Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 435 The Sacrifice of the Soul

Chapter 435 The Sacrifice of the Soul

"Once the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods are activated in the realm of chaos, the entire realm of chaos will be one. The lock of purgatory and the star of the gods were created to kill him, so these three are linked together."

"To put it simply, if the God of Chaos is still alive at this time, no one can save you. Not only will the Star of the Gods and the Lock of Purgatory be swallowed up by the God of Chaos, but the entire Six Realms will also be destroyed. The God of Chaos will rebuild the world."


Lin Chen was shocked beyond words by the other party's words. He didn't understand why the other party knew so many things, and he didn't expect the God of Chaos to think so far away. Fortunately, the God of Chaos had already fallen in the Six Realms at this time, otherwise this Isn't the world?

"After the death of the God of Chaos, I obtained his memory, perhaps because of the particularity of my soul, which allowed me to connect with the memories of many people."

Lin Chen in the 21st century didn't know why he knew so many people's memories, anyway he told Lin Chen everything he knew.

"By the way, all the power will pour into my soul. My soul can't bear so much power, so I will send all the power into your body before I die."


"Don't worry, because this is the realm of chaos, most of the power comes from the soul, and when these powers enter a body without a soul, the pressure will be reduced countless times, you can rest assured!"

Just as Lin Chen was about to say something, he saw the other person's face gradually appearing in front of his eyes. Lin Chen saw a man who looked exactly like himself. At this moment, his expression was very painful, and his body began to emit light of various colors.

When these rays of light reached their peak, Lin Chen in the 21st century suddenly turned into little stars, and then entered Lin Chen's body.

After these starlights entered his body, Lin Chen's body began to "wake up" gradually. His originally weak body was full of power at this moment, and these powers seemed to be endless, making Lin Chen more painful.


Lin Chen couldn't help roaring out, the power in his body was about to break through his entire body, these powers respectively represented the strongest power in the realm of God, the underworld, and the realm of chaos, if Lin Chen still had a soul, he would fight again In the explosion, the soul is like a container for these forces. If there is no soul, then these forces will spread all over Lin Chen's body. Although the impact force is terrifying, it has weakened too much invisibly.

While Lin Chen was dancing in pain, a piece of scrap iron on the ground was tightly held by Lin Chen in his hands. The moment he held it, those forces poured into it as if they had found a place to live. Forged from iron, it became the current Chaos Sword.

And the power in Lin Chen's body has also reached its peak, neither more nor less.

It can be said that although the Chaos Sword of God and Darkness divided its huge power, it saved Lin Chen's life invisibly. This sword with the power of God, Hades, and Chaos can only be Lin Chen who also has the power of these three. Chen can wave.

After a while, Lin Chen gradually got used to the new power and the Chaos Sword in his hand, and the wandering souls from the Chaos Realm around him had completely dissipated. As for where they went, Lin Chen didn't know.

"This power is impossible to achieve even if it is a god."

Lin Chen just felt the strength of his body a little bit, and he found it incredible. It's just a pity that Lin Chen in the 21st century sacrificed for it.

The current Lin Chen can be called the new master of this world, and he is also a master without soul and heart.

"It's time to find that retarded version of Lin Chen to collect debts!"

When Lin Chen thought that the other party used him again and again, the anger in his heart could not be dissipated.

Afterwards, Lin Chen waved his hand across the air, and a crack appeared in front of him out of thin air. Walking through this crack, he could return to the Six Realms.

When Lin Chen was about to leave the Six Realms, he found a wandering spirit floating in. Lin Chen took a closer look and found that it was Cang Yong!

After that, there is no need to say more.

Lin Chen came out of the memories, seeing the middle-aged Lin Chen still drawing his sword desperately, he couldn't help but feel a little funny in his heart, this man who claims to have the world's most intelligent man, is there such a second time?

"Impossible! Impossible, why can't my strength move a mere broken sword!?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen didn't believe in life or death. With the divine power he possessed now, he couldn't even pull a sword out of the ground.

"Have you tried enough?"

Lin Chen waited a little impatiently. The middle-aged Lin Chen had already spent nearly 10 minutes on Chaos God's Underworld Sword.

When the middle-aged Lin Chen heard Lin Chen's words, he suddenly stopped what he was doing, and his expression became more and more gloomy. He no longer intends to try to draw his sword anymore, but instead focuses more on Lin Chen body.

"If Lin Chen doesn't have this sword at this time, isn't it my best chance to kill him?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen kept thinking in his mind. He knew very well that this sword must have improved Lin Chen's strength a lot. Of course, the middle-aged Lin Chen didn't doubt that the current Lin Chen is no longer what it used to be, but this is also the reason why the middle-aged The best opportunity for Lin Chen this year!

"Okay, take your sword!"

The middle-aged Lin Chen pretended to be weak, and just as Lin Chen was about to take back the Chaos God's Sword, the middle-aged Lin Chen jumped up and slammed down on Lin Chen's Tianling Gai!
"Suffer to death!"

With the roar of the middle-aged Lin Chen, all the divine power in his body had been poured into his palms, and a hurricane blew up around him. The power contained in it made even Yun Tian, ​​who was standing far away, feel short of breath. Smooth, heartbeat quickens.

"It's so powerful, but why are there two Lin Chen?"

Yuntian still couldn't figure out why there were two Lin Chens, and the strength of both of them was a terrifying existence that he couldn't compete with at all. Inadvertently, Lin Chen, the king of gods with a playful face in his cloud temple, had become The Yunfeng that I will never be able to climb.

"Lin Chen be careful!!!"

Yan Huyue and Tu Xuejing exclaimed in unison, Lin Chen in their eyes has always maintained the standing posture just now, and the divine power erupted by the middle-aged Lin Chen is the only thing they have ever seen in their lives. If that is the case, both of them believe that Lin Chen is bound to die.

"Do not worry."

Faced with the worries of Yan Huyue and Tu Xuejing, Lin Chen just smiled slightly, his expression still revealing endless confidence.

When the middle-aged Lin Chen's palms were about to hit Lin Chen's head, Lin Chen raised his palm above his head with his backhand, and he didn't even look at the middle-aged Lin Chen before facing him.

(End of this chapter)

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