Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 10 The So-Called Prince

Chapter 10 The So-Called Prince

"Hehe, isn't this my fifth emperor brother who is seriously injured and hard to recover?" When Aunt Su was at a loss, a sneer interrupted Aunt Su's flustered explanation, and Zi Qianyue only felt that this person was extremely annoying. Interrupting her good deeds, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

With the sound of this voice, a man in black clothes appeared. His appearance was handsome, but because Zi Qianyue had just interrupted her good deeds, and Zi Qianyue hadn't been in the village for a long time in these years, she had seen him before. There are too many good-looking men, and now I just feel that this man is born to be annoying.

"The old minister sees His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." The Prime Minister immediately knelt down and saluted the Crown Prince, his expression was almost tearful.The prince has always wanted to win over the prime minister's mansion, but when the prince appeared, the prime minister believed that he would definitely help him, he couldn't afford to offend King Yu, didn't he still have the prince?Thinking of this, the prime minister straightened his back a little.

When the surrounding people saw this, they all knelt down and saluted.Ziqianyue was speechless, but it was absolutely impossible to kneel down to him, not to mention that he was just a prince, Ziqianyue didn't have too serious a concept of hierarchy, just talking about Ziqianyue's first impression of him, it was impossible for him to He knelt down.So Zi Qianyue just bowed slightly, and suddenly stood out from the group of kneeling prime ministers, but Zi Qianyue didn't seem to see it.

Seeing everyone's eyes, Crown Prince Ying Chenjing slightly raised his chin, scanned the surroundings solemnly, and suddenly found Zi Qianyue who was standing, and asked with displeasure, "This is this?"

"Qianyue, kneel down quickly..." the prime minister said in fear, wanting to explain, although he was sure that the prince would help him, but the prince's dignity cannot be challenged: "This is the eldest lady of the old minister's family, who just came back from Yunliu Town ..."

However, Zi Qianyue didn't seem to hear it, shivering, as if she was extremely scared.

"Back to the prince, I... I am the eldest... Miss Zi Qianyue of the prime minister's mansion, no... I don't know how to salute..." Before the prime minister could finish speaking, Zi Qianyue spoke in fear, but her body remained motionless.

The prince glanced at Zi Qianyue in displeasure. This is the concubine his father ordered for him back then. She has no rules, no beauty, no talent, and she was sent to the countryside by the prime minister's family for foster care, and she has no power. Thinking about it this way, The prince was even more displeased, and just about to speak, a soft voice spoke first.

"Brother Prince, Eldest Sister has always lived in the country and doesn't know the rules. Your lord has a lot, but don't be as knowledgeable as her!" She could even shed tears as she said that, with a pitiful look, all the people who watched felt distressed .

The prince was even more delighted, this is the way a woman should look at him, and then he seemed to speak generously:
"Miss Zi just came home and doesn't know the rules, so I don't have to worry about it, but since I'm back in Beijing, I must learn the rules of the holy capital."

Ying Chenjing was talking about Zi Qianyue, but she turned her head slightly, looking in the direction of a person, Zi Qianyue followed his gaze unobtrusively, and a beautiful woman appeared in front of her, with exquisite eyebrows and fair eyes. Skin, dressed in light pink clothes, with a faint smile on the corner of the mouth, looks elegant.

Obviously, what the crown prince was looking at was the number one beauty and the number one talented woman who was famous all over the holy capital. However, what this big beauty was looking at...was the one who was still in the sedan chair...the direction of King Yu Yingchenyu.

Zi Qianyue felt a little uncomfortable, maybe it was because she was too boring, Zi Qianyue thought in her heart, but the prince's eyes obviously turned to Ying Chenyu, with unwillingness and madness, Zi Qianyue suddenly smiled in her heart, there is something wrong After watching the play, a crown prince, the emperor's favorite prince, and the only prince, these two, hehe, I don't know who the emperor will help.

The prince's eyes were gloomy. Ten years ago, his mother didn't like him, no one liked him, but he was still arrogant. In such a big fire, he was obviously seriously injured. Everyone died, but he was still alive. He was also favored by his father, but now, just the sound of his words made her so curious and appreciative?Although he is a prince, he seems to never be as good as him.

"Unexpectedly, the fifth emperor brother has been seriously injured for many years, and now he doesn't know how to salute when he sees the emperor brother?" The prince said in a deep voice, and raised his chin slightly, with a haughty look.

He didn't know, what he said almost caused Li Shang, who was holding back his laughter, to choke to death with his saliva, this prince must have been brainless, in these years, he had never met anyone who dared to ask them to salute the lord, Li Shang thought to himself.

Ying Chenyu glanced at Li Shang lightly, and Li Shang immediately put away his thoughts, and stopped coughing even when he was choked.

"Hehe" Ying Chenyu's voice sounded like falling snow and broken jade, "The crown prince doesn't know, this king injured his leg ten years ago, and his face was also disfigured, so the emperor Xu Benwang doesn't have to salute him, it's hard Now, does this king still want to salute the prince?"

"You!" The prince pointed at him angrily, his face was so gloomy that water could almost drip.

"In front of the prince, calling himself the king, is this the upbringing of the fifth emperor's younger brother?"

"This king was in a catastrophe ten years ago. It's a blessing that he didn't die. The emperor couldn't bear the serious injury of this king and had to bother with theological rules. Presumably the emperor thought that since this king didn't have to salute in front of him, in this world, hehe, no one needs me." Let's salute!"

"Hehe, is fifth brother showing off his father's favor?"

"The emperor really dotes on this king, but it's not as good as His Royal Highness the crown prince's favor. How can you talk about showing off?"

Ying Chenyu's faint voice, with a faint smile and nonchalant frivolity, the prince's increasingly gloomy expression who seemed to have no feeling at all, the corner, a person's breath changed slightly.

"He's gone." Li Shang's expression was slightly tinged with bitterness, that person, after so many years of ignoring and torturing, Ah Yu's life was worse than death again and again, isn't that enough?Now that he has just come back, he is so impatient, is he still unwilling to let him go?

"Yeah..." Ying Chenyu's voice didn't seem to be heard, he closed his eyes lightly, a lonely and bitter breath quickly enveloped him, "Shang, you go back!"

"Ayu, you..." Li Shang looked at him worriedly. For ten years, he has never revealed any emotions, always indifferent, always like a banished fairy who is far away from the mortal world and does not eat the fireworks in the world. It's not true, but in fact, who knows, he actually cares a lot!When he left with a serious injury, he was still just a child. Now that he came back, he was still just a young man who had not reached the weak crown, but he had already endured ten years of torture. Now, that person... maybe, a person like him who is like a banished fairy, It will also hurt, but it is so powerful that no one dares to spy on him.

"I'm fine." Ying Chenyu opened his eyes, and the dark breath around him dissipated like a tide. He still looked like a son like jade, and restored his usual gentle and alienated smile, as if everything just now was just an illusion. He always He could control his emotions so well, but when that smile faced Li Shang, it was a little more real.

"Yes" Li Shang nodded, and left the carriage without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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