Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 153 Extra Chapter 1: Those years of bone-chilling coldness

Chapter 153 Extra Story One Those Years of Bitter Cold ([-])
The fire in Luoyu Palace was originally planned by Mo Lingyu for a long time, and he directed and acted on his own, but Mo Lingyu really hated him, and forced him to eat the ice soul before burning the palace, and the old man was not there at that time, so he had no right to refuse Seeing being tortured by the ice soul, the emperor appeared with the red soul in his hand. He was stunned when he saw his pain, and he reached out and gave the red soul to Xueer. At that time, he thought, anyway, he has been poisoned, eat more One is nothing, as long as Xue'er can live, so he snatched the medicine and took it without hesitation. Seeing him, Xue'er fainted and begged the emperor to save him, but the emperor just turned around and left , under the spread of the fire, Ying Chenxue remembered that her blood had a strange effect, the injured bird could fly after drinking it, she cut her wrist with all her strength, and force-fed him into Ying Chenyu's mouth, he was overwhelmed by the smell of blood He opened his eyes so much that he saw Mitian Dahuo's bitter smile, endured the pain in his body and said to Xue'er, "Xue'er, let's go, brother is fine."

"Xue'er don't go, brother, go!" Xue'er cried until her voice became hoarse, and the smoke choked her throat. She stood up tremblingly and pulled Ying Chenyu away. Ordinary children are much thinner, but they are not something a five-year-old girl can pull, but Xueer tried her best to push him out of the room, and she no longer had the strength to leave. He wanted to yell, but he passed out. When he woke up, he came to the Illusory Spirit Valley. That year, when he was less than eight years old, he had nothing.

The old man came in with the medicine, looked at the absent-minded child and said worriedly: "Drink some medicine!"

"Where's Xue'er?" That was the first question he asked him after waking up, so full of hope, yet so hopeless, the old man couldn't bear it, and hugged the child's small body in distress. Talking, no tears, that kind of silence is not suitable for the age of loneliness, until he fell asleep quietly, did not say a word.

For a year, he has been in a drowsy sleep, and his body has been completely destroyed. From the inside out, the old man is busy taking care of him every day, searching for good medicines all over the world to treat his injuries, even if it can completely eliminate his body. However, his weak physique can no longer recover. The old man seems to be very sorry for him, and always buys him all kinds of rare things from all over the world, even if he is not rare, even if he turns around These things were sold, and he clearly remembered that day when the old man stood in front of his window and educated his subordinates: "How can the glass lamp be used for children to play with?"

The subordinate lowered his head, actually he was secretly happy, the master finally knew how to cherish things, the young master obviously wasted those treasures, but he didn't expect the old man to turn his head and say: "What if it breaks and hurts him?"

"Ah?" The subordinate couldn't react. The old man seemed to hate iron and steel for this stupid subordinate, and said angrily: "If he likes cups, you can find some precious and not easy to break, understand?"

"The subordinate understands." The man quickly responded, and after a long time, he muttered: "Young master doesn't like cups!"

Ying Chenyu was sitting in the window and chuckled weakly. The old man turned around and saw that he woke up and came in anxiously to check his body. When he found that there was no problem, he hugged him carefully, and at the same time shouted to the outside: "Come on, I just now Bring the dim sum brought back from Tanglin!"

His subordinates are all speechless, he dotes on him extremely, even though he always dislikes him, he gives him everything in the world that he thinks is good, from as small as a cake to as big as a power, and because of this, after many years, he Knowing all the truth, thinking of the meticulous care these years, he shouldn't blame him, but if he didn't want to admit him and watch him suffer, the little maid would die, the imperial concubine would die, and Yingchen Anke would die. After becoming a monk, Xue'er will disappear, but with all the care he took for atonement later, how can he not hate, how can he forgive!
In those years, there was another person in the palace who would treat him well, that person was Ying Chen'an, Concubine De was originally a very kind woman, Ying Chenyu always couldn't figure it out later, being as kind as Concubine De was indifferent to the world How did his temperament survive in the deep palace, and he still ranks among the four concubines. Apart from his mother concubine Yufei, Concubine De is the most respected.Such a woman, I don't know if no one murdered her, or she is kind and has a clear heart.However, Ying Chenyu remembers Ying Chen'an more deeply. He is six years older than him, and the children in the palace are more in awe of him. Many times when the eldest prince brings the children in the palace to make trouble, he helps to block it. Knowing his difficult situation, but not knowing that his body is full of scars, even if he has martial arts, his weak body that can faint at any time is not enough to compete with the First Prince and the others. Maybe Ying Chen'an is just because of his kind nature, but I don't know what his kindness in nature means to a young and weak child, and how important it is.

On the day Ying Chen'an left, the emperor personally saw him off. Although he went to become a monk, he was not removed from the royal family. Ying Chen'an waited at the gate of the city for a long time that day, but he never saw the child he protected. However, he was tied up in the dungeon. The young emperor did not look at him like he was reluctant to give up Ying Chen'an. There was only hatred in those eyes, complete hatred. He was in great pain, but instead smiled softly. He died because of him, Ying Chen'an became a monk because of him, the little maid died because of him, Xue'er was not favored because of him, Nanny Gui was old and frail but had to beg everywhere because of him, and the hatred of his biological parents, he He didn't understand what he did wrong, what made him and the people around him suffer so much, he fainted again with a smile on his face, and when he woke up, his master was in front of him, asking worriedly Should he leave? He didn't understand why he had a little fantasy at that time, but he shook his head gently, letting the old man treat his injury carefully, and then told him that Ying Chen'an had left, and then told him that even if he was cured in the future, With injuries all over his body, he is doomed to be weak and sick and never be as good as ordinary people. He just nodded silently. As long as he can take revenge, he doesn't care whether he can live like a normal person at all.

Three years later, I saw Ying Chen'an again. At that time, he was still a child, and Ying Chen'an was already a teenager. When he looked at Ying Chen'an, there was a gleam of joy in his heart, but he remained calm. Walking up to him personally, put a piece of jade pendant in his hand, and told him that if someone bullies him again, this jade pendant can save him. He knows that Ying Chen'an has trained many people for him in the past three years, but that He no longer needed it at that time. If he left the palace, who else in this world could bully him, but he still accepted the jade pendant and included those people in the future Yun Palace, but they were very secretive, they were not killers, He is a soldier who can go to battle to kill the enemy. At that time, he dared to let Chu Fan break the barrier of Lingshan, so he was ready to teach him a lesson. That was his army. He wanted to give this team to Zi Qianyue.

Ying Chen'an gave him things, cut off a piece of sleeve for him, cut off his robe, and treated him like a younger brother, how could he be worthy of his dead mother and concubine? Ying Chenyu understood these things, and also understood What exactly was it that he ruined Ying Chen'an, so he didn't chase after him. Seeing Ying Chen'an turned and left, he just sat there casually, quietly watching the sun slant to the west, watching the river become sparkling Lin, looking at the setting sun like blood, spread out his hands, half of his sleeves fluttered, the people around him were worried, and said cautiously: "Young master, it's getting cold, should you go back?"

He didn't speak, just sat like that, the moon came after the sunset, he leaned against the tree beside him a little tiredly, closed his eyes and felt the coolness brought by the moonlight, why, he knew that what Ying Chen'an had done was good enough But he has nothing and is disabled all over his body. Whose fault is it? A person is obviously desperate, so why should he struggle so hard, but how many people have been killed by his struggle...

The old man sighed, stretched out his arms to hug him away, he didn't resist, he was only nine years old at that time, and wept for the last time in the old man's arms, it was so quiet, but it was so heart-piercing, he didn't cry, but he couldn't restrain the severe heartache , the old man clumsily patted him on the back like a woman comforting a child on the street, that was his last reliance, his master, at that time, was the only person he trusted, the only person he relied on, without him, he would have He is already dead, he doesn't want to live like this, but if he dies like that, he is just as unwilling. In many cases, it would be better if you don't understand anything, just like a few years ago, he could naively ask Nanny Gui How people educate children, but now, he knows so much, he is extremely smart, he knows hate, he knows not to be reconciled, so he thinks more about all this, what is the cause of all this.

He has done a lot of things in these years, the happiest thing is that he and Li Shang Qingyan are all over the world. They say they are masters and servants, but they are more like brothers, but they have a common hobby of teasing him, only Yueyi can't , Yue Yi always admired him and called him Brother Zunzhu. Although the five of them were young, their status in the Jianghu was not low. The people who didn't draw their swords and dared to dislike him have already died under the hands of the old man. Those people think that after all, the time he can come out is limited, and they should obey the master's wishes and take the young man to play around more, not to fight and kill. Although the little boy has never heard of it.

In those two years, every time Ying Chenyu came to this time, he would think that if Xueer was still there, she would be as big as Yueyi.

Thinking of Xue'er, he has endless hatred. The old eunuch who tortured him in the palace was a master of torture. He was even famous in the Jianghu. On the wound, seeing his screams, the silver needles didn't penetrate his skin even when he waved his hands, and the hot pepper water was also drilled into his skin, Ying Chenyu sneered: "Did I make you scream?"

The old eunuch was really scared at that time, just a child of eight or nine years old was completely different, cruel and bloodthirsty, he buried a large number of people in Yungong in the Three Kingdoms, and all the people who bullied him in the palace died, He single-handedly facilitated the blood change in the palace. Most of the old emperors were surrounded by his people, and even one-third of the Yulin army belonged to him. Except for Beichen, including Dongling and Nanchu, the destruction he wanted was to completely destroy Destruction, suicide destruction, he never wanted to be king, just to destroy all this dirty, the old man tried to persuade him, but it was of no use.The kindness he has seen has long been a cold corpse, so how can he be a chivalrous man who upholds justice? He came out of the darkness stepping on blood and bones. He wants this world for the little boy three years ago. The palace lady paid the price for Xue'er, Nanny Gui, and his scarred body. As long as Xue'er is found, the world will be destroyed, and he can cause wars all over the world in one day.

But he met her, that girl was like a cunning little fox, at that age, with eyes like that of Xue Er, he helped him in a trance, and fate turned like that, he asked himself many times if he didn’t If he helped her back then, would she fall in love with him? There is no answer, because time itself is a miracle. At that time and place, what should be met will always meet, and it is inevitable.

He admits that he really doesn't know anything about the relationship between men and women. He doesn't understand what liking is and what love is. He doesn't understand why a man and a woman are together. But that girl forced him to understand that she loves him wholeheartedly, does not allow him to be bullied, does not allow him to be hurt, takes care of his weak body carefully, and when he sees her sincerity, he gives up the idea of ​​ruining the world He thought, that girl also needs a peaceful life. He couldn't accompany her, so he could only repay her in this way. At that time, he avoided Zi Qianyue because he didn't dare. To be able to love, how to be worthy of being loved, how to be worthy of such a single-minded girl, he is greedy and selfish, because he doesn't understand, he wants to get close, but after getting close, he finds that he has sunk in, he I was afraid, but it was over. At that time, he had predicted that the future would be a bumpy road, but he always walked on thorns, he thought, he would not regret it!

He persevered time and time again. When Mo Lingyu stabbed the sword into his body, he thought that his heartache would be unbearable, but because she was still there, he had a little comfort in the midst of the chaos. The biggest dispute between her and him It lies in his body, but how can it be so simple?He didn't want her to be sad, and kept hiding her time and time again, until finally he drove her away because of the love spell. At that time, his plan was that Yuzhi would break through the barrier of Lingshan, and he had already ambushed his troops. They were a devastating blow, and the Great Elder, but he wanted Ye Su to take her away and treat her well. If he betrayed her, all the troops he left would be used by her, and the pawns he left, even if he Death can also ruin Yesu for her, but none of this has been realized. When that alluring woman came to him, he knew that he would not die, and that woman would not watch him die there, even though she said It said that he wanted to die, but that woman was the one who took care of him the most in the past and present life. She didn't owe him anything, but she cared about him like a child. He believed that women would be angry because of him, but he never believed in women. He would really kill the person he cared about. At that time, he knew the purpose of the woman, but to force him to leave with her. She understood him, and every step was exactly as she thought. She imprisoned him for five years, but He didn't restrict his freedom at all during the period, and he deliberately didn't appear in front of him often because he was afraid that he wouldn't like it, but he also knew that that woman, like Yushu, would watch him lonely in the dark, and then sigh silently, how lucky he was to be by her side With so many people!

At first he had enjoyed two years of happy life, but because he was too young at that time, he had no memory and couldn't remember the good times. When he first had memories, it was the heart-piercing pain and endless torture. When he was young and didn't understand anything, he always asked people outside if they educated children in this way. He suffered a lot and his body was always weak, and all these sufferings came from him. The most important relatives do, many times he is unwilling to forgive, but more often he feels that they are his biological parents, he has been living in such conflicts, very painful, very struggling, such him, but met When it comes to Ziqianyue, that woman can love him with everything, and also tell him what love is and what it means to be loved.

His life is so difficult, but fortunately there are people in this world who are willing to guard him. He once thought he had nothing, but in fact, he has a lover, brothers, and parents. If it is true, you have to believe that when you have used up all the bad luck , there will still be some good luck!

 "But you have to believe that time itself is a miracle. It will fulfill hope, love, beauty, and a heart that is reluctant to let go. After many years, what should be met will be met, and what should be realized will be realized."

(End of this chapter)

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