Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 426 The Source of Life

Chapter 426 The Source of Life
After the death of the God of Chaos, the originally immersed mortal world became lively again, and there was a lot of traffic around, but these people couldn't see the middle-aged Lin Chen, because his speed was too fast.

It wasn't long before the middle-aged Lin Chen came to a prairie in the north from the bustling city. There was no one here, and the prairie and the sky seemed to be connected as far as the eye could see.

The middle-aged Lin Chen stood quietly on the grassland, feeling the very delicate breath of the source of life. The wind gently blew the grass under the middle-aged Lin Chen's feet. At this moment, the middle-aged Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes. open your eyes.

"It's here!"

After the middle-aged Lin Chen finished speaking, he appeared on the grassland in the southwest in an instant, and then he punched the grass hard.

The punch of the middle-aged Lin Chen did not make a big hole in the grassland, but formed a very strong airflow, which quickly passed through the entire grassland. Those grasslands that were originally green and lush have now become barren. Finally, a luminous sphere the size of a fist slowly appeared in front of the middle-aged Lin Chen.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the source of life is really fascinating."

The middle-aged Lin Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the luminous sphere. This is the source of life and the source of all the power given to the God of Chaos. Although there is no powerful force in it, it has an unparalleled vitality.

It can be said that once you have the source of life, you can exist in this world endlessly, and the holder of the source of life is like the god of this world, all creatures are controlled by you Make it at will, or destroy it.

The God of Chaos, the secret of the source of life, has not been able to understand or discover it until now. The reason why he can become the master of this world can only be said that the God of Chaos has luck against the sky.

"Let me think about how to change the world."

The middle-aged Lin Chen felt very happy, holding the lifeblood of a world, which is a right that he would never have in any other time and space.

On the other side, a manor near Tiannan City was full of people standing inside and outside. This is the territory of the Cangmen, and these people are the people who became stars on the top of the sacred mountain. At this time, the person standing in the center is the Cangmen's The boss is useless.

"King Lin has lost his whereabouts since the trip on the top of the sacred mountain. Now, King Lin's life and death are still unknown. Do you have any new progress?"

Cang Yong looked at the crowd and asked, now this kind of gathering basically happens every three days, but no one knows where Lin Chen is for such a long time, many people suspect that Lin Chen has already died on the top of the mountain .

"Old man, I reckon that Lin Chen is dead long ago, why are you looking for him? Don't call him Xingchen anymore, you are the most respected and the strongest representative in our hidden family, so we just take you as the head .”

While Cang Yong was questioning, a middle-aged man in a gray robe stood up and suggested that he was also the one hiding the puppet family.

"Pumotian! It's you who is bewitching people again!"

Cang Yong was very dissatisfied with Gui Motian's outrageous words. No matter how high his status was, Cang Yong never agreed to take the position of Lin Chen, no matter how high his status was, Cang Yong never agreed. Even if he dies for Lin Chen, he will not hesitate to die, so if Lin Chen is not found for a day, Cang Yong will not give up.

"Old man, don't blame the little one for talking too much. Although our top ten hidden families are not as powerful as those in the demon world or the god world, they are still people with certain reputation in the secular world. That Lin Chen is no longer in the god world. Even if he does have certain strength, how can he still be alive after being struck by the nine-color lightning? I think everyone here should understand that Lin Chen's hope of living is infinitely close to zero, right?"

Kumotian didn't stop there, he didn't want to look for Lin Chen endlessly in the morning, now that Zhou Ding and Fu Bozong have both fallen in the God Cultivation Realm, it was their hidden family that swallowed the Cultivation God Realm in one fell swoop The best time for this piece of fat, rather than spending time on Lin Chen who doesn't even know he's dead, is to quickly let the old man take charge of the hidden family, and re-divide the territory of the cultivation world.

"Presumptuous! Puppet sky, you keep blasphemy again and again, if you don't abide by the rules of Xingchen, you will get out of our Xingchen!"

Cang Yong is also completely angry, it is more difficult for Cang Yong to accept not giving Lin Chen face than not giving himself face, if he does not pull out the thorn of Puppet Sky, I am afraid that everyone in Xingchen will be unstable.

"Fertian, shut up!"

The head of the puppet family also spoke at this time. Although he agreed with what the puppet family said, but because the puppet family asked them to hide the puppet family and withdraw from the stars, it was not worthwhile compared to buying and selling. It's impossible to move an inch.


Even if Puppet Sky didn't save Cang's face, he didn't dare not listen to his Patriarch's words, so he obediently stood beside the Puppet Patriarch.

"Anyone of you who doesn't want to find King Lin can bring it up now. We have more stars than you, and we don't have more stars than you!"

Cang stared at the crowd and said sharply, but at this time no one dared to say anything, and no one wanted to leave this powerful organization hastily.


At this time, Cangmen suddenly rushed into a strong man with a thick back and waist. This man is just strong and a real monster.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Zhuang Zhuang's panicked appearance, Cang Yong frowned and asked.

"The monsters sent by Cangmen found a man who looks like Lin Chen and Lin Wang near Tianyuandi in the north!"


Cang Yong's heart tightened suddenly, this was the best news in so many days, the rest of the Xingchen people were also very shocked, they all speculated whether Lin Chen really didn't die?

"Is this news sure to be true?"

Cang Yong asked suspiciously, after all, Zhuang Zhuang only said that they look similar.

"Sure! The one who found him was the brother of the Fly Clan among the monsters. The one who looks like King Lin doesn't seem to be aware of the existence of the Fly Clan."

"The Clan of the Flies?"

The crowd heard the Clan of Flies looking at each other curiously, not knowing exactly what the monster Zhuang Zhuang was talking about.

"The main body of the Fly Clan is the evolution of flies. They are low-level monsters that cannot be transformed into human beings in the world of monsters, but because they do not have any gas from the world of monsters, it is difficult for ordinary people to suspect or detect them. The best intelligence scout."

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Cang Yong explained a sentence casually.

"very good!"

Cang Yong felt relieved when he thought that the other party might be Lin Chen. Yan Huyue, who had been standing beside him without opening his mouth, also had brilliant eyes, but Yan Huyue didn't dare to speak loudly on such occasions. , or you have to jump up.

(End of this chapter)

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