Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 423 The Final Negotiation

Chapter 423 The Final Negotiation
"That's right, it's called Tiannan City!"

When the blond woman heard Lin Chen say this, memories flooded into her mind: "Although I think it's strange, in order to make my parents come back to life, I have to do what he said, but... I didn't finish what you gave me. task, sorry."

The blond woman said regretfully: "I drove too fast that day, and I didn't see that there was another person on the road, and it turned out."

"As a result, you killed him and you fell into a coma"

Lin Chen already knew the ins and outs of the matter, and as for the following things, Lin Chen was also well aware.

"Why did you find such a woman to kill yourself?"

Lin Chen secretly thought in his heart that he was becoming more and more unable to guess what the middle-aged Lin Chen was thinking. As an existence who can use technology to kill his own world god, does he still need to use such a situation to kill himself?

"Well, the lonely star of Tiansha gave it to me with the help of souls from other time and space."

These words kept flashing in Lin Chen's mind, suddenly!

"I see!!"

Lin Chen's pupils dilated suddenly, he stopped asking the blond woman anything, and walked back to the original point alone, he once again focused on the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods.

"Lin Chen, if I remember correctly, while blocking the Six Realms, your body was also shattered by my power, and your soul was also greatly traumatized. I thought you had died in the Six Realms until now I found that the Six Realms still has your breath, but the strange thing is that I can't find your specific location at all, what is going on?"

The God of Chaos knows that his time is approaching, and now he just wants to know all the problems that he couldn't figure out through the middle-aged Lin Chen.

"Hahahaha, God of Chaos, God of Chaos, thanks to you being the Creator God of a world, don't you even understand this?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen laughed out loud, he enjoyed this feeling very much.

"Don't you know that two souls of the same time and space can blend? When my body and soul were shattered by the power of the chain of purgatory and the star of the gods, I quickly left your time and space and became a nothingness. Since then, I found my second soul from a time and space called the 21st century, and then brought him to your world, attached to Lin Chen in this time and space, and then I secretly entered his subconscious , In this way, no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to detect my hiding place."

The middle-aged Lin Chen continued: "It's just that I didn't expect that Lin Chen in this time and space of yours turned out to be a soul favored by fate, that is to say, strength and accidents alone can't make him die. If he doesn't die, I can't exchange his soul for him, and I can't enter his subconscious, so I found you, the lone star of time and space, to create an accident."

"The lone star of Tiansha is the goddess of fate in another time and space. These things are existences that you cannot control, and she is also the only woman who can kill Lin Chen. It was not until later that I discovered that Lin Chen was not born. The person favored by fate, but after I appeared, you found that he was different from ordinary people, and the luck bestowed on him, I know this kind of thing sounds mysterious, but I can tell you that before you gave Lin Chen luck , I was not in your world at that time, maybe this is the reason why the time dimensions of the top ten space-times are constantly intertwined."

There are many things that the middle-aged Lin Chen can't fully explain, even he himself doesn't understand very well.

In fact, it is very simple, because the things that happened when the middle-aged Lin Chen came to the time and space of the God of Chaos are already predestined in the dark. In the ten time and space of the universe, these things will continue to cycle, and The God of Chaos inadvertently peeped into the secret of the reincarnation of fate, and saw the threat that the middle-aged Lin Chen posed to his world, so he attached his luck to a Lin Chen who was the same as the middle-aged Lin Chen.

"Time and space are intertwined."

The God of Chaos kept muttering the words 'time and space intertwined'. He had already forgotten the middle-aged Lin Chen in front of him at this time, and his thinking seemed to be blocked by something. Even in his own world, the God of Chaos God has ignored his own existence.

When the middle-aged Lin Chen saw the appearance of the God of Chaos, he also knew that it was time to activate the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods. He used his spiritual sense to transmit his words to Lin Chen who was in the realm of chaos.

"Lin Chen, are you ready? Now that the God of Chaos is no longer a threat to me, it's up to you!"

The middle-aged Lin Chen's words reached Lin Chen's ears, and Lin Chen was stunned for a moment. He was just about to activate the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods, suddenly!

"No, if I destroy the realm of chaos, does that mean that Shangguanli and Fang Zixiu will die?"

Lin Chen secretly thought in his heart that he wanted to kill the God of Chaos wholeheartedly, and the ultimate goal of killing the God of Chaos was to rescue Shangguanli and Fang Zixiu, but now that the Realm of Chaos was destroyed, Shangguanli and Fang Zixiu Didn't he just die?


Lin Chen replied directly: "Shangguanli and Fang Zixiu are still here, I have to find them first!"

Lin Chen's recovery made the middle-aged Lin Chen frowned tightly: "What are you talking about? You will be the ruler of the whole world from now on, what kind of woman do you want in the future? Don't be stupid at this juncture, if you are unhappy Wait until the God of Chaos reacts, neither you nor I can live!"

Lin Chen didn't answer the middle-aged Lin Chen this time, he walked towards the group of wandering souls alone, Lin Chen looked at them quietly, most of these people were innocent people, all because of middle-aged Lin Chen's ambition Those who sacrificed, Lin Chen just deceived them like this, and then completely wiped them out in this chaotic realm, no matter how powerful Lin Chen becomes in the future, he will not be able to pass the test of his own conscience.

"Tell me, how to send the ones from the Chaos Realm back to the Mortal Realm?"

Lin Chen used his spiritual sense to transmit sound to the middle-aged Lin Chen.

"There is no way!"

The middle-aged Lin Chen replied angrily. While looking at the God of Chaos vigilantly, he was also very anxious. He was very unhappy with Lin Chen's procrastinating character.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know how to activate the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods!"

Lin Chen saw that the other party hadn't told him the truth, and he didn't intend to do what the middle-aged Lin Chen said. Even if Lin Chen couldn't save everyone here, then Lin Chen had to save Shangguanli and Fang Zixiu.


The middle-aged Lin Chen roared angrily, he almost yelled, but the key point was on Lin Chen's side, so the middle-aged Lin Chen could only endure it temporarily.

"Hmph, after you activate the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods, I want to see if you still have the right to shout like this with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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