Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 143 Interesting People

Chapter 143 Interesting People

"You before?" Li Shang asked strangely, Chu Xiyun glanced at the man behind him, and said with a smile: "Now I have someone else in my heart, and I don't want him to leave a mark on me!"

Li Shang also smiled sincerely. Chu Xiyun was indeed obsessed with Ying Chenyu, but he did not do anything out of the ordinary. Speaking of which, if Ying Chenyu hadn't designed it on purpose, she would never have had such a chance to force Ying Chen Yu entered the secret room.

Chu Xiyun smiled, and then got down to business: "I didn't expect Zi Qianyue to find me first. I didn't take the medicine for amnesia, and I was just waiting for such a day!"

"Do you know what?" Li Shang felt more and more that Chu Xiyun is really not an easy woman. She is extremely skilled in gu arts and martial arts, she is extremely smart, and has a certain influence. She knows nothing about the news of the world. At least, even if she doesn't have martial arts now, she is still a powerful woman.

Chu Xiyun casually took a sip of tea: "Do you remember Concubine Li Xian?"

"Chu Fan's concubine mother?" Li Shang said slightly surprised: "His concubine mother has been dead for two years!"

"Coincidentally, when I came back to the Bai family back then, I happened to meet Chu Fan who had bewitched his mother and concubine with his own hands. You said that I would never have thought of killing her like my mother and concubine, let alone bewitched her." Gu, Concubine Li Xian is known for being kind to Chu Fan, isn't that surprising?" Chu Xiyun said lightly, with a sneer in his eyes.

"So?" Li Shang knew that Chu Xiyun was a master at using Gu, if she wanted to, she should be able to save Concubine Li Xian.

Sure enough, Chu Xiyun smiled lightly: "At that time, I had doubts about Chu Fan's identity, so I saved Concubine Li Xian out of good intentions. Chu Fan's point of Gu is not difficult for me at all!"

"Your Gu skills are indeed superb, but they are all used to kill people!" Li Shang couldn't help saying, seeing Chu Xiyun's sweet smile.

Chu Xiyun didn't care, and said with a smile, "Can Gu not be used to kill people but to save people?"

Li Shang's expression was cold, and Chu Xiyun continued to explain with a smile: "Don't worry, I have never killed innocent passers-by. Even the maidservant I killed in front of you is just the spies of the Bai family spying on me. They know my secret. What's the point of living?"

"Where is Concubine Li Xian now?" Li Shang didn't want to get too entangled in this issue, and Chu Xiyun was not easy, just like them, they all grew up in the dark, and if they didn't kill people, they would be killed. It is the kindness of heaven not to harm the innocent.

Chu Xiyun smiled and said, "Concubine Li Xian doesn't have any martial arts. After she disappeared, Chu Fan hunted her all over the world. If she appeared, she would definitely be killed by Chu Fan's people!"

"You didn't even hide it from Chu Fan back then?" Li Shang was a little surprised. It stands to reason that with Chu Xiyun's ability, he should be able to hide it from the world and give Chu Fan the illusion that Concubine Li Xian is dead, so that he won't be hunted down everywhere.

"What you think is simple!" Chu Xiyun said coldly, "You know why I ruined the Bai family, right? I have a Gu placed on me by the Bai family. The time to save Concubine Li Xian has already made the Bai family suspect me. , if I spend more time creating false appearances, the Bai family would have killed me long ago!"

"So that's the case, so what should Concubine Li Xian do?" Li Shang also understood Chu Xiyun's difficulties and asked.

Chu Xiyun took a sip of water, and said without seeming to care, "How much Concubine Li Xian loved Chu Fan back then, and now she hates Chu Fan so much. Back then, Concubine Li Xian treated Chu Fan as her own son!"

"As long as Concubine Li Xian enters the palace, will she definitely testify against Chu Fan?" Li Shang understood Chu Xiyun's meaning and asked lightly.

"But how Concubine Li Xian enters the palace is up to you!" Chu Xiyun put down the cup in his hand, smiled and stood up.

"But even so, if Chu Fan refuses to admit it, no one will believe the identity of Concubine Li Xian!" Li Shang was still a little worried, after all Chu Fan has now controlled Nan Chu, if he disagrees, no one would dare to touch him!
"I have my own way. If he believes it, he must believe it, or if he doesn't believe it, he must believe it!" Chu Xiyun's voice was cold, and he turned and left.

Li Shang lowered his head and pondered, thinking how to find a way to let Concubine Li Xian enter the palace. After all, under Chu Fan's strict control, it is still difficult to put a person in the palace. The most important thing is that Concubine Li Xian does not know a little martial arts. For those who are from Lingshan, although Li Shang's internal strength has greatly increased, he still has no hope of winning against Shangling.

Qingyao thought for a while, then said, "Li Shang, Qian Yan who is beside Chu Xiyun..."

"What's wrong?" Li Shang glanced at her and asked suspiciously.

"You once said that Qian Yan could draw with Xue Ying?"

"Yes!" Li Shang nodded, understood Qingyao's meaning, and then explained: "At that time, although Qian Yan could draw with Xueying, Xueying didn't use spiritual power at that time, they were just competing for internal power!"

"If my guess is right, Qianyan should be from Lingshan just like Xueying." Qingyao said with deep eyes, and seeing Li Shang looking at her, she asked, "Why is Xueying so tall?" The internal strength is almost comparable to that of my uncle?"

Li Shang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized: "Because Xueying is from Lingshan, using spiritual power to cultivate internal strength is faster than ordinary people... So, you mean that the reason why Qian Yan has such high internal strength is because he is also from Lingshan? "

"Yeah." Qingyao nodded: "How many people in this world do you think have such deep internal force like my uncle because of the poison on their bodies?"

"No, there is no other part of this world except for the ice soul and red soul on Ayu!" Li Shang also said with a gloomy expression, "We can beat Chu Fan together with Qian Yan, and he will be transferred when he is injured." Pay attention, will Concubine Li Xian enter the palace then?"

"I feel that Chu Xiyun must know Qianyan's identity, so she should also know this method, why did you make me think?" Qingyao glanced at Li Shang, and asked with some doubts.

"I don't know what Chu Xiyun means, we still have to go find her!" Li Shang thought for a while, and agreed with Qingyao's statement, which was also a little strange.

Qingyao suddenly said in a deep voice: "But we don't even know where Chu Xiyun is, we can only wait for her to find us!"

"Chu Xiyun..." Li Shang repeated in a low voice. Chu Xiyun is really an interesting woman. Many years ago, she was able to go to Beichen alone to pretend to be ten years, and she learned that Ying Chenyu was Yun Zun's secret. To be able to find out what was wrong with Chu Fan early on and save Concubine Li Xian was really difficult for a woman of her age to do. She is cruel and extremely intelligent!

The door knocked suddenly, Li Shang and Qingyao looked at each other, Li Shang said in a deep voice, "Come in!"

"His Royal Highness!" Qian Yan appeared here, looked at Li Shang and saluted respectfully, and Li Shang looked at him coldly: "Why are you here?"

"Master asked me to stay!" Qian Yan's voice was also very cold, his gentleness could only be felt when facing Chu Xiyun, and the rest of the time, he was like a cold killer.

"What exactly does Chu Xiyun mean?" Li Shang frowned, making him think that leaving Qian Yan behind again, what exactly does this mean?
"Master said that if His Royal Highness can't even figure out my identity, then stop thinking about getting rid of Chu Fan!" Qian Yan said coldly.

Li Shang sneered: "So that's your identity?"

"Yes, Xueying and I are both hidden guards of the Holy Lord, and Xueying and I are equal in both martial arts and spiritual power!"

"But Xue Ying can defeat an elder alone, but you can?" Li Shang looked at Qian Yan and asked coldly.

"I can do it too." Qian Yan replied: "But Chu Fan's strength will not be lower than any elder!"

"What are the chances of us winning together?" Li Shang asked.

"Seventy percent!" Qian Yan glanced at Li Shang with conviction in his eyes.

Li Shang frowned, [-]% was not what he wanted, if it was only [-]%, if the remaining [-]% happened, they would all die without a place to die, and then asked: "Where is the remaining [-]%?"

"Chu Fan's rescue at Lingshan!" Qian Yan said coldly and calmly: "You can't imagine how powerful Lingshan is. There is almost nothing in this world that Lingshan doesn't know. The appearance of the elders of Lingshan is the three The point of failure!"

"Shall I transfer the people from Yun Palace to deal with possible reinforcements?" Li Shang looked at Qian Yan and asked.

Qian Yan nodded: "Yungong is the strongest force in Jianghu, Xueying used to be the leader of Lingshan Yungong."

"I will let the Yungong forces in Lingshan do their best to intercept it, and at the same time, Nanchu's strength will be laid in an ambush. A three-pronged approach should be able to make up for the three points of failure, right?" Li Shang thought for a while and said.

"Yeah." Qian Yan nodded: "We just want to hurt Chu Fan, not let him die, this should be enough."

"One more question..." After Li Shang and Qian Yan finished talking, Qingyao suddenly spoke softly, and Li Shang turned around and asked, "What's the question?"

"We just want to hurt Chu Fan. What if the great elder cuts off his tail and kills Chu Fan?" He said softly, but it caught the attention of Li Shang and Qian Yan. Li Shang's expression was condensed. Chu Fan said it was just an important tool of the Great Elder, if his life could not be saved, it would not be a bad idea to give up the tool!

"Even Chu Fan committed suicide?" Qian Yan's face became gloomy. If this was the case, it would be extremely difficult for them to stop it.

"A person like Chu Fan would not commit suicide willingly, but the Great Elder is cunning and might have controlled Chu Fan in advance!" Li Shang said coldly.

"Can we only bet on this possibility?" Qian Yan said coldly, "Even if we get rid of Chu Fan, we can't get rid of the Great Elder."

"There is no better way right now. Now that Southern Chu is at a time when the morale of the army and the people are not stable, we still have to do this as soon as possible." Li Shang and Qian Yan agreed on the fact that they don't like leaving troubles, but this time Forced by the situation, Chu Fan is not a prince after all, and he is not a prince, and his torture and tyranny have caused complaints. At this time, it is the best choice to take action. It will be even more difficult if Chu Fan is delayed for a few more days to control the situation!
"Well, we will go to the palace tomorrow to find Chu Fan. He must have never imagined that we dare to go to the palace. Moreover, it will be difficult for people from Lingshan to enter the palace without preparation!"

After Qian Yan finished speaking, Li Shang nodded in agreement with him. After Qian Yan left, a white bird flew to Qingyao's hand. Qingyao took a look at Li Shang, and stretched out her hand to untie the things that the bird was carrying. , said to Li Shang: "Miss's letter."

Li Shang nodded: "What did you write?"

"Dong Ling will come to help. Tomorrow, no matter what, Chu Fan will not die. The Great Elder must get rid of it!" Qingyao said the contents of the letter coldly. Li Shang was a little surprised that Dong Ling would come to help , but he didn't receive any news, but he knew that since Zi Qianyue said it, then Dong Ling would definitely come to help, and the Great Elder would be involved in this matter no matter what!
In the holy land of Lingshan, another day had passed before Ying Chenyu opened his eyes with difficulty, and found that he was still not dead. He smiled wryly, so he didn't die, and the immortality really gave him more than one life.

"Don't think it's because of your immortal heart, you have my blood on your body!" The woman never spoke to him in a better tone, even if she was the kindest, it was only a little better than this coldness, Ying Chenyu knew her temper, He didn't care about anything, and asked softly, "Your blood?"

"It's only a day after one death, but I can bear it!" The woman squatted next to him and felt his pulse. After finding and imagining that there was nothing abnormal, she seemed to be slightly relieved, but her tone was still cold.

Ying Chenyu glanced at her, and asked weakly: "Did I sleep for another day?"

"What do you think?" The woman raised her eyebrows and said in a cold voice: "One day's sleep is still short, if you are not careful, you dare to sleep for a long time!"

"I am in the blood realm..." Ying Chenyu understood his situation, and just about to tell the woman that the blood realm seemed impossible to pass, the woman interrupted him in a cold voice: "You have my blood in your body, the blood realm will not cause you too much harm. Huge damage, save your life to wash your tendons and marrow!"

"Do you want to wash your tendons and cut your marrow in the Holy Land?" Ying Chenyu asked a little bit, a little in disbelief.

The woman raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

Ying Chenyu smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on."

"Washing the tendons and cutting the marrow will definitely not hurt your heart, and you will not die if you don't hurt the heart of immortality. It's just that the process is a bit painful. I will take you back later, and you will be fine after a month of cultivation!" The woman said indifferently.

Ying Chenyu even smiled wryly, the woman is always pushing his limit, even if he reaches the limit, he can do anything as long as he doesn’t die, sometimes Ying Chenyu feels that she insists on going his own way and not caring about his body because she taught him , but he did not dare to say such words to the woman, and the woman gave him a cold look: "Wherever you wash your tendons and cut your marrow, you have to suffer this kind of pain, but the Holy Land is the safest place, and the Yanxin Binglian is only in the Only the Holy Land can play the greatest role, although leaving the Holy Land can detoxify your poison, but it may not be able to fully restore your physique!"

"Well, I get it, then I'll be in the Holy Land, if I don't die." There was some sarcasm in Ying Chenyu's words, and the girl could hear it naturally, but she didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "Think about your death." After seeing the consequences in the future, I don't think you dare to die!"

"You really can't let Yushu and the others go?" Thinking of this, Ying Chenyu still asked worriedly.

The woman smiled and said: "Now you should think about how to get the lives of everyone else in Lingshan that you can only control!"

Ying Chenyu looked a little gloomy, the woman raised her hand to make him stand up, took two steps and casually pushed him into the blood realm, and disappeared at the door by herself.

Sure enough, there was nothing embarrassing him in the blood realm, but the bright red blood was hot like magma and kept spitting out bubbles. He was still extremely uncomfortable by the high temperature, and walked out step by step with difficulty. At the end is the Yanxin ice lotus that is enshrined in Lingshan Holy Land. Inside the ice-blue petals is a red lotus heart. It seems to be sucking the blood in the blood realm. It is beautiful and coquettish, but it is very dangerous. Ying Chenyu moves forward After walking two steps, I reached out to pick off the ice lotus, but what I encountered was the bone-chilling cold, Ying Chenyu didn't dare to let go, the ice lotus was picked off, the ten realms of Lingshan Holy Land disappeared in an instant, the high temperature disappeared in an instant, Ying Chenyu Leaning against the wall weakly, the woman looked at him coldly, stretched out her hand to feel his pulse again, and said lightly: "Your heart veins will be repaired by my blood, you can use the flame heart ice lotus!"

Ying Chenyu nodded slightly, he knew that even if he refused the woman, he would not agree, and what the woman said was right, relatively speaking, the Holy Land is the safest and most useful place.

The woman smiled with rare satisfaction, stretching out her hand, the witch power slowly turned the Yanxin Binglian into a pill, and at the same time handed the pill to Ying Chenyu, Ying Chenyu glanced at him, stretched out her hand to take the pill and ate it.

But for a moment, the ice soul and red soul in his body awakened crazily. , suppressing the red soul, but the lotus heart is Ji Yan, suppressing the ice soul, he stretched out his arms with difficulty, the crazy toss of the flame heart ice lotus and the ice soul red soul burned and frostbitten his whole body in just a moment pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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