Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 134 Can't Explain Anymore

Chapter 134 Can't Explain Anymore

In the palace of Lingshan, Zi Qianyue looked cold, and carefully took off Ying Chenyu's clothes. The clothes were almost covered with ice because of the cold water, and the blood stuck the clothes and the wound together. When it came to the wound, Ying Chenyu had passed out, but she still frowned because of the discomfort.

Yushu appeared in Yingchenyu's palace in an instant, and before he had time to adjust his breath, he saw the blood on Yingchenyu's body, and his clothes were almost stained red. Yushu reached out and took out the antidote of the medicine, just about to feed it to him, Ziqian But Yue said softly: "Don't let him wake up."

Yu Shu took a look at Zi Qianyue and nodded. He was full of injuries. If he woke up, he would definitely be in pain. It would be better to fall asleep. Yu Shu helped Zi Qianyue, carefully took off his clothes, and looked Feeling distressed by the welt marks on her body, Yuqian stepped forward and pulled Ziqianyue over, comforting her worriedly: "Yue'er, let's go out first!"

"I'm not leaving!" Ziqianyue shook off Yuqian's hand, squatted beside Yingchenyu's bed, and continued to carefully wipe the blood on his wound. Yuqian was worried, and glanced at Yueling. There was no other way, so he continued: "Yue'er, Nian'er is all injured, don't worry too much."

"Mother, don't talk about it!" Zi Qianyue said, her voice stained with fatigue, and she carefully wiped his wound and sprinkled the wound medicine at the same time. Ying Chenyu frowned because of the stimulation of the medicine, and Zi Qianyue tried not to Going to see him, he said to Yu Shu: "Master, go and see Li Shang, he seems to be injured too!"

Yushu nodded helplessly, turned around and walked to Li Shang, Li Shang had been looking at Ying Chenyu, his internal energy had soared and hurt his tendons, but he had no time to take care of that much, he was worried that something might happen to Ying Chenyu, and he never left, I don't know how Zi Qianyue found out that something was wrong with him. Yu Shu stretched out his hand to feel Li Shang's pulse, and found that his internal energy had soared. He frowned, and stretched out his hand to transmit the blue spiritual power into Li Shang's body. Injuries, but most of them were external injuries, and it was only because of his weak constitution and the tossing in the water prison that he fell into a coma, but Li Shang actually suffered internal injuries, even worse than Ying Chenyu, Qingyao has been standing by his side Naturally, he could see his discomfort, but Li Shang wouldn't let her speak. Although she was anxious, she didn't say anything. Yushu used spiritual power to repair his tendons, but the spiritual power couldn't completely cure him, so he still had to heal the injury by himself, Yushu Shen Sheng said: "Qing Yao, take Li Shang back to rest."

"En." Qingyao nodded, stretched out her hand to support Li Shang, just as Li Shang was about to refuse, Yu Shu said, "Nian'er must know the consequences of your soaring internal energy, do you want him to blame himself if you don't go back to recuperate?"

"Okay, I'll go back." Li Shang had no choice but to nod his head and said, "You take good care of Ayu, he has been in the water prison for a long time."

"Yeah." Yu Shu nodded, Li Shang still looked at Ying Chenyu worriedly, turned around and helped Qingyao leave, just as she went out, she immediately coughed up a mouthful of blood while supporting the pillar, Qingyao was shocked, and just wanted to call someone , Li Shang stretched out his hand and pulled her: "Don't talk, little girl."

Qingyao stopped talking, looked at Li Shang worriedly, and helped Li Shang go out. She knew that he didn't want to distract them, so she obeyed his will and carefully led him away.

This incident shocked many people. Zi Muyun and Zi Mulan who were far away in the holy capital were worried. Shui Mengxuan's mission was to protect Ying Chenyu, so she also came to Lingshan in person. Shui Mengxuan is Wu Yu Shu naturally knew her identity, and let her into Ying Chenyu's palace. Ying Chenyu was still in a coma. Shui Mengxuan took out a bottle of wound medicine and threw it at Zi Qianyue. Zi Qianyue was puzzled. Looking at her, Shui Mengxuan explained: "His identity is unusual. It was given to him by the head of the Wu Clan. You can give him medicine!"

"En." Zi Qianyue nodded, she naturally believed Shui Mengxuan's words, and carefully applied the medicine on him. Although he had been treated with the best wound medicine for two days, his body was weak after all, and the wound still oozes from time to time. Blood, people are even more unconscious.

Shui Mengxuan glanced at Ying Chenyu, then at Ziqianyue, and sighed softly: "Yue'er, come out with me!"

"I'm still here to take care of him..." Zi Qianyue frowned, but Shui Mengxuan interrupted her and said, "Yue'er, let Yushu take care of him first, you come out!"

It was rare for Zi Qianyue to see Shui Mengxuan so serious, so she must have something extremely important to say, and looked at Yu Shu with some concern, Yu Shu nodded to her, Zi Qianyue got up, and left with Shui Mengxuan.

Yushu guarded Yingchenyu, but after a while, Yingchenyu opened his eyes weakly, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. His injury has always been incurable by spiritual power. Yushu was surprised. Immediately pouring water for him, Ying Chenyu's voice was extremely low, as if inaudible: "Yueyue..."

"Nian'er, Yue'er went out with Shui Mengxuan." Yu Shu explained, reaching out to feed him water, Ying Chenyu wanted to sit up, but she didn't have the strength to pull the wound and frowned slightly, and asked Yu Shu Said: "Why is Shui Mengxuan here?"

"The patriarch of the Wu clan sent you the medicine, and Shui Mengxuan brought it here." Yu Shu replied, reached out and took out a pill to Ying Chenyu, and said with self-blame: "This is the antidote for the previous medicine. Yue'er was afraid that your wound would hurt when you woke up, so she didn't let you eat it."

"Yeah." Ying Chenyu nodded, took the medicine obediently, saw Yu Shu's self-blame, and said casually: "I don't blame you."

"Nian'er, it was my mistake this time. I didn't expect the Second Elder to be so bold!" Yu Shu's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly, "Don't worry, apart from the First Elder, the elder family no longer exists!"

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." Ying Chenyu said lightly, not taking the injury on her body seriously at all, and suddenly thought of something, and said to Yushu: "Go and ask Yueyue to come back, I'm afraid Shui Mengxuan said something that shouldn't be said."

"Okay." Yushu nodded, turned around and saw Ziqianyue walking back. Ziqianyue didn't have any abnormalities. She was very surprised to see Ying Chenyu awake. She ran to his side quickly, wanting to hug him but was afraid When I touched his wound, I had no choice but to give up.

Ying Chenyu smiled shallowly, raised her hand weakly to pull Zi Qianyue, and asked softly: "Yueyue, why did you come back so early?"

"Do you know what I'm doing?" Zi Qianyue raised her eyebrows playfully.

"Well, Qingyan told me!" Ying Chenyu felt helpless.

Zi Qianyue raised her eyebrows and looked at him, without saying a word, Ying Chenyu admitted her mistake helplessly: "I sent Qingyan to save her!"

"Huh?" Zi Qianyue nodded and continued to ask.

Ying Chenyu smiled bitterly: "Well... I heard that you went there in person, and I want to go there too, so I was put under house arrest by him..."

"That means you deserve to be hurt like this now?" Zi Qianyue glanced at him and asked.

Ying Chenyu put down his hand arrogantly, and wanted to turn around to ignore her, but just as soon as he moved, he pulled the wound, frowned slightly, Zi Qianyue was annoyed, this little poor boy couldn't say anything, but he still felt distressed His injury, anger: "Okay, don't move!"

"Yueyue hasn't said why she came back so early?" Ying Chenyu still didn't look at Ziqianyue, and said sullenly.

Zi Qianyue glanced at him, and stretched out her hand to reveal the bracelet that Yuqian gave her before going to the holy capital. She didn't like wearing jewelry very much, so she kept it and didn't wear it. Later, Yuqian asked her to wear it: "Do you know this bracelet?" ?"

Ying Chenyu froze for a moment, then chuckled after a while: "I don't know."

Looking at him, Zi Qianyue always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. Yu Shu seemed to be a little strange, Zi Qianyue put down the bracelet, and said lightly: "This bracelet may have something to do with you, every time you hurt it It will all be noisy."

"Is that so?" Ying Chenyu said in a low voice, and smiled after a while: "It might just be a coincidence, the main reason is that we have a good understanding, and Yueyue feels distressed when I get hurt?"

"It doesn't look like he was seriously injured at all!" Zi Qianyue looked at him jokingly.

Ying Chenyu frowned suddenly, and said aggrievedly: "I'm in so much pain!"

"Deserve it!" Zi Qianyue said so, and carefully checked his wounds with her hands. Although they were not completely healed, they were still recovering slowly, but the one by one looked particularly oozing, Zi Qianyue joked He sighed: "This skin that can be broken by blows will be miserable!"

"You are responsible for removing these scars for me!" Ying Chenyu glanced at Zi Qianyue and said.

"Why?" Zi Qianyue raised her eyebrows.

"Because you'll be the one to watch it from now on!" Ying Chenyu's voice was low, with a bit of charm, which made Zi Qianyue's thoughts crooked, her face was a little smoky, Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, as if It was very strange, and asked: "What's wrong with Yueyue, her face is so red?"

"Go away!" Zi Qianyue was angry, she reached out to pat him and wanted to pull her hand, Ying Chenyu laughed, Yu Shu sat next to her and continued to say to Zi Qianyue: "Yue'er, are you still shy? You were molested back then Isn't Nian'er a common occurrence?"

"Why are you shy? I'm not shy." Zi Qianyue tried to cover up and explained. Seeing that Ying Chenyu and Yu Shu were looking at her like this, she suddenly smiled, bent down and stretched out her fingers to provoke Ying Chenyu. Chen Yu's chin: "My husband is so beautiful, naturally I need to see more!"

Yu Shu was a little dumbfounded, but Ying Chenyu didn't respond, she still raised her eyebrows and looked at Zi Qianyue, as if she was sure that she wouldn't dare to do anything, Zi Qianyue was slightly annoyed, and kissed his pale lips hard, cold Zi Qianyue suddenly said softly, "Ying Chenyu, why are you hurt again?"

"Yueyue, I..." Ying Chenyu was about to frown, habitually wanted to explain, then closed her eyes after a while, and said lightly: "I'm sorry."

"I don't want your sorry." Zi Qianyue left his lips and sighed: "Ying Chenyu, will you lie to me?"

Ying Chenyu didn't speak, Zi Qianyue seemed to know this a long time ago, and continued: "Ying Chenyu, will you leave me?"

Still silent, Zi Qianyue smiled self-deprecatingly, and glanced at him: "Yeah, since I was with you, I didn't even use it a little bit, watching you get hurt, watching you get poisoned, watching you die Hun, outsiders call me the Immortal Doctor, but in fact I am useless at all, you insist on going your own way, but I can only helplessly ask you to protect yourself, but you are always covered in injuries, Ying Chenyu, how can I be worthy of this kind of me? on you..."

"It's not like this, Yueyue..." Ying Chenyu wanted to explain, but Ziqianyue had already turned around and left. He didn't catch a piece of her clothes, and the wound was pulled again, but he withdrew his hand at the moment of pain, Such a result was what he wanted in the first place, what else could he explain, and what was there to explain.

Yushu looked at the self-mockery on Ying Chenyu's face with some worry, and was about to speak, but Ying Chenyu interrupted him, and said lightly: "Don't persuade me, don't you want to put me under house arrest again, and, even if It's useless for you to put me under house arrest!"

"Nian'er..." Yu Shu cried out worriedly, Ying Chenyu closed her eyes: "I'm tired, you go back!"

Yushu had no choice but to turn around and leave. Ying Chenyu was more stubborn than him, and he would never look back on what he was sure of. He knew Ying Chenyu's temperament, and knew that no matter what he did, it would be useless, so he sighed softly. Then I went to Li Shang's room, Qingyao had been taking care of Li Shang, when Yu Shu walked in, Li Shang was still flirting with Qing Yao, even though she was injured, she still looked flirtatious, Yu Shu laughed, Walking up to him, he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I can't die!" Li Shang quickly turned down his face and ignored him, and Qingyao was just like Li Shang, too angry to bother him.

Yushu was helpless, the people around Ying Chenyu always said that he was not right, and if he didn't say it, he was not. Ying Chenyu was also very defensive, so he could only explain: "I was just angry at Nian'er at that time..."

"So you almost strangled me to death?" Li Shang raised his eyebrows and looked at him dissatisfied.

Yu Yushu smiled awkwardly. He really didn't think about anything for Ying Chenyu at the time. If Ying Chenyu didn't take the medicine, he might really kill Li Shang. In fact, he subconsciously thought that Ying Chenyu It is absolutely impossible for Chen Yu to ignore Li Shang's life and death.

Li Shang glanced at him, and sighed: "It doesn't matter if you strangle me to death, but this time, you made Ah Yu miserable..."

"What's going on?" Yushu came back and knew that Yuxi led people into Yingchenyu's palace, and in a rage he implicated everyone. Lingshan respects strength, and there is no need for trivia. Yushu directly wiped out the elders' family, so that it is not clear what happened.

Li Shang's face turned cold in an instant, and he said in an extremely cold voice: "Your people have traitors, Yuxi knew that Ah Yu was trapped, so he dared to seek trouble for Ah Yu so blatantly!"

"I also think there are traitors, so I haven't dealt with the people who stayed to protect Ah Yu that day!" Yu Shu also said coldly.

"You'd better let Ah Yu deal with it!" Li Shang raised his eyebrows: "After all, Ah Yu suffered a lot this time. Didn't you see that Ah Yu was beaten to death by them and thrown into the dungeon? Tsk tsk, I have never seen anyone dare to bully Ah Yu like this in the past ten years!"

"I know, but I'm afraid that brat isn't in the mood to deal with these things now!" Yu Shu thought of Ying Chenyu's insistence on going his own way, and said sullenly.

"What's wrong with Ah Yu?" Li Shang asked a little strangely, although Ying Chenyu was injured, it should be nothing serious!

Yushu sighed: "You don't understand, since he's not in the mood, let's kill them all. Anyway, the elder family is also gone, and they only have such a high background!"

"No, there is still the First Elder." Li Shang lowered his face and said in a low voice: "I think the Second Elder and the others are not good enough to plant spies under your hands!"

"The Great Elder has no flaws, and the only ones who knew that I had trapped Nian'er were you and those guards. They still don't have the ability to attack my cronies!"

"You're being careless." Li Shang said without losing face: "You know that Ah Yu has no ability to resist, and you still send these people who may have problems. Do you take Ah Yu's safety into consideration!"


"Li Shang, shut up!" Just as Yu Shu was about to retort, Ying Chenyu's shallow voice came, although it was weak, but it carried an irresistible majesty.

Yu Shu turned around and walked to Ying Chenyu, seeing that he was still extremely weak, he said angrily: "Didn't you say you want to rest, what are you doing here?"

"Come and see Li Shang." Ying Chenyu said casually, didn't bother to look at Yu Shu, went directly to Li Shang's window, stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, and smiled after a while: "You recover quickly!"

"That's it." Li Shang couldn't help becoming proud, seeing Ying Chenyu's weakness, he asked worriedly after a while: "How is your injury?"

"Not as thick-skinned as you." Ying Chenyu said casually, ignoring Li Shang's face that quickly darkened, stood up and said: "Since the injury is almost healed, try your current internal strength!"

"En!" Li Shang nodded, raised the water glass on the table in his hand and flew into his hand, and instantly turned into powder. He doesn't use it, he doesn't feel it at all.

Ying Chenyu gave him a disgusted glance: "Drinking so much of my blood, you only have this little internal strength?"

"Brother, are you kidding?" Li Shang looked at Ying Chenyu in disbelief: "How many times has your blood been diluted? And the internal strength is already high enough, do you think everyone can be like your old man?"

Ying Chenyu didn't bother to pay attention to him, her fingertips condensed spiritual power, the pure white spiritual power controlled Li Shang, and slowly passed into Li Shang's body, Yu Shu gave him a disapproving look, but finally said nothing, On the contrary, Qingyao said bluntly: "Young master, your injury is not healed yet, Li Shang is almost healed!"

"Yes, Ah Yu, stop!" Li Shang also said anxiously.

Ying Chenyu smiled, Li Shang's tendons have almost recovered under his spiritual power, and then stopped his hands: "I've suffered an external injury, it's okay, Li Shang is an internal injury, besides, I still need to You do something for me!"

"What's the matter?" Li Shang asked suspiciously.

Ying Chenyu didn't answer him, turned around and walked out, and said lightly; "Come and find me when you recover from your injuries!"

Yu Shu also took a look at Li Shang, knowing that Ying Chenyu would faint if she used her spiritual power, she immediately followed him out, and asked worriedly, "Nian'er?"

"I used very little spiritual power, so I'm fine." Ying Chenyu said casually: "The patriarch of the Wu clan knows my physique very well, and her medicine recovered quickly."

"En." Yu Shu nodded, and asked after a while: "What did you ask Li Shang to do for you?"

"You'll know when the time comes!" Ying Chenyu didn't answer him, and sighed softly. Although he recovered quickly, the injury was serious after all, and he was a little tired. The wound hurt so much when he walked, he should go back rest.

Ziqianyue never appeared again, and Ying Chenyu never went to Ziqianyue. Everyone who should have gone back also went back. Ziqianyue has always let Qingyao take care of Li Shang. Although Qingyao is a bit strange, but She didn't delve too deeply into it, after all, only she can figure out emotional matters. At the beginning, Qingyao naively thought that who would owe who to whom did not exist anymore. She understood that in love, no one owes anyone, only consensual, only willing , so she actually seldom asks about and cares about everything between Zi Qianyue and Ying Chenyu.

Not long after recovering from the injury, Ying Chenyu had poisonous hair as usual, this time Zi Qianyue still didn't show up, when the pain was extremely painful, Ying Chenyu would think of Zi Qianyue, before she always couldn't see him being tortured by this poisonous hair , Ying Chenyu smiled wryly, this is good, lest she feel bad, until he passed out, Yu Shu carefully treated his injuries, old injuries added new ones, these years, although Ying Chenyu's physique is extremely weak, but has been dreaming Linggu recuperated, except for the poisonous hair, he rarely suffered multiple injuries, but in these short months, because of the nine calamities of heaven, he almost never recovered. Yushu frowned, feeling infinitely upset, turned around and left Going out, but didn't see him go out with his front feet, Zi Qianyue came in with his back feet, Zi Qianyue looked at his pale face, in fact, it was like this every time, Zi Qianyue gently stroked his pale face, just sat for a while , without saying anything, turned and left before Yushu came back.

It was a day after Ying Chenyu woke up, there was no one in the room, he got up weakly, Yu Shu just appeared from outside, saw him wake up, quickly brought him a glass of water, Ying Chenyu drank the water and asked softly : "Hasn't Yueyue come over?"

Yu Shu didn't speak, Ying Chenyu laughed at herself: "I see."

"Nian'er, don't be so stupid..."

(End of this chapter)

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