Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 103 I Forgive Myself

Chapter 103 I Forgive Myself

Ordinary people can forget about it when they hear the emperor say this, but this princess regent is not an ordinary person, she said indifferently: "So what? I can see them first, and then the emperor will lock them up later!"

"Prince Regent, this..." Seeing that the concubine didn't like him at all, the old emperor couldn't help turning his gaze to the regent who was sitting on the side.

The regent chuckled softly, but his eyes were not on the old emperor, but on her concubine's pampering, and then said to the old emperor: "This king knows what happened to Beichen yesterday, and this king's concubine did it for this matter." Come, if it is really inconvenient for the emperor, the king and the concubine will go to Prince Yu's mansion in person, and the emperor has not stipulated that His Royal Highness King Yu cannot see guests!"

"This..." The old emperor hesitated for a moment. They came here for Zi Qianyue's identity. The regent princess of Dongling has been missing for many years. There was no reason to stop him, so he could only say: "Forget it, Yu'er should be in the palace now, and the concubine should just go to Yuwang's mansion to meet them!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" said the regent king, and the regent princess had already turned and left, and at the same time stretched out her hand to pull the regent away. Although the old emperor was extremely dissatisfied with her behavior, after all, he was the person with the most power in Dongling besides the emperor, even Even the emperor has to be courteous, and he can't make things difficult for them.

Zi Qianyue and Ying Chenyu were "thinking behind closed doors" in the room, when suddenly Dan Ying broke in and said, "The regent and princess of Dongling are here!"

"Dongling?" Zi Qianyue frowned, except for Ye Su and Ye Qing, she really didn't have much contact with Dong Ling, and Ying Chenyu just glanced at Zi Qianyue lightly, and said, "Please come in." .”

"Come here?" Qin Ying was a little surprised, Ying Chenyu usually never let people come to Yingyuan, and usually visitors would be invited to the living room.

Ying Chenyu nodded lightly, and she understood, and immediately went out to invite someone in person. Zi Qianyue looked at Ying Chenyu and asked, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know." Ying Chenyu replied, glanced at Zi Qianyue, and said: "You know!"

"Me?" Zi Qianyue pointed at herself, a little surprised, but Ying Chenyu just nodded and didn't speak.

After a while, the Prince Regent brought the Princess to visit. Zi Qianyue stood up in surprise when she saw someone coming. The Princess Regent looked at her, and she also looked at her. With a crying voice: "Mom, you are back!"

"Well, mother is back!" The princess regent left Yu Qian'er without saying goodbye, and also Yu Qian who left the book. Zi Qianyue hugged her for a while, and then asked with some concern: "Mother, what's your illness?"

"Mother's illness is cured, this is your father!" After Yuqian finished speaking, she pulled Ziqianyue to the side of the regent. Ziqianyue looked at the regent. This man was also very beautiful, with a handsome face. Zi Qianyue looked at him quietly with the gentle temperament accumulated over the years, neither of them spoke. After a while, Zi Qianyue suddenly stretched out her hand and inhaled the sword hanging in the room. In an instant, the sword was on the regent's neck , the regent smiled wryly: "Is Yue'er going to kill his father as soon as we meet?"

"I don't remember that I have such a father." Zi Qianyue said coldly. It's not like she didn't see the suffering Yuqian has suffered in these years. She has never seen Yuqian in the past 15 years. Now she just ran out and said it was him. Father, Zi Qianyue couldn't help being a little angry.

The regent smiled wryly again, but no matter how many times he smiled wryly, it was useless. Yuqian focused on his daughter, who put a sword on his neck. He turned his head slightly to look at someone who was drinking tea leisurely, a little out of breath: "Xiao Yu'er, you can't watch your father-in-law being bullied like this, can you?"

"Yes." Ying Chenyu said calmly without raising her head, took a sip of tea and made another stab: "Yueyue hasn't recognized you as a father yet, isn't it too early to want to be a father-in-law?"

"Xiao Yu'er, you are too much, at least I helped you back then!" The regent said angrily, Zi Qianyue looked sideways at Ying Chenyu, the regent knew him and helped him?

When Ying Chenyu heard this, he suddenly put the cup on the table with a bang, raised his head and smiled very softly, and said: "Speaking of which, I haven't thanked the Regent for his hard work to overcome all difficulties. My good master is catching me!"

"It's all in the past, why do you still remember it so clearly?" The regent smiled awkwardly: "Then your master didn't do anything to you? Didn't you still have a soaring internal force during that one-month confinement, and you were able to restrain yourself?" Is it poison in the body?"

"So I still need to thank you?" Ying Chenyu asked dangerously.

The regent wanted to shake his head, but suddenly found that there was still a sword hanging around his neck, and then smiled awkwardly: "Thank you, you don't need it, just persuade your wife to take off the knife first!"

Yuqian couldn't help but laugh when she watched the conversation between the two, and Ziqianyue laughed outright. She suddenly felt that Ying Chenyu's life was not only miserable, but also had some interesting things, such as his repeated escapes, and she suddenly became interested , regardless of Ying Chenyu's embarrassing obstruction, he said to the regent: "If you know his previous escape history, you might as well tell me, maybe I will forgive you!"

"Okay, okay, let me say." The regent suddenly became excited, and said: "Your husband's escape history can really write a book of 36 escapes. He was seriously injured at the age of seven and came to the Magic Spirit Valley. After a year, he became restless and didn't want to be watched by the old man. Since he was eight years old, he began to try to leave the Illusory Spirit Valley. He even spent half a year drawing a map of the Illusory Spirit Valley, and then ran away in various ways. However, the old man's influence spread all over the place. In the world, he can't get far from the Illusory Spirit Valley at all. Every time he is caught by the old man, he will be locked up or forced to drink medicine. Usually, he will be locked up in a small black room for three to five days, and then drink a bunch of messy bitter medicine , It's nothing, but your husband-in-law was still unconvinced, and then he directly fought with the people sent by the old man. The old man's people didn't dare to hurt him, but they didn't dare to let him go. He was still embarrassed. He On the contrary, his internal energy was activated and he was injured. The angry old man directly scolded the people around him and imprisoned him firmly for another month. Leaving them, until the time when Changying, the old man was really angry and imprisoned him for a full year. That didn't mean that he was in the Magical Valley, but the old man threw him into the Lingyu Cave of the Magical Valley, and let Longing Ying followed, and after that, he didn't plan to run away alone, but started to use the people the old man sent to protect him, built the Cloud Palace, and his influence spread all over the world, but his temper was even less talkative. There is no emotion, even going out a certain number of times a year, not too much, these made the old man very worried, but in the end nothing happened. "

As the regent spoke, he was also a little puzzled, and asked regardless of the sword still on his neck, "Xiao Yu'er, why were you obedient when you came out of the Lingyu cave?"

"Be obedient?" Ying Chenyu raised his eyebrows and looked at the regent. In fact, the regent and his master were old acquaintances, and they also took pleasure in catching him all over the world.

The regent shrank his shoulders when he saw his smile like that: "You have never been obedient!"

"Since you are asking for trouble, why should I be polite?" Ying Chenyu said lightly, looking at the regent with a smile in his eyes.

The regent shrugged, not minding the sword on his neck and the embarrassment at this moment, and said casually: "I know you have bad intentions!"

Ying Chenyu smiled, Ziqianyue glanced at him, but still put the sword on the regent's neck, the regent said helplessly: "Yue'er, the father knows everything, you should let the father go!"

"I said that I may forgive, or I may not forgive!" Zi Qianyue smiled playfully, the sword approached a little more, suddenly became sharper, and said: "What about mother, why didn't you go to see mother these years? "

"Yue'er, father..." The regent also turned into a wry smile, and when he was about to explain but found that there was no way to explain it, Yuqian suddenly said, "Yue'er, you don't blame your father for this matter, you will know later."

"Mother..." Ziqianyue couldn't get angry with Yuqian, and she called out helplessly, Yuqian interrupted her with a somewhat forceful voice: "Stop messing around, let your father go!"

Zi Qianyue waved the sword back to the scabbard, glared at the regent angrily, turned and sat in front of Ying Chenyu, the regent smiled awkwardly, Zi Qianyue hadn't sat down yet, Yuqian said again: " You two go out first, I will talk to Yuer alone!"

Ziqianyue was helpless, but she really didn't dare not listen to Yuqian's words, the regent was even a wife slave, obediently walked out with Ziqianyue.

Only Yuqian and Yingchenyu were left in the room, before Yuqian could speak, Yingchenyu called out faintly: "I've seen my mother!"

"Actually, you should have called me aunt!" Yuqian looked at him and suddenly sighed softly. Mo Lingyu didn't have any sisters. Although Ying Chenyu was puzzled, she still smiled and said, "Concubine Yu and I have no sisters." It's a relationship, so just follow Yueyue and call her mother!"

"Yu'er, did Mo Lingyu tell you about your identity?" Yuqian heard it softly, her tone seemed a little uneasy.

Ying Chenyu smiled wryly, and then said calmly: "I'm not a prince, I know it myself, if mother thinks my identity is not worthy of Yueyue..."

"How are you?" Yuqian also smiled and asked.

Ying Chenyu looked at Yuqian, and said seriously: "I can't help it, as long as Yueyue doesn't let go, I will never let go, unless I die!"

Yuqian seemed to be very satisfied with his reaction, and said with a smile: "Yu'er, you don't have to be harsh on yourself, these are all Mo Lingyu's faults, and have nothing to do with you, and remember, your identity is by no means better than anyone else's." You are lowly, and you have never been a product of filth and filth, Yue'er is yours, and she exists because of you!"

Ying Chenyu was a little shocked by Yuqian's words, but she still had no expression on her face, and said, "Does mother know my identity?"

"I know, but I can't tell you!" Yuqian was a little embarrassed, lowered her head and said.

Ying Chenyu chuckled, the smile was very light, but it made people feel distressed: "Mother, Concubine Yu once said that the day I know it must be in pain, do you think I will be in pain?"

Obviously it is the result that everyone knows, and it is obvious that letting him know in the end will make him miserable, and obviously they are all people who care about him, but they want him to get close to the last cruel truth.

"Yu'er!" Yuqian didn't expect that Mo Lingyu knew about it and said such words. She couldn't understand how Mo Lingyu could be so cruel to her own child or that person's son. Looking at Ying Chenyu, she was speechless for a while, and said after a while: "Let's not talk about this for now, let mother see how your body is doing now."

"Okay." Ying Chenyu didn't talk about it anymore, and stretched out her hand to Yuqian. Yuqian took her pulse seriously for a while, and said with a sigh of relief, "Yue'er can really find a way."

"Yeah!" Ying Chenyu nodded lightly, with tenderness in his eyes, Yuqian was very happy that Ying Chenyu cared so much about Zi Qianyue, and said: "But from now on, you still have to rely on yourself, no matter what, never give up, Even for Yueyue, she has guarded for a long time, it's not easy!"

"I know." Ying Chenyu nodded, he had already decided not to die, so he would not give up lightly.

Yuqian seemed to have thought of something, and her face became serious again: "You can't have the thoughts of the past. I'm afraid that even though your master tried his best to stop you, you still have a way to do such a thing, right?"

"Mother is really very smart!" Ying Chenyu smiled, stretched out her hand to take a sip of tea, but her voice was firm: "I, Xu Yueyue, am at peace, and I will forgive myself. I will never do that thing again!"

"That's good!" Yuqian nodded: "Yueyue's father and I can't stay here. Be careful after five days, you can only survive this calamity alone!"

"I know!" Ying Chenyu nodded, his face darkened. This time, he really wanted to know what the purpose of the old emperor, the father he once thought, was.

Yuqian looked at him, he and his father actually looked very similar, but he didn't even know who his father was. He used to think that he was a relatively miserable prince, but now, he is a concubine and private person. Besides, she didn't know who that person was. Yuqian knew that it would be unfair to him not to tell him the truth, but now that she saw him, she also understood that person's good intentions, she sighed : "Yu'er, Yue'er was indeed born to meet you, but she is just a woman now, she is my daughter, I hope you treat her well, she really loves you very much!"

Ying Chenyu looked at Yuqian with a serious expression on his face, and said: "It is my luck to have Yueyue in this life, and I will never let her down."

"Well, Mother believes in you!" Yuqian nodded: "From now on, you will be Mother's biological son, and whatever Mother can give to Yueyue, she will give to you!"

"Thank you, mother." Ying Chenyu said with a smile. When he needed maternal love the most, all he got was non-stop torture. Now when he has completely given up, he suddenly seems to have everything. For him, thinking of Zi Qianyue, he smiled softly.

The regent of Dongling appeared in the Beichen court the next day, and none of the officials got the news that the regent of Dongling and his wife had arrived in Beichen. He said directly: "As for the unidentified matter of Concubine Yu mentioned the day before yesterday, I can prove that Concubine Yu is the daughter of my concubine who has been missing for many years. She is also the only daughter of the Prince Regent and the princess of Dongling."

"Is this... is this true?" The officials who had been harshly criticizing before asked with their eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Indeed." The regent nodded gently, and continued: "15 years ago, my concubine disappeared with pregnancy. This king gave birth to a daughter, and this king only accidentally discovered the princess a month ago."

"Then the regent found out why the concubine didn't come to Yue'er until today?" The old emperor was also a little unbelievable. When the two of them went to find Ying Chenyu, they didn't mention it at all. Besides, Zi Qianyue looks nothing like the two of them, which is really unbelievable.

Naturally, the ministers thought similarly to the old emperor, and they all looked at the regent in surprise, and the regent said calmly: "The children of my Dongling Yue clan all have a bloody meniscus birthmark on their arms. This is also the unique mark of my Dongling Yueshi's children, Princess Yu has this birthmark on her arm, and the princess has recovered her memory now, she clearly remembers that Princess Yu is our daughter."

After the regent finished speaking, Prime Minister Zi also stood up and said, "Yue'er did have this birthmark on her arm, but back then Yue'er was still young and the birthmark was light in color. I thought it was just an ordinary birthmark, and I didn't expect to have this birthmark with Dongling. The Yue clan is related, now that I think about it, Yue'er's birthmark is indeed crescent-shaped, and it should be as bright red as blood by now!"

After Prime Minister Zi finished speaking, everyone also accepted this statement and felt that what they said was reasonable, but the old emperor was still a little unwilling and asked: "Regent, are you sure that Yue'er is the princess of your Dongling? Her appearance and Two..."

"Your Majesty, if you don't believe me, you can ask Yue'er to come and have a test." The regent said firmly: "As for the appearance, Yue'er is indeed like the princess, but the princess used to be a master of disguise, because she lived in Yunliu Town, in order to protect Yue'er She had no choice but to change Yue'er's appearance since she was a child, and even Yue'er herself didn't know her own appearance, yesterday the king asked the princess to take off the disguise for Yue'er, and she was very similar to the princess."

The old emperor's eyes were deep, and he also knew that the children of the Yue clan in Dongling had this imprint, and they really couldn't see it when they were young. In this way, Ziqianyue is the most outstanding princess of Dongling, but Regarding the matter of appearance, he absolutely did not believe that Zi Qianyue didn't even know her own appearance, but even if the regent was lying, he couldn't say anything. What he was most worried about was that if Dong Ling took her back at this time, what would happen to her? His plan really had too much influence, the old emperor thought about it, and asked: "It's the right thing for the regent to come to Beichen to take Yue'er back this time, but Yue'er is Yu'er's princess after all, this..."

"This king seems to have heard that the emperor asked His Royal Highness King Yu to rest Yue'er yesterday, isn't this true?" the Regent asked suspiciously.

Without waiting for the old emperor to answer, Zi Muyun said to the regent: "To be honest with what the regent said, the emperor did intend to let His Royal Highness King Yu divorce Yue'er and remarry. The truth is that he is still worried about Yue'er..."

"Prime Minister!" The old emperor gave Zi Muyun a warning look, interrupted him, and said to the regent with a smile: "There was some misunderstanding at the time, but Yu'er did not agree after all, and she still wholeheartedly protected Yue'er. If the regent Take Yue'er away, where is Yu'er..."

The regent also understands what the old emperor means. Although he can completely let Zi Qianyue leave, what Ying Chenyu has to go through must have Zi Qianyue in the process. He can't take Zi Qianyue away: "Don't worry, the emperor. The king didn't come here this time to let Yue'er leave. The princess and I went to see Yu'er and were very satisfied with Yu'er. Yu'er is not in good health. We still want Yue'er to stay here to take care of Yu'er and let Yue'er leave. She won't agree either, and I will have to trouble the emperor to take care of Yue'er in the future!"

"Naturally at that time!" The old emperor beamed with joy, and responded again and again: "The Princess Qingjue is Princess Beichen, so she will naturally receive the highest courtesy."

The regent also nodded, and said: "But the emperor still put them under house arrest?"

All the officials knew that it was the regent who came to intercede. The old emperor had always loved King Yu the most. As soon as the regent said it, the old emperor would agree immediately. Just for show.Unexpectedly, they guessed wrongly this time, and the old emperor said: "Of course, Yue'er can act freely, but Yu'er has always acted willfully and recklessly. I think his mother and concubine will leave early, and he will encounter another catastrophe. His health is not good. If you don’t punish him, the punishment this time is not heavy, it’s a lesson for him, the regent must never beg for mercy again!”

(End of this chapter)

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