Chapter 89

The Emperor of Nanchu coughed lightly, and said to Ying Chenyu: "Young Master Shang is indeed our Crown Prince of Nanchu. I wonder if His Royal Highness King Yu can let the widow bring the prince back to Nanchu?"

"It doesn't matter whether this king can or not, as long as Shang is willing to go with you, this king will definitely not stop you." Ying Chenyu said lightly, but she didn't give Nan Chuhuang any face.

The Emperor of Nanchu was a little embarrassed, but business was more important, so he restrained his emotions and said to Li Shang: "Li'er, are you willing to come back?"

"I don't want to." Li Shang didn't give him any face, and directly refused, ignoring the gloomy face of the old emperor, and continued to say: "Also, I am not Chu Li, and I am not a prince of Southern Chu. I am Li now. Shang is just a guard of Prince Yu's Mansion!"

Emperor Nan Chu really felt guilty towards Li Shang, even if Li Shang didn't give him face, he didn't say anything, but Chu Fan, the eldest prince next to Emperor Nan Chu frowned, and said to Li Shang: "Second brother, don't talk to your father like this. The emperor speaks!"

"The eldest prince must have called you wrong!" Ying Chenyu put down the tea in her hand and looked at Chu Fan: "Shang already said that he is only Li Shang, not your second brother Chu Li."

"His Royal Highness, you..." As soon as Chu Fan was about to speak, he was stopped by Emperor Nan Chu. Seeing Ying Chenyu's indifferent expression, Emperor Nan Chu thought to himself that this natural domineering spirit is really not an ordinary person It can be compared, at least he is also a prince, Chu Fan is far behind, but he is disabled, which is really a pity, he smiled at Ying Chenyu: "Li'er has been taken care of by His Royal Highness Yuwang all these years, my widow I would like to express my deep gratitude, but he is my Prince of Nanchu after all, so it is better for His Royal Highness King Yu to return him to Nanchu!"

"Okay?" Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows: "This king doesn't think it's good. Since Shang doesn't want to go back, this king will naturally not drive him away. After seeing the result, you two should go back to Nanchu as soon as possible! This king is not in good health. No more honored guests!"

After Ying Chenyu finished speaking, Mo directly pushed him back, and Li Shang also left. None of them looked at Emperor Nan Chu, and directly said that Emperor Nan Chu was left there. What can I say, Ying Chenyu saved Li Shang's life, and in a sense, he paid Li Shang's debt for him. He is not qualified to treat Ying Chenyu as the emperor, so he can only give up and take Chu Fan away. palace.

"Li Shang, they won't just leave like this, what are you going to do?" Ying Chenyu asked Li Shang after Emperor Nan Chu left.

Li Shang lowered his eyes and didn't speak for a long time. After a while, he said again: "I might, really, go back."

"I understand!" Ying Chenyu patted Li Shang on the shoulder: "Do what you want, you are the cloud envoy of my Yun Palace, I never told you that you are so kind that you don't care about killing your mother!"

"Yeah." Li Shang nodded, he didn't want to be a prince, but his mother's empress died miserably, but the Bai Guifei clan was still deeply loved, his mother's empress could ignore it, but he couldn't forgive her.

Ying Chenyu looked at Li Shang. After all, he was his brother for nearly ten years. Li Shang was the first to follow him. Now that he was about to leave, he reminded him: "But Li Shang, you have to understand that you are not alone now. You still have to leave." With Qingyao and us, Qingyao is innocent, don't let her wait, and try not to let yourself get hurt!"

"I see!" Li Shang nodded, then looked at Ying Chenyu seriously: "Thank you, Ayu!"

Ying Chenyu turned and left, leaving Li Shang standing under the tree alone, the sun was about to set, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he left after a long time.

When Emperor Nan Chu returned to the palace, Chu Xiyun was already standing there waiting for him. Because of Concubine Bai, he never liked Chu Xiyun very much, but he also knew that Chu Xiyun was really smart, she was not like his other princesses Like us all day long trying to find ways to please her, she had not seen anyone on the grounds of poor health early in the morning. During this period, she could do what she wanted, just like now, this daughter is full-fledged.

"I've seen my father!" Chu Xiyun stepped forward and saluted lightly.

The Emperor Nan Chu sat at the top and asked Chu Xiyun, "Why haven't you gone back yet?"

"My daughter knows that the emperor will be hindered when he comes to pick up the prince and brother, so I come to help the emperor!" Chu Xiyun said softly, but this kind of soft tone is not suitable for the emperor who has heard the voices of all kinds of beauties in the harem. Not worth mentioning, Nan Chuhuang asked with a gloomy face, "How do you know that the widow will be hindered?"

Chu Xiyun didn't care much about his expression, and said casually, "Because my daughter knows His Highness Yu Wang so well, she naturally also knows the people around him."

"You know him?" Nan Chuhuang sneered at his daughter's self-righteousness.

"Yes. I understand him." Chu Xiyun's tone became a little cold, she didn't like people saying that she didn't understand Ying Chenyu, so she said coldly to Emperor Nan Chu: "So I have a way to get the prince and brother back. "

"You asked him to come back?" The old emperor smiled sarcastically, "You and your concubine wish he never came back!"

"Mother concubine is mother concubine, I am me." Chu Xiyun regained his soft look, approached Nan Chuhuang's ear, and whispered a few words to him, Nan Chuhuang's eyes became deep and complicated looking at her.

"Father, there is no need to doubt it. This is his only shortcoming." Seeing the old emperor's probing gaze without fear, Chu Xiyun met his gaze and replied, then smiled and said, "Father, it is best to get the prince and brother Get rid of it, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll accidentally hurt him!"

"Chu Xiyun, what on earth are you going to do?" Nan Chuhuang naturally didn't like the feeling of being controlled by his daughter, so he spoke angrily. However, Chu Xiyun had already walked to the door, but after a while, he left his His gaze, Emperor Nan Chu's eyes were deep, and he looked in one direction.

No one knew that Chu Xiyun hadn't left Beichen. The gray-clothed man appeared in front of him again, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Master, the imperial concubine asked you to kill Li Shang."

"Kill him?" Chu Xiyun sneered, looking at the man in gray: "Qian Yan, what do you think?"

"I think the master is doing the right thing." The man in gray is naturally a man named Qian Yan. He never shows his face. At this moment, Chu Xiyun called his name, and he put down his gray hat, stood up, and revealed a With a pale and handsome face, he said: "Master, the imperial concubine is using you!"

"Use me?" Chu Xiyun looked at Qian Yan with threatening eyes, but Qian Yan didn't make any moves. After a while, Chu Xiyun turned around and sneered: "Use me, and she must be able to use it!"

"Yes! Master!" Qian Yan raised a wicked smile, this is what his master should look like, cold-blooded and cruel.

Ever since Emperor Nanchu was left out in Prince Yu's mansion, he didn't mention the matter of Crown Prince Nanchu anymore, but he has been living in Beichen. Although he seems to be calm, everyone in Yingchenyu knows that it is impossible for Emperor Nanchu to give up on Li Shang. But now is not the time for Li Shang to leave, at least there must be sufficient conditions.

The old emperor has always been a little uneasy about the arrival of the Southern Chu emperor, especially Ying Chenyu is surrounded by the Southern Chu prince, and there is no way to do some things. If it is not good, it will inevitably lead to disputes between the two countries, at least not yet. When the two countries were in conflict, the old emperor suddenly thought of the eldest princess. The queen said that the eldest princess promised her something that day, it was like agreeing to something. Although he suppressed it, he didn't like things that were no longer under his control. a feeling of.

The eldest princess in the cold palace saw the old emperor's arrival and was shocked to drop the books all over the place. She picked them up in panic, and looked at the old emperor's gaze a little dodged. He took her hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" The eldest princess struggled to let go of the old emperor's hand, still not daring to look into his eyes, which undoubtedly made the old emperor more convinced, pushed her to the ground, and said coldly: "Say, what's going on?" ?”

"I..." The eldest princess's face was pale and she dared not speak.

The old emperor's eyes became darker. The eldest princess is actually a powerful woman. She has always been calm and calm. There is only one thing that can make her so chaotic. She lost her support. Slapped the eldest princess, and said angrily: "Where is the dead soldier you raised? Tell me!"

"Father, I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on, it's all gone..." The eldest princess knelt in front of the old emperor, grabbed the hem of his clothes and begged, without those dead men, she would have nothing to rely on, the old emperor It could kill her anytime.

When the old emperor heard the result he didn't want to hear, his brain exploded and he kicked the eldest princess away, angrily: "Who did it?"

"I don't know. When I found out, the person was already dead, and nothing was left..." The eldest princess didn't dare to dodge, and was kicked by the old emperor, clutching her abdomen in pain.

"Nothing left?" The old emperor pinched the eldest princess's neck, and said with a wicked smile, "What use do I want you for? Waste!"

"Father...Emperor...have mercy!" The eldest princess was a little out of breath after being pinched, she grabbed the old emperor's hand and begged for mercy.

"Hmph!" The old emperor let go of his hand, and kicked the eldest princess again. The eldest princess was lying on the ground, unable to dodge, with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, and curled up in pain. The old emperor said without a trace of pity, "You destroy Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill you like this after killing so many of me!"

The eldest princess was speechless. The old emperor flicked his sleeves and left angrily. The eldest princess curled up on the ground, watching the door of the cold palace close, tears mixed with blood, and the hatred in her eyes filled the bones. She is the person she cultivated through untold hardships. She suffers more than anyone else, but her biological father has taken it as his own in such a grandiose way, and even mutilated her like this. She knows it from the beginning to the end. In the eyes of her father, There is only that one person in my heart, except her, he is so ruthless to everyone, the eldest princess suddenly smiled slowly, the wound was affected and the smile was ugly, as expected, she still had illusions, Ying Chenyu, Zi Qian Yue, she always said that she loves her, the concubine mother who has never appeared since she lived in Lenggong, her father emperor, and the whole Beichen, she hates so much...

The old emperor went straight to the Luoyu Palace. In the same underground secret room, the woman was still lying quietly. The old emperor rushed to the woman anxiously. After seeing the woman's face, he gently took the woman's hand. He said to her Said: "Yu'er, the eldest princess is useless, she ruined a good soldier, and I also lost a group of people last time, you think, is it all Ying Chenyu's doing?"

The old emperor carefully wiped the woman's hand. After a while, he smiled strangely and said, "Yu'er, he really deserves to be your child. Unfortunately, for you, I can only do that. I know you hate him. Then let him sacrifice for your awakening, okay?"

The woman can't speak naturally, the old emperor talked to himself for a while, and leaned against the woman, it seemed that after a long time, he gently wiped the woman's body, and kissed the woman's forehead lightly before leaving: "Jade Son, I will give you whatever you want, no matter what, I will make you wake up!"

"The emperor is really affectionate!" Suddenly, a playful laugh came, the old emperor raised his head, and a woman stood casually behind him like that, but he didn't notice it at all. , and said with a dangerous smile: "Why hasn't Princess Xiyun left Beichen yet, don't you know that there are some places where you can't intrude?"

"Coincidentally, this princess still likes to go into places that I can't go into!" Chu Xiyun smiled sweetly, and she was completely different from what the old emperor saw before. The old emperor looked at her with cold eyes. The secret of the palace must not be known to anyone, especially this Chu Xiyun is still from Nanchu.

Seeing the old emperor's cold look, Chu Xiyun put away his jokes, and said to the old emperor, "Your Majesty, you don't have to be so defensive, maybe I can help you!"

The old emperor's eyes became inquisitive. He didn't call himself a princess, but me, indicating that she came here in her own name. The old emperor asked, "What do you mean by Princess Xiyun?"

"Oh!" Chu Xiyun chuckled lightly: "I have confessed so frankly that the emperor still doesn't believe me, so I will pretend that I haven't seen it, and I won't say anything nonsense when I go out, but the emperor, the eldest princess is useless, you Won't you feel powerless?"

Chu Xiyun's words meant something, but she didn't explain too much. She smiled and turned around to leave. The old emperor suddenly taught her: "Princess Xiyun thinks you can leave after entering here?"

"This princess dares to come, so she is ready to leave. Why, the emperor wants to stop this princess?" Chu Xiyun still smiled nonchalantly, his eyes fell on the woman on the ice bed, and then retracted after a while, Said to the old emperor: "However, it will be bad if it hurts Concubine Yu!"

"Chu Xiyun..." The old emperor said Chu Xiyun's name, his voice was not high, but it was extremely cold. Chu Xiyun looked at the old emperor and said with a smile, "What does your majesty mean?"

"I cooperate with you!" The old emperor suddenly laughed, walked up to Chu Xiyun, patted her on the shoulder, and said to Chu Xiyun, "Don't let me down!"

"However, I haven't said my conditions yet?" Chu Xiyun looked at the old emperor and said.

The old emperor also had gloomy eyes, but he kept smiling, as if he had forgotten, and said, "That's true, what conditions does Princess Xiyun want?"

"My conditions!" Chu Xiyun thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said to the old emperor with a playful smile: "Didn't the emperor know about it a long time ago?"

The old emperor seemed puzzled, and continued to ask: "What?"

"I only want him!" Chu Xiyun suddenly became serious, meeting the eyes of the old emperor, he was determined to win, and suddenly, Zi Qianyue laughed: "Your Majesty, don't doubt, I know what you want to do, I will not ruin your business , but, whether it is life or death, good or bad, he is mine!"

"Okay!" The old emperor also laughed. He also knew that Chu Xiyun was much more useful than the eldest princess, but on the contrary, Chu Xiyun was also much harder to control than the eldest princess.

Since the emperor left in Southern Chu, the Emperor of Southern Chu has always handed over the power to the only heterosexual king of Southern Chu, King Xiao. The royal family of Southern Chu has few descendants, and there is no prince. King Xiao is the heterosexual king of Southern Chu, but he is indeed the emperor of Southern Chu himself. The one chosen was the cronies of Emperor Nanchu. There was news from King Xiao that there was another change in the Bai family. It was hoped that the crown prince would return to Nanchu as soon as possible. When Emperor Nanchu saw the news, he crumpled the letter paper in his hand, feeling a little angry tossed on the ground,
Chu Fan saw that Emperor Nan Chu was angry, so he hurried forward and asked, "What happened?"

"Bai Guifei, hello! You are very good!" The old emperor gritted his teeth. The most important thing for the Bai family is the authority and power. Even more rampant, she eliminated two old ministers of the Southern Chu Emperor in a row. Now, Bai Guifei still wants to listen to the government behind the curtain, which obviously does not take the emperor seriously, but after all, King Xiao is not the Southern Chu Emperor, and there is nothing he can do about it. I had no choice but to hope that Emperor Nan Chu would bring the prince back sooner. Chu Fan picked up the letter paper and read it, and was also shocked. The Bai family dared to be so bold.

"Fan'er, I know that Chu Xiyun's method is not good, but if I want to take Li'er back now, I'm afraid this is the only way left!" Nan Chu Huang suddenly turned his head and looked at Chu Fan helplessly.

Chu Fan sighed: "Father, if we do that, the Second Emperor will hate us!"

"But what can we do? He is the crown prince of Nanchu, he must go back no matter what!" The old emperor was also angry, and then he sighed helplessly: "Why did his mother do that for the sake of the overall situation? Can't he?"

Chu Fan's eyes changed slightly, he looked at Emperor Nan Chu holding his forehead, and said with relief: "Father, after all, you were the one who was sorry for Empress Yue, and you can't blame the second emperor..."

"Enough! Fan'er, don't talk anymore." The old emperor turned around and didn't want to listen any more. He waved to Chu Fan and said wearily, "Go to Yuwang Mansion, find Li'er, and say that I just want to see you." On his side, if he is still unwilling to go back after this time, I will never ask him again!"

"Yes!" Chu Fan nodded, and then backed out. Emperor Nan Chu fell on the chair exhaustedly, unconsciously remembering how much the Queen Yue made for him back then, and Chu Li, the relationship between him and Queen Yue Personality is completely different.

Emperor Nan Chu only rested for a while, and Li Shang came in front of him, still with a cold look on his face. Emperor Nan Chu didn't speak, and neither did he. Emperor Nan Chu looked at it for a while, and said with a gratified smile: "You really are with you. Empress Dowager looks alike!"

"It's just that I look alike. I'm completely different from my mother!" Li Shang's emotionless words suddenly hurt Emperor Nan Chu's heart. That gentle woman had never spoken to him like this before. Sure enough, they are not the same person!

"Li'er, when you come back, you will be the crown prince. Wouldn't it be better if you don't have to be a bodyguard?" The old emperor ignored the heartache and continued.

"I don't care." Li Shang said very coldly, but also very bluntly: "What is the reason why the Emperor Nan Chu asked me to come here today?"

"Li'er, why do you insist on forcing me?" Nan Chuhuang seemed to be very helpless, rubbing his forehead.

Li Shang sneered: "Your majesty, are you forcing me? Ten years ago, after the mother died, Nanchu still had the status of prince? When I disappeared nine years ago, did Nanchu lack a prince? What's the matter? Do you know that if it wasn't for Ah Yu, I, the Prince of Nanchu back then, might not have ashes left!"

"Li'er, you are the crown prince, and Nanchu is..." The old emperor couldn't answer his question.

"It's my responsibility. I want to take care of the overall situation, right?" Before Emperor Nan Chu finished speaking, Li Shang continued, sneering: "Your Majesty, since you have abandoned some princes for the sake of the overall situation, now you still have some What qualifications come to ask me to go back, ask me to take responsibility, and take care of the overall situation?"

"Li'er, do you have to force me?" Although Emperor Nanchu knew that he had done wrong to Empress Yue, he still did not allow anyone to challenge his authority.

Li Shang felt as if he was angry, but just stood there quietly without speaking.Emperor Nan Chu had no choice but to say again: "Li'er, the girl you like is called Mu Qingyao, right?"

When Qingyao was mentioned, Li Shang's expression darkened. As expected, it was Chu Xiyun who did something to Qingyao. He kept his composure and asked, "So what?"

"The king Gu was planted by Xiyun in that girl's body!" Nan Chuhuang said, in fact, he also felt that this method was not good, but in order to let Li Shang go back as soon as possible, he was willing to pay such a price, as Chu Xiyun said, this is The current Li Shang, the only shortcoming.

"Nan Chu is really despicable enough to plant King Gu on a weak woman?" Li Shang sneered, he knew that Chu Xiyun would definitely attack Qingyao, but he didn't expect it to be so soon, so he still planted King Gu. , they were one step behind Chu Xiyun.

(End of this chapter)

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