Chapter 22

At the same time, Zi Qianyue was also very satisfied this night, not to mention that she had a feeling of déjà vu to Ying Chenyu from the beginning, but it made her happy that such a smart person became friends now, and she didn't want to have anything to do with the capital. , but since someone arranged such a scene, the two of them are destined to be tied together, so it is better to be friends than enemies.

When Ziqianyue returned to Qinglianju, Qingyao, Huaping and the others rushed up to welcome her, carefully sizing up Ziqianyue, for fear that he would be bullied, Ziqianyue chuckled helplessly: "Is there no one here to make trouble tonight?" ?”

"No miss, they are probably also fooled by this news, and they didn't think of a countermeasure!" Qingyao also chuckled.

"But miss, you go to see Yu Wang today, how is he...?" Huaping asked.

"He is just like me at that time!" Zi Qianyue withdrew her smile, with emotions that the painting screen could not understand on her face, Bing Ning's bitter dream, although it is sweet, is the sweetness that comes from bitterness , Sweet helplessness and coldness, such a him, like her in the previous life, she was just reborn with memories, always regarded herself as a person in this world, and did not want to remember the previous life, so many years, thought I forgot, but She never thought that that man would actually remind her of the heart-wrenching feeling at that time.

"Miss?" Qingyao asked worriedly seeing Zi Qianyue's expression was wrong.

"It's okay, he will be our partner in the future, as long as you understand." Zi Qianyue put away her memories and spoke as usual.

"Yes, miss." Qingyao replied respectfully.

After Ziqianyue let Qingyao and the others rest, she lay on the big comfortable bed, but couldn't fall asleep. After tossing and turning, she suddenly got up, took out her painting booklet, and saw the painting that she couldn't make last time, the paper had been destroyed. The ink was stained, Zi Qianyue frowned slightly, she didn't lose the piece of paper, she picked up a pen and drew on the paper, not long after, a man playing the piano jumped out of the paper, as if Zi Qianyue saw Sakura over the wall Chen Yu's appearance is still like a son like jade, like a poem and a painting.

Zi Qianyue looked at the painting quietly, and suddenly felt pain in her heart, just like the feeling when she heard his voice for the first time, even worse than that time, she felt so distressed that she wanted to cry.Zi Qianyue pressed her chest and watched quietly. The person in the painting is as beautiful as a fairy, but lonely and distressing. Zi Qianyue didn't know what to think, and suddenly picked up a brush to draw a person dancing to the sound of the piano. The woman, the woman is wearing a light blue gauze and dances to the sound of the piano, the wind lifts her long hair, and the man is like a pair of walled people in a painting, the beauty is breathtaking.

But suddenly, Zi Qianyue accidentally dropped the pen, and the ink on the pen dripped onto the painting. In an instant, the moon turned into a black shadow. Zi Qianyue hurriedly cleaned up the work. The woman in the painting seemed to be her real self. Zi Qianyue raised her hand and touched herself who was not wearing a human skin mask at the moment, her heart moved slightly, she didn't know what she was thinking, and it was even more difficult to sleep.

"Miss." An old and hoarse voice came, and Zi Qianyue opened her eyes in a daze. Qingyao immediately appeared in front of her, and gently explained to Zi Qianyue: "Miss, it's the old lady who is beside you." Those who are here, ask the young lady to greet everyone in the hall."

"What's up, please? Didn't you have nothing yesterday?" Zi Qianyue was still talking in a daze. She slept very late yesterday, and felt that she was woken up just after falling asleep, and she was really upset.

"Miss, after the imperial decree came down yesterday, the old lady came and said that she wanted to see the future Princess Yu. Seeing that you hadn't gone, she asked someone to come and look for her." Qingyao also had a displeased look on her face. She lived in seclusion and seldom took care of things, but she came out suddenly today, and it was only five o'clock, so she sent someone to pay her respects, which was obviously aimed at the young lady on purpose.

"Who else is there in the hall?" Zi Qianyue sat up feebly, thinking that she had never seen this old lady before, and had never provoked her. It's hostile!
"Miss, it is said that the old lady asked the prime minister to release the eldest lady as soon as she came back." Qingyao whispered in Zi Qianyue's ear, knowing that the lady would definitely guess the reason.

"Sure enough." Zi Qianyue frowned slightly, and then said, "Qingyao, clean up for me, I'll go meet this old lady."

"Yes, Miss." Qingyao replied.

A quarter of an hour later, Qingyao tidied up Ziqianyue's wash and she was in the same attire as the day before yesterday, and then she left the room.

"Missy is really putting on airs, let me wait for you!" The old lady in the courtyard was already extremely impatient, she followed the old lady all the time, even the eldest lady would give her some face in the mansion, never She was very upset that she hadn't been made to wait so deliberately.

"Liu Ying, set the meal." Zi Qianyue ignored her and said coldly.

"Yes, miss." Zi Qianyue doesn't like to eat with the whole family, so she eats in the small kitchen by herself. At this moment, Zi Qianyue is very displeased to see the old mother's arrogant appearance.

"Miss, the meals are ready in the hall. It is good for the miss to go to the hall to have a meal with the old lady as soon as possible." The old nanny gave Zi Qianyue a contemptuous look, and saw that Liu Ying put out only porridge and a few A pastry meal, extremely disdainful.

"Master, a dog dares to bark here without saying a word." Suddenly, Zi Qianyue said coldly, and the old mother's whole body shivered when she looked at her with cold eyes.

"Don't kneel down when you see Missy." Qingyao also said coldly.

"Miss, the old slave is rude, please go to the hall with the old lady to see the old lady after the meal." The old mama was about to get angry, but after all, she was an old man next to the old lady, so she was very shrewd, so she knelt down and asked the old lady. Zi Qianyue pleaded guilty, but her heart was already overwhelmed.

Zi Qianyue ignored the kneeling old nanny, finished her meal on her own, and gracefully picked up the tissue that Liu Ying handed over to wipe her mouth, finally straightened her clothes and stood up, seeing the kneeling The old nanny smiled lightly and said, "Why is nanny still kneeling? Oh, I accidentally forgot about nanny, won't nanny be angry?"

"How dare the old slave blame the lady, you are the daughter of the eldest daughter, the old slave should have knelt down." The old mother smiled and said, but she was almost dead of anger in her heart.

"Nurse is serious, it's cold on the ground, get up soon!" Zi Qianyue said with a light smile, not paying attention to the old nun Ziqing's face on the ground, and left with Qingyao and Liuying.

In the hall, the old lady looked cold. The prime minister and all the ladies looked at Zi Qianyue coldly. Even the eldest lady who just came out of the ancestral hall gloated at her, waiting for her to make a fool of herself. Keeping his composure, he walked lightly in front of the old lady with lotus steps, followed by a standard ladylike gift in a clear voice, "Yue'er has seen grandma."

At this moment, everyone in the hall was a little surprised, and the old lady's face was slightly surprised, and she also got better.

"Yue'er, you just came back the day before yesterday, you made a fuss in the mansion, bullied your second sister, and locked your aunt into the ancestral hall, what happened?" The old lady asked Ziqianyue in a serious tone.

"If you go back to grandma, grandma must know that now the emperor has given marriage to Yu Yueer and His Royal Highness King Yu, and Aunt Su insulted His Royal Highness Yu Wang the day before yesterday. Grandma knows that His Royal Highness Yu Wang is a member of the royal family, even if the granddaughter has not been accused. Married to King Yu, you can't let my aunt speak disrespectfully and humiliate the royal family!"

Ziqianyue said softly, like a real lady of the family, the old lady who came here to find trouble can't be picky, and even if the old lady loves the aunt, she can't care more about the prime minister's mansion. The Prime Minister's Mansion is not allowed to do anything.

"Ning'er, is that what Yue'er said?" The old lady turned her head and looked at the auntie coldly, with dissatisfaction clearly written in her eyes.

The aunt who heard this was suddenly taken aback, and immediately put away the vicious Ling Chi-like gaze on Zi Qianyue, and turned her eyes filled with tears, and said sadly: "I'm sorry mother, my daughter-in-law really doesn't know how to advance or retreat, Said some words that insulted His Royal Highness Yu Wang, but the daughter-in-law is only because His Royal Highness Yu Wang made a fool of the Prime Minister at the gate of the Xiangfu, and the daughter-in-law is only for the sake of her husband, so..."

 In this life, all encounters are for cherishing, all feelings are for trying, and all lovelorn is for true love!

  Think what you think, love what you love, that's all!
(End of this chapter)

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