Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 33 I'll Pay You, Liquan

Chapter 33 I'll Pay You, Liquan

"You are not a good person!" Zi Qianyue looked at him and sneered.

"I didn't expect that I would give Yueyue such an impression!" Ying Chenyu shook her head and sighed softly.

"Cut! What do you think?" Zi Qianyue snorted softly, thinking that this person is black-bellied and rascal, he is not a bad guy who is a bad guy.

"Hehe, that's true." Ying Chenyu said with a faint smile: "But Yueyue teased me the first time we met, and dropped my teapot the second time we met, isn't he a good person?"

"Hmph!" Zi Qianyue ignored him, Ying Chenyu stopped talking, and the two of them were speechless all the way.


"I've seen Miss, His Royal Highness the King of Yu." As soon as he returned to Qinglianju, Huaping greeted him and saluted lightly.

"Huaping, where are the things?" Zi Qianyue asked.

"Miss, that thing..." Huaping was about to speak, but when he saw Ying Chenyu sitting there, he fell silent.

"It's okay, take it here, it's for him." Zi Qianyue understood what Huaping meant, and waved her hands unnaturally.

"Yes, miss." Huaping nodded, then turned to go to that thing.

Ying Chenyu watched the painting screen leave, and looked up at Zi Qianyue with doubts and jokes.

"The last time I accidentally broke your teapot, I gave it to you." Zi Qianyue looked at him with a little embarrassment.

"En." Ying Chenyu nodded, and sat quietly without speaking.

Zi Qianyue also stopped talking, and the atmosphere suddenly became slightly awkward.

"Miss, two pots of Liquan and Jiuzhuan glazed pot." Suddenly, Huaping's appearance broke the embarrassment, and both of them looked at the thing in Huaping's hand.

Ying Chenyu raised her head slightly, looked at Zi Qianyue, and waited for her to explain.

"This glazed pot is to compensate for your previous purple clay pot, and I brewed Liquan, to compensate for your bitter dream of freezing." Zi Qianyue said expressionlessly.

Ying Chenyu didn't answer her words, and stretched out his hand to open the seal of Liquan. In an instant, the faint smell of wine and medicine wafted all over the courtyard. Ying Chenyu took the wine glass on the stone table casually, took a sip, and then looked at Ziqianyue smiled slightly with annoyance on her face: "Yueyue's Liquan is brewed very well, and the kindness is hard to turn down, so I accepted it."

After Ying Chenyu finished speaking, she wanted to seal the lid of the wine jar.Zi Qianyue suddenly stretched out her hand to press his hand, Ying Chenyu raised her head, and looked at her playfully: "What? Are you reluctant to part with the things you gave away?"

"Cut! So what if you don't give up? After all, I have to pay you." Zi Qianyue snorted softly.

"What does Yueyue mean?" Ying Chenyu looked at Ziqianyue's hand on his, and smiled lightly.

"It's better to be alone than to be happy together. After all, I gave you two jars. Let's drink one together?" Zi Qianyue suddenly said playfully, her bright smile dazzled people's eyes.

Ying Chenyu was taken aback, this little woman was quiet for a while, playful for a while, soft-hearted for a while, and cold-blooded for a while, how many faces does she have?Which side is her truest?Thinking of this, Ying Chenyu felt slightly upset.

But this was just a fleeting thought, and in an instant, he returned to his gentle and smiling appearance.

"Since Yueyue gave it to me, why am I willing to drink it casually?"

"Isn't wine just for people to drink? Is it possible that you have to kneel and kowtow three times, and then drink after praying?" Zi Qianyue's greed was aroused, and she ignored Ying Chenyu's tricks.

However, Ying Chenyu ignored her, and was about to seal the lid with her hands free.

"Half jar, just half jar, okay?" Zi Qianyue took his hand and looked at him pitifully. To be honest, this wine was brewed ten years ago, and now there are only two jars left. Don't drink it. no more.

"It smells so good! What kind of wine is this?" Before Ying Chenyu could answer, there was a high-pitched laugh from outside the courtyard, and it was Li Shang who knew it without thinking.

"Stupid, this is Liquan brewed by my young lady." Qingyao gave him a disdainful look.

"Miss brewed it herself? The young master wants to taste it too." Li Shang didn't care about Qingyao's gaze, and smiled cheekily.

"It's a beautiful idea! This Liquan is a good medicine that my lady collected ten years ago. It was brewed with morning dew from the mountains for ten years. This girl only drank a little. What's the matter with you?" Qingyao said proudly. After speaking, he gave Li Shang an even more contemptuous look.

Seeing Qingyao's contempt for him, Li Shang touched his nose helplessly and followed her.

"Miss, why did you bring Liquan today? Let's have a drink together?"

Qingyao approached Ziqianyue, smiling so hard that she couldn't see her eyes.

"You're so beautiful! I haven't even gotten half of it yet!" Zi Qianyue was in a depressed mood, and didn't want to talk to her, so she gave her a sideways look, as if telling her not to grab her.

"Please? Isn't it yours, Miss?" Qingyao was puzzled, then looked thoughtfully at Ying Chenyu, then at Zi Qianyue, and said with a smile: "I heard from Xiaohuaping that Miss wants to bring two Giving someone away from Tanliquan is actually going to be a gift to my future aunt!"

"Shut up! What future son-in-law! This lady paid him for it." Zi Qianyue was ashamed and angry.

"Haha! Miss is shy!" Qing Yao laughed regardless of Zi Qianyue's words, Ying Chenyu and Li Shang also laughed.

"Take your things and get out of here, I can't do it if I don't drink!" Zi Qianyue was angry and angry.

"Yueyue, do you know that every time you are shy or guilty you call yourself Miss Ben?" Ying Chenyu laughed.

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Zi Qianyue turned her head, glanced sideways at Qingyao, and said to Li Shang, "What's the result?"

"Miss, Ziyunrou didn't inflict the poison." Speaking of business, Li Shang was a little ashamed, it was the first time that he was handled by the future princess, and he was with the little girl, but he didn't do well.

"Well, I don't think so either, who could it be?" Zi Qianyue frowned.

"It's not too much to say that there are many people who have hatred against my aunt. My aunt's family background is prominent. She was raised in a deep boudoir in the early years and did not offend anyone. The one who has hatred after marriage is just the backyard of the prime minister's mansion." After Li Shang finished speaking, he thought for a while and then said: "This matter is aimed at the mother and daughter of the aunt, and it can even be said that everyone around the aunt first got upset, and then temporarily covered it up with the fascination that the aunt gave to the prince and the lady. The toxicity of Huoxin San is not easy to be discovered, and even if it is discovered, Ziyunrou will not be rescued, and Ziyunrou will die." Li Shang's face was a little gloomy, this happened just when his prince came to hire him, how could something like this happen? skillful?

"The person who poisoned him knew that my aunt had poisoned us." Zi Qianyue said lazily.

"The wives in the mansion know how to be cold-blooded. They won't kill my aunt right now. Besides, losing heart is not a poison that ordinary people can get. At least the women in the backyard can't do it." Qingyao also became serious.

"Using auntie's medicine, it seems that Yueyue and I are going to do revenge, ha ha." Ying Chenyu chuckled, and tapped the armrest of the wheelchair with her slender fingers, thoughtfully.

"You and I didn't do it, revenge for you or me? Is it a revenge that must die? Interesting!" Zi Qianyue also smiled slightly, but quietly touched the direction of the wine jar in front of Ying Chenyu.

 ~ ~Off-topic sharing:

  I saw a sentence in the past few days and thought it was very well written. I would like to share it with everyone. Although it may have been written a long time ago, but when you think about it carefully, the simplest is often the most beautiful: "It is better to be with each other for a long time than to be happy at first sight."

  I hope everyone has that person who never gets tired of it!
  Next Chapter: "I Hate You"

(End of this chapter)

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