Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 1 has 1 legend: past and present

Chapter 1 There is a legend: past life and present life
The silver light of the full moon sprinkled the earth, and on the top of the lonely mountain was a looming cherry forest. The petals fluttered and fell on the body of the man. The man was very beautiful, very beautiful, like a fairy. Also like a fairy, lying quietly in the man's arms, watching the man quietly.

At the foot of the mountain, there are flames of war, desperate wailing and the collision of weapons, sparks explode in the sky, the tragic atmosphere contrasts with the exquisiteness of the mountain top, a war is over, and the smell of blood spreads faintly, falling to the cherry blossom forest.

"I must have made you very tired!" The woman spoke, her light voice seemed to have no trace of emotion, but it seemed to contain thousands of emotions.

"Yeah, I'm so tired. But I'm happy with it." The man's voice was like falling snow, mixed with a trace of sigh, looking at the sea of ​​fire below the mountain, he couldn't tell whether it was compassion or indifference.

"Lan, will you kill me?" The woman raised her head and looked at the man without blinking.

"Who knows?" The man curled his lips into a smile, and flew down the mountain with the woman in his arms, stepping on the petals all over the sky.

"Lan, I love you!" The woman hugged the man, said softly what she had never said to him, and smiled lightly, so, I have always been so self-willed, I really want to be self-willed again, to fulfill your responsibility and affection.

The man didn't speak, but hugged the woman quietly, and the woman nestled in the man's arms obediently, feeling the man's breath, the cherry blossom-like fragrance.

She didn't know how deeply she loved him, maybe it had penetrated into her soul, but she knew how deeply she hurt him, such a perfect god, I'm afraid it was already riddled with holes.

In the depths of the holy palace is the shrine, the bright lights have not been broken by the hustle and bustle outside, the five elders have just returned from a bath in blood, even if the bones of the fairy wind still carry the bloody breath, they escorted a man, so like a man in his arms The woman and the man don't speak, but quietly close their eyes. Even if they are defeated, they can't hide their elegance.

"Reporting to the Spiritual God, the holy priest has caused chaos and has been captured." An elder reported.

"Yulan, how do you say how to deal with it?" A cluster of fires flickered in the hall, and the person could not be seen, but his voice was heard, majestic and mysterious.

The man did not speak, but quietly hugged the woman in his arms, like a perfect statue.

"Yulan, you are the Holy Lord of Lingshan! Are you really willing to ruin all this for a girl?" The voice seemed to be full of sighs.

"Holy Lord, you have exhausted your benevolence and righteousness, Lingshan is your responsibility!" an elder sighed.

"Yes, yes!" The other four elders also sighed endlessly. They watched Yulan grow up like their own children. Knowing how Yulan's behavior would be punished, they couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Lan, let me down." The woman said softly, and at the same time left the man's arms, but the man did not hold back.

"Father, your so-called revenge and ambition have ruined my life, but you are my father. I have no regrets for everything I have done. I have done everything for you to hurt him. Now, let me do it for him. Do something!"

The woman finished speaking without joy or sorrow, and a long sword transformed from aura pierced the man's chest. The bright red blood flowed, and the man fell down slowly. The man laughed silently, daughter, you should have done this long ago, so as not to make us all suffer so much.

The woman watched her father fall and disappear with her own eyes, her body staggered slightly, the man reached out to support the woman, the woman turned her head, looked at the man's unparalleled eyebrows, and smiled slowly.

"Lan, if I want to die, I only wish to die in your hands."

"Lan, I really hope that people like us can have an afterlife."

"Lan, if there is an afterlife and let me meet you again, then I will never let you work so hard again."

"Lan, if there is an afterlife, let me bear all the people in the world for you, and I will never fail you."

The woman spoke word by word, tears finally flowed down her beautiful face, the hot taste finally burned her frozen heart, but there was no afterlife.

Although the people in Lingshan have spiritual power, they have no afterlife, and when they die, they will disappear in the world.

The woman hugged the man, tears wet the man's clothes, the man held up the woman's face, that face was no longer the usual indifference, now there were tears.

"Okay, as you wish." The man said, and at the same time kissed the woman lightly: "In the next life, you must find me and make it up to me!"

The man sighed softly, holding the woman's hand slightly, a touch of spiritual power passed through the woman's heart, the man slowly put down the woman, and sat cross-legged next to the woman, the panicked voice of the woman just now lingered in his ears: "Don't... "

"Fool, I learned the art of congealing the spirit because of you, you don't know it! I too... have long been looking forward to the afterlife!" The man sighed softly.

"Yulan, you actually learned the forbidden technique secretly, do you know what price you will pay for using the spirit congealing technique?" The majestic voice was sullen.

"Holy Lord, what are you doing? Something will happen to you." An elder called.

"Holy Master, don't be like this soon, you will be condemned by the heavens if you use the art against the sky." Another elder was also anxious, they all knew that as the Holy Master, they would be punished if they failed to protect the holy city , I didn't expect him to...

"Thank you for the love of the spirit god and the elders. Yulan has no desires and desires in her life. She has filled all my loneliness. What I want is nothing more than to stay forever." Yulan said, slowly raising her hand, with her own The white spiritual power slowly lifted the woman up, and the soul that should have been scattered slowly condensed with the man's paler face.

"Holy Master! Don't!" Everyone yelled, but because of the huge spiritual power emitted by the man, they couldn't get close, and the eyes of several elders were red.

The temple is the place with the strongest spiritual power in Lingshan, with the supernatural power of the spirit god. The technique of condensing the spirit attracted bursts of thunder, and the rain poured down, washing away the mess outside the temple.

When the woman's body gradually turned into a white lotus, a crisp voice sounded, looking at the silver-white bracelet that fell on the ground, Yulan curled her lips into a chuckle, and murmured into the air: "Lian'er, so you remember it all!"

"Holy Master!" The moment the man stopped, the five elders rushed forward, helped the weak man up, and sighed as they watched the thunder billowing outside the hall.

"Yulan, do you know what you're doing?" The majestic voice sounded, but this time it was full of helplessness.

"Yulan knows." Yulan raised her head and looked at the Spiritual God: "Spiritual God, Yulan would like to sacrifice blood to Lingshan, and ask the Spiritual God to put my soul in the same place as hers." Yulan watched the white lotus fly out Outside the window, he smiled gently.

"Blood Sacrifice Lingshan, Yulan, do you know that the Blood Sacrifice Lingshan has to go through 49 days of soul devouring pain, and now with the thunder caused by you, are you sure you can survive under your current condition?" the voice said He looked extremely shocked, but also helpless.

"No matter what the result is, I am willing." Yulan said firmly.

"Holy Master, why do you do this? Even if you make it through, after reincarnation, you will have to experience nine calamities. Why do you have to do this for a woman?" The elder tried to persuade him to give up.

"He's arsenic, my honey, I'm willing to take it. I hope the spirit and God will help you." Yulan knelt down and spoke weakly but firmly.

"Okay, since you insist on going your own way, this is the punishment you deserve. No matter what, the rules of Lingshan cannot be broken." The voice sighed helplessly.

"Thank you Lingshen." Yulan smiled, knowing that she was about to pay an incomparable price, she was still smiling.

The golden divine power supports Yulan. The top of the temple is an altar, which is said to be an altar, and the demon that is indeed devouring the spirit is sealed inside. It's a deal with the devil.

Yulan is the son conceived by spiritual power, the holy master destined by Lingshan, the true favored son of heaven, her spiritual power is naturally the purest.He was supposed to be the Lord of Lingshan, standing on the top of all living beings, but he chose to sacrifice blood to Lingshan for a woman. Of course, this also fulfilled the desire of the demons for his spiritual power.

The golden light placed Yulan on the altar, and the demons had already smelled the breath of pure spiritual power, and quickly formed a black mist that wrapped around Yulan's limbs, imprisoning his body.

The bright red blood flowed down the black mist, and he could clearly feel that the demon spirit gradually began to tear his spiritual power, stripping him from his soul.

At this time, purple thunder rolled in the sky, and finally the thunder was unwilling to shout in the sky, and it attacked Yulan like a sky-shattering force. The sky thunder was hard to avoid, but at this time, Yulan was imprisoned and had no chance of escaping. The thunder passed through the sky and fell straight to Yulan. His pale face lost all color in an instant. He seemed to hear the sound of bones and muscles breaking. He has all the muscles and veins in his body, and ninety-nine 81 thunders, even if he resists in his prime, he will still lose his cultivation base, and he is so bad at this time.

But there was no way to avoid it, and he had to endure the ninety-nine and eighty-one divine punishments no matter what.

The demon was tearing at his spiritual power, and the pain that penetrated his bone marrow made him almost collapse. He gritted his teeth tightly and gathered all the available spiritual power to protect his heart veins. The white clothes, red blood, black mist, purple The thunder, at this moment, forms a strange beauty, which is indescribably thrilling.

The second thunderstorm fell, and it still hit Yulan accurately. His spiritual power was enough to protect his heart, but his internal organs were almost shattered. He couldn't take care of so much. He only knew that he had to survive, and he had to complete the 49 days of phagocytosis. Only a soul can be reincarnated, and can meet her....

One thought becomes persistent, and one thought becomes a demon.

"Holy Master! Holy Master!" The five elders appeared at some time, and they all stopped the third thunder that was about to fall on Yulan's body. The spiritual power collided with the thunder and quickly disappeared.

"Holy Master, how are you?" an elder asked worriedly.

"No problem." Tortured by the pain of devouring his soul, his voice almost trembled, but he still gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Holy Master, why do you have to? Your body can't hold it." An elder's eyes were red.

"I can." The weak voice was full of firmness, surrounded by blood, and the demons tightly imprisoned him, crazily devouring his spiritual power, the pain went deep into the bone marrow, but it still couldn't change a firm heart.

"Okay, if that's the case, then let me have a taste of the legendary thunder disaster." An elder said with red eyes.

"Okay." The others answered firmly.Yulan looked at the resolute five people, but she had no strength to stop them.

The sky thunder became more arrogant, six purple thunders pierced through the night and fell on the bodies of six people, all six of them fought hard.

Nine-nine 81 thunder catastrophe, six people each bear more than a dozen, five elders were all seriously injured, and Yulan was almost dying, her cultivation was completely destroyed, all parts of her body were severely damaged, even her heart was damaged, The spiritual power that protected the heart veins earlier has long since disappeared.

At this moment, Yulan was extremely tired, and wanted to close his eyes and rest for a while, but the demons entangled his spiritual power, to be precise, stripped the spiritual source of his soul, and the pain of the soul has always been the most difficult, but his body is broken now Unbearable, the pain made him unable to pass out and rest.

"Holy Lord, come back! These punishments are enough, and the Spirit God will forgive you." The Great Elder watched Yulan's blood flow like a stream, and his heart felt like a needle prick.

Yulan shook her head very slightly when she heard his words. Even though his movements were very light, the five elders could still see clearly, and each of them was heartbroken.They knew the Holy Lord's responsibility to Lingshan. He could have killed the Holy Priest early this time when the Holy Priest rebelled, but because of that woman, Lingshan's blood flowed like a river.

Jiangshan and the beauty, he chose the beauty, but he couldn't bear the Jiangshan to drift away. Blood sacrifice to Lingshan can restore Lingshan to its original state. This is his punishment for himself and an explanation to Lingshan.

But in all of this, no one has ever fulfilled him.

The elders left silently, and Yulan was imprisoned in the altar alone, feeling the coldness of the blood flow and the pain of tearing the soul alone. Only he knew that for some reason, he would definitely be able to survive, but he would also endure 49 days of pain. The suffering of devouring souls.But no regrets, right?Even if he paid the highest price, Lingshan would be all in the end, she and himself would be all over, wouldn't it?
Cherry blossoms flew by all over the mountains and plains, and now Yulan's feeling is gradually degraded due to the flow of blood, but the pain of tearing the soul and the coldness of the flow of blood are still difficult to get rid of.

Seventy-seven and 49 days later, the blood sacrifice to Lingshan was completed. No one knew why he was so weak and could last until this day. Lingshan was restored to its original state.

The dark altar still never sees the light of day, and the cherry blossoms are fluttering. He doesn't know whether his soul has come to this cherry forest or the cherry blossoms have flown into the altar.

"In the next life, I will not fail the Tathagata and not the Qing."

 Well, this chapter is the real past life, dear friends, don't confuse it with Wedge!
  A bit of abusive hero, sad~
  But in the future, there will be a heroine to accompany me, the little days are sweet, O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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