The long fairy road is wonderful

Chapter 623 Midnight Battle

Chapter 623 Midnight Battle (5)

Lin Tianci has long been annoyed by the Sun Knights who are not as capable as they are, so of course there is no need to expect him to say anything good.

Although the words are harsh, they are the truth.

The distance between the two streets is usually just a few minutes on foot, but now the streets are full of controlled adventurers, and the density is extremely high.

Leaving aside the reinforcements and going to other places first, even if they came straight to them, it would take a lot of time to fight a bloody path.

Don't forget, there is only the last layer of enchantment left now, and this layer of enchantment won't last long.

The leading knight glanced at his colleagues who had not fully recovered their strength, and gritted their teeth:

"Everyone is ready to fight! We form an formation to escort Marquis Winifred out."

This is the only way.

When the reinforcements arrive, they will be cold, so it is best to go out and get closer to the reinforcements as much as possible to shorten the time for the two to meet. Only in this way can there be a chance of survival.

Although these knights are good at flirting with noble ladies, they still have some discipline. After hearing the order, everyone should get ready as quickly as possible.

If I had to say that the one with a dumbfounded look was probably the only one with the golden-haired aristocrat like the Marquis Winifred.

—He doesn't seem to be awake yet.

Anyway, the back door couldn't be guarded, so no one was sent to guard it. All the staff gathered in the courtyard in front of the living room, behind the barrier.Put out a rhombus-like impact formation to protect Marquis Winifred in the innermost part.Among them were Brother Lin, who was the spellcaster, and two followers of Marquis Winifred.

Fortunately, most of the servants in his mansion have been dispatched to hotels in the city, otherwise it would be impossible to escort all the maids and housekeepers out with such a small amount of manpower.

Meili stood at the front of the team, acting as a sharp edge on the move, cutting a path through the crowd.

This is the most dangerous and important job. If you are not strong enough, you will not be able to do it at all.

This should have been the duty of leading the knight, and it was also the honor of the knight, but he gave up the position to Mei Li, and said:

"It is the greatest misfortune that you are a woman."

There are still relatively few fools in this world, and Meili's strength and achievements are obvious to all. This is a fact that no matter how the knights squeeze her out, they cannot change it.

If she were a man, even if she didn't get the position of deputy head now, she would definitely be one of the best stars in the group, the kind who would make young girls scream for autographs when walking on the street.

But unfortunately, Mei Li is a woman, and all this is very different.

Let her complete the most difficult task, but only give her the most basic equipment. Even if she succeeds, she will criticize her performance when she comes back, such as taking too long, or even destroying monsters that will cause too much harm to the environment Wait for the nitpicking rhetoric.

These Meili never refuted, and she knew that refuting would be useless, so she might as well move on to the next task instead of wasting her saliva.

Even though there were many difficulties, Mei Li never gave up, never before, not now, and never in the future.

She put on the helmet, pulled down the lower visor and replied:

"I will use my strength and achievements to make everyone recognize that women can be knights."


The leading knight shook his head:

"Then don't die."

Social concepts, or common sense, have always been shackles for geniuses. Einstein once said that common sense is the prejudice accumulated before the age of 18.

In this plane, women should work as clerks or take care of children at home. Being an adventurer is already the biggest concession, and it is simply wishful thinking to want to get involved with the knights of the noble class.

What Meili has done, to say the least, is challenging society as a whole.

How could it be easy?
No matter what, there is a future only when people are alive, and Meili doesn't want to reunite with her assassinated father right now.

Everyone in the knight order was ready to fight, holding swords and shields and staring at the golden barrier above their heads, which gradually became flickering.

With a crisp sound, the pale golden shield completely disappeared.

This was like a signal, and the unstoppable enemies all rushed towards the knights in the defensive formation.

"The Goddess guides our way, Knights of the Sun! Attack!"

Facing the tide of enemies, the knights chanted slogans and walked forward step by step while maintaining their formation.

The two sides soon ushered in contact, but before that, a Thunder Snake fell into the enemy's formation first, and the wandering Thunder Snake caused many people to run and lose sight, and fainted to the ground.

Immediately, several blue lights flew out from among the knights, and immediately exploded into a layer of crystal clear blue powder as soon as they touched the enemy. Those who came into contact with the powder went limp, dropped their weapons and fell asleep on the ground.

It is Zhou Gongfu.

If the knights were compared to a city wall, the protected little brother Lin would be a high-power fort in the city, providing magic assistance as much as possible.

However, he doesn't bring many Zhou Gongfu. After all, this thing is not effective for people with high cultivation (level), so the timing of using it must be considered.

The two reinforcements made a hollow in the rushing crowd, but more controlled adventurers rushed over to fill up the hollow in an instant.

The number of people is really too big.

At this time, it depends on Meili's strength as an offensive arrow, and whether the surrounding knights can withstand the attack.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, Lin Tianci clearly saw the surrounding 'shield wall' tremble, but luckily they resisted.

There are more than 30 knights guarding the Marquis Winifred's mansion, forming a shock-resistant formation with inner and outer layers, which is not so easy to be easily broken through.

Plus Mei Li is really powerful, as the 'arrow' to open the way, she is like a high-power bulldozer, and no one who approaches the adventurer can block her move.

Coupled with the five-element spells thrown by Brother Lin from time to time, the journey went relatively smoothly at first, and he soon moved to the middle of the front courtyard.

But from here, the pressure builds.

Because there are countless enemies waiting to squeeze in on the street outside the door, and everyone wants to fight out, just like riding a kayak upstream in the rapids.

What's even worse is that the enemy who originally attacked the back door also came out from behind.

With a distance of less than 20 meters, they walked for 5 minutes, and now there are really enemies in front, back, left, and right.

If there were people who were particularly good at scrubbing the ground, the situation would be much better, but the fact is that only Lin Tianci, a half-hearted magician, continued to increase the pressure step by step.

There is no way to fight out, not to mention the enemy, even if you use the living room as a defense, if someone directly demolishes the building...

The Marquis Winifred, who had a hole in his head, was really sober at this time. He clasped his hands and walked forward in a panic under the protection of many knights. The knights supported him. It's not a small space, but with his current virtue, he might step on a corpse or an unconscious adventurer and fall down.

Gradually, when it was very difficult even for Meili to open the way ahead, Lin Tianci jumped up a little and saw that everyone had walked more than half of the way and was not far from the gate.

He casually threw the flame killing technique out, and then used the flames from the Fire Spirit Curse to disperse the enemies in front of him, when he heard a painful groan from behind.

At first, he thought that the knight behind the shield wall was injured, but when he turned his head, it was Marquis Winifred who was attacked.

His body is bent into a C-shape, with an expression of disbelief on his face. A sharp claw penetrates from his lower abdomen and passes out from behind, and the owner of the sharp claw is the two attendants who have been following him all the time. One of them and the other follower had fallen to the ground, their throats had been roughly cut open, the trachea was exposed, and a layer of blood had gathered under their bodies.

The knights also heard the movement behind them, but they didn't have the energy to look back to see what was going on, and they didn't expect the ambush to be by their side.

Marquis Winifred's personal entourages are naturally trustworthy people. The Sun Knights have also checked them for insurance, but obviously, their inspections failed to find out.

The strangest thing is that when this follower killed his companion and launched a fatal attack on Winifred, his eyes were always closed, and he looked as if he was sleepwalking or possessed by something.

At this stall where no one has time to care about what happened to the central government, there is one person who can come to the rescue.

A flash of lightning passed by in the blink of an eye, and hit the follower with a thud.

If ordinary mortals who haven't "practiced" are hit by palm lightning, the effect is basically the same as touching a wire with bare hands, and it's not surprising to be sent flying.

But when the lightning struck the target, a translucent shield emerged, blocking the lightning, and only made him take half a step back. Naturally, it was impossible to completely kill Winifred with a supplemental knife.

The opponent also gave up simply, without looking at Winifred, who was lying limp on the ground, and planned to turn around and attack the surrounding knights who were resisting the enemy's siege, taking the opportunity to tear a hole.

At this moment, a long spear pierced his face.

Marquis Winifred was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Miss Tianbing just watched and didn't do anything at all.

For her, only Lin Tianci's safety is the most important thing, and the others are not a problem. Even if everyone around them is dead, Tianbing will not care too much.

However, Brother Lin has launched an attack, and the Heavenly Soldiers will naturally help.

The opponent seemed to be very afraid of the Heavenly Soldiers' Demon Slayer Spear, even if the tip of the spear was on his face, he didn't dare to block it, so he could only dodge.

Lin Tianci saw it clearly, the entourage was holding a cloth bag that seemed to be pulled from Marquis Winifred's waist. Although he didn't know what it was, it should be the opponent's target.

So he stepped a little, and after sticking a Suzaku rebirth amulet to Winifred, he patted the scabbard:
"Qingyun unsheathed!"

With a clang, Qingyun drew his sword out.

It is indeed convenient to have a sword spirit. Lin Tianci only needs to set a goal for it, and he does not have to worry about the rest.

The space supported by the knights is indeed not small, but it is not enough to fight in it, and the flashing and maneuvering are limited to a small range.

And this happens to be what Lin Tianci is best at.

(End of this chapter)

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