Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 140 The Old Man of the Holy Land

Chapter 140 The Old Man of the Holy Land

Zi Qianyue nodded, and stretched out her hand to grab the horse stiffly. Indeed, she hadn't heard such a joyful horse riding for a long time, and felt that all the grievances in her heart had disappeared, so she couldn't help speeding up, feeling this feeling of galloping freely, Ye Su He followed her unhurriedly all the time, saw her speeding up and he also speeded up, and the two of them instantly became racehorses, just like many years ago, they two racehorses once yelled "Drive! Drive!"

But everything has passed, and Zi Qianyue didn't think about it anymore. When she arrived at the gate of the Regent's Mansion, before Zi Qianyue could react, she was hugged by a bear. Zi Qianyue pushed away the bear hug in disgust. Opening her eyes, she found that this person looked like a pretty boy. Zi Qianyue frowned, looked at Yue Ling who was standing beside her, and asked in disbelief, "Are you sure this boy is my brother?"

"Sister, how did you talk?" The little white face seemed a little unwilling, and said angrily: "This young master is so romantic, do you know how many women in this mausoleum are begging to enter this young master's door?"

"Enter your door?" Zi Qianyue sneered: "Is that because they are blind?"

"Mother and concubine, are you sure this little shrew is my younger sister?" The man was even more dissatisfied, turning his head to look at Yuqian, he couldn't believe how such a gentle mother could have such a... unruly daughter, the most important thing What's more, this unruly young lady turned out to be his sister!

"Chen'er, she is indeed your sister!" Yuqian nodded helplessly, Yuechen felt a little dizzy for a moment, took a look at Ziqianyue, finally accepted the fact, turned around and went back sullenly, naturally, Yuechen Ling wouldn't stop him either, Zi Qianyue glanced at Yue Ling, didn't want to say anything, turned around and walked in.

"Yue'er, I still have to go to the palace tomorrow, you should rest earlier!" Ye Su watched Zi Qianyue go in, and said with a smile.

Zi Qianyue nodded, said nothing, turned around and followed Yuqian and Yueling to continue walking.

As soon as she arrived in the room, Yuqian couldn't wait to ask: "Yue'er, what's wrong with you, why did you come back suddenly?"

"Aren't you happy when I come back?" Zi Qianyue smiled, reached out and took a bite of the pastry on the table, but it was tasteless, and she put down the pastry a little annoyed, Yuqian then asked: "What are you and Nianer? what happened?"

"Mother, can you stop mentioning him?" Zi Qianyue suddenly got angry and said angrily.

"Yue'er, where is Nian'er?" Yu Qian stopped talking, but Yue Ling suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Zi Qianyue seriously. He knew Ying Chenyu even better than Zi Qianyue, so he naturally knew that Ying Chenyu would not Let Zi Qianyue come back, unless...something happened to him!
"Father, don't say any more..." Zi Qianyue was about to interrupt him, but Yue Ling said seriously: "Yue'er, I watched Nian'er grow up, and I understand his feelings for you. If he hadn't No accident will let you go!"

"Yes, he has an accident!" Zi Qianyue suddenly said angrily: "He has an accident, but he asked for it. Do you think I don't want to stay by his side to accompany him in trouble, but does he need it? Go alone The Holy Land, designed for the Three Kingdoms to attack Lingshan and force me to come back to Dongling, hehe, why bother, didn’t I come by myself?” Zi Qianyue said with some self-mockery.

Yueling stopped talking, Ziqianyue sneered, turned and left, Yuqian quickly ordered her servants to lead Ziqianyue, and Ziqianyue followed her servants to her room.

Yue Ling still stood there, and after Zi Qianyue left, she said coldly: "What a nonsense!"

"Nian'er was really impulsive this time!" Yu Qian also sighed, and with Ying Chenyu's current physical condition, going to the Holy Land and sending her to death had almost the same meaning.

"Yu Shu is right, he just needs to clean up!" Yue Ling is still very angry. In fact, it is rare to see Yue Ling so angry. It is really rare for someone to be angry once and it is so obvious that it is written on his face. Yu Qian just wanted to persuade him, but Yue Ling said: "Qian'er, I will go to Lingshan ,you……"

"Well, you go. When Nian'er comes back, you can talk to him well. I'll take care of Yue'er here." Yuqian was naturally worried about Ying Chenyu, and nodded.

Yueling disappeared in an instant, Yuqian sighed, this child is not worrying, and then went to Ziqianyue's room.

Yu Shu came to Lingshan soon, and rushed into the temple as soon as he entered the door. Seeing Yu Shu, he asked directly, "Where is Yu Nian?"

"Lingshan Holy Land!" Yushu knew that Yueling must have known about it, and immediately said coldly without bothering to hide it from him.

"You can still sit still!" Yue Ling's voice was slightly cold: "He is getting more and more courageous now, he dares to break into the Holy Land of Lingshan!"

"What can I do if I can't sit still?" Yushu sighed: "After he entered, he sealed the Holy Land of Lingshan Mountain. He said he would leave in seven days, but now it has been more than ten days!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Yue Ling was a little annoyed, it had been ten days, and they didn't know about it, and they didn't know whether Ying Chenyu was dead or alive.

"What's the use of saying it earlier?" Yu Shu was also annoyed: "I don't know what his temper is? No one can stop him!"

"You used to stop him very well, but it's not likely that you can stop him at critical times!" Yue Ling's voice was cold, with some sarcasm.

"Yue Ling, why are you talking about me? He used Tianyuan spiritual power, how could I stop him?" Yu Shu didn't bother to argue with him, turned and left the temple, leaving Yue Ling alone in the temple, angry.

In the Holy Land of Lingshan, Ying Chenyu actually couldn't hold on in the evil environment. His whole body was covered with scars. At the same time, he had lost a lot of blood and he was already pale. , Lingshan Holy Land has become stronger by more than 01:30 points, and his spiritual power has also lost more than 01:30 points. It is his will to persist in being able to support the evil realm. He has closed his eyes, thinking that if Ziqian Yue can be by Ye Su's side. He has already arranged everything, so he should be able to rest assured. Just as he was about to rest, another extremely cold female voice came: "You can't hold on here anymore?"

Ying Chenyu opened her eyes with difficulty, and looked at the alluring woman in red in front of her. She clearly had an extremely alluring face, but her expression at this time was extremely cold, as if in the cold environment of the Holy Land of Lingshan. With a helpless smile: "You are here."

"You want to go your own way, and you dare to come here alone. You haven't seen me in a hundred years. You are looking for death!" The woman's cold voice was full of sarcasm, showing no trace of affection.

Ying Chenyu closed her eyes, unwilling to speak anymore, the woman raised her hand, although Ying Chenyu was extremely tired, she still stood up helplessly, the woman's cold voice was emotionless: "Go on, you have the heart of immortality , can't die!"

"I..." Ying Chenyu couldn't stand up at all, her whole body was in severe pain, her leg was also injured naturally, she didn't have any strength, she was all supported by the witch power from the woman.

The woman sneered: "Dare to come here alone, dare to come here alone with such ability?"

"I've already arranged things outside, I can't let them take risks with me..." Ying Chenyu's faint voice could hardly be heard, but the woman just sneered: "Arranged? Yu Ninglian didn't let Ye Su broke the barrier, everything you have arranged is meaningless, are you sure you have arranged it?"

"No?" Ying Chenyu whispered, then smiled wryly: "As long as Yueyue finds Ye Su..."

"Yulan, it's too small to not see you for a hundred years!" The woman said coldly, "You have to pass these ten realms if you can pass them, and if you can't pass them, you have to pass them, otherwise I will immediately let Yu Ninglian die without any scum left. ! I want to see if you can do that for Yu Ninglian!"

"Why do you force me like this?" Ying Chenyu's voice was extremely weak, he was indeed extremely weak, even if the heart of immortality could keep him from dying, but in the end it was just to keep him from dying, but now he couldn't even stand up, how could he survive the rest? The Extreme Realm, the Death Realm and the Blood Realm are almost more powerful than the other seven realms combined!
"I forced you?" The woman sneered: "Someone advised you with kind words, did you listen?"

"I..." Ying Chenyu knew that she was talking about Yushu and the others. Instead of listening to their persuasion, he trapped them, and this person in front of him, he would never be able to trap him. The power was all given to the demon, but now a hundred years have passed, she is also a genius in cultivation, her witch power has only increased, and it is easy to deal with him, and the direct descendants of the witch clan are not trapped by the ten realms in this holy place, although they can't get Yanxinbing Lian, but it won't be hurt.

A trace of witch power slowly entered Ying Chenyu's body while the woman waved her hand. Although it was to heal him a little bit, it was rampant and a bit domineering. Ying Chenyu's already pale face was even worse, but the woman was Smiling: "I was so kind to you a hundred years ago, I didn't expect you to be a messy person!"

"Hmm..." Ying Chenyu was in so much pain that she couldn't help moaning softly. The woman's witch power was domineering, and knowing his immortality, she passed it on to him without any scruples, and it was obviously intentional!
"I still know it hurts, I thought you have been in so much pain in this life that you don't know it hurts!" The woman's cold voice fell to the ground, and then she withdrew her hand, but Ying Chenyu's leg injury healed a little, just barely Standing up, she still didn't have the strength to move at all, she could only smile helplessly, the woman stood up, and disappeared in front of Ying Chenyu in an instant, her cold voice seemed to have a hint of a smile: "Yu Lan, can Yu Ninglian To live depends on how much perseverance you have, since I said so, you will dare to do it if you know me!"

"Don't go to Yueyue..." Ying Chenyu's voice was so low that he couldn't hear him. He supported himself to stand up with difficulty. He knew that she would dare to do what she said, and she couldn't let the woman hurt her. After Zi Qianyue, although every step was as painful as walking on the tip of a knife, she still staggered into the extreme state, but just as she entered, something flew around his arm and pulled him up in an instant. , hands and feet were trapped in an instant, Ying Chenyu didn't even have the strength to struggle, the icy snowflakes flew towards him, much worse than those in the cold environment, he closed his eyes, but suddenly felt that the snowflakes in front of him were blocked by someone, the woman stood In front of him, the ten realms of the Holy Land would not attack her, Ying Chenyu opened her eyes, the woman sneered: "Looking for death?"

When the woman raised her hand, the thing wrapped around his limbs suddenly disappeared, Ying Chenyu was thrown on the cold ground, the woman squatted beside him, and smiled evilly: "Why? Don't you want Yu Ninglian's life?"

"It hurts..." Ying Chenyu said softly, his body was really in pain, but he did say that for another purpose, he really couldn't pass the tenth realm, but he believed that since the woman came, she wouldn't really let her go. He died here.

Sure enough, the woman sighed, stretched out her arms to embrace him and flew up, moved a little away from the extreme realm, put him on the ground, and stretched out her hand to pass the witch power to him. Although she was still overbearing, the woman still couldn't bear it, and she fell I was also careful, and slowly repaired his injuries. His injuries were indeed serious, to the point where he would have died long ago without the will to die. It is true that gods will die after suffering. Although he did not finish all the suffering in time to break through, he still suffered a lot. The woman sighed: "You are so injured and you are still thinking about Yu Ninglian?"

"Your love spell..." Ying Chenyu suddenly said, knowing that she wouldn't say it, but she still couldn't help asking: "What is your love spell?"

"If you can go out and find a way to solve the love curse yourself, if you can't even get out here, why bother thinking about love curses!" The woman was cold, and when she heard him ask this question, she suddenly started a little harder, Ying Chenyu Without speaking, she gritted her teeth with difficulty, and the woman seemed to have thought of something, and said helplessly: "You were whipped a hundred years ago and it took a long time to recover, but now the injury has recovered a little faster!"

"I'm used to it!" Ying Chenyu said lightly. When he was a child, he was often covered with bruises. If he was still like a hundred years ago, it would be difficult to recover from injuries. He would have died many times. Ying Chenyu said softly: "I am just an ordinary person now. Compared with ordinary people, my recovery from injuries is still slow.”

"Your physique is much worse than that of ordinary people!" the woman said lightly, her voice tinged with sarcasm.

Ying Chenyu smiled bitterly: "I didn't recover my memory when I was a child, I was injured too much, and my body was completely destroyed. If it weren't for Yushu's painstaking efforts to take care of me over the years, I wouldn't even have the physique I have now!"

"Speaking of which, Yu Ling is cruel enough, but does she know the identity of the Holy Lord, the ancestor of your Lingshan?" The woman also chatted with Ying Chenyu. A hundred years ago, she could almost be said to be his only relative, and many things belonged to her. It was handed over to him, and I haven't seen it in a hundred years. Although it annoys him, she still thinks that this is her child who was brought up by herself.

"I don't know." Ying Chenyu said softly: "Yu Shu knows because of her immortality. She doesn't know about immortality, so she shouldn't know about it."

"Otherwise, she would be deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!" The woman laughed, remembering that although Ying Chenyu had no descendants at this age in her previous life, as the ancestor lord, it can be said that everyone in Lingshan is the ancestor.

Ying Chenyu also smiled weakly. She wanted to close her eyes and rest for a while, but the woman suddenly withdrew her hand. Ying Chenyu tried to raise her hand, but the injury was not much better. Ying Chenyu looked up at the woman, and the woman explained Said: "There are only so many witchcraft can be used here, and the better your health, the more difficult the extreme situation will be."

"En." Ying Chenyu nodded, and still stood up. Although the injury was not completely healed, it might be due to her witchcraft, but his spiritual power recovered a little.

The extreme realm still does not welcome his arrival, just as the outstretched vines were about to entangle him, he suddenly flew up, and was chased by the snowflakes all over the sky as before when he entered the cold realm. Fire whip and thunder and lightning, the environment is already extremely bad, but Ying Chenyu understands that the most terrifying place in the extreme state is not here, but after a while, he starts to feel dizzy, completely forgetting that he is still in an extremely dangerous situation at this time, he is completely lost Before he became conscious, he used all his spiritual power to protect his heart veins. Yushu also told him that he knew very well that he should not rely too much on his immortal heart. Even if there is not much spiritual power, it should be enough to protect his heart veins. That flower is by his side, but he also understands that she will not help him. That flower has told him since he was still ignorant by the bank of Tianshui that he should try his best to rely on himself and not others .

The snowflakes are in chaos, he seems to have returned to the Lingshan Mountain a hundred years ago, rationally telling himself that everything today is an illusion, but he still vaguely regards himself as a person here, Ying Chenyu raised his head and saw the resplendent Sheng At this time, he was tied to the palace, and the scene in front of him was obviously completely different from that of the past, but he felt that it should be taken for granted. The black eyes met the cold eyes of the woman in front of him. The woman ignored him and turned to face him. The man beside him said, "Father, Yulan has been captured by me!"

(End of this chapter)

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