Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 414 The Best Candidate

Chapter 414 The Best Candidate

"After that? Can you go back?"

Lin Chen didn't care about what he was doing for hundreds of years in the 21st century, he only cared about what this person wanted to do to the world Lin Chen lived in. He felt more and more that the man in front of him was a genius through the ages, but Thoughts are extremely crazy and dangerous.

"This is natural. Although the 21st century is very ordinary, there is no unfathomable science, and there is no force to destroy everything, but no one person can dominate the entire world in the 21st century. Although there are many, many wars, they have always maintained the same This kind of delicate balance is not available in any time and space."

The middle-aged Lin Chen said that in the 21st century, without the arrogance of the past, there seemed to be a lot of doubts in his eyes, and there was also a kind of respect that Lin Chen could not understand.

"To be honest, if I can speed up time, I must see what kind of world the 21st century will become in the end, but I don't have that much time, and I have more important things to do."

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Chen doesn't understand that the middle-aged Lin Chen has passed thousands of years, what else can't be waited for, can't he study the 21st century thoroughly before leaving?
"Because I found you in the 21st century, to be more precise, the Lin Chen of the 21st century, that is, the you you saw in the cave, the Lin Chen who now replaces your soul."

The middle-aged Lin Chen said something like a tongue twister, but Lin Chen finally understood it completely this time. After all, Lin Chen could see all the scenes.

"Tell me why you want him to replace my soul."

Lin Chen's question has also troubled him for a long time. Today, no matter what, he will get the answer he wants here.

"It's very simple, because you are the only person in the top ten time and space other than me who can create miracles."


Lin Chen was completely shocked when he heard this sentence. What does it mean that he is the only person who can create miracles?
"When I discovered Lin Chen in the 21st century, I discovered your world, that is, a world with six realms, and you are the best person to change this world."

The words of the middle-aged Lin Chen are as if Lin Chen is the savior of this world. This kind of words are very old-fashioned story routines, but the words of the middle-aged Lin Chen now do not seem to be lying.

"Okay. Even if I can perform a miracle, what good will it do you?"

Lin Chen would not believe that the other party took away his own soul from another time and space, and would not want any benefits. There must be some secret hidden in it that Lin Chen does not know.

"Don't rush to ask questions, I will tell you little by little."

The middle-aged Lin Chen continued to say: "In the world of gods, it is also the most disordered world in the entire time and space, but it is the time and space with the most terrifying force. Here, whoever has the most power can become the king and hegemony. When I thought there was no master in this time and space, I discovered the existence of the God of Chaos."

The middle-aged Lin Chen mentioned the God of Chaos, which made Lin Chen realize something immediately, but Lin Chen didn't ask any more questions, but continued to listen to the middle-aged Lin Chen's words.

"The God of Chaos, the existence of this character is very similar to the well-known legend in the 21st century, that is Pangu! Because the God of Chaos created the real world with his body, and created the realm of Chaos with his soul, that is, The ruler of the entire world, except him, everyone is an ant."

The middle-aged Lin Chen didn't have any awe when he mentioned the God of Chaos, and there was a trace of disdain in every word.

"It is precisely because of the existence of the God of Chaos that I am so fascinated by such a space-time. What a wonderful feeling it is to be able to control the entire world with my body and soul? I really want to know, also would love to be like him”

Lin Chen heard this, and immediately said: "Then your ambition is really not small, I think your ultimate goal is to rule the entire ten time and space?"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, the middle-aged Lin Chen's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he said: "Well, you are half right, I really want to rule the top ten time and space, but it is not me who wants to do this, but you!"


Lin Chen looked at the other party with inexplicable eyes, doing such a good thing for himself?Or let yourself be a ruler on the surface, but actually a real puppet?

"That's right, you have nothing to be surprised about, and don't have any worries. If you leave out the ten time and space, you and I are the same person."

The middle-aged Lin Chen patted Lin Chen on the shoulder and said, "You know what? I've been in your world for thousands of years, but I'm a quick learner. Although I don't have supernatural powers, I have brains. No matter how powerful the people of the world possess, they cannot match the inventions I have created."

"What invention?"

When Lin Chen was the executive officer of the God Realm, he also created many weird inventions. The most proud thing is the rebirth system, but even though Lin Chen is already very good at creation, can Lin Chen create inventions that can resist divine power?This is obviously something that can never be done.

"It doesn't matter what invention is, what is important is that this world of gods has one of the most fatal flaws, that is, these seemingly invincible cultivators, gods, ghosts, demons, etc., all live in the body of the god of chaos. They are just pawns, that is, what they have is bestowed on them by the God of Chaos, if these things are put aside, they are not much different from ordinary people."

"What do you mean??"

Lin Chen finally figured everything out, and now he is waiting for the middle-aged Lin Chen to tell himself.

"I think you have already guessed it, right? That's right, this invention of mine is to isolate the power given to them by the God of Chaos, that is to say, as long as there is something in my body that can block the power of the God of Chaos , can completely abolish the power of these god emperors and gods, and turn them into ordinary people who can no longer be ordinary, and then I will use some small tricks to make them bow their heads and surrender."

When the middle-aged Lin Chen said this, he unconsciously showed a confident expression on his face: "You should know the God of the God Realm, right? He is the first victim in my experiment. I deprived him of the extremely powerful divine power, then."

The middle-aged Lin Chen made a gesture of wiping his neck, with a vague smile on his face all the time.

Lin Chen was particularly shocked when he heard the news. He never thought that the demise of the god was related to the other party, and he still used this method.


(End of this chapter)

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