong's skin, and his pupils have completely filled the whites of his eyes.

Even Fu Bozong's breath can kill a master of the spirit god stage.

"Die! Lin Chen!"

Fu Bo yelled loudly, all the meridians burst open, and the most terrifying soul power emerged from inside. After breaking through Fu Bozong's body, these soul powers rushed towards Lin Chen like wild horses one after another. Crazy rush away.

At this moment, Lin Chen directly met Fu Bozong's erupting soul power, and relied on his own body to forcefully take Fu Bozong's terrifying blow.

"not good!"

Cang Yong looked at Lin Chen with a worried face. He knew that the soul power that Fu Bozong erupted was far beyond what Lin Chen could bear. Well, Lin Chen will be directly torn apart by the opponent's soul power this time.

"Five! OK! Explode! Bomb!"

When Lin Chen was about to be hit by Fu Bozong's soul power, a light ball of moderate size appeared outside his body. This time the light ball was different from the past, because it was all black, and the light contained in it was black. The power is several times stronger than the five-element bomb that Lin Chen just activated.

"Look! Lin Chen seems to be using the martial skill just now!"


"Let's run!"

After these people came to their senses, they subconsciously wanted to escape from the top of the sacred mountain. They were almost buried here because of the explosion just now. It hasn't been long, yet again?

But just when these people were about to escape, the light ball and Fu Bozong's soul power had already collided. When everyone saw this, deep fear appeared on their faces, and they were already prepared to die.

"A group of ants from the mortal world!"

Suddenly, a cold voice resounded in the sky above the top of the sacred mountain, and then a figure appeared directly between the light ball and the soul power.

After these two most terrifying forces in the world of cultivating gods collided with this person, they did not have the slightest effect at all. The two forces just disappeared out of thin air?
"Who is this?"


Before everyone got out of the fear just now, such an 'invincible' person appeared again, and the situation of the battle became unclear again for a while.

"Lord Lin, Emperor Yun has reborn you, why don't you know how to restrain yourself?"

This person walked up to Lin Chen, looked at Lin Chen with a stern expression and asked.

"It's you!? Bai Canghai!"

Lin Chen also recognized the person who came. This person is the god of the gods, and his realm is just one big realm higher than Lin Chen's god king. Ever since Lin Chen came to the Yunshen Temple, he has been at odds with Lin Chen, but in vain Cang Hai has won the trust of Yuntian, and many things will be entrusted to this person.

"Yo, I didn't expect Mr. Lin Wang to know me. It's really an honor for Bai."

Bai Canghai said with a half-smile, then he closed his eyes slightly, and said, "Tianxin, you can come out now."


When Lin Chen heard Bai Canghai call out the name Tianxin, his consciousness suddenly locked on a corner on the top of the sacred mountain, which was where Tianxin was.

At this moment, Tianxin walked across the sky and came to Bai Canghai, and then called out respectfully: "Executive officer!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen fully understood that the newly appointed executive officer of the God Realm was Yun Shendian, and Lin Chen's nemesis Bai Canghai was also the manipulator behind the scenes of Xitong Town, what Lu Yuzong said--the spokesman of the God Realm!
"Bai Canghai, this is the Mortal Realm, not under your jurisdiction!"

Lin Chen looked at Bai Canghai and said coldly, after Lin Chen finished speaking, the Cangmen led by Cang Yong also came to Lin Chen.

Because Cang Yong has already discovered that the other party is a god, so he must get here to protect Lin Chen's safety.

"Hmph! The mortal world is under the control of our God Realm. Besides, I, Bai Canghai, should and shouldn't do something. When will it be your turn to intervene?"

After Bai Canghai finished speaking, he cast a disdainful glance at Lin Chen, and when he noticed Cang Yong and the others, his brows began to frown again.


Bai Canghai looked at Cang Yong, smelled it with his nose, then took a step back and said, "The smell of a monster! You are from the demon world!?"

Bai Canghai finally noticed Cang Yong's identity, and his expression became very surprised. After all, the demon world had ceased to exist many years ago, but at this moment, these monsters are standing in front of Bai Canghai like this. Not surprised?
Cang Yong raised his head, did not evade Bai Canghai's gaze, and said, "Lord Lin is the leader of our stars, no matter who you are, where you come from, or what status you have, if you dare to touch even a single hair of King Lin, we will definitely You will pay the price in blood!"

Cang Yong's words were full of threats, but Bai Canghai didn't take this kind of thing. Bai Canghai, who had been following Yuntian in the God Realm, had already seen various scenes, big and small. After being surprised for a few seconds, he quickly regained his senses.

(End of this chapter)

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