Chapter 56 is our family
"Yes." Eunuch An replied, then turned and walked out.

"Yu'er, take Yue'er to familiarize yourself with the imperial palace first. You can go to your former palace to see your mother and concubine. I will go and approve the memorial for a while." After Eunuch An left, the old emperor said to Ying Chenyu, but Ying Chenyu Still ignoring him, he was not embarrassed, turned around and went out.

"Then King Yu will take the concubine out, I won't keep you here!" The queen's face was not good, and naturally, she should be bad, after all, Ying Chenyu and Zi Qianyue didn't give her any face.

Ying Chenyu turned around and went out, and pulled Zi Qianyue by the way, Zi Qianyue was speechless, looking at the queen who was really pitiful, being ignored all the time, Zi Qianyue sighed silently in her heart, and was dragged by Ying Chenyu outside the door.

"Hey, okay, stop pulling me!" Zi Qianyue said sullenly, shaking off Ying Chenyu's hand.

"You push me." Ying Chenyu said lightly, motioning Mo to leave.

Of course, as a loyal and intelligent subordinate, Mo knew best how to create opportunities for his master. When he heard this sentence, he immediately disappeared without giving Zi Qianyue time to react.

"Hey! Ying Chenyu, are you too pushy?" Zi Qianyue was really speechless, just now she was silent at the gate of the palace, but in a blink of an eye she started ordering her again.

However, Ying Chenyu didn't answer her words, just sat there quietly, perfect, quiet, somehow, the air slowly filled with a lonely atmosphere, Zi Qianyue couldn't bear to see it, He said awkwardly: "What's wrong with you? Why don't you talk?"

"Does Yueyue want to visit Luoyu Palace?" Ying Chenyu's voice was faint, as if there was no emotion at all, but also seemed to contain many, many emotions.

Zi Qianyue didn't know why seeing him like this made her heart ache, but she didn't know what to say, thinking that Luoyu Palace should not be a good memory for him, but the old emperor deliberately asked him to come and see , What does it mean? Only he should know.

"Whoever wants to see that ruined palace, might as well go to the imperial garden to see the flowers!" Zi Qianyue laughed and said, as far as she is concerned, it is the same whether you see the Luoyu Palace or not. She obviously sees it now. Coming out of Luoyu Palace is not a good place for him, so why go there.

"Broken palace?" Ying Chenyu chuckled, and took a look at Zi Qianyue: "You are the only one who says it is a broken palace. It is rumored that Luoyu Palace is even better than the Queen's Yikun Palace."

"So what? Your cherry forest is also quite beautiful." Zi Qianyue snorted disdainfully.

"It's not my house, our house." Ying Chenyu corrected, Zi Qianyue was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "Well, it's our house now!"

"Let's go and see Luoyu Palace! We haven't seen it for many years, and we didn't take a closer look when we came back last time." Ying Chenyu smiled and said to Zi Qianyue.

"Okay! If you want to go, go and have a look!" Zi Qianyue nodded, smiled, turned around and walked behind Ying Chenyu to push him, completely forgetting the aura of not pushing him just now, and did not Seeing the flashing smile in Ying Chenyu's eyes.

Fallen Jade Palace.

Rumor has it that this is the place where Mo Lingyu, the most beloved concubine of the emperor, lives. Concubine Yu loves cherry blossoms, and the yard is full of cherry blossoms. The cherry blossoms here are not as good as those in Yingchenyu's mansion, which can never bloom without the protection of formations. But the cherry blossoms here are also protected by a special gardener in the palace. It is already September, and the rare thing is that the cherry blossoms are still in bloom.

Zi Qianyue pushed Ying Chenyu into it. Although the rumors were not credible, the rumors about this Luoyu Palace were still believable. When Zi Qianyue saw this palace, she fully understood why the queen hated Ying Chen so much. Yu, with such a mother, how could the queen not hate him, it was really his luck not to kill him, thinking of this, Zi Qianyue gave Ying Chenyu a sympathetic look.

Ying Chenyu ignored her, and led her into the palace. The palace looked really big from the outside. After going inside, Zi Qianyue really saw what it means to have both luxury and connotation. This palace It really absolutely showed the emperor's absolute love for Concubine Yu, but Zi Qianyue was surprised that the emperor liked Mo Lingyu so much that he didn't make her his queen.

"At that time, there was already a concubine, and she herself didn't want to." Ying Chenyu saw Zi Qianyue's doubts, and explained lightly. He didn't call her concubine Yu or concubine mother so coldly. Qianyue felt distressed again and stopped talking.

"Yueyue, do you want to go and see where I live?" Ying Chenyu chuckled and said to Ziqianyue.

"Well, since we're here, of course we need to see where you can grow up?" Zi Qianyue laughed, she still didn't understand, how could he look like a fairy like this, but In fact, for a person who is willful and stubborn like a child, the worst thing is that she always thinks that she should spoil him, always feels that he is living too hard, and can't help feeling sorry for him.

"Hehe, let's go then!" Ying Chenyu looked at Zi Qianyue and smiled, and took her away, like walking outside the courtyard.

It wasn't until she got to the place that Zi Qianyue realized that there was such a side hall behind such a luxurious palace. It's still the same. The inside of the side hall is not very luxurious, but it is very tidy. This is very similar to Ying Chenyu's current style, but now there are more exquisite and ubiquitous luxury. Zi Qianyue I thought to myself, I never imagined that this giant Buddha lived such a "simple" life back then. Seeing how extravagant this guy is now, it's really incredible.

"This is where I used to live." Ying Chenyu said lightly, closing her eyes slightly, and said, "It's also where I lost Xue'er."

 ~Off-topic sharing:

  Sorry for the lateness, dears!

(End of this chapter)

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