Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 149 I Work So Hard

Chapter 149 I Work So Hard

The woman smiled slightly, closed her eyes and said a few words, but Ying Chenyu suddenly softened her body, half kneeling on the ground, unable to lift a trace of spiritual power, the woman sneered: "You forgot what is in your spiritual power?" Is there a love spell from me?"

"So what?" Ying Chenyu looked up at her stubbornly, the woman smiled, closed her eyes and said something, Ying Chenyu suddenly had a headache, seeing everything in front of him was bloody, he desperately endured However, the murderous aura in her body could not be controlled anyway. Under the control of the woman, she gradually walked towards Ziqianyue. The murderous aura was exposed, and Yuqian was shocked. She rushed over and hugged Ziqianyue to avoid Yingchenyu's attack. Chen Yu seemed to have some consciousness, and said painfully: "Yueyue... let's go..."

Zi Qianyue didn't move, just stood and looked at him like that, Yu Qian couldn't pull her, as if everything was still, the woman looked at all this playfully, Ying Chenyu tried her best to control the murderous aura, but he was tormented by a headache. He just lost his mind after a while, leaving only one sentence: "I don't want to kill you, go away... Yueyue..."

Ziqianyue still didn't move, Yuqian had no choice but to fight with Yingchenyu, Yingchenyu was full of murderous aura only because of the love curse, but he didn't protect himself at all at this time, his body was seriously injured, Yuqian didn't dare With a ruthless hand, he has been pinned down by him.

The woman smiled and waved a sword in front of Ying Chenyu. Ying Chenyu reached out to take the sword without hesitation. Yue Ling and the others were also surprised and ran forward quickly, but it was too late. The woman used a more powerful sword The barrier separated them, and they could only watch Ying Chenyu fight Yuqian with a sword inside. Yuqian didn't dare to hurt him, but Yingchenyu seemed to have recovered his previous martial arts skills at this time, and Yuqian Seeing Ying Chenyu's sword stabbing at Yuqian, Zi Qianyue suddenly made a move and pushed Yuqian away. Walking forward, with a faint smile on his face, it slowly expanded, just like when he first saw her cunning little fox, Ying Chenyu was in a trance for a moment, but the severe headache immediately dominated him, holding the sword against Looking at Ziqianyue, he didn't know what to do for a moment. As Ziqianyue advanced and kept retreating, Ziqianyue kept smiling, laughing, and slowly bumped into his sword. Called from behind: "Yue'er, don't!"

Zi Qianyue didn't care, the blood gradually dripped, Ying Chenyu suddenly became a little scared, and wanted to withdraw the sword, but Zi Qianyue pressed his hand full of scars, and smiled slyly: "These hands are really very It looks good!"

Ying Chenyu was shocked, desperately wanted to withdraw her hand but couldn't, Zi Qianyue moved forward, the sword passed through her body, Zi Qianyue hugged Ying Chenyu fiercely, and sighed weakly: " Ying Chenyu, I really like you!"


As if everything was still, snowflakes were gradually falling from the sky, Zi Qianyue raised her head and glanced at the snowflakes, then nestled on his chest again, and said with a weak smile: "Ying Chenyu, how many times have I thought that we can be like ordinary snowflakes one day?" I live like a human, lying and rolling in the snow. When you play chess, I can disturb your chess game at will. When you are reading, I can scare you from behind. When you are cooking, I can hug you from behind. Put it on your face that is full of anger. Ying Chenyu, I dreamed of a cherry blossom forest, I dreamed that you were as beautiful as a banished fairy, I dreamed that I could jump on you and laugh, but I can’t, I can’t do anything , you have never been a god, you are just a child who has suffered so much but can't get the light, you are lonely, scared, paranoid, awkward, you are highly poisoned, your identity is unknown, you are destined for nine calamities, you are in every way Suffering, you are such a poor kid with so many flaws, I still like you very much!"

"Yue... Yue..." His hands were stained red with blood, Ziqianyue babbled a lot, and he gradually regained his senses, seeing Ziqianyue lying in his arms and smiling quietly, a little afraid Believe it, Ye Su was very angry, but he couldn't break through the barrier.

Everyone looked at the woman angrily, but the woman smiled indifferently, stretched out her hand to untie Yuqian's acupuncture points, Yuqian immediately stepped forward and hugged Zi Qianyue from Ying Chenyu's hand, Zi Qianyue coughed violently, and blood gushed out of her mouth After coming out, he stretched out his hand to grab Ying Chenyu's clothes, and said softly: "Don't go..."

The woman suddenly untied the barrier, and Ye Su also rushed to Ziqianyue's side and took Ziqianyue's hand, but Ziqianyue didn't let go, grabbed Ying Chenyu's clothes, and said softly again : "Don't go..."

"Yue'er!" Ye Su was furious. He had never seen Ziqianyue do this because of a young man. He swung his fist at Ying Chenyu. Just as he was about to smash it down, the woman suddenly grabbed Ying Chenyu and retreated. In Zi Qianyue's hand was only a piece of clothes that was cut off by the woman, Zi Qianyue got up weakly, struggled and said: "Don't go..."

"Yue'er, don't be like this..." Yuqian pressed back her outstretched hand, but Ziqianyue stubbornly looked at Ying Chenyu and moved forward desperately. Even though Yuqian stopped her, Ying Chenyu didn't say a word , he seemed to have lost his sanity, the woman stopped laughing, and reached out to touch Ying Chenyu's acupuncture points, Ying Chenyu fainted softly, the woman looked at Zi Qianyue, everyone looked at her warily, but the woman Suddenly injecting witch power into Zi Qianyue's body, Zi Qianyue's blood stopped, but she still looked at Ying Chenyu stubbornly, knowing that he could no longer hear her, she still said softly: "Don't go...don't..."

The woman glanced at her again, and disappeared in an instant with Ying Chenyu in her arms. Ziqianyue had no strength to chase after her, and suddenly she turned her head and nestled in Yuqian's arms, crying: "I have worked so hard, why still can't get it... ..."

"Yue'er..." Yuqian stroked her hair distressedly, and Ziqianyue cried out. She always just shed tears, and rarely really cried like this. She cried very sadly, and her voice was hoarse: "Why? I can't keep him, I can't save him, mother... I can't keep..." Yuqian kept stroking her long hair, the sword was transformed by witch power, and disappeared completely with the woman's departure, Zi Qianyue's wound didn't disappear, but after a while, she was finally tired from crying, and with the severity of the injury, she finally passed out. Yue Ling took her and carefully carried her back to the bed.

Zi Qianyue was in a coma, and no one mentioned this matter again. Even without Ying Chenyu, everyone still wants to live as before without any changes. It seems that there has never been such a person as Ying Chenyu. After this period of entanglement, the Yun Palace still exists, but now it is in charge of the four major cloud envoys, without Yun Zun, everything about Yun Zun in the world has disappeared, it seems that there has never been this person.

There is a secluded place between heaven and earth, with flocks of flowers and birds, gurgling rivers, and a gorgeous palace on a prairie, which does not match, but is also perfect.

It has been a month since Ying Chenyu woke up again, the magnificent palace was in sight, he thought he had returned to Lingshan in a trance, yes, he remembered that he was taken away, and he remembered that day he personally gave the sword to him. Entering Zi Qianyue's body, she smiled wryly, it turned out that he still had these memories.

The woman came in with the medicine and reached out to hand it to him. He didn't say anything. He took the medicine and drank it, as if drinking water. It was so bitter at first, but now, it's not bitter at all!
The woman stretched out her hand to feel his pulse, and asked softly, "Is it my fault?"

"Blame you." Ying Chenyu said lightly: "Without you, maybe I would still be the source of spirituality by the bank of Tianshui. Without you, maybe the original Yulan would really be lost. Without you, Yingchenyu would not be here today." You will get the inheritance of spiritual power and you will be hit by the love spell. Without you, Yu Nian would have died in the evil environment and would not have killed Yueyue..."

Ying Chenyu sighed: "So, why don't I blame you?"

"Zi Qianyue is not dead." The woman said lightly.

Ying Chenyu nodded: "I know, you did that to understand the love curse!"

"You are smart!" The woman laughed, went out with a bowl, and said to Ying Chenyu: "Come out and have a look!"

After a month of recovery, Ying Chenyu's injury has almost healed. Although her legs are a little weak after not walking for a long time, she can still slowly follow the woman out. The sun outside is dazzling, and the woman said: "Look, I It was snowing when I took you away, but now, the flowers are blooming!"

Ying Chenyu remained silent, the woman turned her head, looked at the young man with a calm expression, and said calmly: "You are still young, because you have endured too much darkness and cannot see the light, how can you grow up?"

Ying Chenyu was still silent, looking at the dazzling sunlight outside, the beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the air was still slightly cold, the woman reached out and sucked the pure white mink fur cloak in the room and put it on him, saying: "Wait another five years, the five years' worth The sun will make you grow."

Ying Chenyu took a few steps forward, raised his hand slightly, his spiritual power condensed and the water in the river gradually froze, and he slowly turned into an iceman. The appearance of the iceman was very similar to Zi Qianyue, Ying Chenyu Pushing his hand forward, the ice cubes shattered one after another. He sighed softly, "Should I recall five years of memory in just five months?"

He recalled all the things, the little Lingyuan who knew nothing back then, surrounded the flower plant and listened to her talking about those messy things, the innocent little Yulan back then gave the bracelet to the girl without any scruples Yulan, who was young and frivolous back then, rode forward as a teenager, in full bloom, Yulan, who was trapped by love, had nothing for women, and Yingchenyu, the dark and cold prison cell when she was a child, and the pain of various instruments of torture. The hard work of a little child building the Yun Palace, the joy of sweeping the rivers and lakes with Li Shang and the four of them, the torment of poisonous hair, his shyness and arrogance after seeing Zi Qianyue, the struggle when he didn't know how to love at that time, and the killing of his biological mother. His chills at the time, the despair when he found his biological father, and Lingshan, the death of his heart after falling under the love spell, everything was everything...

The woman had disappeared, and Ying Chenyu stood there quietly, like a perfect ice sculpture, looking at the sun in front of her, standing there for a long, long time, until the sun turned orange and fell down the mountain, and the moon slowly He climbed up slowly, and after a while, his figure disappeared and appeared in the room again. The woman asked, "I watched it all day, what did I see?"

"I'm still alive." Ying Chenyu said softly.

The woman nodded and handed him the medicine: "Drink it!"

Ying Chenyu took the medicine and drank it, and had a meal with the woman quietly, just like a hundred years ago when they were by the bank of Tianshui, they were family friendship, she taught him everything, she didn't need his protection, he But he was self-righteous and protected her with his own power. Later, she protected him many times and dedicated all his witch power to the devil for him. He looked at the woman and suddenly said softly: "Thank you."

The woman smiled lightly, the smile was not the usual cold or evil smile, but a simple light smile, she reached out to pick up vegetables for Ying Chenyu: "You are a child, I am old, I can't argue with you."

Ying Chenyu stopped talking, he already knew everything now, Yu Ninglian had only 20 years of reincarnation in Lingshan because of his blood sacrifice, and he only survived this life, the way to break these is the love curse, she cast the love curse on Zi Qianyue, mainly to understand this reincarnation, and secondly to see if Zi Qianyue is sincere to him.

Ziqianyue has been taken to Dongling. Although she was seriously injured, she should have woken up, but she didn't wake up at all. Yushu felt her pulse and sighed: "It was Yue'er who fell into the trap by herself. She went in and didn't want to wake up, now she is sleeping, no one can wake her up."

"Nian'er won't come back, will she remain in a coma?" Yu Qian raised her head and looked at Yu Shu. These days, he has been anxious about Zi Qianyue, and even now his eyes are red, obviously Just cried a while ago.

"Is Yue'er still unwilling to wake up?" Ye Su's clear and handsome voice came, Yuqian looked back at him and nodded helplessly.

Ye Su walked in and looked at Ziqianyue, and said to Yuqian: "Princess, can I talk to Yueer alone for a while?"

"En." Yuqian nodded, Yueling supported her to stand up, Yuqian gave Ziqianyue a sad look, then followed Yueling and turned to leave.

Ye Su sat beside Zi Qianyue's bed, stretched out her hand to grab Zi Qianyue's hand, and said softly, "Yue'er, are you still unwilling to wake up?"

Ziqianyue didn't answer, Ye Su went on to say: "A Yingchenyu is really that important, Yue'er, you are not wrong, you have done your best, whether it is in the previous life or in this life, he is really worth it." Are you torturing yourself like this?"

"Yue'er, do you know how reluctant I am to part with you like this, I thought that even if you weren't with me, you would marry Happiness, Ying Chenyu, I didn't even give you a perfect wedding..."

Ye Su kept mumbling, but Zi Qianyue kept having another dream, a dream she didn't know what it was, dreaming that a child was born in a rural family with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the child's mother looked at the child with a weak smile, The father of the child hugged the child and closed his mouth happily. The child gradually grew up and became a cute little girl. The little girl liked to play around and bullied her brother who was five years older with mud all day long. The elder brother endured her all the time. One day, the little girl finally found her elder brother from the haystack. She reached out and wiped the mud on the fair little boy's face. The little girl looked at the little cat with the boy's face, smiled and clapped her hands. It was finally dark, and I reached out and casually grabbed the mud and wiped it on the little girl's face. The little girl was taken aback, screamed and laughed even more happily, then clapped her hands and stomped her feet. Under the fire, the little girl's mother hugged the girl desperately, and carefully told her: "Don't come out, hide and seek with mother, and come look for mother after she has gone far away, be good..."

The little girl nodded without knowing the so-called. Once the girl's mother left, she would never come back. The girl no longer believed in hide-and-seek. She only believed in this world. Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. The little girl took care of it In 13 years, she finally killed those who slaughtered her family that night, and then the girl died, Zi Qianyue chuckled, that was her first life!

She doesn't know who she is, and she doesn't know where she is. She only knows who she is by walking forward, forward, and forward.

Time flies, five years have passed in the blink of an eye, Zi Qianyue has been in a deep sleep for five years, without waking up for a moment, many things have happened in these five years, and nothing seems to have happened, Prince Dongling Ye Susan He was enthroned years ago, but the post has been vacant. No amount of persuasion by the ministers of the court has any effect. But Ye Su has a good political performance, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and no one dares to say anything too much. It is common for Princess Qingya to marry the son of the regent prince. The unruly and willful little princess chased the prince all over the street all day long, and once went to the brothel to catch the prince back home. Queen Nan Chuqing gave birth to a son and a daughter, who were named prince and princess respectively. The object of women's envy, Beichen is still the same as before. There are not many emperors and concubines and no queens, but compared with the ministers of Dongling, he is content, and no one dares to force him. However, there is no news of the young master of Lingshan. The Holy Lord is still in charge of Lingshan. Great power, the elders are also elected by the children of other families, martial arts competitions are born, and the rivers and lakes have calmed down. Most of the once most powerful palaces, two pavilions, third floors and four towers have disappeared. It is still an established force in the world, and no one dares to provoke it.

(End of this chapter)

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