Chapter 87 Sober and reconciled
Then those who hurt God must receive the most severe punishment, Zi Qianyue's eyes were full of killing intent, if no one guards him in this world, then she will guard him.

When the sky was completely dark, Ying Chenyu woke up, her face was still pale, but it was much better than before.Zi Qianyue had already fallen asleep beside his bed, Ying Chenyu looked at her quietly, the faint blood stains on her wrist pierced his heart achingly.Since she doesn't want him to know, it's fine if he doesn't know!
Zi Qianyue opened her eyes and saw that he had woken up, the sky was gloomy, the shadow of the moon cast frost on the window, the man's picturesque face was also stained with moonlight, the woman blinked, It was as if they had watched it thousands of times and would never forget it, just watching quietly like this, the hearts of both of them were unprecedentedly satisfied.

Suddenly, Zi Qianyue came to her senses, and grabbed his wrist to feel his pulse in frustration, Ying Chenyu didn't move, Ren Ziqianyue eagerly grabbed her wrist, and took his pulse seriously.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Zi Qianyue put down his wrist, gently helped him up and half leaned on the bed, and fed him the medicine on the table, but Ying Chenyu didn't open her mouth, and looked at Zi Qian with a little aggrieved Yue, Zi Qianyue raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Yueyue feed me!" Ying Chenyu said innocently.

With a mocking chuckle, Zi Qianyue pushed the medicine bowl forward: "Isn't it feeding you?"

Ying Chenyu was a little helpless, he knew that Ziqianyue hadn't forgiven what happened three days ago, so he could only take advantage of this serious injury to win her sympathy: "I want Yueyue to feed like during the day!"

"Wonderful idea!" Zi Qianyue blushed slightly, she naturally knew what he said, but it didn't mean she wanted to do that, after all, she still remembered what happened three days ago: "Didn't you still want me two days ago?" go?"

"I was wrong, Yueyue, I didn't mean that..." As expected, it was Qiu Hou who settled the score, Ying Chenyu smiled bitterly, and quickly explained.

"That's not what you mean?" Zi Qianyue raised her eyebrows: "What does that mean?"

"I was afraid of scaring you, so I didn't want you to go!" Ying Chenyu felt a little weak in explaining.

Zi Qianyue continued to look at him jokingly: "Is that going to waste my good years?"

"No." Ying Chenyu had no choice but to do something wrong this time, and it was really hard to tell.

"What is that?" Zi Qianyue was still reluctant.

"Why are you willing to waste your great years? Because I like you!" Ying Chenyu suddenly said softly, and looked at Ziqianyue seriously: "Yueyue, I have figured it out and learned it now, now let's go to the end One step, is it too late?"

Zi Qianyue looked at him, his tone was light but firm, Zi Qianyue suddenly smiled: "Drink this bowl of medicine first!"

"You feed me!" Ying Chenyu still didn't drink, and said sullenly, you are feeding me like this now!

"You don't have long hands yourself?" Zi Qianyue knew that he did it on purpose, and was a little annoyed.

Ying Chenyu was even more wronged: "I have no strength!"

"You..." Just as Zi Qianyue was about to refute him, Ying Chenyu suddenly coughed twice, Zi Qianyue was startled, and changed her words to: "How are you?"

"You feed me the medicine!" Ying Chenyu was tough.

Zi Qianyue looked at his pale and almost transparent color, and looked at the sky, it was already late, worried about his body, so she took a sip of the medicine herself as if it was daytime, and then put the medicine into his mouth, Ying Chenyu Obediently drank the medicine, but Zi Qianyue's face was already flushed, she put down the medicine bowl in a panic, covered him with the quilt again, turned around and prepared to leave.

"You sleep here with me!" Seeing that she was leaving, Ying Chenyu continued.

Zi Qianyue stopped for a while: "Don't push yourself too hard, I haven't settled the score with you yet for what happened that day!"

"Yueyue, I may have a fever at night with such a serious injury." Ying Chenyu seemed to be very serious when she said this time, but she was very helpless.

Zi Qianyue stood there and thought about it carefully, which seemed to be the case, then turned around and walked to him, crawled to the position inside her, and lay straight without taking off her clothes.

Ying Chenyu looked at her, knowing that it was not good to say anything, the two of them lay quietly like this, Zi Qianyue didn't know when she fell asleep last night, she woke up when the sky was light, Ying Chen Yu was still resting. Although his face was still pale, it was much better than yesterday's paleness. He should still be very weak now. After all, his tendons were crushed time and time again. Such injuries are not just good.

Zi Qianyue looked at his peaceful sleeping face, that poetic and picturesque face, quietly like a child at the moment, his long eyelashes gently covered his eyes, casting a shadow, the morning light cast through the window, his face The lining is more holy and flawless.

After a while, the butterfly feather-like eyelashes trembled slightly, Ying Chenyu opened his eyes, saw Zi Qianyue was still beside him, smiled warmly, and gained some strength in his body, stretched out his hand to hug her, Zi Qianyue wanted to push him away , but thinking that his current body is too weak, he finally leaned stiffly in his arms.

After a while, Zi Qianyue raised her hand and patted him gently, signaling him to let go, Ying Chenyu looked at Zi Qianyue suspiciously, whenever Ying Chenyu looked at him from such a close distance, Zi Qianyue blushed a little, She pretended to be calm and said: "It's dawn, you should drink medicine and eat!"

"Then you still feed me like yesterday!" Ying Chenyu said casually without letting her go.

Zi Qianyue's face darkened. At that time, she wanted her to leave, but now she bullies her again and again. She really thinks she is easy to bully, but it's because he is not in good health now, and she doesn't want him to be wronged: "Impossible , or you can drink medicine and eat obediently, or I will leave immediately!"

"Then can you just lie here and accompany me?" Ying Chenyu smiled wryly, it seems that she can't get the benefits of feeding him, so it's good to let her stay here.

"Who wants to lie here with you, I have other things to do!" Zi Qianyue ignored him, turned around and was about to leave.

Ying Chenyu hugged her and frowned slightly because of her movement, and said softly: "It hurts..."

"What's wrong?" Seeing his frown in pain, Zi Qianyue asked worriedly, not daring to move.

Ying Chenyu smiled helplessly: "Yueyue, I'm afraid I'm going to die, will you leave me again!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are hurting now because you were injured too badly yesterday and your veins have not recovered. I am here with you. You will be fine!" Zi Qianyue frowned and stopped him from speaking, completely unaware The people around him smiled slightly.

"Well, Yueyue will stay here with me!" Ying Chenyu nodded meaningfully, and Ziqianyue realized that she had been cheated by this guy, but he should still be in severe pain, but It was just milder than yesterday. Thinking of this, Zi Qianyue stopped struggling and lay obediently in his arms.

"Li Shang, bring in the medicine!" Ying Chenyu seemed very happy, and said to the outside.

As an obedient subordinate and brother, Li Shang had been guarding the door with the medicine for a long time. Upon hearing this, he knew that his lord had taken care of the princess, so he immediately brought the medicine in with brows of joy.

"What are you looking at? Look at your eyeballs!" Zi Qianyue said viciously when she saw that Li Shang had been looking at her inexplicably.Thinking of Zi Qianyue's ferocity and cruelty that night, she immediately closed her mouth and handed the medicine to Ying Chenyu. Ying Chenyu smiled faintly, reached out to take the medicine and drank it obediently, and threw the medicine bowl to Li Shang. Shang understood, and instantly disappeared into the room.

Zi Qianyue was a little strange, but it was commendable to see him drink the medicine so obediently, but just as she was about to speak, someone just kissed her lips, and the strong bitter taste spread, Zi Qianyue opened her eyes wide, But he was afraid of hurting him and dared not push away, he was almost out of breath from being kissed, so Ying Chenyu let go of her, and before she could open her mouth to criticize, she said innocently: "It's very bitter, really!"

Seeing his innocent appearance, Zi Qianyue roared in her heart. Of course, my sister knew it was very hard, and she forcibly poured it into her mouth, wouldn't she know?Zi Qianyue glanced over, and was about to accuse him of indecent behavior, Ying Chenyu quickly hugged her tightly, and once again pretended to be pitiful: "Yueyue, don't be angry, you promised to stay here."

"Stay with me, I'll stay here with you until I die!" Zi Qianyue gritted her teeth.

Ying Chenyu chuckled: "Okay, you can stay with me until you die!"

Zi Qianyue's heart began to hurt again. In fact, she despised herself a little. She was so angry with him that she would die, but he took the bait as soon as he pretended to be pitiful. Not willing to use force, forget it, since this is the case, it will be fine after two days of getting used to it, thinking this way, Zi Qianyue also softened her body, and took the initiative to nest in his arms, the long-lost warmth made him feel satisfied.

Ying Chenyu chuckled, because of the effect of the medicine and the fact that he was seriously injured, he always woke up for a while and then fell asleep again. Zi Qianyue was still awake, and looked at him quietly for a while, this person was her Seeing him frowning slightly in his sleep, she moved her body and reached out to hug him, remembering how he killed people yesterday, extremely elegant but extremely cruel, Zi Qianyue hugged him tightly Some, she knows how many people he can kill so elegantly, but no matter who he is, whether it is a god or a devil, he is now the stubborn little boy she cares about most in her heart.

After a quiet morning like this, the two of them nestled in bed, knowing that in the afternoon, Moer broke in again, Zi Qianyue had already gotten up, and strictly ordered Ying Chenyu not to get out of bed, although Ying Chenyu was dissatisfied, but also He didn't dare to say anything, so he had to let Zi Qianyue leave, and repeatedly asked her to come back early.

When Mo'er saw Zi Qianyue jumping on her excitedly again, she almost cried with joy. She pulled her up and down to look, and soon found that her wrist was wrapped with gauze, which Zi Qianyue was afraid of being discovered by Ying Chenyu It can be covered by wearing narrow-sleeved clothes, Mo'er took her hand and asked, "Who is this...?"

Zi Qianyue didn't answer, and covered her mouth with her hand, and said in a low voice, "Shut up!"

Mo'er didn't dare to speak anymore, Zi Qianyue took her hand and asked Mo'er: "You didn't come here to make trouble, did you?"

"How dare I?" Mo'er was aggrieved for a while, "I know you are eccentric, and Mu Qingyao is also eccentric, so how dare I do anything if they stop me?"

"It's right to stop you!" Zi Qianyue disagreed: "I'm fine now, you go back quickly!"

"Miss, you don't need to kill the donkey so quickly, do you?" Mo'er was speechless, she really had a eccentric young lady who had no bottom line!
"Congratulations, you got the answer right, I just want to kill you!" Zi Qianyue was in a good mood, snapped her fingers and turned to leave. Yuan couldn't get in again, so he had to go back angrily, vowing to never ignore this ungrateful young lady again, no, it's an ungrateful young lady!
When Zi Qianyue went back, Li Shang was talking to Ying Chenyu, and Ying Chenyu didn't shy away when she saw her coming, beckoning her to go, Zi Qianyue sat beside Ying Chenyu's bed, reached out to take an apple Li Shang took a playful look at Zi Qianyue, Zi Qianyue ignored him, and Li Shang didn't care, and continued: "Ying Chenqing has already sent someone to investigate her, and Ying Chenqing has never been soft-hearted." of!"

Zi Qianyue paused slightly when she heard Ying Chenqing's name, and then continued to peel the apple in her hand. Ying Chenyu noticed her pause and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's just an old friend!" Zi Qianyue divided the peeled apple into two halves, gave half to Ying Chenyu, and took a bite out of the other half, completely ignoring Li Shang's eager eyes.

Holding the apple, Ying Chenyu didn't care about Lishang, and complained to Ziqianyue a little aggrieved: "There are so many old friends in Yueyue!"

"So what?" Zi Qianyue said nonchalantly, seeing Ying Chenyu's complexion changed slightly, she suddenly felt a little happy, and continued: "In addition to Ying Chenqing, I also know many young talents in the world!"

Ying Chenyu's eyes gradually darkened, Li Shang shrank her neck, Zi Qianyue still counted indifferently: "For example..."

Zi Qianyue paused, seeing that the light in Ying Chenyu's eyes had changed even deeper, she stuffed a piece of apple she had peeled into his mouth, and chuckled lightly: "For example, Yungong Yunzun!"

Ying Chenyu's face changed slightly, Li Shang opened his mouth wide in surprise, and Zi Qianyue smiled happily: "How is it? Are you serious?"

Ying Chenyu knew that Zi Qianyue must know his identity, so it was not surprising. After all, he was called Li Shang and Jian Ying, and they did not deliberately conceal their identities when they approached Zi Qianyue. Qianyue stood up: "I haven't peeled an apple for any of them yet!"

"That's enough, you two don't get bored here!" Li Shang had a toothache, he hadn't gotten bored with the little girl yet, the two of them couldn't help but show their love once they reconciled!Zi Qianyue raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Shang, who continued to say: "Princess, did you forget that Miss Xue woke up today?"

"Oh, that's right, Xue'er is the seventh day tonight, it's time to wake up." Zi Qianyue really forgot about it. There are so many things happening recently that she almost forgot about it. Seeing that Ying Chenyu's breath changed slightly, Zi Qianyue turned her head to look at him, holding his cold hand, and said, "Didn't you always hope that Xue'er would come back? Don't worry!"

"Yeah." Ying Chenyu nodded slightly, since Xue'er is back, she should know the truth, but no matter if she chooses to go back to Dongling or stay here, he will not stop her.

"Then let's go and see Xue'er!" Zi Qianyue asked him.

"Okay." Ying Chenyu nodded, and Zi Qianyue helped him up. Although Shuiyu suppressed Bing Hun and Chi Hun, he could actually walk now, but Zi Qianyue was still worried about his body and let him sit down. in a wheelchair.

Xueer was still sleeping quietly. On the seventh day, she began to dream more violently. In fact, Xueer lost her memory at the age of five, and the earliest memory she had was two years old. That is, she lost three years of memory at most, but the memory is really deep. It made her think of it in her dreams.

A few people waited quietly in the room, Ye Qing was not sleeping soundly, and started to babble non-stop, just like that day in front of Ye Su: "Don't...don't, mother, don't do away ..."

Listening to her ravings, Ying Chenyu seemed to recall what happened back then, her fingertips turned blue and white due to the force, Zi Qianyue grabbed his hand, and the warm feeling came from the palm of his hand to his heart, he slightly Clenching Ziqianyue's hand, she continued to look at Yeqing.

Ye Qing woke up quickly, and she remembered everything. In those years, the little boy in white clothes she followed was her brother, and the boy who ate the poison for her before the fire was hers. Brother, the person she cut her wrist in the fire and desperately tried to save was her brother, the man in front of her now, dressed in white clothes like a banished fairy, was her brother, not the emperor's brother, the only one she had relied on since she was a child elder brother.

"Brother..." Ye Qing got off the bed barefoot and walked up to Ying Chenyu, her voice was hoarse and contained many emotions.

"Yeah." Ying Chenyu nodded lightly, frowned and looked at her bare feet: "Put on your shoes!"

Ye Qing suddenly burst into tears, and rushed to Ying Chenyu, who bumped into Ying Chenyu and coughed slightly, which was exactly the same as when Zi Mulan saw Zi Muyun at that time. Naturally, Zi Qianyue would not compare to Shui Meng Xuan was better, and when she heard Ying Chenyu coughing, she rushed over to push Ye Qing away, and said sullenly, "Sure enough, all younger sisters in the world are the same."

Ying Chenyu laughed, looked at Ziqianyue's angry look, and said to Yeqing: "Your sister-in-law is jealous, hurry up and put on your shoes."

"Cut!" Zi Qianyue turned her head, not looking at the reunion of the two brothers and sisters, Ye Qing was a little embarrassed, and threw herself on Zi Qianyue again: "Oh, sister-in-law, don't be jealous, I promise to stand with sister-in-law in the future !"

"Really?" Zi Qianyue turned her head, raised her eyebrows and looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing instantly felt a little deceived, but seeing Zi Qianyue's unkind smile, she could only nod obediently: "Of course it's true."

"That's good, hurry up and put on your shoes, your brother will feel bad again soon!" Zi Qianyue glanced at Ying Chenyu, and said a little sourly.

"Yeah!" Ye Qing nodded, turned around and quickly put on her shoes, and then returned to them.

Ying Chenyu watched Ye Qing approaching, and asked, "Xue'er, do you want to stay here or learn Dongling?"

Ye Qing was stunned, whether to go back or stay, she actually didn't want to answer this question, in fact, for the past ten years, Tangling has been her home, no matter whether it is the Empress Dowager Dongling, Emperor Dongling, or Prince Ye Su, they all treated her very well , but Ying Chenyu, her elder brother, is also her only belief.

Zi Qianyue knew that it was difficult to answer before, so she changed the subject with a smile and asked, "Xue'er, do you know that you are poisoned?"

"I don't know, I only found out after listening to the prince and brother in those few days." Ye Qing stopped looking at Ying Chenyu and answered Zi Qianyue while avoiding that question.

Ying Chenyu no longer asked her whether she would stay or not. Since she decided to respect her, she would give her time to think about who was the most important thing at the moment who deliberately targeted him and sent Xueer over when he was poisoned, so she also Asked: "Xue'er, you didn't come to the palace banquet before, right? Why this time?"

"Yes, I didn't come here before." Ye Qing nodded, thought for a while and said: "This time Grandma Huang must ask me to come here!"

"Grandma Huang?" Zi Qianyue frowned: "Empress Dowager Dongling?"

Ye Qing nodded: "Yes, Grandma Huang is the best person Dongling treats me. She will definitely let me come this time, and I can't bear to refuse her, that's why I came here."

Zi Qianyue looked at Ying Chenyu, and Ying Chenyu looked at her at the same time, both of them saw the scheme from the other's hand, Ye Qing didn't know what they found, and looked at the two of them suspiciously, Zi Qianyue He glanced at Yeqing with a complicated expression, and said, "Xue'er, go to rest first, think about whether you want to stay or go back, we all respect your intention."

"Okay." Ye Qing nodded, she couldn't understand anyway, so she didn't bother, turned around and went back to the bed, Zi Qianyue pushed Ying Chenyu away, and after leaving the door, Li Shang said coldly: "This is obviously It's aimed at Yu!"

"Who says it's not?" Zi Qianyue agreed with him and frowned, "But what does the Queen Mother of Dongling have to do with this matter?"

"It is rumored that the empress dowager of Tangling was an extremely mysterious woman back then. She had been favored in the harem for thirty years. The most incredible thing is that the empress dowager asked the royal family at that time to abolish the six palaces for her and favor only one person. At that time The whole world was in an uproar, and they were subdued by the empress at that time, who is now the empress dowager, and became a generation of virtuous empress." Li Shang took Zi Qianyue's words, but no matter how powerful the empress dowager was, she has become the empress dowager now. They didn't have any contact with her at all. I don't know why the queen mother arranged for Ye Qing to come here. Obviously, she knew Ying Chenxue's identity, and even more the secret of Ying Chenyu's poisonous hair.

"Don't think about it, she will appear again." Ying Chenyu said lightly, as if she didn't care, seeing what he said, Li Shang and Zi Qianyue didn't say anything anymore, since she and Ying Chenyu didn't have any intersection , then they can't guess it, so it's better to wait for her to appear again.

"But you have to be careful and take good care of your body." Zi Qianyue was still a little worried, after all, Ying Chenyu's body is really not optimistic, so it's better to be careful.

"It's okay, she doesn't want to kill me." Ying Chenyu turned her head to look at Zi Qianyue, and smiled lightly.

Zi Qianyue raised her eyebrows and looked at him. He held her hand and said, "Do you remember the day I went to save you? I tested him!"

"Trying?" Zi Qianyue looked at him incomprehensibly, and Ying Chenyu said: "You were too worried about my injury that day, you didn't notice that I let him do a trick, and he didn't do it."

" still let him go?" Zi Qianyue looked at him in disbelief, how advanced his martial arts was, he could kill that master in less than three moves, but he still let him go.

"Yeah!" Ying Chenyu nodded, Li Shang was no longer surprised, and continued to attack Zi Qianyue: "Princess, he can do this before he is ten years old!"

"It really compares people to people, it's so annoying!" Zi Qianyue looked him up and down, clicked his tongue, and then realized after a while, asking: "Talking about what happened last time, where is the person who brought it back?"

"He's a puppet!" Speaking of this person, Li Shang's face also changed slightly. Puppets are rarely seen. At least on this continent, there has been no puppet for at least a hundred years. Now Suddenly appearing to attack Ying Chenyu, this has to be thought-provoking.

"It's probably inseparable from the Empress Dowager Dongling!" Zi Qianyue said.

Ying Chenyu nodded, and the few people stopped talking. His return was going to cause a disturbance. Now that he has come, we can see who the disturbance will affect!
The Holy City has finally become quiet. Today, there have been turmoil one after another, especially a massacre in the Prince Yu's Mansion and the abolition of the crown prince. These days, people in the Holy City have been in a state of panic. Rumors are spreading everywhere. I know that it has only subsided in the past two days. The weather is calm and the people look happy.

Ying Chenyu's injury has healed a lot, and Zi Qianyue is relieved a lot. At least he can use his internal strength and walk normally. No matter how many conspiracies exist under the illusion of peace, with his strength, at least nothing will happen. Too big a question.

Yeqing has been living here all the time. Although it's a bit boring not to go out these few days, there are still many interesting things in the house. Yeqing has a temper and gets along with anyone, especially recently helping Li Shang to approach Qingyao every day. , so much that Li Shang waited to see her, and gave her everything delicious and fun except Qingyao.What happened to Ziqianyue hit Qingyao hard last time, and Qingyao also gradually began to understand what so-called feelings are. After Ziqianyue and Yingchenyu got together, they began to devote themselves to motivating them, and they always had nothing to do. The two came to talk about love on vacation.

 ~Off-topic sharing:

  Calm transition.

(End of this chapter)

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