Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 105 The Cruel Reason

Chapter 105 The Cruel Reason

Just as Ziqianyue stopped, murderous intent followed, people moved, wind moved, although Ziqianyue and the other two had high martial arts skills, these people were obviously not ordinary people, their martial arts skills were extremely high, even if Ziqianyue and the others could One counts as ten, but still does not have an advantage among so many people.

The wind blew up, and the smell of mud after the rain came from the bamboo forest. Zi Qianyue's face changed slightly, she reached out and took out the antidote pill from her arms and threw it to the two hidden guards. The two also quickly took the pill, and Zi Qianyue waved her hand Taking out a handful of poison, this is not something that can be controlled by ordinary detoxification pills, but those people don't seem to be afraid at all, even the people who were killed just now can stand up and fight, they are fearless, this is a plan good murder.

Zi Qianyue sneered, this situation has already clearly known the truth of the matter, and there is only one situation that can make people so fearless, and that is Gu, Chu Xiyun is here!

Sure enough, within a short while, Chu Xiyun appeared in this empty forest. She was no longer the shy look she had when she first saw her. Instead, she was icy cold that didn't match her appearance and age. She and Concubine Bai are not on the same level at all, Chu Xiyun smiled lightly and said, "Miss Zi, don't come here without any problems!"

The people around Zi Qianyue stopped attacking, and those people with the blood all fell down. Chu Xiyun took Qian Yan and approached Zi Qianyue with a smile like this. Zi Qianyue also smiled and said: "It's all right, But I am Princess Yu!"

"Yes, you are Princess Yu." Chu Xiyun didn't seem to mind, and said, "If it weren't for that, you and I wouldn't meet each other like this!"

"Then I'm honored!" Zi Qianyue said with a smile.

Chu Xiyun looked at her, she was not a mentally handicapped woman, Chu Xiyun clearly knew Ziqianyue's ability, and also knew that Ziqianyue was worthy of that person, but she just wanted to compete with this person, she She is aboveboard, speaks with strength, and does not use dirty tricks. She knows that she is worthy of the fight, even if there is no result in the end.

Chu Xiyun really laughed, and she said: "Concubine, king, loser, our gambling game has really begun, it won't be long, just this night."

Zi Qianyue didn't speak, Chu Xiyun paused for a while and said, "Come with me, princess?"

Zi Qianyue smiled wryly. She knew it would be like this. In fact, the first time she saw Chu Xiyun, she fell into a gu. She really underestimated the enemy. With the face of other people, she lives a life inferior to that of ordinary girls with the dignity of a princess. In the past ten years, she has been able to perfectly control her emotions. She is worse than Chu Fan. How could she be so tight because of a few words The taunting words leaked emotions like that, she just wanted to make Zi Qianyue underestimate the enemy, indeed, she did it, although it was not perfect, but she knew that what Ying Chenyu and Zi Qianyue were not good at, Gu , so she cast Gu in Ziqianyue's body early in the morning.

Parasitic Gu, when it is a larva, it is as small as a silk thread, it enters the body when it touches the clothes, it lurks in the human body, parasitizes, without any symptoms, it is not easy to find, until it grows up, people with advanced internal skills can sense it, otherwise, only It will not be discovered until the mother Gu summons, or the Gu raiser summons, but unfortunately, it has no solution, at least Beichen does not have it, because once it enters the human body, it will never come out unless it gets a rare one. Mother Gu, otherwise, even if that person dies, it will eat his body.

Zi Qianyue still left with Chu Xiyun. After she discovered Gu, she never told Ying Chenyu, because she was always in good health, and Ying Chenyu was not good at Gu, so she didn't find out, but now, she Finally, I understood that the cooperation between Chu Xiyun and the old emperor will reveal the real secret, why the old emperor wanted to kill Ying Chenyu, and why Chu Xiyun was so persistent.

In the underground secret room of Luoyu Palace, Zi Qianyue looked at the old emperor and sneered: "Wouldn't you think there is such a place in Luoyu Palace?"

"Yue'er, you are really powerful, but within two months, Yu'er has fallen in love with you. Unfortunately, you don't want to listen to me." The old emperor looked at Zi Qianyue and smiled.

Zi Qianyue was a little annoyed, she turned her head and glanced at the woman on Hanyu's bed, the woman looked like Mo Lingyu, Zi Qianyue seemed to understand instantly, this person was not the real Mo Lingyu at all, I don't know what it was The reason turned into Mo Lingyu's appearance, but the old emperor kept her here and treated her as Mo Lingyu. He couldn't even recognize his own woman. It was so funny. Zi Qianyue sneered, But just for a moment, she looked away and remained silent, he knew that their target was not her, Ying Chenyu would come.

There was silence in the secret room for a moment, the old emperor did not send someone to tie up Ziqianyue, he knew that Ziqianyue would not be able to leave, sure enough, not long after, Eunuch An appeared here, bowed his head and told the old emperor something, the old emperor seemed to be expecting it , looked at Zi Qianyue, and said with a smile: "Yu'er is indeed here!"

Zi Qianyue didn't speak, but he came anyway, and he also knew that she had been poisoned a long time ago, and she clearly agreed that she would take care of her body in the future...

Before Ziqianyue finished thinking, Chu Xiyun suddenly played a strange tune, and Ziqianyue had a headache for a moment, but after a while, the headache eased, and Ziqianyue fell asleep in a chaotic manner. As soon as Yue came here, she followed her, but Ziqianyue was not as lucky as Ziqianyue. She had already been sealed and tied up with her acupuncture points. It was nothing at all, but at this time, seeing Ziqianyue fainted after a severe headache, she couldn't help being frightened With a jump, Chu Xiyun helped Zi Qianyue up, and said softly: "She will be fine, you don't have to worry."

Don't worry about ghosts!The dark guard wanted to say it, but he couldn't. He just watched Chu Xiyun put Ziqianyue on the cold jade bed, as if he had no other meaning.

The old emperor frowned and didn't say anything. Eunuch An had already brought Ying Chenyu in. Ying Chenyu was always so calm, but this time he was not in a wheelchair, but walking, and saw that the door was tied up. The dark guard who made a dumpling didn't seem to see it, and approached Ziqianyue on Hanyu's bed without looking at her. After feeling her pulse to make sure everything was fine, he looked at Mo Lingyu who was lying on the side, and asked Said: "What does the emperor mean today?"

"Yu'er, you already knew that I'm not your father, right?" The old emperor didn't express his surprise that his leg was healed, but asked with a gloomy smile.

Ying Chenyu nodded, he finally had a showdown: "I know."

The old emperor laughed even more strangely, he suddenly sneered and said, "But Yu'er is indeed your concubine mother."

Ying Chenyu glanced at "Mo Lingyu", sneered, and didn't say a word.

The old emperor suddenly got angry, pointed to another ice bed that popped up at some point next to the cold jade bed, and said: "I know my people can't control you, if you don't want something to happen to Zi Qianyue, just go there obediently !"

Ying Chenyu looked at the torture instrument specially made for him. The temperature of the ice bed was extremely low. It was not cold jade, but an even rarer ice jade. Even if a corpse was on it, it would freeze into ice cubes. Moreover, the old emperor clearly knew that Ying Chenyu's body could not withstand any overheating or coldness. What he wanted was not his death, but his death from poisoning, or death after severe poisoning. He didn't know the meaning of this , but still walked into the ice bed, his slender and fair fingers brushed lightly, and the icy temperature spread from his fingertips to his heart instantly. He glanced at Zi Qianyue, she was extremely beautiful, like a spring flower. The elf in the cold jade bed became more and more ethereal like a fairy in the mist of the cold jade bed.

Ying Chenyu no longer looked at Ziqianyue, still with a slight smile on his lips, closed his eyes and gently lay down on the ice bed prepared for him by the old emperor, and at the same time put his hands and feet on those specially designed chains, someone used chains Wrapped around his hands and feet, he looked at the old emperor, shook the chains on his hands slightly, as if they were tied tightly, and said with a smile: "Father, this really can't trap me."

The old emperor's eyes were deep, and he didn't answer his words, but actually reached out and took off his mask. Ying Chenyu didn't resist and couldn't resist, watching the old emperor's face change from nostalgia to thick anger and hatred, the old emperor The emperor seemed to hate it very much, and said with a smile: "Yu'er, do you know what I really want?"

"I don't know." Ying Chenyu said honestly, Bingyu really deserved its reputation, and this is far from the time of poisoning, he has already felt that the ice soul in his body seems to have a tendency to strengthen, and the red soul also has a tendency to wake up early, he I promised that Zi Qianyue would take good care of herself, but I still hope that the old emperor will tell the reason quickly so that he can leave as soon as possible. If something happens to him, Zi Qianyue will definitely not forgive him easily this time.

The old emperor naturally didn't know what was going on in his heart, but seeing his pale face, he knew that he was not feeling well at the moment. The old emperor sneered, "Yu'er, I want your heart!"

Ying Chenyu narrowed his eyes and did not speak. The old emperor continued: "You don't know, do you? You are the legendary immortal heart. I thought it was just a legend. I didn't expect it to happen for real!"

Hearing this incident, not only Ying Chenyu, but also Chu Xiyun was a little surprised. The immortal heart is just a legend, and even very few people have heard of this legend, but the old emperor swears that Ying Chenyu is immortal Heart, this is really unbelievable, the old emperor laughed again: "Ever since Yu'er was pregnant with you, I knew you were not my child, but Yu'er forced her to die, so I didn't want to hurt her, so I stayed with you." You, thinking that as long as you are Yu'er's child, I will treat you well, but Yu'er has been waiting for that person, but even with you, Yu'er still hasn't waited for that person. After two years, she finally gave up. She started to hate you, hated that person, I found a chance to kill you, but suddenly discovered that your blood can regenerate weeds, but at that time I had already done it, and after discovering this incident, I worked hard to save you You, but your blood has lost this ability. I know that this is because your immortal heart fell asleep to save your life. I believe that only when your life and death crisis is reached, will your immortal heart wake up again, so I I have been tormenting you all the time, but the heart of immortality has never been able to wake up. I am not in a hurry, I just want to raise it, and one day it will wake up, but the fire in the harem was set by Yu'er himself. In order to save her, I gave you the red soul, but I didn't expect that Yu'er had already given you the ice soul, and Xue'er's medicine spirit blood, inexplicably sealed your immortality again. In my hand, Ice Soul and Red Soul tortured me, and I will definitely wake up my immortal heart within a few days, but someone suddenly appeared to save you. If I didn’t have his important things on me, I asked him to send you back in ten years. Now, I still can't see you!"

After listening to his long speech, Ying Chenyu closed her eyes and opened them again: "It's just like this? After torturing me for more than ten years for a dead person, I finally want my heart?"

"Yu'er is not dead!" The old emperor was so angry that he snatched the whip from the guard around him and swung it at Ying Chenyu. This was something he often did ten years ago. Ying Chenyu smiled wryly. He had never felt the feeling of being hit by a barbed whip. He didn't speak again, but this time the whip was stopped. Chu Xiyun unceremoniously pinched the old emperor's wrist with a very loud voice. Leng: "Don't forget what the emperor promised me!"

"Chu Xiyun!" The old emperor was furious, no one dared to disobey his orders like this, but Chu Xiyun attacked him without any scruple, even the hidden guards around him didn't do anything, the old emperor suddenly laughed again, Said: "Don't you want to get him? I just don't want to move him, but what you get will always be a heartless person!"

"So what?" Chu Xiyun said coldly, and took a look at Zi Qianyue: "He is already full of her in his heart, since I can't replace her, then go out his heart!"

The old emperor looked at Chu Xiyun, and smiled silently, but Chu Xiyun only looked at Ying Chenyu, he didn't look at her, Chu Xiyun spoke softly, with a soft voice, with a trace of request: "Ying Chenyu, I Can I hug you while you still have your heart?"

"Why?" Ying Chenyu sneered: "We don't know each other at all, right?"

Chu Xiyun lost the tenderness of that moment in an instant, and she became cold again, with bitterness in the cold: "Unfamiliar? But I have been waiting for you for ten years!"

Chu Xiyun looked at Ying Chenyu, the face of the banished fairy, even under such conditions, it was still calm and elegant, clean and spotless, Chu Xiyun smiled wryly: "Southern Chu is not suitable for planting cherry blossoms, but I spent ten years, and finally planted It grows."

Ying Chenyu still didn't speak, Chu Xiyun knew the result, so he didn't care about his attitude, and continued: "But I'm destined not to get close to your heart, because I thought you were a god, and gods shouldn't be defiled. It was enough for me to just look at you silently like that, but when Ziqianyue appeared, she was braver than me, and dared to give you a promise not to be alone, so I realized that you have long been afraid of that kind of loneliness, so I can get it You, even if you have no heart, as long as you are still the original god!"

Chu Xiyun didn't speak anymore either, she looked at him with the same face of a banished immortal, although pale, it couldn't conceal his unparalleled demeanor, Chu Xiyun smiled slightly, turned around and stopped looking at him, the old emperor sneered He smiled, these things have nothing to do with him, he only knows that the time is coming soon, the ice bed will speed up his poisonous hair, the old emperor approached him, took out a delicate ice blade, and cut Yingchen open mercilessly On Yu's wrist, bright red blood dripped down the ground along the ice bed. The old emperor brought a strange grass, the whole body was bright red but withered. The old emperor smiled strangely: "This is what I saw many years ago I got a Sky Heart Grass, it’s a pity that it withered, but it doesn’t matter, as long as it has your blood, it can bloom again, and then I can give it to Yu’er, this is a treasure!”

The blood was dripping, splashing drop by drop on the invisible Tianxin grass, Ying Chenyu remained unmoved, as if it wasn't his own blood that was passing, and sneered: "It's better to say that my blood is more precious! "

"But your blood is highly poisonous now, and your heart is even more precious!" The old emperor smiled, and after a while, he looked at Ying Chenyu and sneered: "You are about to be poisoned, isn't it hard?"

"How is it uncomfortable? Will you let me go?" Ying Chenyu looked at the old emperor, his face became paler, the cold air on the ice bed made him a little unbearable, and now he was bloodletting, which accelerated the poisoning, but He just chuckled, seemingly feeling nothing.

The old emperor didn't seem to be in a hurry, he looked at the Tianxin grass carefully, and said: "The wound cut by this ice blade won't heal, you should get poisoned quickly, and when your immortal heart wakes up, the Tianxin grass will be revived this day. You will be free!"

"Then I'm afraid you won't be able to wait!" Ying Chenyu suddenly said coldly, the old emperor was taken aback, and a red shadow rushed in from the secret room, just as Li Shang stood still, he saw Ying Chenyu's blood dripping The answer fell, and some worried shouted: "Ayu!"

Ying Chenyu looked at him, and smiled mockingly: "You still know how to come back? I thought you wouldn't come back until I was dead!"

"Ah Yu, this was an accident!" Li Shang explained with some embarrassment.

Ying Chenyu snorted coldly, wrote down Li Shang's account first, and before the old emperor and the others could react, the chains on his limbs were instantly broken. Ying Chenyu stood up leisurely, watching the old emperor's astonished expression, He smiled and said, "Father, I said that this really can't trap me!"

"Your internal strength..." The old emperor couldn't believe it. Ying Chenyu walked up to Ziqianyue. He wanted to reach out and touch her face, but when he saw the unstoppable blood on his hand, he frowned. Glancing at Li Shang, Li Shang left his heart to understand, rushed to Ying Chenyu in a doggy manner, took out the medicine from his bosom with a smile and handed it to him, Ying Chenyu touched the medicine himself, the medicine was made of extremely flammable things, Specially restraining the injury from the ice blade, but smearing some burning pain, he frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and threw the remaining medicine to Li Shang, and then said to the old emperor lightly: "Father, the emperor forgot that the ice soul and the red soul are all Holy object, my inner strength is thanks to you!"

"I'm not your father!" The old emperor was furious, pointing at Ying Chenyu and said, Ying Chenyu didn't care, and said with a smile: "It's just right, I don't want to have a father like you."

The old emperor was furious, but he couldn't speak. Now that his people are here, the blood shadow has not shown up. Li Shang and Qing Yan are hard to deal with at first glance. The most important thing is that Li Shang still has a As the prince of Southern Chu, he can't move, just like Zi Qianyue, he can't move either. The old emperor gritted his teeth and watched Chu Li get the parasitic Gu from nowhere, and scratched Zi Qianyue's hand. , the parasitic Gu in her body slowly came out of Zi Qianyue's arm, during which Zi Qianyue frowned slightly, Ying Chenyu touched her forehead with some distress, completely ignoring the stormy face of the old emperor.

As soon as Li Shang appeared, Chu Xiyun had already turned around. She quietly watched Ying Chenyu break free from the shackles to detoxify Zi Qianyue. Her thoughts are not as pure as she imagined, she always thought that what she asked for was not that he treat her well, but that he could always stand on the altar.Chu Xiyun didn't dare to think about it, she suppressed her emotions, and sneered iconically: "Brother Prince, you came back in time!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Li Shang looked at Chu Xiyun, smiled for some reason, and didn't take her seriously at all.

Chu Xiyun took out the flute, and as soon as she put it to her mouth, she felt a powerful internal force sweeping over her. The flute shattered into powder by her mouth and slid down from her fingertips. Chu Xiyun looked at Ying Chenyu, and said with a smile: "You're about to get poisoned, how dare you use such a large amount of internal energy?"

Ying Chenyu said lightly: "Don't touch my people in front of me!"

"Okay." Chu Xiyun smiled, nodded and agreed, Li Shang looked at the situation a little strangely, Chu Xiyun and Ayu could talk so calmly, like old friends for many years, not like enemies at all, Li Shang was so astonished that he didn't dare to say anything, let alone ask anything.

(End of this chapter)

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