Chapter 65 A Question

"Mother!" Meng Meng immediately jumped off Zi Qianyue, ran behind the woman, and looked at her brother with her tongue out, as if mocking him.

"Mengmeng, Xuanxuan." Ziqianyue chuckled, looking at the woman who walked over, she was undoubtedly Shui Mengxuan, and said, "I didn't expect that."

Shui Mengxuan chuckled, and said to her two sons and daughters: "Tell beautiful sister what are your names?"

"My name is Zi Yuxuan." Xuanxuan said quickly after being frightened by his mother just now.

"My name is Ziqian Meng, and my mother and father call me Mengmeng." Mengmeng also said, worried that Ziqianyue would think she was lying to her, and added another sentence.

"What does the girl think now?" Shui Mengxuan asked the two children to leave first, and invited Zi Qianyue to sit down in the room, and sat opposite her.

"Senior Xiexian, won't you pour me a cup of tea?" Zi Qianyue looked at the teapot in front of her, seeing that Shui Mengxuan didn't intend to invite her to drink water, she chuckled.

"Sure enough, I still can't learn how to entertain people." Shui Mengxuan smiled lightly, poured tea for Zi Qianyue, and said.

"Yuqian, Mengxuan, it's very interesting." Zi Qianyue also knew that Shui Mengxuan didn't mean it, but there was no one in Jianghu who would dare to be entertained by a famous evil fairy, so naturally she would not entertain people well.

"Is it just interesting?" Shui Mengxuan asked with a smile.

"Yu Qian'er is the first wife of the second son, Shui Mengxuan..." Zi Qianyue chuckled, glanced at Shui Mengxuan, and continued: "It is rumored that Xiexian married a scholar back then, and this scholar should be the prime minister back then. Your Majesty, right?"

"Not all of them." Shui Mengxuan chuckled: "Since the girl has found this place, I will tell you everything she wants to know."

"Oh? Senior isn't afraid of your husband?" Zi Qianyue jokingly laughed, according to her seniority, she really needed to call Shui Mengxuan a senior, but she never thought that Xie Xian would listen to a scholar like this, probably this is love!
"Miss thinks that the husband doesn't know that the girl is coming?" Every time she mentioned her husband, Shui Mengxuan would show a gentle smile in her eyes.

"I really want to meet senior's husband!" Zi Qianyue said after taking a sip of tea.

"Miss, please don't call me senior, call me old." Shui Mengxuan continued to say with a bit of unhappy mouth, "My husband can't see the girl today, but I can tell you everything I have said, but only Chance for a question!"

"Then I want to know who your husband is?" Zi Qianyue asked, and stopped calling her senior.

"The girl is really smart." Shui Mengxuan gave Ziqianyue an appreciative glance, and answered Ziqianyue's question: "My family is the second son of the prime minister's mansion."

"That's true." Zi Qianyue nodded, and it was as she thought, the eldest son and the second son, this pair of twins, can also be regarded as a pair of civet cats in exchange for the prince, but how did this drama come about? Zi Qianyue was a little puzzled as to why the son-in-law of the prime minister's mansion was replaced, and glanced at Shui Mengxuan.

"There is only one question, the girl has already asked the most important one, the rest is up to the girl to find out by herself." Shui Mengxuan shrugged helplessly.

"Okay, then I'll go back, thank you today!" Zi Qianyue didn't force it, she would always know what she should know, it was only a matter of time, but during this period of time in prison, she would definitely be able to solve this problem Things just work out.

"They're all from the rivers and lakes, be polite." Shui Mengxuan waved her hands freely and watched Zi Qianyue leave.

"Is the princess going back?" As soon as Zi Qianyue came out, two men in black appeared.

"Don't go back now, go to the palace." Zi Qianyue whispered, she didn't go back for two days, she was afraid that Qingyao would not be able to take good care of a poor child.

"Yes." The man in black nodded, and the three of them used their lightness kung fu again and flew towards Yu Wang's mansion.

Zi Qianyue didn't go in, but just stood on the roof near Yuwang's mansion and looked over there. As a prince's mansion, it would be empty if she stood here and looked at the night before marrying him. Now it's daytime, but still so empty.

In fact, Zi Qianyue originally wanted to go in, but suddenly she didn't know what to think of, so she stopped here and didn't take a step forward. I don't know how long she looked at it. No one she wanted to see came out. She knew the time He was not in the yard, she turned and left without saying a word.

"Liuying, bring me the information you found about the Prime Minister's Mansion 15 years ago." Zi Qianyue flew to the prison, and used her internal force to transmit her voice to Liuying.

After a while, Liuying came with a dossier. Zi Qianyue took the dossier and signaled Liuying to leave. At the same time, she solved the drug in the dungeon. This kind of drug is colorless and tasteless, and it will make people fall into hallucinations, but most people don't know what to do. I don't know if it's an illusion, but this is Zi Qianyue's proud work. It can't deal with masters, but it can easily deal with a large number of ordinary people.

The jailer naturally didn't know that he had been in the hallucination created by Zi Qianyue for almost a day. Seeing Zi Qianyue still sitting lazily in the corner of the prison, he didn't have any doubts. Although the emperor told them that they were optimistic about her, no matter how Zi Qianyue In their eyes, she was just a girl, and there was nothing to worry about. In addition, Zi Qianyue was wearing a human skin mask at this time, and her ordinary face was not very attractive to the jailer.

The jailer didn't pay attention to Zi Qianyue, and Zi Qianyue also carefully looked at the dossier sent by Liuying. After a while, she seemed to have found something, threw the dossier away, and said with a low laugh, "It turned out to be so."

A good night's sleep, even though she was in the sky prison, it didn't affect Zi Qianyue's sleep quality.

Early the next morning, Zi Qianyue followed the two men in black arranged by Ying Chenyu to come to Ying Chenyu to ask Zi Qianyue to meet him. In fact, Zi Qianyue had already guessed who this person was, but she did not expect Ying Chenyu It has something to do with this person.

 ~Off-topic sharing:

  I'm sorry everyone, because Qingming went out with my family, the update is a bit late, sorry! ~(>_<)~
(End of this chapter)

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