Chapter 402 Three Great Temples
It was King Xu who said this. Although the rest of the gods were not so willing, they couldn't offend Lin Chen right now, so they had to follow suit.

Lin Chen didn't say anything more. When he walked to the door of the Rebirth Hall, he said in his heart: "Wait for me, old friend. When I come back, I will give you a good rest."

Afterwards, Lin Chen flew across the sky and disappeared in front of the gods.

After Lin Chen left, all the gods surrounded Xu Wang: "Xu Wang, why didn't you tell Lin Wang that the temples are confronting the god of the sky in the God Realm, and going there at this time is tantamount to death?"

"What are you talking about?"

The goddess was also shocked when she heard this sentence. She didn't know these things at all, and what's even more strange, it seemed that the gods of the entire Cloud Temple knew about it?
"You don't understand. Although I am not familiar with King Lin on weekdays, I understand this person's heart very well. Once a decision is made, I have to complete it even if I die. If not, the Yunshen Temple will not be able to show off Bai Canghai's power. And King Lin will not be punished by Yun Tian to be reborn."

"Yun Tian is narrow-minded and improperly employing people, which caused the gods in our Yun Temple to be scattered. This kind of person only cares about his own immediate interests. A rare talent like Lin Wang was also suppressed by him. Fortunately, King Lin already possesses such strength now, maybe"

King Xu didn't go on talking about this, he had a strong premonition that Lin Chen would shock the entire God Realm in the future, even Fan Yu would not dare to do anything to Lin Chen.

"To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for Lin Chen, who is joking and joking all day long, and also likes to play tricks on gods like us, I think he's pretty good."

"Yeah, at critical moments, Lin Chen will still fight for those who have no identity."

When these people talked about Lin Chen, most of them showed shame faces. After all, in the heyday of Yunshen Temple, they all excluded Lin Chen, but at the critical moment, it was Lin Chen who saved them. Their hearts are unmatched by them.

"My lord Xu, why do you all know that Fanyu is confronting the god of the sky? Why haven't I heard anything about it? Haven't we been trapped in the Rebirth Hall all this time?"

The goddess waited for them to finish their chat before finding a chance to interject and ask.

"Goddess, you don't know that the consciousness of our gods is the most powerful existence in the entire six realms. When we reach the realm of the gods, we can send our consciousness thousands of miles away. When we are trapped in the Hall of Rebirth , I and the other gods have already used our divine sense to perceive the external situation."

Xu Wang patiently explained that after all, the realm of the Goddess is not as good as that of the God King, and she has no interest in cultivation, so it is very common not to know these things.

"So this is ah."

After the goddess knew about it, she became even more worried about Lin Chen. She walked slowly to the door of the Rebirth Hall alone, looked at the surrounding clouds, and murmured in a daze, "Brother Lin Chen, you must come back safely. "

Lin Chen's speed this time is much faster than usual. As long as he gets the star of the gods, he can go back to the cave to unlock the last secret, and then he can get the location of the person the God of Chaos wants to kill , and finally be able to bring back Shangguanli and Fang Zixiu.

"Li'er, wait for me!"

With a thought in Lin Chen's mind, he headed towards Tianshan Mountain faster.

Along the way, Lin Chen could always smell the people in the God's Domain, and found that many temples were trapped in the God's Domain, but these were not Lin Chen's concern.


When Lin Chen saw the blue mountain peaks in the distance, he already knew that he was at the foot of Tianshan Mountain. The pure white flowers opened a door in Tianshan Mountain. They looked beautiful, but they actually had the ability to absorb souls. The power of power can be regarded as the most terrifying existence in the six realms. Once one breaks through the stage of a god on Tianshan Mountain, one can use Tianshan flowers to cultivate divine power faster, and the speed of cultivation is also very terrifying.

After Lin Chen glanced at the Tianshan flowers, he continued to walk towards Tianshan. The further he walked into Tianshan, the more Lin Chen noticed an unusual smell.

"There is also the gas of God's Domain here, and the closer the gas is, the thicker it is, as if"

Lin Chen thought for a while, and suddenly his pupils dilated.

"This powerful power of God's Domain, could it be that the God of the Sky is here?"

Lin Chen originally thought that the God of the Sky did not act personally, but now it seems that the God of the Sky is very likely to be in the temples above Tianshan.

The more Lin Chen went up, the more frightened he felt. The strongest man in the God Realm faced the Supreme God in the God Realm. Just thinking about it makes people feel hot all over.

"It seems that something happened to the temple of the gods, otherwise the Tianshan Mountain would not be unguarded."

Lin Chen became more and more sure that the God of the Sky was here, and he used the space travel more and more frequently, until Lin Chen came to the first temple on the Tianshan Mountain—the Temple of Raging Fire!
Around the Raging Fire Temple, there is an unbearable turbidity. The temple is made of three flavors of real fire. Ordinary gods have turned into roast suckling pigs before they approach the Raging Fire Temple. Fortunately, Lin Chen has the Ice Body Pill Body protection, Lin Chen can still bear this level of heat.

At this time, the gate of the Raging Fire Temple was closed, and this was the first time Lin Chen came here.

"Lin Chen from the Temple of Clouds is visiting, and please ask the head of the Temple of Raging Fire to open the door!"

Lin Chen used his spiritual consciousness to transmit his words clearly into the Raging Fire Temple, but after a while, no one replied to him.

"not talking?"

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't bother to say anything more. He directly mobilized his divine power and kicked hard on the gate of the Raging Fire Temple.


With a loud bang, the door was kicked open by Lin Chen abruptly. The moment the door opened, infinite turbid waves surged inside, but it was invisible.

Lin Chen carried the overwhelming turbidity into the temple of Raging Fire. At this time, there was no one in the temple.


Lin Chen was not surprised to see the empty Raging Fire Temple. If the temples encountered strong enemies, people from these temples would definitely go to support them.

"But no god is here? This shows that the momentum of the comer is great. I can't think of another person except the god of the sky."

Lin Chen muttered to himself firmly, then quickly left the Raging Fire Temple, and continued towards the next temple.

Under the temples of the gods is the Tianshui Temple. Lin Chen still remembers the Tianshui Temple. After all, the supreme god of the Tianshui Temple was the sea god who once ruled the entire sea in the mortal world. Back then, the sea was divided into nine seas, and the sea god is the ruler.

Because the sea god exists in the form of a dragon, he is also honored as the Dragon King of the Nine Seas by the world!
Although the Dragon King of Nine Seas is invincible in the seas of the mortal world, even the king of monsters in the demon world has to give him face.

(End of this chapter)

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