Chapter 78

Thinking of this, Zi Qianyue suddenly couldn't fall asleep, got up and walked out, looked up and saw that the crescent moon was gradually becoming full, and remembered that the person seemed to be in poor health recently, and the closer to the full moon he would be getting worse. The more uncomfortable it is, the first few days before the poisoning will start to feel uncomfortable, slowly consuming his physical strength, and when the poisoning really happens, he will be even more unbearable. He hasn't used the blood of the medicine spirit for a long time, Zi Qianyue thought He had to get the blood jade soon, and he didn't know how long he could last if this went on.

Zi Qianyue walked forward and came to Ying Lin without knowing it. Ying Chenyu was playing chess here. Since that time, they have not played chess together again. Zi Qianyue walked slowly and saw Ying Chenyu Chen Yu seemed to be thinking about something, holding the chess piece and never dropping it, Zi Qianyue chuckled, reached out and pressed his hand, and dropped the chess piece.

Ying Chenyu looked at her and frowned slightly, but Zi Qianyue suddenly smiled playfully, holding his hand and holding on to it, and with a wave of the other hand, all the chess pieces fell into the chess box, ending the game , she sat casually on the table in front of him, raised his chin frivolously, and said with a smile: "The young master has ignored my family these days, my family is so sad!"

Ying Chenyu tilted her head to avoid Ziqianyue's hand, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, Yueyue?"

Zi Qianyue also withdrew her hand, and said seriously, "Did I really scare you?"

Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows, a little puzzled.

Zi Qianyue jumped off the table in frustration, and continued: "I think you have never seen a woman like me, hey..."

"No." Ying Chenyu finally knew what she said, and answered lightly, feeling a little funny.

"Then why do you keep avoiding me these days? Do you hate me?" Zi Qianyue looked at him, and she didn't seem to be lying, she was a little angry, but more of a grievance.

"I'm not frightened by you, but I just think that maybe I overstepped it before and made you think that way." Ying Chenyu still spoke lightly, without any other emotion, smiling lightly as always, Zi Qianyue looked at it There seemed to be a small needle in her heart, and just about to speak, Ying Chenyu continued, with a rare seriousness in her expression: "Yueyue, let's just be friends, I'm not worthy of your liking."

"Ying Chenyu, do you also know that you overstepped?" Zi Qianyue suddenly stopped what she wanted to say, she laughed, and then turned around and sat on the stone bench opposite Ying Chenyu: "Now you don't want to take responsibility It's too late to take responsibility, you know, and I won't give up easily."

Ying Chenyu was helpless, just about to persuade Zi Qianyue again, Zi Qianyue had already turned around and left, and before leaving, she turned her head to look at Ying Chenyu with a half-smile, and said: "The state banquet will be held in a few days, and Prince Dongling Ye Su will come back , I have been friends with him for at least ten years!"

After Zi Qianyue finished speaking, she walked away gracefully, but Ying Chenyu felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. He knew that Zi Qianyue was just trying to tell him, so that he could see his heart for her clearly, but he still felt uncomfortable, and smiled lightly. : "Yueyue, why bother?"

Actually I know, but I can't do it.

Zi Qianyue went back to her room and turned on the bed again. She had always thought that Ying Chenyu didn't dare to like him because she was not confident, but today she heard him say that Zi Qianyue was actually a little happy, as long as he didn't Hate her, it's not worth it, she has no future, she can change, can't she?Thinking of this, Zi Qianyue calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.

But a few days later, there was a royal palace banquet, and an acquaintance came back from Tian Yu Wang's mansion. The bright red clothes had just landed on the ground, but the oncoming person was a punch, Li Shang slightly dodged, and continued to complete his perfect landing. Looking at the angry villain in front of him with a grin, he said with a smile: "What's wrong, little girl?"

Naturally, Qingyao was the only one who dared to hit Li Shang at will, because after Li Shang came back, she went directly to Yinyueju, where Ziqianyue lived, so she was the first to see Qingyao. Landing in an incomparably coquettish posture, she punched her without even thinking about it. At this time, she heard Li Shang asking her, and rubbed her fist lazily: "It's been a long time since I hit you, I'm thinking about it, let me show it."

Li Shang laughed when he heard this, the smile seemed to have a lot of meaning, he slowly approached Qingyao, and said in a low voice: "So the little girl misses me!"

"Get out!" Qingyao pushed him away in disgust, stretched out her hands and patted the goosebumps all over her body desperately, but she didn't notice the blush on her cheeks.

When Li Shang saw Qingyao like this, she smiled lightly. Qingyao was innocent by nature. Although she was a few months older than Ziqianyue, she was protected by Ziqianyue since she was a child. Some look, kind, lively, lovable.

Seeing Du Qingyao muttering and scolding herself while patting the goosebumps that seemed to never get rid of like this, Li Shang suddenly felt a warmth overflowing from the bottom of his heart, which he had never felt before. Qingyao, who was muttering, suddenly kissed Qingyao's lips, stopped her muttering, saw Qingyao looked at him with wide eyes, and pushed him away, he said with a smile: "little girl, from now on you can only I touch you!"

Qingyao is still in shock at this moment, she stares blankly at Li Shang at this time, he is dressed in red, shining brightly, and his phoenix eyes are always a little sinister, a little arrogant, and a little incomprehensible Emotions, at this moment, his chuckle, his stunning face, and his eyes are all warm.

Qingyao felt that she must be dazzled, she actually saw warmth, and it was after that hooligan kissed her forcibly, the worst thing was, seeing his warm face, she actually felt a little bit sweet, Qingyao was surprised He couldn't speak, it took him a long time to realize that he turned around and wanted to leave, but he forgot that when he turned around, it was a small cherry tree newly planted by Ziqianyue. You can see gold stars in your eyes.

Li Shang hurried over and rubbed Qingyao's stupefied head, and stretched out his hand to take the medicine from her bosom to apply it on her. Li Shang had no choice but to follow Qingyao's movements and carefully apply the medicine while she was applying the medicine herself, while looking at her teary eyes that were almost in pain.

When Qingyao finally stopped the pain, she opened her tear-stained eyes, saw Li Shang in front of her, turned around and left again, this time she used lightness kung fu to avoid hitting a tree, disappeared in front of Li Shang in an instant, and took away The little jade bottle in Li Shang's hand, Li Shang looked at the empty hand and gave a wry smile. It seems that this little girl is still innocent and doesn't understand anything!
"It's too easy to deceive my family Qingyao away like this?" Suddenly, Zi Qianyue's voice came with a smile. She had just watched it for a long time, and Qingyao was simply humiliating her in Li Shang's hands. It's not that no one confessed their love to Qingyao in the Jianghu before, but those people were slapped away by her palm before they met Qingyao. Now Li Shang is Qingyao's special treatment, but Qingyao doesn't know, Li Shang didn't even know, although Zi Qianyue knew, she would never say it, after all, she hadn't chased Ying Chenyu, how could Qingyao show her affection in front of her, wouldn't it hurt her heart.

Seeing Zi Qianyue coming out, Li Shang was not surprised, and said with a smile: "Isn't the princess also in a hurry to trick my family, Ayu?"

When Zi Qianyue heard this, she was not as shy as Li Shang thought, but sighed, and took Li Shang's words: "Yeah, I was very anxious, so, if I didn't deceive your sick child None of you wanted to show your affection before!"

Li Shang sighed: "The same people who have fallen in the end of the world... why are you in such a hurry!"

Zi Qianyue burst out laughing when she heard Li Shang's poem, and then said domineeringly: "Your family's Jiaohua will definitely grow up in my family from now on!"

"Hahaha, the princess is so ambitious!" Li Shang also forgot the unhappiness just now, and laughed.

Zi Qianyue smiled enough and changed the subject, asking, "Why did you come back so early?"

"It's not too long ago. It's useless for her to raise those people if she can't kill you. It's easy to save them, but they don't know anything, and they don't even know that they are poisoned." Speaking of business, Li Shang became serious.

"That means there is no harvest?" Zi Qianyue frowned slightly, even though she knew that the result was similar to this, she was still a little worried.

"Almost." Li Shang nodded, frowned, and said: "There is a woman's breath in that cave."

"Is it really her?" Zi Qianyue whispered, "What is she doing for?"

Li Shang was also thinking about it, and suddenly asked: "Did Ah Yu tell you that Miss Fourth actually died a few days before the news of her death came out?"

Zi Qianyue was startled, and shook her head: "I didn't ask, and he didn't say anything, but Mo'er said that she could always feel her breath before, not for someone who died for a few days."

"That's true, Ah Yu knows that the princess doesn't like trouble." Li Shang nodded, thoughtfully, and explained to Zi Qianyue: "You may not know that there is a kind of Gu that can parasitize in the body of a dead person, relying on its flesh and blood For food, it can make the blood flow, the corpse does not rot, and makes people look like a living person, with the breath of a living person, but without the thought of a living person, that is, a living dead person.”

Li Shang's breath became cold, and it took a lot of hatred and resentment to turn a person into a living dead, but the little princess of the royal family of Nanchu and the fourth lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion of Beichen had hardly met each other, so there was no hatred.

Seeing Li Shang's frowning, Zi Qianyue said: "The one who should come will always come, we just wait and see what she wants to do!"

Li Shang glanced at Zi Qianyue, the frown just now had completely disappeared, and asked Li Shang: "Did Qian Ying tell you about the medicinal materials?"

"I said it." Hearing what Zi Qianyue said, Li Shang also let go of that matter first. He is not a horny person, but he has some doubts about the medicinal materials that Zi Qianyue wants, and asked: "These medicines are all It is a life-saving medicine, is the princess going to use it for Ah Yu?"

Zi Qianyue nodded, and every time she thought of Ying Chenyu's poison, her face became gloomy and terrifying.

Feeling the low air pressure, Li Shang felt a chill drifting across his back, and asked weakly: "Ah Yu doesn't need these life-saving medicines when he is dying, right?"

"Not for now, wait for Tang Ying to get back the blood of the sky fox." Zi Qianyue replied coldly.

"The blood of the sky fox? What happened to Ah Yu?" Li Shang was a little shocked when he heard that he needed the blood of the sky fox. Fate, he was surprised when Zi Qianyue asked him for these life-saving medicinal materials, but now he wanted the blood of the sky fox, he suddenly felt that something happened to Ying Chenyu, and got up to go to Ying Chenyu.

Zi Qianyue stopped him and said, "He's fine now, you'll know when the time comes, it's just in case."

Li Shang looked at Zi Qianyue's appearance and was not lying to him, and if something happened to Ah Yu, Zi Qianyue would be the most anxious one. She didn't look like anything happened to Ah Yu, so he felt relieved.

A few days later, I arrived at the royal palace banquet. Ying Chenyu, as the only prince of Beichen, naturally wanted to attend. The envoys from various countries had already arrived. Because Ying Chenyu was not in good health, he was not allowed to welcome him. The old emperor set up a banquet in the palace. For the banquet, to entertain the envoys of various countries, Zi Qianyue also went with Ying Chenyu. It was okay for her not to go, but recently Ying Chenyu's health is getting worse and worse. She can't allow him to have any accidents, so even if possible There was trouble, but she came anyway.

Envoys from various countries came to the scene one after another. Zi Qianyue took a rough look around Ying Chenyu. She didn't know if it was just this year or previous years. All the people sent by various countries were people with status and status, while Dong Ling The one who came was indeed Prince Ye Su.

Zi Qianyue took a look at him, Ye Su was still wearing the iconic black clothes outlined with golden threads, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, noble and incomparable, he was always serious, thinking about it, Zi Qianyue hadn't seen him for some days, isn't it? I've seen him appearing as a prince, but this time he is more imposing, maybe because in front of her, he is often so angry that he doesn't have the prince's aura!Thinking of this, Zi Qianyue couldn't help chuckling, wondering when he would recognize her.

Ying Chenyu saw that Zi Qianyue had been staring at Ye Su and laughing and staring at Ye Su from the very beginning. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she still didn't say a word, thinking that if she likes it, being with Ye Su would be the same. Well, despite thinking this way, his heart would be so painful that he couldn't breathe. He stretched out his hand and drank a glass of wine to cover the emotion in his eyes, but he didn't realize that the person Zi Qianyue was looking at at this time was him.

Ye Su was accompanied by a woman. The woman wore a veil and her big eyes flickered. After scanning around the hall, she put her eyes on Zi Qianyue and smiled sweetly.

Zi Qianyue would also smile heartily, Zi Qianyue knew this woman, Ye Su's younger sister, Ye Qing, was deeply loved by the Queen Mother of Dongling, and she was named Princess Qingya. Afraid of falling in her hands, she also cultivated a lively and active personality. She couldn't rest for a day. Except for accompanying the Queen Mother in the palace, she almost never stayed in the palace. Although she is Ye Su's younger sister, She doesn't often follow Ye Su, she and Ye Su go their separate ways in the rivers and lakes, but Zi Qianyue happens to know her too, and Zi Qianyue herself still likes her very much, she is not at all pretentious, cute and generous.But Zi Qianyue believed that Ye Qing didn't know Ye Su well, so she probably wouldn't recognize her.

When Ye Su and Ye Qing were seated, Nan Chu also brought people. Naturally, their battle was not small. The crown prince of Nan Chu has been undecided since he disappeared ten years ago. This time it was the eldest prince Chu Fan and the little princess. Xiyun, Chu Xiyun is also wearing a veil. It is rumored that Chu Xiyun has always been in poor health, similar to Ying Chenyu, and has not been out of the mansion for ten years. This year, his health has just recovered, and he begged his mother Bai Guifei to come out.

Chu Xiyun didn't seem to have seen too many people, and followed Chu Fan and looked around timidly, because Ziqianyue had been paying attention to this Princess Xiyun, but suddenly found that Chu Xiyun seemed to be looking at her. After a glance, Zi Qianyue was not sure, she turned her head to look at Ying Chenyu, seeing him nodding slightly, Zi Qianyue understood, it seemed that there was really something wrong with Chu Xiyun.

In addition to Beichen, Dongling, and Nanchu, this continent also has a Lingshan that has been hidden from the outside world. Everyone in Lingshan has abilities that ordinary people don't have, and they rarely communicate with the outside world. Naturally, no one came this time.When the people from the Three Kingdoms arrived, some other small tribes also sent people to present gifts. After everyone was seated, the old emperor looked very happy, and let the song and dance perform with a red face, as if he was enjoying the peace of the world.

In previous years, the state banquets before the autumn hunting would bring talented women from all over the world to perform, which can be regarded as the time to show the image of each country, but during the autumn hunting, it is the time for men from all countries to show off their demeanor. To put it bluntly, a state banquet , an autumn hunt is a secret rivalry between countries. After all, the three kingdoms stand together, which is not what an ambitious monarch wants to see. It just so happens that the three kingdoms have been in balance for too long, and the monarchs of the three kingdoms all have the ambition to unify the world.

However, this year seems to be a little different. After the singing and dancing performance, Princess Xiyun, who had always been timid, suddenly stood up. Before the old emperor had time to let everyone perform, he was shocked by Princess Xiyun's actions. Seeing her walk up to the old emperor, she said, "This year, Xiyun wants to perform a show first. I don't know about Lord Beichen..."

What Chu Xiyun said was still timid, which made people feel a bit unbearable. Naturally, the old emperor couldn't take off Nan Chu's face, so he had to put down the signs in his hand that he was going to call each family to perform, and smiled at Chu Xiyun. Said: "Since the little princess wants to perform first, I naturally want to appreciate the little princess's demeanor first!"

Chu Xiyun blushed even more when she said this, she seemed a little embarrassed and said: "But Xiyun wanted to ask His Majesty for some benefits, so I thought..."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, as long as Xiyun performs well, I will definitely reward Xiyun. Since Xiyun wants something, just say it directly, and I will definitely not let Xiyun go back down!" The old emperor said. Looking at Chu Xiyun's cautious look, he was in a good mood, and said with a smile.

Chu Fan seemed to be a bit displeased with Chu Xiyun's actions. He tried to stop him many times but he didn't move. Zi Qianyue also understood Chu Fan's appearance. Extremely, Chu Xiyun is the only daughter of Concubine Bai Gui. Although Chu Fan is the eldest prince, he can't afford to offend Chu Xiyun, so he has no choice but to let it go.

However, at this time, Ye Qing couldn't bear Chu Xiyun's pretentious appearance, and almost jumped up to give her a slap, but being held down by Ye Su secretly, she glared at Ye Su and stopped moving, after all, she At this time, she is not in the arena, but in the most dangerous court, she still has some sense of propriety.

Zi Qianyue couldn't help but laugh when she saw Ye Qing's humming, Ye Qing still hated pretentious women as always, but she really didn't have any concept of ladies, I don't know if the Empress Dowager Dongling knew that she raised Ye Qing In this way, it is said that Yeqing is as obedient as a cat in front of the queen mother.

Regardless of other people's reactions, Chu Xiyun seemed to be very happy with the old emperor's promise. Through the veil, she could still feel her face flushed with joy, and said, "Xiyun won't ask for rewards in vain, Xiyun will perform well. .”

"Then Xiyun, please perform well, you will be rewarded if you perform well!" The old emperor followed Chu Xiyun's words and said with a smile.

After Chu Xiyun responded, he shyly said that he would perform a dance. Afterwards, a group of dancers filed in. They wore exotic clothes and began to dance beside Chu Xiyun. The qin that came came was played, and Chu Xiyun’s qin skills were very good. The voice she played was completely different from hers, generous, and even had a more open style like that of a foreign land. The dancing girl twirled and jumped around her, making people feel I feel that I can see the folk customs and crowds of Nanchu with my own eyes, and let people be in it. Even Ye Qing, who was disgusted with her just now, was so dazed and admired in a daze.

Zi Qianyue also had to admit that Chu Xiyun had really come prepared this time, and her piano skills could not be surpassed by ordinary people. However, after she played for a while, she threw the piano to the previous dancer and stood up by herself. Dancing, Chu Xiyun's dancing skills are even more superb. She didn't wear the clothes of a dancing girl, but she danced alone in a way that none of them could dance. Several dancing girls surrounded her. People are obsessed with watching, and after dancing to a song, everyone still can't get back to their senses.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Chu Xiyun smiled in satisfaction. She stretched out her hand to remove the veil, and there was another sigh in the hall. She had long heard that Concubine Nanchu Bai was born with charm, and that this little princess was exactly like her concubine mother. Wearing a veil is shy, but taking off the veil is actually gorgeous.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the old emperor smiled happily and said, "Xi Yun has performed so well, what reward do you want?"

Chu Xiyun saluted lightly, and the shy expression on that face didn't seem to disobey her. She whispered, "Xiyun wants to marry Beichen?"

What?Everyone thought they heard it wrong. The world has been peaceful for a long time, and there has been no marriage for many years. It is incredible that Princess Xiyun offered to marry her.

Ziqianyue and Yingchenyu looked at each other, also a little strange, if she was really the Gu raiser, why would she marry Beichen, and who would she marry, this is indeed a little confusing.

The old emperor was obviously taken aback, and then he restrained his emotions and said with a smile: "Is Xi Yun joking?"

However, Chu Xiyun stood there firmly, and said again: "Xiyun didn't joke, Xiyun is going to marry King Yu!"

"What did you say?" Without waiting for other people to react, Zi Qianyue stood up suddenly. Chu Xiyun actually missed her. How could it be her turn for someone she hadn't got yet? Zi Qianyue was heartbroken. It's not that she's jealous, it's just that she simply feels that Chu Xiyun is not good enough for him.

Chu Xiyun glanced at Zi Qianyue, seemed a little scared, but still said: "Xiyun is going to marry King Yu and become Princess Yu."

Everyone was shocked by this scene. Beichen's sons and brothers who were present at the scene were originally very happy that they had a chance, but suddenly they heard Chu Xiyun say that they would marry a disabled person, and instantly looked at Ying Chenyu with a murderous look.

Seeing this scene, the old emperor said, "Xi Yun knows that King Yu already has a princess, how can you be Princess Yu again?"

Chu Xiyun was a little aggrieved, and continued to say regardless of Chu Fan's obstruction: "The princess can live there, why can't I?"

Zi Qianyue couldn't listen any longer, looked at Chu Xiyun coldly, and said, "Princess, do you want me to give way to my concubine?"

"You have nothing good, how can you be a princess?" Chu Xiyun was also a little anxious, and said.

"Want to be this king's concubine?" Suddenly, Ying Chenyu said lightly, and when he put down the wine glass, there was a soft sound, he glanced at Chu Xiyun, and said with a smile: "You deserve it too?"

Zi Qianyue looked at Ying Chenyu's indifferent expression like a fairy, but she was so angry that she didn't pay for her life, she raised the corners of her mouth. Sure enough, he would not say that he liked her, but he would not use this kind of reason to insult her and him to let her Leaving, he is always so arrogant and arrogant, he can wait for her to figure it out and leave by himself, but he will never lie to her that he likes others to force her to leave, he knows that this is disrespect for her.

Zi Qianyue looked at Chu Xiyun again, wondering if she was too weak now, everyone dared to threaten her openly, framed her, provoked her, and dared to rob her of men, since that was the case, she didn't mind Use Chu Xiyun to tell them that she, Ziqianyue, is not one to be bullied.Thinking of this, Zi Qianyue chuckled, and said to Chu Xiyun: "If you dare to force my concubine to abdicate, do you deserve it?"

Originally, Ying Chenyu's "you are worthy" had already made Chu Xiyun pale, but Zi Qianyue's words at this time made Chu Xiyun burst into tears, and all the young masters in the hall looked at Zi Qianyue angrily. He and Ying Chenyu almost ate them.

Just as the old emperor was about to speak, Zi Qianyue cut him off again, and said: "Your Majesty, Princess Xiyun said that those who can live in Prince Yu's Mansion live there, and this princess thinks so, after all..." Zi Qianyue turned her words around and mocked Looking at Chu Xiyun calmly: "My prince is so good, not just any cat or dog can be imagined!"

"Yue'er, you're going too far!" The old emperor said angrily. At this time, Chu Xiyun's face was already red and white, and tears were streaming down his face.

Zi Qianyue didn't take it seriously, took a look at Ying Chenyu, and suddenly smiled brightly, looked at Ying Chenyu at everyone in the main hall, and said with a smile that there was firmness in her words: "In that case, then my concubine will also perform for my lord. Let everyone see if this concubine is worthy of the position of princess!"

Ying Chenyu slightly disagreed, glanced at Ziqianyue, and said in a low voice: "Yueyue, you don't have to."

Zi Qianyue looked back at Ying Chenyu, smiled, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "I like you, how can I be willing to let you out!"

Ying Chenyu was taken aback for a moment, Zi Qianyue left his side, walked to the center of the hall, stood where Chu Xiyun was standing just now, without saying anything, waved Qingyao to come over, said something in a low voice , Qingyao left mysteriously.

Everyone in the hall looked at Ziqianyue with mocking eyes. Ziqianyue has lost her reputation for many years, and it is almost forgotten that she has a mother who is the most beautiful woman in the world, Yu Qian'er. The name of beauty does not only refer to appearance.

But after a while, Qingyao came up again and directed a few maids to put things in place. Only then did everyone see clearly what Qingyao was preparing. Su Jin put a jade piano and a chess game on the left and right sides of Zi Qianyue. Everyone was surprised, guessing that Zi Qianyue would perform piano, chess, calligraphy and painting at the same time, right?
Zi Qianyue looked at the astonished expressions of everyone, and smiled slightly. She had learned dance in her previous life, and was good at painting. Naturally, she also studied calligraphy. Chess and piano were taught by her master and Yu Qian'er respectively, although they are not considered to be Extremely proficient, but as long as it is combined with other items, I believe it will definitely shock everyone.

However, Zi Qianyue didn't plan to play the piano by herself, she couldn't do the five items of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and dancing at the same time, she turned her head and glanced at Ying Chenyu, the meaning in her eyes was self-evident, Ying Chenyu looked at her With a glance, she didn't go over, but motioned for her to pass the Qin over. Zi Qianyue rolled her eyes and threw the Qin over with her hand.

Ying Chenyu seemed to smile, reached out to catch the piano, put it in front of her body, tried the strings, and signaled Zi Qianyue to start.

Zi Qianyue curled her lips and said, "Play it, I'll dance for you!"

Everyone was even more surprised by Zi Qianyue's words and danced for you. Zi Qianyue has always been synonymous with humbleness and cowardice in everyone's eyes. Although her recent performance is incredible, she still can't believe that Zi Qianyue blatantly Confess to a man, although this man is her husband, but such boldness is rare in the world.

After Zi Qianyue said this, Ying Chenyu looked at her, she stood there so confidently, she was magnificent, he knew that she had always been hiding her clumsiness, and also knew that she didn't like to show off in front of people, because she didn't like trouble, what she learned All meetings were due to self-defense or interest, but today she stood there, openly jealous for him, blooming for him, how could he repay such affection.

Ying Chenyu didn't speak, and his expression didn't seem to fluctuate at all. He stretched out his hand to play the piano, and played the same song as when we first met that day. Zi Qianyue smiled knowingly and danced to the song. Moran, like a fairy or a spirit, seems to come from a dream.

When everyone was intoxicated in their dreams, the sound of the piano reached its climax, and Zi Qianyue danced more intensely. At the same time, she used her sleeve to paint on the plain brocade with ink. At the same time, the other hand randomly threw chess pieces, black and white chess pieces. Like a celestial girl scattering flowers, she followed Ziqianyue's dance steps and landed on the chessboard accurately. This scene surprised everyone even more. Only Ye Su kept looking in this direction, seeming to smile.

The sound of the piano fell, and after the dance was over, Zi Qianyue cut off the ink-stained sleeve and threw it to Qingyao, then turned around and walked to Ying Chenyu to sit down, looked at him with a smile, and asked, "How is it? Isn't it?" Only I can be worthy of being your princess?"

Ying Chenyu looked at her, her voice was not lowered, as if deliberately speaking to others, Ying Chenyu saw her complacent appearance, and smiled cooperatively: "Of course only Yueyue is worthy of being my king's concubine! "

Zi Qianyue was very happy when she heard this sentence, she rushed over and hugged Ying Chenyu in broad daylight, everyone sighed for a while, but no one dared to speak, but only Ying Chenyu heard Zi Qianyue embrace her. When holding him, he chuckled in a low voice: "Remember what you said today!"

Ying Chenyu chuckled helplessly, Zi Qianyue understood him, it was impossible for him not to cooperate with her when she asked such a question in public, and threatened him with what he said, which seemed to be her style.

After Zi Qianyue finished speaking, she let go of Ying Chenyu, and signaled Qingyao to show the old emperor and all the ministers the painting she made and the chess game she set up. Qingyao immediately stepped forward and changed the position of the painting. I only feel the beauty of Ziqianyue's dance, and now I can see clearly what Ziqianyue painted and posed, but after seeing clearly, it is more than a shock that can be described.

The picture drawn by Zi Qianyue is not a picture of mountains, rivers and rivers, but a picture of scenery and figures. In fact, it is the picture drawn by Zi Qianyue when she saw Ying Chenyu for the first time, but with a little modification, using Ying Chen Yu and Zi Qianyue's true faces were not seen by anyone else present, so everyone could only feel amazed, but they couldn't tell that it was the two of them.

Besides the painting, the most eye-catching thing on the whole painting is the seven big characters mentioned by Ziqianyue beside it: "My home is where my heart is at ease."

The chess game is the famous Zhenlong chess game, and it is also the chess game Ying Chenyu saw on the wedding day.

Everything is about him, piano, chess, books, paintings, dancing, all for him, Ying Chenyu looked at those words, he naturally knew the intention of everything she did, she felt at ease, her home, her Not asking for anything, not caring, just for peace of mind, Ying Chenyu looked at Zi Qianyue and still looked at Chu Xiyun provocatively, how could he make her feel at ease.

However, at this time, Ye Su was also looking at the painting, but when no one was paying attention, he was looking at that person. He would fall in love with someone so quickly, let alone a person in the center of the vortex. He took a sip of the wine, and suddenly found that the wine seemed to have no taste. He smiled wryly. This fake show is too real!

Chu Xiyun turned pale at this time, and was defeated by Zi Qianyue's provocative eyes. However, she did not give up and asked to be Ying Chenyu's side concubine. Chu Fan saw that the situation was not right. , stepped forward to pull her, but Chu Xiyun seemed to have made up his mind and stood on the hall and refused to leave.

Zi Qianyue's face turned completely cold. She really didn't expect this woman to be able to do this. She insisted on marrying a man who humiliated her. Chu Xiyun has always given Zi Qianyue the impression that she is smart and cunning, and can create a king gu , or Nanchu's much-loved princess, it stands to reason that she shouldn't fall in love with a rumored disabled waste, but unexpectedly, not only did this happen, but it was so shocking.

However, before Zi Qianyue could speak, Ye Su suddenly stood up, nodded slightly to the old emperor, and said, "Princess Beichen and Princess Nanchu both performed here. I, Dongling, didn't intend to let the princess perform dances, but , if the princess doesn't behave now, I'm afraid I'll lose face to Dongling!"

After Ye Su finished speaking, she looked at Ye Qing, Ye Qing obviously didn't expect her emperor brother to let her perform, she looked at Ye Su with some surprise, seeing that Ye Su had no intention of changing, she stood up and said to the old emperor : "What the emperor said is reasonable, but this princess is the most disliked by people who don't know how much she weighs, so it's okay for this princess to perform dances, but this princess hopes that some people will at least have some self-knowledge after watching the dance. No more self-righteous pestering others!"

Ye Qing's ridicule did not hide it at all. Although the Three Kingdoms are doing their best, Dong Ling is relatively the strongest now, and Ye Qing is Dong Ling's most favored princess, so everyone dare not say anything even though they can see her sarcasm. I only watched these three women play a play, but these three are all noble women, and this play is not something that everyone can afford.

Chu Xiyun was furious, and regardless of her weak image, pointed at Ye Qing and said angrily, "You're going too far!"

Ye Qing glanced at her, and said with a smile: "How about I go too far? Are you biting me?"

Chu Xiyun was speechless with anger like Yeqing's rascal, but Yesu pulled Yeqing over and said in a low voice: "Qinger, don't make trouble, only cats and dogs can bite people, how could Princess Xiyun bite you?" ?”

Ye Su's voice was low, but it was still heard by everyone. Zi Qianyue just said that Chu Xiyun was a cat and a dog, but Ye Qing mentioned it again this time, and everyone covered their mouths and dared not laugh out loud.

The old emperor glanced at Ye Qing, but he couldn't say anything, so he had to say: "Then Qing Ya, let's perform quickly, so that I and all the lovers can see Qing Ya's peerless dance."

"Yes." Yeqing nodded, took a few steps back and started dancing. There was no soundtrack or piano sound. Yeqing was wearing a flamboyant red dress. She reached out to remove the veil, and she had another stunning face, purple Qianyue was just about to admire how beautiful this time was, when she saw that the old emperor had broken the cup in her hand, Ziqianyue was surprised, and habitually glanced at Ying Chenyu, but saw that although his expression didn't change much, he was holding the cup. The fingers of the cup clenched slightly.

No one could see Ying Chenyu's small movements except Zi Qianyue. At this time, everyone's attention was focused on the old emperor. The cup was shattered at his feet, but he just looked at Ye Qing dully. Ye Qing frowned and looked at the old emperor. Looking at the old emperor, he asked, "Is there any question?"

The old emperor came back to his senses and saw Ye Qing frowning, as if rubbing his forehead, as if trying to drive away something, after a while, he smiled and said: "It's nothing, Qingya dance quickly, so that I can open it up." vision."

Ye Qing is not someone who has seen the world, she always feels that the old emperor's reaction is not right, but she can't tell what is wrong, so she has to start dancing first, and wants to save it for later.

Ziqianyue's reaction when she looked at Ying Chenyu seemed to be a bit wrong, but when the old emperor looked at them, both of them looked at Yeqing's dance as if nothing had happened. It was rumored that no one knew that she could dance, and she danced so well. If it was said that Zi Qianyue and Chu Xiyun were both good at doing several things at the same time, then Ye Qing really only excelled in dancing. , her dance is not fancy, but extremely complicated, not procrastinating, but clearly recognizable, every step, every movement, is fascinating, without music, but it will not make people feel the slightest dissonance.

When Ye Qing also finished dancing, the shock can be imagined. At this time, Chu Xiyun's face was already white and red, red and white. Her dancing is amazing, and the piano is even more fascinating, but her talent Not as extensive as Zi Qianyue, not as perfect as Ye Qing in dancing, naturally not as good as the two of them.

After Ye Qingwu finished, she blinked provocatively in Chu Xiyun's direction, then turned around and sat next to Ye Su, and snorted disdainfully.

Chu Xiyun naturally lost Nan Chu's face. At this time, she was thinking about what to say. Chu Fan also pulled her desperately. Although she was noble, she was nothing compared to Nan Chu's face. Knowing this, he quickly returned to his normal expression, and said with a hint of grievance: "Xi Yun just wants to marry His Royal Highness Yu Wang, and she thinks she has nothing to do with Princess Qingya, so why should the princess use her strengths to expose others? short?"

Although these words seem to be confusing right and wrong, but coupled with Chu Xiyun's pitiful expression, everyone present looked at Ye Qing with disapproval in their eyes, but Zi Qianyue knew that Chu Xiyun She really didn't understand Ye Qing, she made a mistake in her calculation, Ye Qing has always been a person who is not afraid of what people say, as expected, Ye Qing just curled her lips in disdain, and said to Chu Xiyun: "It's none of this princess's business. However, this princess has always been a bodhisattva with a heart and is keen on doing justice. Seeing that this pig insisted on pushing a cabbage, how could this princess have the heart, so she naturally resorted to her housekeeping skills to protect the cabbage. Princess Xiyun said, yes Isn't that the reason?"

The corners of Zi Qianyue's mouth twitched when she heard Ye Qing's comparison. Who knew that Ye Qing's words were scolding Chu Xiyun inside and out, but when comparing Ying Chenyu to a cabbage, Zi Qianyue looked at Ying Chen sideways. At first glance, Yu seemed a little embarrassed to see him, but when he looked closely, Ying Chenyu was really a juicy and tender cabbage in comparison. Ying Chenyu glanced at her coldly, and instantly felt a gust of wind and snow fly by, what kind of cabbage is this, the whole cold grass in the polar region, with its own coldness, Zi Qianyue thought about it, quickly looked away, and drank He took a sip of water to hide his embarrassment.

Ying Chenyu glanced at Yeqing so coolly again, Yeqing's feeling was even more exaggerated than Ziqianyue's, she could hardly hold the wine glass steadily, so she could only keep laughing and wiping her wine in embarrassment. The wine on the table took a sip to cover up her embarrassment. Seeing Ye Qing like this, Zi Qianyue felt a little more balanced, and couldn't help but gloated. Knowing that Ying Chenyu looked at her again, she quickly lowered her head obediently She didn't care about the fact that she had already finished drinking the wine in the glass when she was just scared, so she had to hold the empty wine glass and smiled dryly at Ying Chenyu. Ying Chenyu pretended to ignore her, and Zi Qianyue immediately stretched out her hand from behind The lady in the palace snatched the flagon from her hand and filled it up.

 ~Off-topic sharing:

  If I lose pk, I will not give up, I will not lose, I am reluctant, no matter what the result is, try my best, I will have no regrets in this life!

(End of this chapter)

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