Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 119 How important is the truth

Chapter 119 How important is the truth

Li Shang glanced at Qingyan, as if he hadn't seen him just now, and said with a smile: "Yo, why is Qingyun envoy here with the lord?"

"Li Shang, are you too free?" Ying Chenyu said lightly, he still felt annoyed, except for Zi Qianyue, no one had ever made him like the excitement.

Naturally, Li Shang could also see that he was really annoyed, and immediately stopped fighting with Qingyan, reached out to take the medicine from the man in black, and brought it to Ying Chenyu, Ying Chenyu didn't say anything, He took the medicine and drank it, it was extremely bitter, but he knew that Zi Qianyue should be relieved, Li Shang glanced at him, then at Qingyan, the meaning was obvious, Qingyan nodded, he knew that Ying Chenyu's body was too weak , can't take a little trouble, he stayed here to prevent the old emperor from forcibly attacking him in the cell, although Ying Chenyu could get away by himself, but they were still worried that he would sometimes be self-willed and not pay attention to his body.

After Li Shang left, Ying Chenyu closed his eyes to rest, thinking that Zi Qianyue lived here before, and only when he came out of here did he tell him love, thinking of Zi Qianyue, his whole heart is warm of.

In a certain room, Yuqian, Yueling, and the old man were all together at this time, and the blood shadow suddenly appeared, and just about to kneel down to salute, the old man stopped him, knowing that the blood shadow must have something to do with Ying Chenyu, and asked :"What's wrong?"

"Honorable Master has been arrested!" Blood Shadow stopped saluting and said simply.

"Arrested?" The old man's face suddenly became gloomy, and he asked, "Who is it? People from Lingshan?"

"No, it's His Majesty Beichen. His Majesty Beichen revealed the secret that His Holiness is not a prince, and ordered His Majesty to be arrested, but His Majesty went there by himself!"

"Nonsense!" After Xueying finished speaking, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still very angry.

Yuqian waved the blood shadow out and said to the old man: "Don't be angry, Yu'er must have her own reasons!"

"Of course he has a reason. He wanted to force me to show up!" The old man said angrily, "Is the truth so important if you don't take your body seriously?"

"Okay, don't be angry, Yu'er doesn't know the truth, and will always be passive, just like this time the old emperor suddenly revealed his background, what can he do, he doesn't even know what his background is, There is also the heart of immortality, he didn't know the heart of immortality from the beginning, so he ventured to the old emperor's secret room." Yuqian persuaded softly, reaching out for him a cup of tea.

The old man took a sip of tea, but he was still a little angry: "No matter how passive he is, he has the ability to leave, and he is asking for trouble!"

"If you had told him everything from the beginning, he wouldn't have done such a self-seeking thing!" Yue Ling interjected, and gave the old man a lazy look. She was no longer angry, and said coldly, "Why didn't Yue'er take care of him?"

"Yue'er loves him, Yue'er will not disagree with anything he says." Yuqian sighed, she knew Ziqianyue too well, Ziqianyue loved Ying Chenyu, as long as he wanted to do, Ziqian Yue will not object.

The old man didn't speak, the air was silent for a while, and after a while, the old man suddenly sighed: "Forget it, I'll go back and see him first, you know Dongling, don't come here!"

"Okay, then let's go first!" Yue Ling glanced at the old man, said lightly, pulled up Yu Qian who was still a little worried, and disappeared in front of the old man in an instant.

The old man sat quietly for a while, and after a while, he sighed and disappeared into the room.

When the night was just getting late, the old man had already arrived at the cell, and seeing Ying Chenyu resting there quietly, his face seemed a bit unwell, when the old man walked in front of him, Ying Chenyu had already opened his eyes, and the old man was directly angry Said: "Who told you to come here?"

"The emperor told me about my life experience, what if I don't come here? Let me escape with charges?" Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows and asked.

The old man was speechless by his question, but still annoyed, he stretched out his hand and pulled his wrist, felt his pulse involuntarily, and sighed helplessly after a while: "It's November, why bother yourself so much?" ?”

"I'm fine, you guys are too worried!" Ying Chenyu closed her eyes and stopped talking.

"Yu'er, the truth is so important, are you just so self-willed?" The old man sighed wearily, and looked at Ying Chenyu helplessly, but he couldn't hear his answer, and he kept his eyes closed quietly.

The old man stopped looking at him, glanced at Qingyan next to him, turned around and left suddenly, and said: "If you want to stay here, you can stay here. I will take you back to the Magic Spirit Valley in five days. You can stay here for five days." Stay here, I promise the old emperor will not touch you."

Ying Chenyu didn't raise his head, but Qingyan was a little surprised. The old man was never willing to let Ying Chenyu get hurt a little bit. This time he clearly knew that he had a serious cleanliness habit and that it was too cold to keep him here. He didn't say anything yet. The old man glanced at him again and said, "Qingyan, come out and let him reflect on himself here!"

"No, it's very cold here, the Lord's body..." Seeing that the old man was really moving, Qingyan quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

The old man turned around and saw that Ying Chenyu still hadn't opened his eyes, as if he was asleep, and his peerless face was a little pale. The old man sighed, but he was still ruthless, and said to the surroundings: "Come on, bring Qingyan go back!"

In an instant, a group of black-clothed men appeared in Qingyan's small cell. Qingyan was startled, and instantly fought with a few people. Other people around him also appeared to help him deal with these people. The old man gave him a cold look, and instantly After making a move, he caught Qing Yan in a short time, handed him over to the person behind him, and said in a cold voice: "Take care of this prison cell for me, no one is allowed to enter, if someone comes, kill me directly, no matter who it is!"

"Yes!" The man in black replied coldly, looking at Ying Chenyu still closed his eyes like a normal person, Qingyan couldn't help getting anxious, and said to the old man: "My lord can't catch the cold here, please Leave me here to take care of the Lord!"

"Stop talking!" The old man said coldly, and disappeared into the cell in an instant, and the others immediately took Qing Yan away. The people in the next cell were all awakened by the fight just now, looking at Ying Chenyu's cell, he quietly Resting on the ground, he looked a little weak under the pure white cloak. There was no one around him. They could see that the cell next to Ying Chenyu was empty, but they would not say anything. Anyone who can escape here is capable. The person has been imprisoned for a long time, they don't know the identity of Ying Chenyu, they just feel that the person is so downcast or so dazzling, they feel very dazzling, they all cursed, the cell was noisy for a while, Ying Chenyu opened his eyes In an instant, the cold light suddenly appeared. Even though the prisoners who thought they were fearless could not see his face clearly at night, they were still frightened by the coldness covering his body. Ying Chenyu said in a very calm voice: "Shut up!" mouth!"

Those people felt a chill, but they still took courage and continued to curse: "Who are you, you dare to be so arrogant when you come here? Tell you..."

Before the man finished speaking, Ying Chenyu suddenly hooked his lips into a smile, his sinister smile was like a blooming mandala, the aura of a banishment disappeared, only the breath of a devil remained, and he said softly: "My master You didn't insult me, did you?"

"Yes, son!"

Before that person could understand what Ying Chenyu said, he lost consciousness in an instant, blood sprayed all around, and everyone else was startled, but no one dared to say a word, and they all looked at him in horror. The person returned to Ying Chenyu, and disappeared again. Ying Chenyu closed his eyes, no one spoke, and he was just thinking about something quietly.

The old man stood on the top of the cell, beside Qingyan who had his acupuncture points pressed, he turned to look at Qingyan, Qingyan's worry was obvious, the old man sighed: "Don't worry, it's better to let him suffer here."

The old man flew away with Qingyan and returned to Yuwang Mansion. Zi Qianyue was a little surprised. Seeing that Qingyan was brought back by the old man, the old man's face was also as cold as he had never seen before. Zi Qianyue knew that the old man must have gone to see Sakura. Chen Yu asked carefully: "Master, Ying Chenyu..."

"Don't talk about Yue'er, I've already been there." The old man interrupted Zi Qianyue and sighed.

Zi Qianyue nodded, looked at Qingyan still a little worried, and said worriedly: "Master, Ying Chenyu is indeed willful, but he also wants to know the truth and wants the elders of Lingshan to come out, besides, he is not in good health. , you will get sick if you stay there for a long time, or let Li Shang take care of him..."

"No need!" The old man vetoed it before she finished speaking, looked at Zi Qianyue and sighed: "I went to see him and he caught a little cold, not to mention five days, he can have a fever in three days!"

"Master, then..." Zi Qianyue was even more worried. Although she knew that Master was also for him, she was still most worried about his body, and he was about to be poisoned.

"Yue'er, I know you're worried, but Yu'er always acts recklessly like this, not just once or twice, I don't want him to have an accident, but if he continues like this, accidents will really happen, I sent someone to protect him, I won't let him have any serious problems, and I will take him back to Illusory Spirit Valley in five days, even if the poison develops, there will be no major problems." The old man was a little tired, and rubbed his forehead with his hand.

Looking at the old man's old appearance, Zi Qianyue knew that no matter how big of a secret he had, it was all because of Ying Chenyu, and she no longer pleaded for mercy. She stretched out her hand to support the old man, and said lightly: "Master, unlock Qingyan's acupoints. I won't let them pass by anymore, you go to rest first!"

"En." The old man nodded, waved his hands to untie Qingyan's acupoints, and left with Ziqianyue's support.Although Qingyan was a little worried, he still didn't say anything, and returned to the palace honestly. I don't know why the old emperor didn't seal the palace, so they still lived in the palace. After all, Yingyuan is the cloud palace It's a pity that the people who cultivated it can't help it!

In the Lingshan Palace, Yuxi and the others never expected that Ying Chenyu would take the initiative to choose to go to the cell. Although this seemed to be closer to Ying Chenyu, it was not the case. You can't follow the rules of the rivers and lakes. Even if the elder comes, you can't kill Ying Chenyu silently in the cell. After all, Ying Chenyu's martial arts is extremely high, and it is almost impossible to take him down quickly. But it will be troublesome if you invite other people.

Yuxi was still thinking hard, but the old emperor suddenly appeared beside him. Yuxi was startled, and immediately got up to salute. The old emperor pressed his shoulders and did not let him salute. He sat opposite him and said, "Yuxi, I Everything that can be done has been done, and the rest is up to you!"

"The emperor can't kill him in prison again?" Yuxi said angrily.

The old emperor sneered: "You know his identity, you think that person will leave him alone, I can't get close to him at all now!"

"Then what?" Yuxi was furious: "What's the use of doing this if I can't kill him!"

"How do I know what's the use of you doing this?" The old emperor smiled mockingly: "He's not here, won't you move the Yun Palace first?"

"My target is him!" Yuxi was so angry that she was a little irrational, and she became angry at the old emperor, but the old emperor just sneered, then turned around and walked out, ignoring Yuxi, Yuxi was full of anger and couldn't get vent, and fell angrily. He took the water glass on the table and heard the crackling sound.

Early the next morning, a person came in Ying Chenyu's cell, but just as that person approached Ying Chenyu's cell, he was stopped by the man in black left by the old man. Naturally, the man in black couldn't help but attack at the same time, they The order received was that anyone who approached this cell would die, no matter who the other party was, it would be a killer move if he used it, Ying Chen resisted it, and his voice became cold, and said: "Who are you?"

The man in black didn't speak, and he didn't stop his hands. On the contrary, Ying Chenyu suddenly blocked the man in black's moves, and said coldly: "Stop, don't move him!"

"My lord, our task is to kill anyone who gets close to here!" The leader of the man in black stopped, and said respectfully and coldly to Ying Chenyu.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Ying Chen'an's voice was extremely cold. Seeing that these people were obviously here to monitor Ying Chenyu, she was a little worried, especially when she saw that Ying Chenyu's face was not very good, and she had no good words for them. .

Ying Chenyu looked at Ying Chen'an, and said lightly: "They are my master's people."

"They're watching you!" Ying Chen'an was still worried, looking at the men in black who seemed to be planning to kill him, her eyes seemed to be shattered.

Ying Chenyu chuckled lightly: "Second brother has cut off my robes!"

"Xiao Wu, don't blame Second Brother!" Ying Chen'an said helplessly.

"Don't complain." Ying Chenyu said casually: "Second brother, leave, I made a mistake, master forbids people to see me, and, I will not be Xiao Wu in the future, but Jianghu Yunzun!"

"Xiao Wu, why do you need it?" Ying Chen'an was a little worried and persuaded.

Ying Chenyu smiled lightly: "Second brother, you don't have to worry about me. Master's people are just to protect me and won't harm me. You should leave first, otherwise Master will kill you, and I will be embarrassed!"

"Little Five!" Ying Chen'an shouted, Ying Chenyu didn't look back, Ying Chen'an had no choice but to say: "Okay, Yun Zun, then I'm leaving, and I won't come again in the future!"

Ying Chenyu didn't answer, Ying Chenan sighed and turned to leave, Ying Chenyu was about to go to the bed in the corner, but suddenly staggered, the man in black immediately supported him, and the voice that was originally emotionless brought a little Worried, said: "Young master, you seem to be sick!"

"I'm fine!" Ying Chenyu dodged his support and went back to the bed. She was indeed extremely weak. She drank the medicine overnight, but she had a fever all night, and even felt a little dizzy. Ying Chenyu smiled wryly. In fact, Sure enough, she was like a glass doll that would shatter when touched, at least physically, she never took care of herself.

The man in black was still a little worried, he clearly knew what status Ying Chenyu held in his master's heart, and said worriedly: "My lord, why don't you admit your mistake to the master, the master loves you the most and will let someone take care of you Yours!" "It's okay, I'm afraid I'll admit my mistake to Master this time and I won't let me out!" Ying Chenyu glanced at the various prisoners in the cell outside, the old man knew that Ying Chenyu didn't like the smell of blood and had already killed the night At this time, everyone looked at Ying Chenyu and was astonished, but no one dared to say a word.

The man in black knelt down on one knee: "My lord, do you want to go to the master to get some medicine?"

"No, I'm fine for the time being, just use my internal strength to protect me." Ying Chenyu said lightly and vetoed, although the man in black was a little worried, but apart from the old man, the only thing they couldn't resist was Ying Chenyu.

Ying Chen'an came over and didn't say anything, and didn't bring anything. The jailer brought breakfast, and the man in black took it over and brought it over. The jailer didn't dare to say anything when he saw these people, as if he didn't see it, he immediately turned and left .

Naturally, these meals were the same as when Zi Qianyue lived in the sky prison at that time. Even though Ying Chenyu had indeed suffered a lot, he had never been wronged materially. Even the old man Guan didn't let him be wronged in this respect, so he has always been very picky eaters. The old man was probably so angry that he forgot about it and didn't let anyone deliver the food to him. The man in black took back the food in embarrassment and said, "Young master, go down and talk to the master, and someone will deliver the food to you!"

"No need, put these here!" Ying Chenyu opened his eyes and glanced at him, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes, the man in black hesitated a bit, but he did it anyway, not knowing what he was going to do again.

Naturally, Ying Chenyu wouldn't eat those things, but it was okay to let the old man see them, as long as it wasn't for Zi Qianyue, he couldn't bear Zi Qianyue's distress, so he closed his eyes and rested, knowing that the old man dared to lock him up He will take care of things outside here, and he should take good care of his illness, otherwise Yueyue will feel distressed when he goes back!
Sure enough, Yuyuan's grandfather was the Third Elder of Lingshan. Hearing that Yuyuan had been arrested by an ordinary Jianghu woman, she became furious and immediately went to the Second Elder to discuss it.

The Second Elder naturally knew about Yuxi, and had been waiting for the Third Elder to come over a long time ago. When the Third Elder hurriedly sent it, he smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, she dare not do anything to Yuan'er!"

"How can I not be in a hurry?" The third elder came over and sat down, and said anxiously: "I only have Yuan'er, my precious granddaughter, what should I do if something happens to her?"

"There's nothing you can do about it, Yuxi will take care of it!" The Second Elder seemed anxious, echoing the Third Elder.

"No, if Yuxi can deal with that woman, she won't lose Yuan'er!" The third elder became angry when he thought of Yuxi losing his precious granddaughter, and his eyes when looking at the second elder also became unfriendly.

The second elder coughed in embarrassment, and continued: "Xi'er also told me about this matter, that woman Shui Mengxuan is not simple, and she has people from Yungong to help her!"

"Yungong?" The third elder was puzzled: "Didn't you say that the heart of immortality is the lord of Yungong? Who is he, and how can he have the heart of immortality?"

"He," the second elder's eyes became dark, remembering the letter Yuxi sent back to him, and whispered to the third elder: "He used to be Beichen's most favored prince and the only prince. Emperor Beichen was arrested, he said he was not the prince, he admitted it himself, turned around and lived in the sky prison."

"Then what is his identity?" The third elder was not stupid, knowing that the matter was naturally not simple, he asked in a low voice.

The second elder approached him and said a few words softly, the third elder's face turned ashen for an instant, and he said tremblingly: "Are you sure?"

"Our Holy Master has kept this secret, even Ying Chenyu himself would not know about it, but Yuxi saw him with his own eyes, it will definitely not be bad." The expression of the second elder became darker, and the expression of the third elder also changed again. Changed, and sighed after a while: "That's right, such an identity is worthy of immortality!"

(End of this chapter)

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