Chapter 80 Is He Right?
After hearing what Mo came back, Ying Chenyu didn't say anything, turned around and left, and didn't tell Mo whether to go again, leaving Mo standing there in a daze trying to guess what his lord was thinking, and finally followed He gave Ying Chenyu and waited for his orders.

Ye Qing had nightmares as usual, usually she could only dream of vague effects, but this time she clearly saw the fire, saw the blood, dripping down, where did the blood flow?She seemed to see a figure, but it was still indistinct. She shouted for help in the fire, but no one came to save her. Knowing that she was screaming hoarsely, it was her brother.

"Brother...Brother! Go!...Don't...Brother!" Ye Qing screamed in her dream, Ye Su was sitting by her bed, the handkerchief wiped her sweat, watching her getting more and more beautiful With a pale face, he asked, "Have you finally thought about it?"

Ye Qing calmed down, looked at Ye Su's face, grabbed the quilt with both hands, and asked nervously: "Brother Prince, you are not a brother, are you?"

She didn't know what kind of answer she wanted. She had played around unscrupulously in these years, and she had never had such a moment of fear. Ye Su has always been very kind to her, and she has fulfilled her responsibilities as a royal brother, even Even better, but she always felt that the brother she called was not him in the fire, but she was afraid, who could it be?She is afraid, everything is overthrown now, so who is she?She is the granddaughter adopted by the Empress Dowager, and she is said to be the orphan daughter of the fallen general of Dongling, but she has never seen anyone or anything related to the so-called fallen general.

Seeing her panicked look, Ye Su naturally knew about Ye Qing's past. Although she was not his biological sister, the royal family's relationship has always been weak. Ye Qing used to care about him, and with her free-spirited and unaffected personality, he always regarded her as his biological sister , but at this time I have to admit everything: "Yes, I am not."

Ye Qing seemed even more frightened after hearing his words, Ye Qing pulled the quilt in her hand, and said softly: "I am not the elder brother in your dream, but I am not in the dream now, I will always be your elder brother. "

Ye Qing suddenly burst into tears. She was different from other princesses in the palace since she was a child. She was not born in the harem. Although she was protected by the queen mother, there were still places that the queen mother could not take care of. It was Ye Su who came to help her and take care of her. She actually really wanted Ye Su to be the brother in her dream, but if it really was, she wouldn't be in such pain.

Ye Qing hugged Ye Su and cried sadly. She had never cried even after being bullied all these years, and she had never cried when she was injured while running around in the rivers and lakes. Touching her hair, he comforted her softly: "Qing'er, since you forgot, why don't you think about it?"

Ye Qing continued to cry: "I don't want to think about it, but I've been dreaming, it's all true, I can't forget, I can't forget my brother!"

Ye Su smiled helplessly: "That's right, I actually forgot that it's time for you to think about it!"

Ye Qing raised her head after hearing his words, looked at him suspiciously, only to hear Ye Su ask again: "Qing'er, do you know who he is?"

Ye Qing nodded nonchalantly, and said softly: "It's him, right?"

Ye Su looked at her, and suddenly smiled dotingly: "I used to think that Qing'er was stupid, but now I realize that Qing'er is also smart."

Ye Qing was also made a little speechless by him, stretched out his hand and pushed him, and said dissatisfiedly: "You are stupid, I have always been smart, okay?"

Ye Su laughed, looked at Ye Qing's snoring, and said: "You can go if you want, he also sent someone here, you will remember because you were hit by Ten Years Memory ten years ago, and only It's been three days, I've found some medicine for you over the years, you take it together to Princess Yu, she should be able to detoxify you."

Ye Qing was a little surprised to hear that she was poisoned, and asked, "Am I poisoned?"

Ye Su nodded, his face was a little gloomy: "I don't know who poisoned you, but when you were ten years old, you were very ill once, and I happened to find out that you had suffered from Ten Years Memory, and now you are exactly ten years old. year!"

Ye Qing naturally knew about this kind of poison, but she actually didn't understand why someone would use such a precious poison on her body, and what was the significance: "Is the antidote difficult to find?"

Ye Su nodded, if it was easy to find, he would have detoxified her long ago: "Yes, I tried to find everything that can be used, but ice soul and red soul are indispensable."

Ye Qing also nodded, then thought of something again, and asked a little disappointed: "Then did he find someone to look for me because he knew about this poison?"

The Ye Qing that Ye Su met on weekdays was careless, but at this time her delicate feelings made Ye Su feel distressed, but he couldn't say anything, he could only look at her silently without speaking.

Ye Qing was a little angry, and said sullenly: "Since you don't want to recognize me, why do I care? If I recover my memory, I will recite his meaning!"

"Qing'er, the situation he's in is actually not good. We can understand that people in the world can't see it. He probably doesn't want you to be in danger. Otherwise, he probably won't let people find you no matter what!" Ye Su Comforting Ye Qing, he actually didn't want to speak up for Ying Chenyu, but Ye Qing was always stubborn, and he was afraid that she would not detoxify because of this matter.

Ye Qing was still a little unhappy, Ye Su said again: "Qing'er, don't be self-willed, he doesn't want anything to happen to you, if you don't detoxify, he will be worried."

Ye Qing looked at Ye Su, and suddenly laughed: "Brother Prince, you are so kind, if that girl marries you in the future, she will be very happy!"

"Slick tongue." Ye Su felt relieved when she saw Ye chuckled, and said to her, "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have comforted you!"

Ye Qing pursed her lips, and said disdainfully: "I don't believe that the prince and brother will ignore me!"

Ye Su laughed, Ye Qing was the one who brought him a little smile in the royal family all these years, so he doted on her a little more, but now Ye Qing is finally going to find his biological brother, he is worried She gave up, but still said: "Qing'er, go quickly, your poison can't be dragged on, in this world, only Princess Yu can do it!"

Ye Qing nodded, got up and left the bed, Ye Su also stood up with her, when she walked to the door, Mo suddenly appeared at the door, and respectfully said to Ye Qing: "My lord said that the princess wants to remember, so remember it. , he will no longer selfishly interfere with the princess's affairs! Please, princess, come with me to the palace!"

Seeing that Mo's temper that had just disappeared just now came back, Ye Qing said in a somewhat aggressive tone, "Now you want me to remember? Why don't you intervene, you can't intervene!"

"Princess, if the prince doesn't want you to remember, there is a way to make you lose your memory again." Mo has never been used to someone saying that Ying Chenyu is not. Although he knows that Ye Qing is Ying Chenyu's sister, he still can't help but contradict her.

Ye Qing was disdainful, and when she was about to speak, Ye Su interrupted her, and said to Mo: "I'll take Qing'er there."

"Yes, thank you, Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Mo Jian Ye Su personally brought Ye Qing over, and naturally it was his wish, so he nodded immediately.

Ye Su went back to bring some medicines he had found before, and then took Ye Qing and followed Mo to Yuwang's mansion.

In Prince Yu's Mansion, just as Zi Qianyue was going to look for Ye Qing, Ye Su happened to bring Ye Qing over. Zi Qianyue thought that a poor kid had finally enlightened, so she hurried away with the medicinal materials in Ye Qing and Ye Su's hands. After entering, Ye Su and Mo were left there in an instant, Mo was not embarrassed, turned around and ran to find Ying Chenyu, Ye Qing touched her nose speechlessly, never thought she still looked like this after not seeing her for so long His temper was also speechless, and in the end he had no choice but to follow Mo's direction to find Ying Chenyu.

Yingyuan has formations, and Ying Chenyu canceled the formation when he knew Ye Su was coming, and let him walk in. Ye Su sat opposite Ying Chenyu and said, "King Yu is so interested, I still have the mood now Enjoy tea here!"

"It's okay." Ying Chenyu nodded, without looking at him, and answered casually.

Ye Su didn't seem to be in any mood, and asked again: "Since King Yu doesn't want to recognize Qing'er, why does he agree with her to recover her memory now?"

Ying Chenyu glanced at him indifferently: "Don't the prince know?"

"The prince doesn't seem to know." Ye Su laughed.

Ying Chenyu took a sip of tea, and said indifferently: "Then I think the prince is too dull, why don't you go back and study for a few years before asking me."

"His Royal Highness King Yu really doesn't match the rumors from the outside world." Ye Su unexpectedly smiled deeply, then picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea.

Ying Chenyu didn't speak, and Ye Su didn't speak anymore. Suddenly, Zi Qianyue came over, saw Ye Su, and said bluntly: "It's better to go back first if the prince is fine."

Ye Su looked at Zi Qianyue, she still acted as if she didn't know him, so he didn't feel embarrassed, stood up, and said goodbye to Ying Chenyu: "Then the prince will not bother His Royal Highness Yuwang and Wangfei!"

"Please." Ying Chenyu said lightly, without even looking at him, and still sat idly.

After Ye Su left, Zi Qianyue stood beside Ying Chenyu and said, "Fortunately, Ye Su has prepared some medicinal materials. Although I still need your blood, at least it will be less. You should take good care of it for the next three days. It shouldn't be too much of a problem."

Ying Chenyu nodded, and asked again: "Does Xue'er know that detoxification requires my efforts?"

Zi Qianyue was startled, and shook her head.

"Don't tell her." Ying Chenyu said lightly, he owed Xueer too much, and he didn't want Xueer to worry about him anymore.

Zi Qianyue looked at him, and suddenly smiled: "Okay, I won't tell Xue'er."

Zi Qianyue turned and left, Ying Chenyu followed her, the two of them walked to Ziqianyue's yard without saying a word, Ye Qing was standing there, when she saw Ying Chenyu approaching, she snorted and turned her head away from looking at him , Ye Qing's memory is not complete, she only knows that Ying Chenyu is her elder brother that she can't forget, but she still doesn't remember some specific things, including Ying Chenyu's poisoning.

Ying Chenyu didn't care about her either, and after glancing at her, she turned and said to Zi Qianyue, "Get ready to detoxify!"

Zi Qianyue nodded, Li Shang still seemed a little unwilling, but watched Zi Qianyue and Ying Chenyu leave without saying a word, yes, Xueer is Ying Chenyu's sister who has been looking for ten years, let him Watching her die, I'm afraid it will be more uncomfortable than his own death.

Seeing Ying Chenyu just glanced at her and then turned to leave, Ye Qing was very angry, and waved his fist, after all, he didn't dare to do anything on other people's territory, so he turned around angrily and went back to wait for the detoxification, thinking about it If you get rid of the poison, go back immediately, and don't want this bad brother again!
There were only Zi Qianyue and Ying Chenyu elsewhere. Zi Qianyue took a bowl and handed the dagger to Ying Chenyu at the same time, looking at him without looking at him. He has a bad complexion recently and is tortured every day. Zi Qianyue knew better that he had to save Xue'er.

Ying Chenyu glanced at Zi Qianyue, this time she was going to make her sad again, Zi Qianyue cared more about his body than he imagined, but he couldn't help but get hurt, the dagger pierced hard into the heart, he Slightly frowning, but didn't say a word, Yingchen Yu pierced very skillfully, it won't hurt his heart, but it can also get his blood.

He pulled out the dagger, blood flowed profusely in an instant, Zi Qianyue quickly took some blood from him, and after a while, quickly bandaged his wound, although the loss of blood was not too much, but Ying Chenyu was approaching poisonous hair after all, and his health was not good After all, his face was still weak and pale, but he just closed his eyes and rested for a while, and said to Zi Qianyue, "I'm sorry, Yueyue."

Zi Qianyue's heart hurts badly, he has now become her weakness, no one else can touch, touch, or hurt herself, watching him hurt herself, Zi Qianyue said it was a lie not to be angry, but looking at him unexpectedly Apologizing to her, Zi Qianyue's heart tightened. After all, she still cares about her feelings, doesn't she?She leaned over and kissed his lips lightly, and said, "Let Mo take you back to rest and take your medicine."

"En!" Ying Chenyu nodded, he really couldn't hold it anymore, since he didn't want Ye Qing to know about him, and didn't want Zi Qianyue to worry any more, he asked Mo to take him away.

Ziqianyue returned to the place where Yeqing was, and took blood to refine the medicine herself. Li Shang stood beside her and watched, and couldn't help but sigh that Ziqianyue's medicine refining skills were really superb. Qingyao joined hands at the side, and the two quickly Then he made the medicine.

Zi Qianyue took the medicine and walked to Ye Qing's side, and said: "After taking this medicine, you will sleep for several days in a row, and you will keep recalling the lost memories. However, in Beichen recently, if you suddenly fell asleep, it would be wrong. Is there any arrangement for your prince and brother?"

Ye Qing heard the words and thought it was true, after all, she had just offended Chu Xiyun two days ago, if she hadn't appeared recently, it would be hard for someone who cared to find out, and said: "The prince and the emperor have no arrangements, why don't we go back and ask together? "

Zi Qianyue suddenly laughed when she heard the words, and said in a low voice: "He really saved a hand."

Ye Qing was puzzled, and Zi Qianyue smiled again: "Let's go, I will go with you to meet your prince and brother."

"Okay." Ye Qing nodded, not too entangled in doubts, and took Zi Qianyue to their palace.

Seeing that Ziqianyue was about to leave, Li Shang got up to stop him, and Ziqianyue said to him: "Your medicine is ready, go to Yingyuan to take care of him, I'll be right back."

"But Wangfei..." Li Shang was still a little hesitant.

"It's okay, Ying Chenyu knows that Ye Su and I are old friends." Zi Qianyue said.

Ye Qing opened her mouth in surprise when she heard her old friend, and Li Shang was also taken aback for a moment, but neither of them asked, and Ye Qing took Zi Qianyue to leave in the end.

Cherry Garden
Ying Chenyu was still just sitting under the tree since his return at this time, and did not obediently go to rest, his face was slightly pale, but still looked peerless, he closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Ayu!" Li Shang's dissatisfied voice came: "Why are you still here?"

Ying Chenyu raised his head, glanced at him lightly, did not wait for him to speak again, took the medicine in his hand, drank it without a glance, then threw the medicine bowl away from Shang, turned around and left, and did not talk to Li Shang during the whole process. To say a word, Li Shang touched his nose in embarrassment, turned around and went to find his little girl angrily, now I really feel that Ayu is getting less and less cute, and the little girl is the best, Li Shang thought in his heart, faster Step away.

Tanglin Prince's Palace
Ye Su seemed to be waiting for Zi Qianyue to come over. He was drinking tea like Ying Chenyu when he saw him and did not look at Zi Qianyue at all. Zi Qianyue was speechless, thinking that he might be the one taking revenge on her Bar!

But Zi Qianyue was not the Ye Su in front of Ying Chenyu, she walked straight up to Ye Su, reached out and grabbed the teacup in his hand, and put it on the table with a bang: "Hey! Are you going to do it?"

"I don't know what's wrong with the prince, the princess wants to grab my cup?" Ye Su seemed to be very puzzled, and asked.

"Ye Su, you still pretend, believe it or not, I beat you to death!" Zi Qianyue, who had no image in front of Ye Su, lifted one leg up on the stool, looking like a local bully.

"Princess Beichenyu is so rude, I really don't know if His Royal Highness Yuwang knows?" Ye Su said with a smile, unmoved.

"Rude?" Zi Qianyue smiled evilly, and said, "I will show you how rude this princess is once!"

Ye Qing's mouth was already open enough to swallow an egg, and she stared blankly at Zi Qianyue who jumped onto the table in front of Ye Su and stretched out her hand to attack him, Ye Su turned sideways to hide, Zi Qianyue followed him When they got up, both of them seemed to be merciless, and the trees in the garden were destroyed with each move, and finally Ye Qing called them to stop.

Ye Su and Zi Qianyue sat facing each other, and they both played happily. Zi Qianyue said, "Quickly tell me, Xue'er, how did you arrange it?"

"Xue'er?" Ye Su was surprised for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and said with a smile, "When did my Qing'er become Xue'er?"

When Zi Qianyue thought about Ying Chenyu, she was in no mood to joke with him, and said, "Don't you know? Why are you pretending to be stupid with me?"

"Qing'er, go out and play first." Ye Su said to Ye Qing without answering Zi Qianyue's words.

It was rare for Ye Qing to leave obediently, mainly because she felt that she couldn't understand what the two of them were doing even standing here, so she had to leave by herself.

After Ye Qing left, Zi Qianyue was sullen, and asked again: "Tell me, she's going to sleep for a few days, what will she do these days?"

"It's nothing to do. Qing'er doesn't like the rules of the royal family. It's normal not to attend the palace banquet." Ye Su said nonchalantly

"That's fine, as long as you're sure." Zi Qianyue said wearily, then she stood up and was about to leave.

"Yue'er, what is the relationship between you and Ying Chenyu?" After Ziqianyue stood up, Ye Su suddenly asked.

Zi Qianyue turned around and said indifferently: "I like him, what's the matter?"

"Are you really in love with him?" Ye Su's guess was confirmed, and he suddenly felt a little anxious, and asked.

Zi Qianyue was taken aback by Ye Su's attitude, but she thought she had no image to speak of in front of Ye Su, and she had nothing to hide, then she laughed at herself and said, "Of course it's true, don't you despise me every day?" Me? Now I won't be clinging to you anymore, but that great god doesn't seem to like me just like you!"

"Yue'er, are you pretending to marry him or are you really in love with him?" Ye Su didn't react as Zi Qianyue thought, he suddenly grabbed Zi Qianyue and asked.

Zi Qianyue pushed away his hand, a little angry, she didn't understand why Ye Su was angry, and said, "What are you doing? I was a fake when I married him, but now I really love him."

Ye Su let her go, and said palely: "Yue'er, do you believe me when I say I like you?"

"What are you talking about?" Zi Qianyue smiled: "Stop joking, aren't you the one who bothers me the most?"

"Yue'er, do you think I'm in such a good mood to bother someone?" Ye Su said.

Zi Qianyue was stunned for a moment, but she still smiled and said: "But I like him now, Ye Su, don't be joking, don't like me."

Without waiting for Ye Su's answer, Zi Qianyue flew away with luck, and Ye Qing didn't even call out. Zi Qianyue's Qing Gong was extremely fast, and disappeared in front of Ye Su in an instant.

Ye Su smiled bitterly: "Xiao Yue'er, I didn't expect you to fall in love with someone so quickly, but I don't want to believe it, what should I do?"

The evening wind blew gently, and the man's face became firm. He turned and left, and asked Ye Qing to go to Yu Wang's mansion by himself. Ye Qing didn't know what happened, and she was the only one left in the end, but seeing Ye Su's expression Some are not good, and I dare not ask anything, and I leave silently.

When Zi Qianyue returned to the mansion, Li Shang immediately greeted her, and Zi Qianyue asked a little tiredly, "How is he?"

"Drink the medicine and fell asleep." Li Shang was a little worried when he saw Zi Qianyue's tired look, and seeing that Ye Qing didn't come with Zi Qianyue, he asked a little worried: "What's the matter, princess? Where's Miss Xue? "

"You give her medicine when she comes over in a while. I'll go to rest first, don't bother me." Zi Qianyue ignored Li Shang's first question, and ordered, and entered the room without waiting for Li Shang's answer. "Boom", Li Shang stood still, and Qingyao chased him to no avail, so she could only look at Li Shang worriedly.

"It's okay, the concubine is just tired." Li Shang couldn't bear Qingyao's worried look, and comforted her.

"But Miss has never been like this..." Qingyao worried and became anxious.

"Qingyao!" For the first time, Li Shang didn't call the little girl, but called Qingyao's name. Qingyao stared blankly at him, but Li Shang suddenly hugged Qingyao and said, "Okay, little girl Don't worry, let's refine the medicine, shall we?"

"Not good!" Qingyao was wronged, she couldn't control her temper, she didn't know why, others said she was too lazy to argue with them, but she couldn't bear it when Li Shang was so fierce, tears fell instantly Come down: "My young lady has never been like this. Since she married here, the young lady has been thinking wholeheartedly for the sake of the uncle, and everything is directed to the uncle, but the uncle has been ignoring the young lady. What did my young lady do wrong? The uncle does not care about it." If you like Miss, just tell me directly, enjoy the meticulous care of Miss like this, but don't even have a thank you, and don't have a clear attitude, there are too many people who like my Miss, why should my Miss be like this?"

"Qingyao!" Zi Qianyue came out suddenly, interrupted Qingyao's words, her face was a little dark, and she said in a cold voice: "I don't need his thanks, I do everything willingly, I don't need you to tell him what to do, you understand ?"

"Miss, you just turned to him. I used to turn to my uncle, but my uncle ignored you. You..."

"Mu Qingyao!" Zi Qianyue's face turned cold: "I don't need you to teach me what to do..."

"Yueyue." Before Zi Qianyue finished speaking, a voice like snow fell came, but that faint voice stopped Zi Qianyue's angry voice.

As he sat there, the night wind blew his hair slightly. At this time, he couldn't see his paleness, but he was unparalleled in style, and his son was like jade. Zi Qianyue frowned and said, "Why didn't you go to rest?"

Qingyao was extremely aggrieved, seeing that Zi Qianyue was caring about Ying Chenyu again, every time Ying Chenyu appeared, Zi Qianyue became irrational and had no temper, Qingyao took a look at Ying Chenyu, angry He ran out, and Li Shang was anxious, so he immediately chased after him.

Only Ying Chenyu and Zi Qianyue were left in the yard. Zi Qianyue rubbed her forehead tiredly, watching him blowing the wind, she didn't bother to get angry with him at this time, she turned and went back to the house to take a cloak Walking over to put it on him with her own hands, Ying Chenyu didn't move, letting Zi Qianyue put on the cloak for him, and squatted down to fasten the belt for him.

 ~Off-topic sharing:

  I don’t know if you have seen "The Legend of Wukong", so I will continue to share it!
  "This world, I have been here, I have fought, I have loved deeply, and I don't care about the ending."

  "Because I want to live, I can't hide the desire in my heart, just like I love your beauty in my heart, how can I pretend that all things are empty."

  If you have time, you can read this book, it is very good.

  Oops, why do I feel like I’m smashing my own brand, (*^__^*) hee hee... Forget it, the master is a master after all, one day when I deeply understand that feeling, I guess I will write such a book.Ahaha~·
  In addition, I don't know when the update time is suitable. How about around 07:30 in the evening?
(End of this chapter)

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