Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 31 Destroyed, who did it?

Chapter 31 Destroyed, who did it?
"Yes, please, Your Highness." The prime minister did not dare to refuse, he was more anxious than Ying Chenyu at this time.

Immediately, Mo pushed Yingchenyu, Lishang, Ziqianyue, Qingyao and others all followed and left, heading for the direction where the young man led the way.

"Second sister, can't..." Before she got close, she heard Ziyunmeng's voice, but her voice at this time was not the usual soft voice, but with obvious fear and surprise.

"Shut up! It's your turn, a little slut, to take care of my affairs. You and your mother are both sluts, how dare you meddle in my business!"

"Second sister, you..."

"Shut up!" Zi Yunmeng's words were suddenly interrupted by a stern voice, the prime minister saw the scene in front of him with veins throbbing in his head, he didn't know what was going on today, and there was another wave of unrest.

I saw that the door of Ziyunrou's boudoir was wide open at this time, and a naked man and woman were lying on the bed facing the door. The man should get up after seeing Ziyun's dream, but although the woman's body was covered with bruises, she seemed to be Feeling nothing, desperately hugging the man to prevent him from leaving, moaning softly incessantly, as if enjoying herself, this woman is naturally Zi Yunrou.

"Rou'er! You!" The aunt saw Ziyunrou first, she screamed in horror and rushed over, but Ziyunrou was extremely strong, and pushed the aunt away with one hand.

"Ziyunrou, what are you doing!" The prime minister was furious.

"'s none of Caomin's business! Caomin doesn't know anything, it was her, she seduced me first, I didn't know she was Miss Xiangfu... I don't know." At this moment, the man saw the prime minister coming, and his mind went crazy. More lucid, terrified.

"Enough! Who are you?" The Prime Minister interrupted him and asked anxiously.

"Caomin...Caomin is...the son of the auntie's wet nurse, Nanny Meng." The man said hastily, while looking anxiously at the auntie.

"Ma'am!" Nanny Lin and the wet nurse beside the auntie were naturally the Nanny Meng mentioned by the man before, who rushed over in a panic when they heard the commotion.

"Shut up! Look at the good deeds your son has done!" At this time, the eldest lady has lost her former style, and she is sitting on the ground with tears on her face. On Nanny Meng's face.

"Ma'am..." Mother Meng didn't know why, she turned around and looked at the two people on the bed, her face turned pale instantly.

"Mother, save your son, he was framed!" Seeing Nanny Meng's arrival, the man broke free from Zi Yunrou's hand even more vigorously, and tore off the remaining corner of his body.

"Ah!" Ziyunmeng exclaimed, although she is a talented woman, she also has some perspicacity, she has never seen such a man before, she turned around immediately.

"Close your eyes!" At the critical moment, Zi Qianyue suddenly felt black in front of her eyes, tilted her body, and her look of watching the show disappeared instantly, because at this moment she clearly felt that she was being pulled onto a person, and there was a bird in front of her eyes. hand.

"What are you doing!" Zi Qianyue was a little sullen and at the same time stretched out her hand to grab Ying Chenyu's hand.

"Ugly!" Ying Chenyu spit out two words awkwardly, and patted Zi Qianyue's little hand with the other hand, still covering her eyes.

"It's ugly, don't look at it!" Zi Qianyue lay in Ying Chenyu's arms, smelling the scent of cherry blossoms and the faint scent of wine on his body, she blushed slightly.

"I don't want to watch it!" Ying Chenyu said disdainfully.

" don't want to look at this girl, you want to look at it!"

"You are my princess now!" Ying Chenyu's voice was slightly low.

"You! Hmph!" Zi Qianyue was speechless, but she knew she couldn't break free, so she simply didn't want to break free, but she also unceremoniously put her hands on Ying Chenyu's eyes, of course, what she touched was only the cold mask .

"Ah Fu!" Zi Qianyue and Ying Chenyu were still angry, but the others had already had a falling out. Seeing her son being entangled by Zi Yunrou, Mother Meng felt cold in her heart. She is arrogant and domineering because of her status as a mother-in-law, but she also knows what the current situation means. Whether it is for the sake of Ziyunrou or the prime minister's mansion, her son is almost certain to die, but she only has this one son. How to accept it.

"Auntie, Ah Fu was framed, how could he and Miss..."

"That's enough! You have the guts to explain why the beast you raised has defiled my daughter!" The aunt was furious. After all, Ziyun Rou was her only hope all along. Now...

"Mother, don't you have a son, she is the one who seduced me..."

"Shut up! You lowly grassroots, how could Rou'er fall in love with you?" The aunt didn't care, rushed over and slapped the man.

"Master, drag him out and kill him! He bullied Rou'er, kill him!" The aunt lost her mind and shouted while dragging the man.

"Ma'am, you can't do this!" Nanny Meng was anxious, she was old enough to have a son, and although her son was ugly, she only had him.

"Why not! Not only will he be killed, but you will be killed too! Come on! Come on..." the auntie shouted.

"Ma'am, you! This old slave is loyal, you can't treat me like this." Mother Meng became anxious when she saw that she was about to be beaten to death by her aunt.

"Rou'er, Rou'er, what are you doing? Get up quickly...Master, kill them, kill them all..."

"Shut up! Don't put on your clothes yet!" The prime minister was furious, pointing at Ziyun Rourou's man.

The man hurriedly pushed Ziyunrou away regardless, put on his clothes in a panic, and knelt on the ground tremblingly, but Ziyunrou was still unconscious, thinking about pulling the man.

"Rou'er!" Seeing this, the auntie hugged Ziyunrou desperately, shed tears uncontrollably, still shouting that she wanted to kill Nanny Meng and her son.

"Meng'er, why are you here today?" After all, the prime minister has been honed in the officialdom for decades, and he has already become extremely smooth. Although he was extremely confused by the disturbance at this time, he still regained his sanity.

"Yes, it's her! Ziyunmeng! It was you who framed Rou'er, you lowly woman, it was you!" Auntie pointed at Ziyunmeng and shouted.

"Auntie, it's not me..." Ziyunmeng cried out immediately, calling for grievances for herself, and the appearance of pear blossoms in the rain made people feel distressed.

"Shut up!" The Prime Minister was furious, turned around and asked Ziyun Meng gently: "Meng'er, don't be afraid, tell Daddy why you are here today?"

"It's Sister Qing'er, Qing..." Zi Yunmeng looked at her aunt cautiously, then quickly lowered her head.

"Meng'er, tell me what you have, what's wrong with Qing'er?" the Prime Minister asked, although Ziyunqing's sickly appearance was not flattering all day long, but Ziyunmeng was his pride, Ziyun Yunqing is Ziyunmeng's biological sister, so he cares more about Ziyunqing.

"Qing'er's medicine... My daughter came to beg my second sister... I saw..." Zi Yunmeng was hesitant to speak, as if she had been greatly wronged, and it was easy to hear her words implication.

"Su Feining! Is this how you treat Qing'er so harshly?" The Prime Minister naturally understood the meaning behind Zi Yunmeng's words, and said angrily!
"I didn't... Rou'er! Rou'er! What's wrong with you?" Suddenly, the aunt yelled, holding Zi Yunrou's body and shaking desperately.

Zi Qianyue and Ying Chenyu realized that something was wrong, and so did the prime minister and others, they all turned their heads to look at Zi Yunrou. Unexpectedly, Zi Yunrou was not as crazy as before, and started giggling non-stop, drooling , like a fool.

"What... what's going on?" The prime minister also forgot the anger just now, and looked at Zi Yunrou in a daze.

Zi Qianyue's eyes narrowed slightly, a ray of cold light flashed, and she turned her head to look at Ying Chenyu, only to see that his eyes were foggy, unable to see any emotion, but obviously, he didn't know about it either.

 This is not the end of the matter, what will happen to Zi Yunrou?What about my aunt?And who did all of this?What is the purpose?What do you mean by destroying?Next Chapter "Good Guys, Bad Guys"

  Welcome to collect, la la la~
(End of this chapter)

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