Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 408 Time Stopped

Chapter 408 Time Stopped

The gods below blocked their ears one after another, but they were still in great pain.

At this moment, Lin Chen only felt a huge mountain pressing down on his chest, and his breathing had already stagnated for a short time.

When the power of the dragon and the god of the sky touched together, the whole world seemed to be quiet because of this.

Lin Chen felt that this kind of moment was very strange, as if the invisible and intangible time also stopped at this moment, everyone stood motionless, and the god of the sky and the dragon still maintained that posture and expression.

"What's going on here?"

Lin Chen looked around curiously, did time really stand still?
Lin Chen seems to be asking himself, but in fact he has already got the answer. In Tianshan, there is no one else who can move except himself.

Lin Chen moved towards Fan Yu's place and made a swipe. When he came in front of Fan Yu, Lin Chen stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Fan Yu's eyes, but Fan Yu didn't reply, and kept his eyes on the sky in the sky. The god of dragons and sky.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Lin Chen felt that he had hallucinations, and felt that his body had been damaged and he had returned to the realm of chaos, but there was no chaos around him, and it was still the world in front of him.

"Once the power of the dragon collides with the god of the sky, the entire god world will collapse, and the stars of the gods will also be shattered."


Lin Chen's pupils dilated suddenly, and he asked, "Who is talking!?"

Lin Chen felt that the voice was familiar, but also very strange. This feeling was very strange.

"You don't need to know who I am, I have already turned into nothingness, but you, why are you still able to move freely in the face of time?"

The other party's voice was very indifferent, asking Lin Chen questions seemingly with concern, but giving people an appearance that it doesn't matter if you tell me or not.

"I'll go! How do I know, to be reasonable, you made time stop?"

Lin Chen continued to ask this mysterious voice, if the other party can really stop time, then he is a little bit against the sky, right?

"I didn't stop time, it's just that the time in the God Realm was frozen."

"Time frame?"

Lin Chen suddenly remembered that among his Tian Xing Jue, one move was Tian Xing Ju Jing!It can almost achieve this effect, but it doesn't stop time, it just slows down time before your eyes.

"What's your name?"

The other party asked Lin Chen's name out of the blue, making Lin Chen a little at a loss.

"What do you call me? You didn't answer me a single question, why should I answer you?"

Lin Chen didn't have any fear in the face of this mysterious person who could freeze time. To be reasonable, Lin Chen often didn't even give face to the God of Chaos, let alone him?
"Very well, I'll give you a chance to ask me a question."

The mysterious man quickly compromised, which was beyond Lin Chen's expectation.

"Why can you stop time, and who are you?"

"These are two questions. According to the agreement, I will only answer one of your questions. I will choose the first question you asked to answer."

Lin Chen never thought that the other party was even more unreasonable than himself, but Lin Chen didn't say much, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Why can I freeze time? I can only tell you that this is really thanks to the person who killed me. I guess the other party never thought that after I fell, I could still appear in this void state. Spirit world."

"Killed by someone?"

Lin Chen frowned tightly. He could imagine that the other party should possess powerful divine power when he was alive. Otherwise, after death, it would be impossible for him to appear in this form, and it would be even more impossible for him to possess a heaven-defying power that could stop time. ability.

A person with such power in the six realms appeared in the God Realm again.


Lin Chen suddenly thought of something, and suddenly said: "Are you a god!?"

After Lin Chen asked this sentence, he broke out in a cold sweat. You must know that the god has left the God Realm thousands of years ago. No one knows where the god has gone, but no one has thought about it. The god has already fallen?
"You really have some brains. I always think of you when I see you. You and I can 'meet' in this way today. It can be regarded as our fate. The life and death of the God Realm now depends on you. .”

Lin Chen's words, although the other party did not directly admit it, but indirectly proved that the other party was a god, which made Lin Chen even more surprised.

It turned out that the legendary deity had already been killed by someone, and became a thing that existed in the void, and it was still a terrifying existence that could control the time of the God Realm.

The only question is, what does the other party want me to do?

Lin Chen continued to ask: "Do you want me to stop the God of the Sky? But even if time stands still, how can I be the opponent of the God of the Sky with my own strength?"

Lin Chen thought to himself, even if he prevented the collapse of the God Realm, he still wanted to take the Star of the Gods. I don't know if the gods knew Lin Chen's thoughts and would let him do it?
"You really underestimated your own strength."

The god continued to speak: "You have six different divine powers in your body. From this point of view, no one in the entire six worlds can do it. Your body is like a universal container. No matter how powerful it is When the power of your body enters your body, you won't have any rejection, but you can use it to make you stronger."

The words of the mysterious man made Lin Chen think about it carefully, but it is true, whether it is the power of the sky, the power of the demon world, or the underworld, they are all powers far beyond his own existence, but they can be perfectly integrated in the world. In my own body, besides Lin Chen's unknown soul, I have to thank the mysterious middle-aged man in his body.

"Could it be that you want to give me your own strength?"

Lin Chen asked with some joy, if he could get the power of the god.Even if it is only rare, Lin Chen can walk sideways in the God Realm, and it will be easier to obtain the Star of the Gods by then.


The word "mistake" of Shenzun undoubtedly poured cold water on Lin Chen's head, and strangled Lin Chen's little thoughts in the cradle.

"I have said that I exist in the God Realm in the form of void, and I have already lost all the divine power in my body. It seems that I can control the time of the God Realm, but it has no effect. If it should happen, I will not stop it at all. No."

Lin Chen heard a lot of helplessness in the words of the god, and then the god continued: "I don't know if you have heard of the stars of the gods in the gods?"

Lin Chen's pupils dilated sharply at the words of the god, and he couldn't help thinking, could it be that the god has seen his purpose?
(End of this chapter)

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