Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 430 Mr. Z of the Luna Clan

Chapter 430 Mr. Z of the Luna Clan

The middle-aged Lin Chen couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body at this time. This feeling was like being the prey of a prehistoric monster, which made him shiver.


A rush of wind raged against the cheeks of the middle-aged Lin Chen, and he could clearly see in his pupils that the dark shadow that was originally in the distance had already appeared in front of his eyes.

"Long time no see, Mr. Lin."


The middle-aged Lin Chen looked at him curiously. The man in front of him had a handsome face, and his facial features seemed to be carved out of stone. He looked at the middle-aged Lin Chen with a faint smile, behind which was hidden But it was endless killing intent.

The man was wearing a black tuxedo, and his gestures were very elegant. If Lin Chen was here, he would be able to recognize him at a glance. He is Mr. Z!

"Who are you?"

After all, the middle-aged Lin Chen lives in Lin Chen's subconscious mind. He only has an inexplicable sense of familiarity with Mr. Z, but he has never met him once.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin is really joking. At this moment, pretending to have amnesia will not help."

Mr. Z smiled faintly, he had completely regarded the middle-aged Lin Chen as Lin Chen, and there was no friendliness in his smile.

"Looks like someone Lin Chen knew before"

The middle-aged Lin Chen is not stupid. At this moment, if he still doesn't understand that the other party is Lin Chen's "old acquaintance", then he has lived in vain for so many years. It's just that the middle-aged Lin Chen doesn't know, and he can't think why Lin Chen To know such a horrible person.

The middle-aged Lin Chen took a deep breath, and took a step back involuntarily. He didn't notice any power in the opponent's body at all, but this sense of oppression made the middle-aged Lin Chen dare not underestimate the enemy at all.

"The one in your hand is the source of life, right? Give it to our Moon God Clan. For the sake of old love, I will keep you alive."

Mr. Z's tone has lost the politeness just now, replaced by a domineering tone that cannot be disobeyed.

"Give it to you?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen glanced at the source of life, and couldn't help but feel a little funny. In order to get the source of life, the middle-aged Lin Chen didn't know how many rounds he laid out, and how many years he endured to get it. Even if he was allowed to die now, he It is also impossible to give the source of life to anyone.

"Otherwise? You are a member of the God Realm, and you were also a member of the Moon God Clan who slaughtered me back then. I will not seek revenge from you today, Lin Chen, but only ask you to give me the source of life. Why do you have any hesitation?" ?”

Mr. Z said lightly, the life and death of Lin Chen in front of him is already under his control, since he achieved his goal, he has already noticed the things in the realm of chaos, and he also knows where the source of life is, It's just that he didn't expect to find out that the middle-aged Lin Chen was going to use the source of life to rebuild the world as soon as he arrived here.

"Moon God Clan?"

When the middle-aged Lin Chen explored this world, he seemed to have heard the name of the Moon God Clan, but the Moon God Clan had disappeared in the Six Realms for many years, so the middle-aged Lin Chen never regarded the Moon God Clan as a threat to him , But this never expected that the person or thing you care about the least often gives you a head-on blow at the most critical time.

"You only have two choices now, give it to me, or I'll kill you."

Mr. Z said coldly, a faint killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Let me die? I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications!"

The middle-aged Lin Chen sneered, then hid the source of life in his clothes, and then mobilized all the divine power in his body to take down Mr. Z in one fell swoop.

"I want to see what you are capable of!"

With the roar of the middle-aged Lin Chen, the divine power gushing out of his body rushed towards Mr. Z crazily, and the surrounding grass turned into hell magma in an instant. In front of Nian Linchen, he can kill with one move!

"Okay! Today I will revive the name of the Moon God Clan!"

Mr. Z grinned. He hasn't had such fighting spirit for a long time. He has endured enough to be a killer in the secular world for so many years. Now there is a strong opponent like the middle-aged Lin Chen to revive the reputation of the Moon God Clan. It couldn't be better.

At the moment when the middle-aged Lin Chen's supernatural power was about to hit Mr. Z, the moon hanging in the sky suddenly emitted a huge light. This light was not dazzling, but it just made people in it feel a chill cold feeling.

Mr. Z was bathed in the moonlight. Under the moonlight, the middle-aged Lin Chen's attack suddenly stopped. At this time, Mr. Z suddenly had an eight-meter-long scimitar in his hand. There is a bright gemstone inlaid on the handle, and the entire blade emits a golden light. This is the artifact of the Moon God Clan--Liuguang Xingyue Knife!

"Today I will use the Moon God Clan's Liuguang Xingyue Knife to finish you off."

As Mr. Z said, his figure flickered, and before the middle-aged Lin Chen could fully react, hundreds of Mr. Z appeared around him, and only one of these Mr. Z was the opponent's body.

Although the middle-aged Lin Chen was very surprised, he did not lose his footing. He quickly turned all his power from attack to defense. The outside of the god's body cannot be seen by outsiders with the naked eye, but because the defensive gas of the middle-aged Lin Chen is too strong, the surrounding air began to become distorted.

"Flower Xingyue Knife No.12 style!"

After Mr. Z gave a loud shout, all the afterimages turned into one person, and the Xingyue Xingyue knife in his hand burst out with great power and slashed at the middle-aged Lin Chen who was in the center of the defensive gas.

The moment Mr. Z's Streaming Xingyue Knife slashed down, even the moon was hidden in the dark clouds, and the light that radiated from the surroundings all came from the Streaming Xingyue Knife in Mr. Z's hand!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


The light of Tianyuan Land in the north illuminated the entire sky, and the deafening explosions could stop the hearts of creatures in a radius of a hundred miles.

Not long after, these voices gradually stopped, and the moon poked out half of its head again, and the place where Mr. Z and the middle-aged Lin Chen fought on Tianyuan Land was still shrouded in thick smoke, and no one could see clearly what was going on inside. is there anybody.

"Old man, what happened just now?"

At this time, the people who came from Xingchen had already discovered the strangeness of Tianyuan Land, and even Cang Yong had to stop in such a frightening atmosphere.

"I don't know, but depending on the situation, there should be someone fighting in Tianyuan."

Cang Yong has never seen such a terrifying scene, they are still a long way from the land of Tianyuan, and Cang Yong has never seen or heard of a battle that can stop them here.

(End of this chapter)

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