Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 378 The Underworld Emperor Appears

Chapter 378 The Underworld Emperor Appears
"Everyone here must die!"

Lin Chen said, looking at the girls: "Leave the Hades Palace quickly!"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, those girls panicked and started to flee frantically towards the gate of Hades Hall.

"Who dares to go?"

Some guards who wanted to make meritorious service in front of Hades rushed forward to block the girls' whereabouts.

It was too late for Pluto to stop these guards at this time, because Lin Chen had already appeared in front of them in the next second.

"You, you, what do you want to do, let me tell you, this is the underworld."

Lin Chen mercilessly killed these guards one by one, then looked at the girls and nodded slightly.

After those girls left, only Hades and Lin Chen were left in the Hades Palace.

"You Hades Palace killed my most important person, that's why you have to die today!"

As Lin Chen said, with a wave of his hand, the Five Elements Bomb was pulled to him by Lin Chen. Now Lin Chen can freely control the direction of the Five Elements Bomb.

"no no!!!"

Pluto didn't want to die, he hadn't had enough of his good life yet, so he just died like this, he was really not reconciled.


When Lin Chen finished speaking the last word, the Five Elements Bomb was only a stone's throw away from Hades.


When Pluto was alive and dying, a low female voice sounded outside Pluto's hall, and Lin Chen's five-element bomb disappeared in an instant.

At this time, a woman with a face covered with a purple veil appeared in the Hades Hall, standing on the seat where Hades sat.

When Pluto saw this woman, his legs softened in fright, and he quickly knelt down.

"Master Underworld Emperor!"

"Underworld Emperor?"

Lin Chen was also startled when he heard the Hades mentioned in the mouth of Hades. This was the first time he met Hades, and what was even more unexpected was that the other party turned out to be a woman.

"Master Hades, this kid came to the underworld to make trouble, and even destroyed the furnace that has been condensed for 100 years. You must make the decision for me!"

When Pluto saw that Pluto dared to come, he felt at ease, because he knew that no matter how powerful Lin Chen was, he could not be the opponent of Pluto.

Underworld Emperor did not speak for a long time, her mysterious eyes stared at Lin Chen closely.

Lin Chen was also looking at each other.

"What a strange feeling"

When Lin Chen saw the other person's eyes, he always felt that something was weird, but he couldn't tell why.

"What are you doing here!?"

Hades finally spoke at this time, her tone was unusually cold, beyond doubt.

"You guys from the underworld took my friend away, and I came here to save her."

Naturally, Lin Chen would not foolishly tell the Underworld Emperor that he was going to take away the lock of purgatory in the underworld, but Lin Qing would definitely be saved if she was still alive.

"What friend?"

The Underworld Emperor asked.

"She is a spirit body, about this big. If Lord Hades can return this person to me, I will naturally leave obediently!"

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and gestured for Lin Qing's size.

Hades fell silent again, and turned his eyes to the overturned furnace.

"she died"


Lin Chen's head buzzed, subconsciously he really felt that it was unlikely that Lin Qing was still alive, but Lin Chen would never let it go without seeing Lin Qing's dead body with his own eyes.

"Die in this furnace."

Hades Emperor pointed to the overturned furnace with a very indifferent voice.

Lin Chen didn't speak, and without any expression, he just walked towards Hades slowly.

"One more step forward, and you will die!"

Seeing that Lin Chen was getting closer and closer to him, the Underworld Emperor threatened, but obviously, this had no effect on Lin Chen who had lost his mind.

Lin Chen continued to walk towards the Underworld Emperor, and his body was constantly condensed—the gas of the six-element explosive bomb!

"Master Hades, be careful Lin Chen!"

Pluto always felt that something was wrong, he seemed to smell an extremely dangerous smell.

"act recklessly!"

The Emperor of the Underworld snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, a dark purple gas from the underworld rushed straight to Lin Chen's head.


When the gas approached Lin Chen, it became more and more crazy, cutting through the air like an indestructible sharp blade.

Lin Chen stared straight at Hades, when the gas was about to pierce Lin Chen's forehead.


Lin Chen's Six Elements Fist directly met the attacking gas from Hades, and the two collided, creating a huge gas shock, turning everything around into a pile of dust, and Hades who was standing aside was also seriously injured .

"how is this possible!?"

Pluto looked at Lin Chen in disbelief. He was seriously injured just by the collision of these two gases. If Lin Chen had punched himself just now, he would have died long ago.

"Take! Lin! Qing! Return! Give! Me!!!"

Lin Chen roared crazily, and spared no effort to push out the six-element explosive bomb in his body. The terrifying gas that destroyed the world seemed to ignite the entire Hades Palace, and the surroundings emitted fiery six-element bombs. Flame filled the entire pupil of Hades Emperor.

"Lin Chen."

Hades Emperor also didn't expect Lin Chen to erupt such a powerful martial skill, and he finally looked at the man in front of him squarely in his heart.

"If I don't kill all the people in your underworld today, I, Lin Chen, will be in vain!"

Lin Chen completely lost his mind, and the black gas of Tian Xing Jue in his body once again filled Lin Chen's surroundings. He had completely forgotten the purpose of his trip. Lin Qing's death aroused the infinite madness hidden in Lin Chen's heart.

His eyes are the most terrifying in the entire Three Realms at this moment, even Hades dare not look at him.

The six-element bomb approached Hades little by little, and under such a huge gas pressure, Hades kept spitting out blood, then his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

When the six-element bomb was about to touch the body of Hades, an invisible gas directly penetrated Lin Chen's chest, and then completely fixed the six-element bomb in front of Lin Chen between Lin Chen and Hades. in front of you.

"who are you?"

A middle-aged man's voice sounded behind Lin Chen. When he turned around, he saw a man with dark purple gas appearing behind Lin Chen. His pupils were purple, and his fingers were extraordinarily slender. There is a very strong momentum.

"You are the Underworld Emperor?"

It is not difficult for Lin Chen to guess the identity of this person. He is able to control his six-element explosive bomb, which is obviously infinitely stronger than Hades Emperor.

Hearing Lin Chen's question, the man didn't say anything. He directly raised his right hand, and then pinched the six-element bomb.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and Lin Chen's six-element explosive bomb was dissipated invisible by the opponent. This kind of heaven-defying ability is none other than the Emperor of the Underworld!
Immediately afterwards, the man faltered in front of Lin Chen, and in the next second his right hand had already appeared on Lin Chen's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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