Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 382 The Gatekeeper of the Underworld

Chapter 382 The Gatekeeper of the Underworld

"Du represents a kind of torture in ancient times, and the limbs of the tortured will be split to sacrifice to the gods."

Lin Qing explained: "Because tomb robbers are disrespectful to their ancestors, the repayment price will also comfort the tomb owner they violated in the cruelest way."

Lin Chen nodded after hearing this. He couldn't help thinking that he is also considered a god. If he dies one day and builds a tomb, will others come to steal the treasures he has after death?


Seeing that Lin Chen was in a daze, Lin Qing couldn't help calling Lin Chen.

"Oh, it's okay, let's move on."

Lin Chen continued to go down, and now he has reached the No.15 floor, not far from the No.18 purgatory.

After reaching the No.16 floor, the surrounding heat made even Lin Chen sweat continuously. This is the rumored volcanic purgatory!

"Is there really such a huge volcano?"

Lin Chen really never thought that there would be volcanoes in the underworld. Looking at this posture, it seems that the magma in the underworld is born from this.

"Is this place dedicated to burning heterosexuals?"

Lin Chen's question made Lin Qing chuckle. After laughing for a long time, Lin Qing explained: "How is it possible? This place is designed to punish those who harm the public and benefit their own interests, take bribes, steal chickens and dogs. Oh, by the way, those monks and Taoists who violated the precepts I will also come here, and after entering the volcanic purgatory, I will be burned by the fire forever, and I will not die.”

"I see, it's the feeling of being kept on fire"

Lin Chen couldn't help thinking of the pain when he was accidentally scalded when he was young, not to mention the pain of being burned forever.

"We're going to the No.18 floor soon."

The power of chaos in Lin Chen's body is less than 10 minutes left, he has to speed up his speed.

Soon, Lin Chen came to No. 17 Purgatory, called Stone Grinding Purgatory, which specially punishes those thieves, thieves, corrupt officials, and people who oppress the people, including monks and Taoists who eat meat. The volcanic purgatory on the No.16 floor is very similar.

Lin Chen saw that the ground was full of bloody minced meat, and he could still hear a huge sound similar to a mixer.

Looking at the shredded meat on the ground and the voice in his ears, Lin Chen knew without asking that this place grinds the tortured to pieces, then shapes the real body and grinds them again and again.

At this moment, Lin Chen and Lin Qing were already standing at the entrance of No.18 floor, which is also the last floor of Purgatory.

"Master, below is the No.18 Saw Purgatory"

Lin Qing said with some trepidation that she was not afraid of the No. 18 purgatory's criminal law, but worried about the unknown danger Lin Chen was about to face.

"What's the point of sawing purgatory?"

Lin Chen asked as he walked down.

"The Knife-Saw Purgatory is specially punished for abducting women and children, and those who trade unfairly. After they die, they will be thrown into the Knife-Saw Purgatory. Afterwards, someone will take off all their clothes and tie them in a 'big' shape to four wooden stakes. From the crotch to the head, they were killed with a saw."

Lin Chen nodded slowly after listening to the criminal laws of the No.18 purgatory.

"It turns out that the [-]th floor of purgatory does not mean that the punishment becomes heavier as you go to the back, but that each floor has its own unique torture methods. Many people may go through each one from the first floor to the last floor, and that should be the last. Painful."

Thinking of this, Lin Chen shook his head helplessly. Living is already very difficult, and death is endless.

"Who are you? What are you doing here!?"

At this time, Lin Chen heard a second voice besides Lin Qing for the first time.

Taking a closer look, I saw a man nearly eight meters tall holding a huge ax blocking the way of Lin Chen and Lin Qing.

"Come in for a tour."

Lin Chen replied with a smile.


The giant obviously didn't understand what Lin Chen wanted to express, but he also knew that Lin Chen and Lin Qing beside him were not in the state of soul body.

"Step aside!"

Lin Qing spoke at this moment, her tone was unusually cold, and she spoke with Lin Chen in completely different tones.

"Who are you talking to?"

For so many years, the giant has never seen anyone other than the soul, except for the occasional meeting with Emperor Hades once or twice. This girl in front of him is also the first time the giant has seen it, so naturally he doesn't know Lin Qing's identity.


Lin Qing's icy eyes flashed across the giant's face, making the giant couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"What a strong momentum!?"

The giant suddenly discovered that the extremely strong underworld gas appeared outside Lin Qing's body. This kind of gas giant is no stranger to it.


The giant knelt down in front of Lin Qing fiercely, and said tremblingly: "Master Minghuang, the little one has eyes but no eyes, and I hope Lord Minghuang will calm down!"

The giant was so frightened that his entire body trembled, and the entire eighteenth floor of purgatory trembled with him.

"I'm going in."

Lin Qing didn't say much, and after giving orders to the giant, he and Lin Chen went straight in.


Lin Chen could no longer hear any sound except those shrill screams. These people were suffering unbearable pain. The most important thing was that no matter how painful they were, they would never die or fall into a coma. .

"Master, after passing through these wooden stakes, the gate of purgatory can be opened."

Lin Qing pointed to a looming purple gate in front of him. There were countless skeletons hanging above it, and there was a smell of death all around.

"Is that the bottom of the [-]th floor of Purgatory?"

Lin Chen looked at the door and asked, there are still 9 minutes left in the power of chaos, Lin Chen must finish what he wants to do within 9 minutes.

"Let's go!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he directly used swipe to walk to the gate. Lin Chen seemed to be very fast, but it still took five seconds to reach the gate.

"It turns out that the door is so high."

Lin Chen raised his head, the door was at least eight meters high, about the same as the giant who just guarded the door.

"My lord, what are you doing?"

When the giant saw Lin Chen and Lin Qing coming to the door, the expression on his face was also very flustered.

"Don't worry about it, get out of the way!"

Lin Qing gave an order.

But this time the giant didn't listen to Lin Qing anymore, instead he completely blocked the door and became a real 'door god'.

"Lord Underworld Emperor, I'm sorry, this door has been ordered by Underworld Emperor, no matter who comes, it is not allowed to open!"

The giant refused to give in at all, and even mentioned the name of Emperor Hades.

"Go away."

It was not Lin Qing who said this, but Lin Chen. He could no longer delay any second, and his eyes were full of killing intent again.

"Boy, don't think that you can be unscrupulous in front of Lord Hades, do you know who I am?"

The giant obviously didn't take Lin Chen seriously, thinking that he was just Lin Qing's little follower.

(End of this chapter)

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