Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 355 Re-chapter Ishitian Village

Chapter 355 Returning to Ishitian Village

"Where do you want to go?" Lin Chen felt that Ah Yu was really stupid and cute, but Lin Chen still replied: "Go to the center to find the God of Chaos."

"Oh oh oh."

Ah Yu finally came to his senses at this moment, hesitated for a while, and then led Lin Chen towards the east.

Lin Chen and Ah Yu walked on this strange street, and they could always see many wandering spirits and ordinary people wandering around Lin Chen, and he couldn't help but think of himself.

Since Lin Chen was reborn, he has been like a wandering soul, becoming a soul body, then a god king, and then reborn as a god cultivator. He has met too many people and things, but they just passed by in a hurry.

Lin Chen was also thinking about when he could stop and have a rest, it was actually quite good to just accompany Chen Ting and Shangguanli quietly.

"By the way, can I ask you a question?"

At this time, Ah Yu interrupted Lin Chen's thoughts.

"what happened?"

Lin Chen asked with some displeasure.

"How on earth did you reach the Realm of Chaos?"

After Ah Yu finished asking, she was a little afraid to look Lin Chen in the eye, fearing that she would ask the wrong question and annoy the other party.

"This is a very long story," Lin Chen said slowly, and Ah Yu also began to concentrate.

"But, my story, it's none of your business?"

Lin Chen's words directly made Ah Yu choke, he had never seen someone like Lin Chen who whetted people's appetite and scolded you.

"If you say that, I have a question to ask you carefully!"

Lin Chen suddenly thought of something, looked at Ah Yu and asked.

"you say?"

"That is, are you sure we can walk to the center of the Chaos Realm you mentioned?"

When Lin Chen said this, he was so angry that this Ah Yu couldn't walk in the air. He just didn't have any power in his body, and he was walking slowly. Keep walking like this , I don't know if I can come in one or two years.

"Oh, you said this"

Ah Yu said with a suddenly realized expression, then he turned around, pointed to a car not far behind Lin Chen, and said, "Maybe we can go there in this car."


Lin Chen was completely speechless when he heard this, you are so awesome that you can take a car, you should have said earlier?
Before Lin Chen was about to get angry, A Yu hurried into the car, and Lin Chen didn't bother to argue with the other party when he saw this.

The car Lin Chen was riding in was an off-road vehicle. There were three members of his family in the car. A man in his thirties was sitting in the driver's seat, and a woman who was about the same age as the man was sitting in the co-pilot. In the back seat, sat a child who was only three years old.

After Lin Chen and A Yu came in, neither the parents noticed anything unusual, but the three-year-old child seemed to have noticed something, and always reached out to touch the seat where Lin Chen was sitting.

"Can you see me?"

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the child, but the child didn't respond.

"Mom, I feel like someone is sitting next to me!"

The child's words almost made Lin Chen break out in a cold sweat. Isn't this perception ability too strong?
But the child's words did not convince his parents. His mother just turned around, smiled at the boy, made up a few lies to deceive the child, and got away with it.

After that, although the child still touched the seat where Lin Chen was sitting from time to time, but after finding that there was nothing there, he slowly fell asleep.

After the boy fell asleep, Lin Chen patted Ah Yu who was sitting beside him very calmly.

"How does this kid have such a strong perception?"

Lin Chen was also very puzzled. He could see that this boy was not a cultivator, and he didn't find anything special about him. Lin Chen was really surprised that he could sense Lin Chen.

"Oh, you said this, it's normal."

Ah Yu explained with a familiar expression: "You should know that people will be reborn, right?"

Lin Chen nodded, and Ah Yu leaned lightly on the glass window, and said: "It's not difficult to understand. In our era, everyone is reborn, but neither the God Realm nor the Underworld People really forget the past, when they were babies, their ability to perceive the soul and body was hundreds of times stronger than anyone else, do you know why babies cry when they are born?"

When Ah Yu said this, Lin Chen immediately reacted: "You don't want to say that when they were babies, they could see wandering souls from the realm of chaos?"

A Yu snapped his fingers and said: "That's right, when they were just born, they could not only see the wandering souls of the Chaos Realm, but also remember all the things they experienced in their previous lives. They often cried, not because of other people. Yes, it is precisely because they were frightened by wandering spirits, or because they thought of themselves in the past life, they wept loudly because of regret and unwillingness. However, as they grow older, they gradually forget this situation, and gradually forget their past lives. The eyes are no longer as clean and clear as when they were babies, so they can no longer see the wandering souls of the Chaos Realm, and they will start a new life from then on."

After Ah Yu finished speaking, Lin Chen finally realized that there was such a reason for this baby crying, but Lin Chen also thought of a question, that is, who was his previous life?

Along the way, Lin Chen thought of all the things he had experienced, and the car drove farther and farther. At this time, Ah Yu suddenly said: "Wow, we are so lucky. The purpose of this family's driving is really a place of chaos. The center of the world!"

"is it?"

After being told by Ah Yu, Lin Chen also looked out of the window curiously, but the more the road was opened, the more Lin Chen felt familiar.

"here is?"

When Lin Chen said this, he suddenly thought, isn't this the place where he and Shangguanli took the bus?

"Is it possible!?"

Lin Chen thought of a very possible possibility, that is, the family's destination - Shitian Village!

"Have you been here?"

Seeing Lin Chen's expression, Ah Yu couldn't help being curious.

"Well, I went to the back mountain of Shitian Village half a year ago."


Hearing Lin Chen's words, Ah Yu screamed, and the boy woke up from his dream by coincidence.

"What are you talking about!?"

Lin Chen looked at Ah Yu dissatisfied and scolded.

"You're amazing!" Although Ah Yu lowered his voice, he still couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes, and said, "Did you know? The center of Chaos Realm is just behind Shitian Village!"


Lin Chen was also shocked by Ah Yu's words, because it's all a coincidence, right?Lin Chen has always had a mystery that cannot be solved, which is the cave in the back mountain of Shitian Village. The last time he came here by himself, he could only open one door because his level was too low. According to Lin Chen’s memory, there are at least nine doors behind him, maybe Open the last door to unlock the cave's secrets, and the mystery of the twin moons!
(End of this chapter)

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