Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 121 Whoever offends my family will die

Chapter 121 Whoever offends my family will die
Zi Qianyue was already preparing to go to Yungong, but she was still a little worried before she left. The blood shadow had come to her side, and Zi Qianyue asked, "Who is beside Ying Chenyu now?"

"It's the master's hidden guards. These people are extremely skilled in martial arts. They always protect the Lord every time he is punished, and they are also the ones who monitor the Lord." Blood Shadow's voice was emotionless, but it was It made Ziqianyue feel relieved a lot. Ying Chenyu said that the master would never hurt him. Ziqianyue also believed that, and the relationship between the master and Ziqianyue's parents is very good. Ziqianyue can see that the master is sincere. Treating Ying Chenyu as her own child and loving him, it is absolutely impossible to hurt him. Thinking of this, Zi Qianyue didn't think too much about it, and simply packed up her things and left with Li Shang, Qing Yan and the others.

Everyone in Yungong saw that Ziqianyue and Lishang were the only ones who came back. Ziqianyue explained angrily: "Your lord will stay in the prison in the holy capital, so you won't come back, don't worry about him!"

Everyone burst into laughter, they all heard about Ying Chenyu being arrested, they would not believe that Ying Chenyu would be taken away by the old emperor's people if he didn't want to, so everyone knew that Ying Chenyu must be the one who wanted it. In the past, after all, their lords always do things that are difficult for people to understand. Everyone is used to it, and there is no doubt about it, but someone immediately stepped forward and said to Zi Qianyue: "See the mistress, the people in Lingshan are almost gone. Arrived!"

"Are you coming soon?" Zi Qianyue said softly, after thinking for a while, she said, "Get ready, Lingshan will come directly to Yungong, and everyone knows that Shui Mengxuan is on the side of Yungong."

"Yes!" Everyone took the order and got ready. Only Li Shang and the four cloud envoys and blood shadows were left beside Ziqianyue. Looking at the huge cloud palace, Ziqianyue sighed softly: "Let You are wayward, now you don’t even have the chance to guard the Cloud Palace with me!"

Li Shang laughed, and said to Zi Qianyue: "Mother, don't worry, the old man used to always Guan Ayu, and he won't do anything to him."

"Well, I know." Zi Qianyue nodded, suddenly looked cold, and said to several people: "You guys also go to prepare, if Lingshan dares to come here, you should be prepared to come and go!"

"Yes, mistress." No one knelt down on one knee and replied respectfully.

Zi Qianyue turned and left, thinking that the person who should be sick now, suddenly felt that it would be better for him to be sick, at least it would be better to have a little restless internal force and poisonous hair, Zi Qianyue thought, I will guard your things , Whoever hurts you, I will kill.

I don't know if the second elder and the third elder are overconfident. They went down from Lingshan and went directly to Yungong, and to the cliff of Yungong. Yuxi was already waiting for them there. Yuxi was even more happy to see the elders, but Yuxi hadn't waited. They saluted, and the third elder asked Yuxi as soon as he came over: "Where is Yuan'er?"

"Yuan'er was taken away by the evil fairy Shui Mengxuan of Shuimeng Villa. Shuimengxuan wants to come and stand beside Yungong. As long as Yungong is eliminated, Shuimengxuan will definitely teach Yuan'er!" Yuxi looked at the third elder. , with points of guilt in his eyes, he said seriously and seriously.

The third elder said angrily, "What if Shui Mengxuan kills Yuan'er?"

"She dare not!" Yuxi chuckled, respectful to the third elder: "Yuan'er is his only bargaining chip to threaten us!"

The third elder gave a cold snort of disdain. He actually didn't like Yuxi. He was insidious, cunning, and unscrupulous. He had almost the same character as the second elder, but at this moment he could only believe Yuxi's words.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Yuxi glanced at the Yun Palace on the opposite side of the cliff, and said, "The Yun Palace is easy to defend and difficult to attack, why don't I give Grandpa and the third elder a chance first, and then remove the Yun Palace with my friends from the Jianghu?"

"That's good." The second elder also took a look at the Yungong Palace. The construction is extremely spectacular, beautiful, and extremely flamboyant, but it is indeed a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The third elder naturally had no objection. Although he was grumpy and anxious, he was not a fool. Naturally, he could see that Yungong was not as simple as they thought, so he turned and followed Yuxi away without saying anything.

Zi Qianyue stood at the top of Yungong and looked at all this coldly. She didn't know whether to say that the elders of Lingshan were too confident or too stupid. Since they came here, how could they let them go back to rest and come back?
Zi Qianyue smiled coldly, the road that Yuxi and the others were about to leave suddenly changed completely, all around them turned into cliffs except where they were standing, Yuxi was shocked, even if she used spiritual power to teleport her heart In this way, they are surrounded by cliffs and pure white mist, and they can't even see each other's faces clearly, let alone see the direction of Yungong. The spiritual power of the elders is naturally superb, but it can be seen in a moment A formation that creates illusions, just about to use spiritual power to forcibly break the formation, but heard the melodious sound of the zither, and the surrounding scene seemed to have changed. Appearing looming in all directions of the white mist, the faint sound of the zither seems to have magical powers, making people more and more deeply involved in it, and the illusion in front of them becomes more and more realistic, and even the elders begin to doubt whether they are really in an illusion or this is it. reality.

Under the control of this illusion, especially in front of the two elders, a person seemed to appear. He was wearing a purple robe and a mask, and his breath was cold. However, this person was too familiar to the elders. The second elder and The third elder didn't care about doubts, immediately knelt down, and shouted respectfully: "See Holy Master!"

The purple-robed man didn't say anything, and actually shot directly to kill the two elders. The elders were shocked, thinking that what they were going to do should be exposed, and they couldn't care about it. They never had the ability to think and act in front of this person. Opportunity, I only know that if I don't make a move, I will die. Even if the power is very different, I still have to fight. In fact, the two people can't see each other. It didn't seem to be as powerful as imagined. The second elder suddenly remembered that the Holy Master should have used his own spiritual power to seal another person's spiritual power.The Second Elder didn't have time to think about it, he only knew that if he couldn't kill the Holy Master, the Holy Master would immediately make his life worse than death. Thinking of this, his moves became more and more fierce.

The third elder naturally also found that the strength of the Holy Master in front of him did not seem to be as powerful as imagined, but he did not know other things. He knew very well that even if the strength of the Holy Master was not as high as imagined, it would not be much different from him like this. He suddenly remembered something, and his face was gloomy: "You are not the Holy Master!"

The opponent's moves seemed to stop for a moment, and the third elder also withdrew his spiritual power and asked, "Who are you?"

"Third Elder?" The man spoke suddenly, and Elder San Zhang was startled when he heard the voice, and said, "Are you the Second Elder?"

"Yes, the one I saw is also the Holy Master!" The second elder nodded and said, his eyes were gloomy. Only then did he see clearly that the person in front of him was not the Holy Master at all, but just the third elder. Both of them had gloomy eyes. The elder said: "I didn't expect them to have such a formation!"

"This is the formation of Lingshan." The third elder also said dimly, "But they don't have spiritual power. If it weren't for this soul-stirring technique, their internal power would not be able to do anything to us!"

"We're about to break the battle. This battle will allow the two of us to kill each other for so long, and it will have a greater impact on Yuxi and the others." The second elder narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes flashed gloomy.

"Hehe, there is no need for the elders to break the formation!" Suddenly, Zi Qianyue's light laughter came, and the elders were a little surprised. The fog in front of them had already begun to disperse. The illusion has never appeared before. In front of me is the Yungong behind the cliff, and Yuxi Yuhao who seems to be injured.

Zi Qianyue continued to laugh and said: "This is a small gift from Yungong to the elders, the elders accept it with a smile, no thanks."

"Zi Qianyue?" The second elder asked, "You are the master of the silent speech pavilion, Princess Yu Ziqianyue?"

"King Yu is no longer here, why come to Princess Yu? I am the Mistress of Yun Palace, and I am also the owner of the Pavilion of Silent Words!" Zi Qianyue smiled lightly, and said after a while: "But my husband is not here, if there is something I don't treat well, everyone Haihan!"

Seeing Zi Qianyue's playful smile, the third elder was furious: "Huh! Call Yuan'er out, I, Lingshan, can spare your life!"

"Yuaner?" Zi Qianyue tilted her head and thought for a while, as if thinking of something, both eyes were smiling: "Is it Yuyuan? She has no brains and was caught by Shui Mengxuan. If the elders are willing , looking for Shui Mengxuan to ask for someone has nothing to do with me!"

"It doesn't matter?" The second elder said coldly: "Who doesn't know that Shui Mengxuan is from your Yun Palace!"

"So what?" Zi Qianyue gave the second elder a disdainful look, then looked at Yuxi, who was seriously injured, and sneered: "Young Master Yuxi is probably injured seriously, the elders are sure they won't go to fight with me. Are you talking?"

"Hmph! Let's go!" The third elder glanced at Yuxi, snorted coldly, turned and left angrily.

Zi Qianyue watched them leave, stretched out her hands to play with her hair, and suddenly remembered that the little boy who liked to play with her hair the most was not there, she felt a little empty in her heart, and then she threw away the hair wrapped in her hands in depression, and flew away. Go down to the top floor of Yungong!

"See mistress!" Everyone in Yungong saluted.

Zi Qianyue turned around and walked over, Li Shang walked in front of her and asked, "Mistress, what shall we do next?"

"It's almost impossible to head-to-head with the two elders, and the grandfathers of Yuhao and Yuhui may also come. These elders are all masters. Yuxi's level is not comparable to them at all, and we will not win. Kill them!" Zi Qianyue thought for a while, and then said: "They are in a hurry, and they should come tomorrow, we must win them according to the original plan!"

"Yes!" Li Shang nodded, and said after a while: "Then what if, as you said, the other two elders come? And the Holy Lord of Lingshan?"

"I have my own way for the other two elders. As for the Holy Master..." Zi Qianyue's eyes were a little dark, remembering the man in purple robe Ying Chenyu told her, and said to Li Shang: "The Holy Master will not come, But if it comes, we will adjust accordingly, after all, absolute strategy can never compare with absolute strength, if the Holy Lord is our enemy, his strength cannot be stopped by any strategy."

"Well, I see!" Li Shang nodded: "Since the old man said that there are only the second elder and the third elder, he should be right."

After Li Shang finished speaking, she left, and the light in Zi Qianyue's eyes changed slightly. After a while, she also turned around and walked away. No matter who came, at least she would definitely guard Yungong.

Sure enough, as Zi Qianyue expected, the two elders healed Yuxi Yuhao and others very quickly. Although the injuries were not completely healed, as Zi Qianyue said, they were in a hurry, and they attacked directly when they got off the mountain. Yungong didn't care about Shuimeng Villa because they were in a hurry. Besides, in this kind of battle, Yuxi and the others were actually useless, they just stood there to gather the number of people.

When the two elders came over again, Zi Qianyue was already ready and waiting for them to come. This time the two elders not only brought people from Lingshan, but also many people from the rivers and lakes. Most of these people supported The blood tower, even the tower owner of the blood tower came over in person. He was wearing a mask and stood quietly beside Yuxi. His aura of a superior person was outstanding. Zi Qianyue looked at him with a sneer. It was ironic. She saved him back then. , I didn't expect to meet with each other now, but no matter what, Zi Qianyue will not lose, because this matter is her family, and anyone who violates her family will definitely die!

The elders didn't say much this time, they learned a lot from a trap, they would never give Zi Qianyue a chance to trap them with a formation, and they moved directly from the cliff to the Yun Palace in a flash, Zi Qianyue sneered , Looking at the people in the rivers and lakes who are still standing on the cliff, including the people from Lingshan, the elders are really confident, just the two of them want to kill everyone in Yungong, but since they dare to come, there is no possibility of leaving up!
In an instant, the cliff changed back to what it was a day ago, and everyone in the white mist panicked, especially the people on the river and lake. They had no spiritual power, and the internal power of Xiangying was enough to make them all panic in the environment. Soul technique, those people began to appear in front of the person they were most afraid of seeing, and then attacked the person in front of them, but they didn't know that the person in front of them was the partner who came with them, and screamed one after another, they were not like the elders of Lingshan , the insanity technique is not deep, you can see that the person in front of you is wrong, just kill the enemy in front of you.

The two elders immediately felt that something was wrong, and when they turned their heads, they realized that no one was following them. They saw that Ziqianyue had repeated the old trick, but they didn't have the time to pay attention to them, as long as they killed Ziqianyue and the rest of Yungong , the formation will be untied naturally, and the group of people who came over would be more of a burden than a help, they have enough self-confidence.

Zi Qianyue sneered, looked at the two elders who appeared in Yungong, without a trace of fear, and the three elders said angrily: "Hand over Yuan'er!"

"I said no?" Zi Qianyue sneered, the third elder was furious, and immediately attacked Zi Qianyue, the second elder was not to be outdone, the two old men started attacking a girl in her teens at the same time, which looked inexplicably funny.

The elder's spiritual strength is naturally extremely high, and Zi Qianyue couldn't catch it at all. Seeing this, Li Shang immediately went to help Zi Qianyue, and said with a smile: "You two are so old, so you have the nerve to beat our master together. Mother is a little girl, really disrespectful!"

"Hmph, don't be so stubborn, you hand over Yuan'er, we only need Yun Zun, and we won't touch anyone in Yun Palace!" The second elder's face was cold, even if Zi Qianyue and Li Shang joined forces, they could be regarded as one of the opponents.

"That's a good idea!" Li Shang laughed coldly, "Since you dare to come here today, don't even think about leaving. You actually want to take our lord away, what a dream!"

"Hmph, you don't want to drink a toast!" The third elder was already grumpy, but when he heard Li Shang say this, his moves became even more violent, but the blood shadow suddenly appeared in front of Li Shang, and he stretched out his hand to take the moves of the third elder, but he didn't Suffering a little injury, the blood shadow raised his eyes, the third elder suddenly felt scared, and habitually glanced at the second elder next to him, the second elder also thought the same as him, because the blood shadow suddenly reminded them of that person, didn't he? Also here!
But there was no way out, the two elders shot again, Zi Qianyue and Li Shang, Xue Ying and Yue Yi each restrained an elder, Xue Ying's martial arts were extremely high, and Zi Qianyue knew that his martial arts were comparable to Ying Chenyu's That is to say, Ying Chenyu can deal with an elder alone, Zi Qianyue is a little relieved, the four of them quickly gained the upper hand, the second elder and the third elder obviously couldn't believe it, and smiled strangely: " Zi Qianyue, you really don't think it's just the two of us here, do you?"

"Fourth elder and fifth elder?" Zi Qianyue sneered: "You don't really think that there are only a few of us in Yungong?"

"You guys, what do you mean?" The elders are used to being comfortable in Lingshan, they have never been challenged, and their strength is far inferior to that of the previous elders. Beside the palace, there are Shuimeng Villa, Xuege, and Moyan Pavilion, and Ziqianyue has long thought that everyone will swallow the benefits, and the fourth and fifth elders will not be indifferent, so Shuimengxuan will stop one person, Xueer and Dongling is so mysterious that it will stop someone. Shui Mengxuan is from the Wu family, and there must be experts around her. As for the Empress Dowager Dongling, if Zi Qianyue expected it well, she is from Lingshan, and she has absolute spiritual power. Not very low.

Zi Qianyue fought hard in Yungong, but Ying Chenyu was still trapped in the Beichen Prison. It was already the fifth day, and he still didn't have any strength in his body. It was better to have a fever, but his body was still weak and weak. It's worse than yesterday, and he hasn't been awake for a long time every day, but he also knows that the old man will definitely let Ziqianyue go to Yungong, and he also believes in Ziqianyue's strength, Yungong will be safe in her hands, but unfortunately He has no chance to guard their home with Zi Qianyue.

The old man finally appeared and looked at Ying Chenyu leaning against the wall exhaustedly. Although he was sleeping every day, he was still exhausted. The old man knew that this was the effect of the elixir given to him. Although he was a little distressed, he didn't say anything , stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, except for the effect of the pill, there was nothing unusual, the old man nodded reassuringly, without saying a word to Ying Chenyu, he directly said to the man in black next to him: "Send him back to Illusory Spirit Valley!"

"Yes!" The man in black nodded respectfully, the old man gave Ying Chenyu a faint look, and disappeared into the prison.

The man in black walked over and said carefully, "Master, you..."

"Help me up!" Ying Chenyu's voice was very weak. He hadn't spoken or moved since he asked that question yesterday. Although the man in black was a little embarrassed, he still helped him up, although his footsteps were extremely weak , Ying Chenyu still insisted on walking over by himself, the old man had already prepared the carriage, and the sky prison was like a no-man's land to them, Ying Chenyu saw the sun for the first time in five days, and squinted a little uncomfortably Squinting, then weakly walked into the carriage, went to the place the old man wanted him to go, and did everything the old man had arranged for him. He had no choice but to lean slightly on the carriage. Half an hour passed, and he soon He will fall into a coma again, and when he wakes up, he may almost reach the Illusory Spirit Valley, Ying Chenyu smiled wryly, it was the first time in ten years that he was so passive, and he felt very bad.

cloud palace
The Second Elder and the Third Elder have been captured by Zi Qianyue, not because they are not strong enough, but because they are too conceited, they have never taken Zi Qianyue and the others seriously, Zi Qianyue and Li Shang can use poison, And the blood shadow skill is comparable to Ying Chenyu, the second elder and the third elder were acupointed and thrown aside, Zi Qianyue looked at the person in front of her coldly, she did not expect Ying Chenqing to improve her martial arts so fast in the past five years He turned out to be the first person to break through the illusion. Logically speaking, he shouldn't break through, but maybe because there are too many people that Xiangying and Qingyan want to control, he can break out of the formation instead.

Ying Chenqing naturally knew that Ziqianyue recognized his identity, and said helplessly: "Yue'er, you have always liked freedom the most, why bother to guard a place and a person that the whole world is attacking?"

(End of this chapter)

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